1940 US Federal Census Data Auburn

Families with one East European immigrant

N B: Information on place of birth.
Some people replied with the name of the place when they left; others replied with the name of place when the census was taken; in other cases it just seems that it was easier for the census taker to write ‘Russia’ rather than Lithuania, Ukraine or other unfamiliar country names.
And there is another reason to be skeptical of the accuracy of the place of birth information. Immigrants from the Pale had a very justified fear of the Russian and often local governments. One way to manage this reality was to tell government representatives what they expected they wanted to hear or what they thought would bring them the least trouble. This may well explain why a number of family members, who were clearly from Eastern Europe, may have answered ‘Maine’ or ‘New York’.

est birth yearbirth placemarital statusrelation to head of householdstreetoccupationindustryresidence in 1935 Highest Gradeweeks worked in 1939income
JJ Shapiro1869LithuaniaMHead2 Laurel AvenueOwnerHaberdasherysameElementary School-8th grade52$1,500
Goldie Shapiro1876LithuaniaMWife2 Laurel Avenue   Elementary School-8th grade0$0
Ernest Shapiro1899MaineSson2 Laurel AvenuePublic Accountantown business High School-4th year52$4,000
Helen Shapiro1914MaineSdaughter2 Laurel AvenueTeacherPublic School College-4th year36$1,200
Sherman Shapiro1918MaineSson2 Laurel AvenueAccountantnot recorded College-4th year18$540
Max H. Miller1874RussiaMHead250 Main StOwnerJunk Businesssame not recordednot recorded
Annie Miller1888LithuaniaMWife250 Main St   Elementary School-2nd grade0$0
Phillis Miller1924MaineSdaughter250 Main St      
Yzidor Daunis1885LithuaniaMHead82 Academy StAsssemblerShoesameElementary School-4th grade26$390
Uraula Daunis1895LithuaniaMWife82 Academy StWeavercotton mill Elementary School-4th grade51$1,020
Monica Daunis1923MaineSdaughter82 Academy St   High School-2nd year  
Eleanor Daunis1925MaineSdaughter82 Academy St   High School-1st year  
Edward Daunis1926MaineSson82 Academy St   Elementary School-8th grade  
George B. Gilman1883MaineMHead199 Court StMachinistGeneralsameHigh School-3rd year52$1,800
Ethelyn Gilman1885MaineMWife199 Court St   High School-2nd year  
Simon F Lavin1872LithuaniaMHead215 Turner St  sameHigh School-4th year  
Jessie Lavin1875LithuaniaMWife215 Turner St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Annie Lavin1916MaineSDaughter215 Turner StClericalCounter factory College-4th year13$156
Samuel Cohen1884RussiaMHead67 Conant AveManufacturershoe factorysameHigh School-1st year525000
Gertrude Cohen1889LithuaniaMWife67 Conant Ave   High School-1st year  
Felix M. Cohen1920MassachusettsSSon67 Conant AveStudent  College-3rd year  
IA Miller1899RussiaMHead82 Newbury StJunk Dealernot recordedsameHigh School-4th year521800
Fannie Miller1903MaineMWife82 Newbury St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Stanley Miller1928Maine Son82 Newbury Ststudent  in school  
Manard Miller1930Maine Son82 Newbury Ststudent  in school  
Judith Miller1934Maine Daughter82 Newbury Ststudent  in school  
Joseph Miller1936Maine Son82 Newbury St      
Ida Miller1860LatviaWMother82 Newbury St   none  
Joseph Moskovitz1882BasqueMHead173 Cook StOwnerJunk Yardsamenone  
Annie Moskovitz1885Riga LataviaMWife173 Cook St   Elementary School-5th grade  
Michael Moskovitz1915MaineSSon173 Cook StCementershoe factory High School-3rd year45765
Abraham Moskovitz1917 SSon173 Cook StFilling drivercotton mill Elementary School-8th grade0 
Allen Barenberg1870RussiaMHead276, street not recordedProprietorlunch roomsameElementary School-2nd grade520
Sarah Barenberg1876RussiaMWife276, street not recordedHelper, Lunch Roomlunch room Elementary School-8th grade520
Charles Goldsmith1892RussiaSHead128Cuttershoe factorysameElementary School-3rd grade26520
Harry Zallen1887RussiaMHead8 South Main StBakerbakerysameElementary School-4th grade00
Mary Zallen1890RussiaMWife8 South Main St   Elementary School-7th grade  
Florence Zallen1912MassachusettsSDaughter8 South Main StLaborerbakery High School-4th year00
Ernest R Zallen1920MassachusettsSSon8 South Main St   High School-4th year  
Richard Zallen1928MaineSSon8 South Main St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Sara Rusner1858RussiaWMother-in-law8 South Main St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Philip Wesler1865RussiaMHead173 Cook StSextonSynogoguesamenone52208
Elizabeth Wesler1873RussiaMWife173 Cook St   none  
Hyman Davidson1884RussiaMHead321 Main StPeddlerFruitsamenone520
Fannie Davidson1885RussiaMWife321 Main St   none  
Jacob Davidson1913MaineSSon321 Main St   High School-4th year  
Mitchell Gordon1897RussiaMHead73 Fourth StShoeworkershoe shopsameHigh School-1st year401400
Fannie Gordon1900London, EnglandMWife73 Fourth StShoeworkershoe shop High School-1st year40800
Lester Gordon1913MassachusettsSSon73 Fourth St   High School-3rd year  
Zelda Gordon1916MassachusettsSDaughter73 Fourth St   High School-1st year  
Maurice A. Diamond1891RussiaMHead335 Main StOwnerDry Goods RitesameHigh School-1st year52not recorded
Sarah A Diamond1894MaineMWife335 Main St   High School-2nd year  
Zelda L. Diamond1919MaineSDaughter335 Main StBookkeeperclothing store High School-4th year52624
Sylvia N. Diamond1921MaineSDaughter335 Main StOffice Workcounter factory High School-4th year11121
Gertrude Lelanskey1872RussiaWMother-in-law335 Main St   none  
Benjamin Morril1882RussiaWHead17 Pulsifer StMagtDealersameElementary School-3rd grade00
Martin Morril1908RussiaMSon17 Pulsifer StRag & JunkDealer Elementary School-4th grade00
Ida Morril1922RussiaMDaugher-in-law17 Pulsifer St   Elementary School-4th grade  
Sally Morril1932MassachusettsSGrandchild17 Pulsifer St   Elementary School-3rd grade  
Francis M Morril1936MaineSGrandchild17 Pulsifer St      
Gerald Morril1939MaineSGrandchild17 Pulsifer St      
Solomon Melcher1882RussiaMHead5 Laurel St  sameElementary School-8th grade  
Lea Rebecca Melcher1884RussiaMWife5 Laurel St   High School-4th year  
Leonard Melcher1917MaineSSon5 Laurel St   High School-4th year  
June Melcher1920MaineSDaughter5 Laurel StTeacherown account College-2nd yearnot recordednot recorded
Joseph Baker1882RussiaMHead51 PulsiferWasteBusinesssameElementary School-8th grade00
Sadie Baker1892RussiaMWife51 Pulsifer   Elementary School-8th grade  
Lena Baker1915MaineSDaughter51 Pulsiferseeking work  College-1st year  
Dorothy Baker1916MaineSDaughter51 Pulsiferseeking work  College-4th year  
Ernest Baker1920MaineSSon51 Pulsiferseeking work  College-1st year  
Maurice Grant1885RussiaMHead369, street name not recordedBuying & sellingJunksameElementary School-5th grade520
Bertha Grant1890RussiaMWife369, street name not recorded   Elementary School-5th grade  
William Grant1915New YorkSSon369, street name not recordedSalesman? Gloves High School-4th year00
Mathilda Grant1919MaineSDaughter369, street name not recordedSalesladyDepartment store High School-4th year50600
Paul Grant1927MaineSSon369, street name not recorded   High School-1st year  
Isaac Alpert1904RussiaMHead17 Laurel AveSalesmanMisses & Ladies ClothingsameElementary School-8th grade521300
Dorothy Alpert1908MaineMWife17 Laurel AveBookkeeperJewelry store High School-4th year501000
Jason Alpert1939MaineSSon17 Laurel Ave      
Mark Shapiro1883RussiaMHead31 5th StJunk Dealer sameElementary School-6th grade00
Sara Shapiro1897RussiaMWife31 5th St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Morris M. Miller1880RussiaMHead141 GampshireRetirednot recordedsamenone00
Sarah Miller1883RussiaMWife141 Gampshire   none  
Louis Bornstein1881RussiaMhead37 Jefferson StMuftr.Beveragesamenone520
Martha Bornstein1894RussiaMWife37 Jefferson St   none  
Myer Bornstein1910MaineSSon37 Jefferson StSalesmanBeverage Elementary School-7th grade521040
Rose Bornstein1915MaineSDaughter37 Jefferson St   Elementary School-7th grade  
Rudolph Bornstein1917MaineMSon37 Jefferson StGeneral workbeverage plant High School-4th year52780
Sarah Bornstein1917MaineMDaughter-in-law37 Jefferson St   High School-4th year  
Paul Bornstein1921MaineSSon37 Jefferson StGeneral workbeverage plant High School-4th year52780
Shirley Bornstein1924MaineSDaughter37 Jefferson St   High School-3rd year  
David Shapiro1876RussiaMHead335 Main StTailorMenssamenone52not recorded
Diana Shapiro1878RussiaMWife335 Main St   none  
Harry A. Shapiro1899RussiaSSon335 Main St   High School-4th year  
Joseph M. Shapiro1904RussiaSSon335 Main StHelperTailor shop College-3rd year52700
Isadore Shapiro1910MaineSSon335 Main StTeacherHigh School College-6th year361550
Harold Shapiro1911MaineSSon335 Main StLawyerown office College-7th year52not recorded
Ida Wasserman1908Russia7Daughter335 Main St  New York City, New YorkHigh School-4th year  
Minnie G. Zuckerman1904RussiaMBoarderSouth Man StBookkeepershoe shopsameHigh School-4th year522340
Betty Ann Zuckerman1930MassachusettsSBoarderSouth Man St   Elementary School-3rd grade  
Samuel Faber1894RussiaMHeadSouth Man StOwnerRetail tiresameElementary School-7th grade520
Dora Faber1900RussiaMWifeSouth Man St   Elementary School-7th grade  
Eleanor C. Faber1924MassachusettsSDaughterSouth Man St   High School-4th year  
Leonard C. Faber1930MassachusettsSSonSouth Man St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Simon Ruttenberg1869RussiaWHead3rd Floor,Newbury St  sameElementary School-4th grade  
Minnie Ruttenberg1909MassachusettsSDaughter3rd Floor,Newbury St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Samuel Ruttenberg1904MassachusettsSSon3rd Floor,Newbury StAdvertisingown business High School-2nd year521040
Gertrude Kaufman1881RussiaWHead182 Center  sameElementary School-5th grade  
Bessie Seigal1867RussiaWHead15 2nd St  sameElementary School-4th grade  
Goldie Levenson1895RussiaSHead21 Turner StCover Makerbox factorysamenone50550
Jennie Baker1865RussiaWHead345 Main St   Elementary School-5th grade  
George Baker1900RussiaSSon345 Main StOwnerconfectionary Elementary School-8th grade52not recorded
Max Semer1884RussiaMHead24 Laurel AveOwnerMeat marketsameElementary School-8th grade522800
Mollie Semer1891RussiaMWife24 Laurel Ave   Elementary School-6th grade  
Ilene Semer1924MaineSDaughter24 Laurel Ave   in school?  
Milton Semer1919MaineSSon24 Laurel Ave   in school?  
Benjamin Semer1905RussiaSBrother24 Laurel AveOwnerHides and Skins Elementary School-8th grade522000
Jacob Siegel1892RussiaMHead12 Newbury StOwnerStore keepersameElementary School-6th grade521500
Bertha Siegel1893RussiaMWife12 Newbury St   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Kaellia Siegel1922MaineSDaughter12 Newbury St   in school-grade not noted  
Marice Siegel1924MaineSSon12 Newbury St   in school-grade not noted  
Mollie Siegel1926MaineSDaughter12 Newbury St   in school-grade not noted  
Myer Shapiro1876RussiaMHead127 South Man StPeddlerpeddlingsame attended school but 0 on grade520
Ida Shapiro1881RussiaMWife127 South Man St    attended school but 0 on grade  
Nathan Alperin1882RussiaMHead5 Myrtle StPlumber-owner sameElementary School-8th gradenot recordednot recorded
Minne Alperin1885RussiaMWife5 Myrtle St   Elementary School-7th grade  
I Miller1877RussiaMHead292 Main St   none 1200
Rebecca Miller1885RussiaMWife292 Main St   none  
Harold Miller1899MaineSson292 Main StSalesmantire store College-4th year501000
Lester Miller1903MaineSson292 Main St   College-4th year  
Samuel Alper1907RussiaSnot recordedElon HouseShoe Makershoe factoryLynn, MassachusettsElementary School-8th grade401940
Morris Winner1881RussiaMHead33 South MainJunk Dealer-owned sameElementary School-6th grade00
Rebecca Winner1886RussiaMWife33 South Main   Elementary School-5th grade  
Joseph Winner1913MaineMSon33 South MainJunk Dealer  High School-4th year521300
Rose Winner1913Canada FrenchMDaughter-in-law33 South Main  Quebec, CanadaHigh School-4th year  
Samuel Margolin1885RussiaMHead166 Seventh StFruit Dealer-owned sameElementary School-8th gradenot recorded780
Celia Margolin1885RussiaMWife166 Seventh StBusiness AgentGreyhound Elementary School-8th grade52 
Lawrence Margolin1914MaineSSon166 Seventh StBusiness AgentGreyhound High School-4th year52not recorded
Phyllis Margolin1920MaineSDaughter166 Seventh StLacingMaine Shoe High School-4th year 700
Leonard Margolin1922MaineSSon166 Seventh St   High School-4th yearnot recorded300
Irving Margolin1928MaineSSon166 Seventh St   Elementary School-5th grade  
Sam Lelansky1899RussiaSnot recorded"Continued N"Taxi Drivertaxi companyPortland, Mainenone36432
Isidore Wiener1875RussiaMHead36 Fifth StRetail fruit sellingsameElementary School-4th grade00
Cila Wiener1882RussiaMWife36 Fifth St   Elementary School-4th grade  
Widrowity Natham1883RussiaMHead26 6th StLaborerjunksamenone521050
Rose Natham1889RussiaMWife26 6th St   none  
Sam Natham1920MaineSSon26 6th StClerkretail grocery High School-4th year30300
Joseph Lesovsky1892MaineMHeadNewbury St, 2nd FloorLaborerMeat marketsameElementary School-8th grade521300
Bella Lesovsky1895RussiaMWifeNewbury St, 2nd Floor   Elementary School-8th grade  
Edward Lesovsky1921MaineSSonNewbury St, 2nd FloorClerkcut rate store High School-4th year52574
Ethel Lesovsky1866RussiaWFatherNewbury St, 2nd Floor   none  
Arnold Lesovsky1924MaineSSonNewbury St, 2nd Floor   in school  
Ruth Ann Lesovsky1937MaineSDaughterNewbury St, 2nd Floor      
Samuel Goldman1881RussiaMHead36 5th StJunk Dealer sameElementary School-6th grade00
Fannie Goldman1880RussiaMWife36 5th St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Libby Goldman1909RussiaSDaughter36 5th StSchool Teacher  College-5th or subsequent year361198
Charles Rufin1896RussiaMHead12 Newbury StOwnerFruit businesssameHigh School-3rd year521560
Yeota Rufin1901RussiaMWife12 Newbury St   High School-4th year  
Jennie Rufin1929MaineSDaughter12 Newbury St   in school  
Allen G. Rufin1931MaineSSon12 Newbury St   in school  
Rose Rufin1932MaineSDaughter12 Newbury St   in school  
Jacob N. Rufin1934MaineSSon12 Newbury St   in school  
Annie G. Rufin1936MaineSDaughter12 Newbury St      
Abraham Ruggles1877RussiaMHead358 Main StPedlerown accountsameElementary School-7th grade50250
Rose Ruggles1877RussiaMWife358 Main St   none  
Ireal Levine1878RussiaMHead358 Main StPedler samenonenot recordednot recorded
Shana Levine1881RussiaMWife358 Main St   none  
Frances Levine1911MaineSDaughter358 Main StOffice Man.Auto dealer College-4th year50not recorded
Julius Levenson1888RussiaMHead273 Court StToy SalesmanPriv. Businesssame?52not recorded
Josephine Levenson1900MaineMWife273 Court StBack Seam Tapershoe factory Elementary School-8th grade40700
Isidore Fogel1891RussiaMHead49 Third StShoe Shop Foreman sameElementary School-6th grade523500
Mary Fogel1895RussiaMWife49 Third St   Elementary School-6th grade  
Estell Fogel1922MassachusettsSDaughter49 Third St   High School-3rd year  
Lottie Fogel1926MassachusettsSDaughter49 Third St   High School-1st year  
Robert Fogel1933MassachusettsSSon49 Third St   Elementary School-1st grade  
Louis S. Gurewitz1879RussiaMHead3 Laurel AveOwnerMens FurnishingsameElementary School-8th grade52500
Ida Gurewitz1879RussiaMWife3 Laurel Ave   Elementary School-8th grade  
Rebecca Gurewitz1909MaineSDaughter3 Laurel Ave   High School-1st year  
Mollie Ward1876RussiaWHead19 Newbury St  sameElementary School-8th grade  
May Ward1900RussiaSDaughter19 Newbury StBilling ClerkShoe factory Elementary School-8th grade50900
Nathan Ward1904RussiaSSon19 Newbury StOwnerLadies garment College-4th year502500
Milton Ward1913MaineSSon19 Newbury StSalesmanLadies Dress College-4th year501200
Joseph Koss1894RussiaMHead42 High StPresident-OwnerShoesameHigh School-1st year52not recorded
Reba Koss1904RussiaMWife42 High St   High School-2nd year  
Selma Koss1931MaineSDaughter42 High St   Elementary School-3rd grade  
Edward Koss1933MaineSSon42 High St      
Herbert Koss1935MaineSSon42 High St      
Jennie Baker1865RussiaWHead345 Main St  sameElementary School-5th grade  
George Baker1900RussiaSSon345 Main StOwnerconfectionary Elementary School-8th grade52not recorded
Nathan Davidson1907RussiaMHead343 Main Stnot recordedWholesale FruitsameHigh School--1st year52not recorded
Gertrude Davidson1908MassachusettsMWife343 Main St   High School-4th year  
Stanley Davidson1934MaineSSon343 Main St      
Deborah Davidson1935MaineSDaughter343 Main St      
Samuel J. Miller1898RussiaMHead144 Doris AveTraveling SalesmanW-R ?? BeveragessameHigh School-4th year522000
Mildred G. Miller1897MassachusettsMWife144 Doris Ave   High School-4th year  
Irma Miller1926MassachusettsSDaughter144 Doris Ave   High School-1st year  
Dorothy Miller1931MassachusettsSDaughter144 Doris Ave   Elementary School-3rd grade  
J.D. Wiener1888RussiaMHead25 So. Main StRetail ??DealersameElementary School-6th grade00
Lillian Wiener1893MassachusettsMWife25 So. Main St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Milton Wiener1913New YorkSSon25 So. Main StClerkHardware store College-2nd year52988
Hester Buttler1864RussiaWMother-in-law25 So. Main St   Elementary School-5th grade  
Sam Lelansky1892MaineMHead94 Gill StAutomobile partsselfsameElementary School-8th grade501800
Flora Lelansky1893RussiaMWife94 Gill St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Annette Lelansky1913MaineSDaughter94 Gill StSalesladyInterstate High School-2nd year10100
Charles Lelansky1915MaineSSon94 Gill StChemistElextro-Metal High School-2nd year2250
Samuel Ostroff1894RussiaMHead238 , St not recordedStitching Room Foremanshoe factorysameElementary School-8th grade522600
Rose Ostroff1894RussiaMWife238 , St not recorded   none  
Norman J. Ostroff1922MassachusettsSSon238 , St not recorded   High School-1st year  
Sydney L. Ostroff1932MassachusettsSSon238 , St not recorded   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Israel Day1897RussiaMHead19 Washington StRetailerFuel OilBoston, MassachusettsHigh School-1st year522080
Francis Day1902MaineMWife19 Washington St  Boston, MassachusettsHigh School-4th year  
Melvin Day1923MaineSSon19 Washington St  Boston, MassachusettsCollege-1st year  
Donald Day1925MaineSSon19 Washington St  Boston, MassachusettsHigh School-4th year  
Charles Day1929MaineSSon19 Washington St  Boston, MassachusettsElementary School-7th grade  
Henry Bean1886RussiaMHead16 Newbury StClerkState Liquor StoresameElementary School-8th grade501400
Nettie Bean1887RussiaMWife16 Newbury St   Elementary School-8th grade  
William Bean1911MassachusettsSSon16 Newbury StClerkShoe store High School-2nd year501200
Allen Bean1915MaineSSon16 Newbury St   High School-4th year  
Frances Bean1918MaineSDaughter16 Newbury St   High School-4th year  
Lewis Bean1926MaineSSon16 Newbury St   in school  
Shirley Bean1928MaineSDaughter16 Newbury St   in school  
Bertha Shulman1886RussiaWHead5 Pul  sameElementary School-4th grade  
Maurice Shulman1913MaineSSon5 PulSpecial Officiernot recorded High School-4th year16288
Ernest Hyman1886RussiaMHead24 Sixth StHeel Scorershoe shopsamenone471350
Sara Hyman1896RussiaMWife24 Sixth St   Elementary School-7th grade00
Melvin Hyman1922MaineSSon24 Sixth St   High School-4th year00
Sherley Hyman1925MaineSDaughter24 Sixth St   High School-2nd year00
Clarice Hyman1928MaineSDaughter24 Sixth St   Elementary School-7th grade  
Joseph R. Wilner1900AustriaMHead377, Street name not recordedWood heelsmanufacturerMassachusetts, Galinia, Poland, AustriaHigh School-4th year525720
Ida Wilner1903RussiaMWife377, Street name not recorded  Rural, RussiaHigh School-4th year00
Burton L. Wilner1922MassachusettsSSon377, Street name not recorded   College-1st year00
Avis M. Wilner1924MassachusettsSDaughter377, Street name not recorded   High School-4th year00
Charles P. Wilner1926MassachusettsSson377, Street name not recorded   High School-1st year00
Elinor M. Wilner1927MassachusettsSDaughter377, Street name not recorded   Elementary School-7th grade00
June D. Wilner1929MassachusettsSDaughter377, Street name not recorded   Elementary School-6th grade00
Richard S. Wilner1931MassachusettsSSon377, Street name not recorded   Elementary School-4th grade00
Stanley M. Wilner1931MassachusettsSSon377, Street name not recorded   Elementary School-3rd grade00
Ruth S. Wilner1938MaineSDaughter377, Street name not recorded      
Moses Shakin1878RussiaMHead77 5th StCo-OwnerRetail Shoe StoresameHigh School-3rd year500
Pauline Shakin1888OhioMWife77 5th St   College-2nd year00
Annette L. Shakin1913MaineSDaughter77 5th StTeacherPublic School College-4th year361250
Morris Bloom1884RussiaMHead145 Gamage AveProprietorMagazine StoresameElementary School-3rd grade520
Annie E. Bloom1885RussiaMWife145 Gamage Ave   Elementary School-4th grade00
Nathan Bloom1915MaineSSon145 Gamage AveStatisticianState College-4th year16400
Harry Backer1898RussiaSHead92 Main StMeat CutterMeat marketsameElementary School-5th grade501250
Rose Miller1856RussiaWHead8 Laurel Ave  samenone  
Louis Miller1905RussiaSSon8 Laurel AveSales Mantire store College-2nd year521000
Harry Rubinoff1890New YorkMHead143 High Stnot recordedInsurancesameHigh School-1st year52not recorded
Lena Rubinoff1897RussiaMWife143 High St   High School-4th year  
Sally Rubinoff1922MaineSDaughter143 High StWaitressHotel High School-4th year1670
Marcia Rubinoff1923MaineSDaughter143 High St   High School-3rd year  
Myer Deletetsky1889RussiaMHead133 Third StJunk DealerSelfsameElementary School-6th grade501200
Rae Deletetsky1890RussiaMWife133 Third St   Elementary School-5th grade  
Abraham Deletetsky1915MaineSSon133 Third St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Lawrence Deletetsky1916MaineSSon133 Third StTruck DriveSelf Elementary School-8th grade20165
Fannie Deletetsky1919MaineSDaughter133 Third StOdd Jobsshoe factory Elementary School-8th grade30300
George Deletetsky1920MaineSSon133 Third St   Elementary School-8th grade  
Heyman Deletetsky1926MaineSSon133 Third St   High School-1st year  
Shirley Deletetsky1929MaineSDaughter133 Third St   Elementary School-7th grade  
Milton Deletetsky1931MaineSSon133 Third St   Elementary School-4th grade  
Beatrice Kaplan1920MaineSDaughter133 Third StHeel Workershoe factory Elementary School-7th grade40450
Irving Block1908RussiaMHead110 Second StInsistentshoe shopsameHigh School-2nd year522080
Sadie Block1909RussiaMWife110 Second St   High School-4th year  
Sidney Block1932MassachusettsSSon110 Second St   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Harry Sheiffer1876RussiaMHead37 Third StForemanshoe shopsameElementary School-7th grade461500
Sarah Sheiffer1877RussiaMWife37 Third St   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Daniel Sheiffer1910MassachusettsSSon37 Third Stshoe shopheel fitter High School-2nd year24700
Harry Isaacson1881PolandMHead177 Cook StOwner samenone52not recorded
Molly Isaacson1887PolandMWife177 Cook St   none  
Eli Isaacson1912MaineSSon177 Cook StLaborerretail wood business College52200
Peter Isaacson1914MaineSSon177 Cook StLaborerretail wood business High School-4th year52200
Esther Isaacson1917MaineSDaughter177 Cook StSaleswomanDept. Store College24480
Abraham Isaacson1918MaineSSon177 Cook StLaborerretail wood business High School-4th year52200
Harry Day1878PolandMHead338 Minot Ave.  samenone  
Lea Day1874PolandMWife338 Minot Ave.   none  
Donald S. Day1910MaineSSon338 Minot Ave.Public Acct.Own Office High School-2nd year52not recorded
Joseph C. Seigal1882PolandWHead41 5thRetail FruitdealersameElementary School-6th grade00
Rose Seigal1912PolandSDaughter41 5thBookkeepercotton mill High School-4th year521000
Charles Seigal1914New YorkSSon41 5thPrincipalPublic School College-5th year361300
David Seigal1915New YorkSSon41 5th   High School-4th year  
Leah Seigal1918New YorkSDaughter41 5th   High School-4th year  
Sam Seigal1922MaineSSon41 5th   Elementary School-8th grade  
Rebecca Bronstien1880PolandWHead13 Pulnone sameElementary School-7th grade  
Morris Almen1875PolandMHead178 Cook StOwnerJunk YardsameElementary School-3rd gradenot recordednot recorded
Sadie Almen1876PolandMWife178 Cook St   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Louis Almen1904MaineSSon178 Cook StCollecterJunk Yard High School-3rd year52200
Myer Almen1899PolandSSon178 Cook StOwnerJunk Yard College-1st year520
Israel Almen1908MaineSSon178 Cook StLawyerLaw College-3rd year520
Benjamin Almen1916MaineSSon178 Cook St   College-1st year  
Sam Kuslansky1884PolandMHead131 6th StProprietorPeddlingsamenone520
Annie Kuslansky1891PolandMWife131 6th St   none  
Adeline Kuslansky1919MaineSDaughter131 6th St   College-4th year  
Muriel Kuslansky1920MaineSDaughter131 6th St   College-3rd year  
Bernice Kuslansky1924MaineSDaughter131 6th St   High School-3rd year  
Louis Kosen1892PolandMHead37 Third St  Pottsville, PennsylvaniaCollege-3rd year  
Fannie Kosen1894PolandMWife37 Third St   High School-4th year  
Francis Kosen1918Maryland SDaughter37 Third St   High School-4th year  
Mildred Kosen1925PennsylvaniaSDaughter37 Third St   High School-1st year  
Simon Zipper1910PolandMHead16 Laurel StRabbiJewish SynogogueNew York, New YorkCollege-4th year501500
Miriam Zipper1912PolandMWife16 Laurel St  New York, New YorkHigh School-4th year  
Temma Zipper1938MaineSDaughter16 Laurel St      
Hannah Zipper1939MaineSDaughter16 Laurel St      
Martin Goldberg1911New YorkMHead7 Orchard StTraveling VerifierFurniture concernNew York City, New YorkCollege-2nd year521300
Pearl Goldberg1913PolandMWife7 Orchard St  New York City, New YorkHigh School-4th year  
Jean Goldberg1937MaineSDaughter7 Orchard St      
Arline Goldberg1939MaineSDaughter7 Orchard St      
Louis Siegal1914PolandSRoomer9 Hampshire StPoultry BusinessPriv. Elementary School-7th grade40800
Joseph Lelansky1902MaineMHead7 Summit StSalesmanFruitRCollege-2nd year52900
Dorothy Lelansky1912New HampshireMWife7 Summit St   High School-2nd year  
Joseph Jr. Lelansky1931MaineSSon7 Summit St   Elementary School-2nd grade  
Herbert Lelansky1933MaineSSon7 Summit St   Elementary School-1st grade  
Beckey S. Lelansky1936MaineSDaughter7 Summit St      
Sheila K. Lelansky1939MaineSDaughter7 Summit St     

Last Updated : Feb 6, 2012

Organizations: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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