Osher Family - Part I date not known

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Osher Family Part 1: Marion Osher Sandler was one of five children born to Samuel and Leah Osher, Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and Russia. Marion grew up in Biddeford where her parents owned a hardware store. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wellesley College in 1952 and earned an MBA from New York University in 1958 . She worked for two years as a buyer at Bloomingdale's before landing a job on Wall Street as a securities analyst at Dominick & Dominick. She was the first woman hired by the firm who was not a receptionist. Marion was the first woman to win an award given by New York University to their MBA student who receives the highest scholastic ranking in banking and finance. She used that education to create a successful career on Wall Street and became one of the first women chief executives of a Fortune 500 company. With her husband Herb Sandler they launched the Sandler Foundation which has contributed more than half a billion dollars, and have accepted the giving pledge of Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2004, after 43 years running Golden West Financial Corporation, she was described by the Columbia School of Journalism as “the first and longest-serving woman chief executive officer in the United States.” #osherfamily #jewishmaine #mainejewishhalloffame #sandlerfoundation #jewishwomen #biddefordmaine

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Organizations: Wellesley College; ; ; ;
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