1930 US Federal Census Data Old Town
Data extracted by Sam Kissen (2017)

Person rel to headbirth yrageservant/boadersaddressown / rent age at 1st marrstudentliterate > place of birthmother POBfather POBFirst Language imm yearnaturalization/alienoccupationindustrycodeclassemployed ?
Nathan Shiro head abt 1881 49   30 South Fourth St. O 5000 21 no yes Russia Russia Russia Hebrew 1908 na retail merchant hardware 9091 O yes
Fannie M Shiro wife abt 1887 43   30 South Fourth St.   19 no yes Russia Russia Russia Hebrew 1902 al none     
Dorothy Shiro daughter abt 1913 17   30 South Fourth St.    no yes Massachusetts Russia Russia     none     
Samuel Shiro son abt 1915 15   30 South Fourth St.    yes yes Massachusetts Russia Russia     none     
James Shiro son abt 1919 11   30 South Fourth St.    yes yes Massachusetts Russia Russia     none     
Israel Cutler head abt 1885 45   43 Oak St. O 6000 25 no yes Russia Russia Russia Hebrew 1899 na retail merchant ladies wear 8491 O yes
Alta Cutler wife abt 1890 40   43 Oak St.   19 no yes Massachusetts Poland Poland         
Samuel M Cutler head abt 1891 39   197 Center St R 25 32 no yes Poland Poland Poland Polish 1899 na salesman clothing store 4590 W yes
Hellen C Cutler wife abt 1899 31   197 Center St   24 no yes Poland Poland Poland Polish 1917 na none     
David L Cutler son abt 1927 2.9   197 Center St    no   Maine Poland Poland     none     
Abe Epstein head abt 1884 46   59 South Brunswick ? St. R 31 37 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1888 na retail merchant furniture ? 8991 W yes
Anna Epstein wife abt 1899 31   59 South Brunswick ? St.   23 no yes Poland Poland Poland Polish 1914 na      
Judith R Epstein daughter abt 1925 5   59 South Brunswick ? St.    yes   Maine Russia Poland     none     
Hyman Epstein son abt 1927 2.75   59 South Brunswick ? St.    no   Maine Russia Poland     none     
Tony ? Abrahamovich boarder abt 1877 53 boarder 28 South Water St.    no no Russia Russia Russia Russian 1910 al none     
Barney Green head abt 1874 56   106 North Main St. R 60 29 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 189_ na proprietor Candy Store 8091 O yes
Louis K Sklar head abt 1890 40   134 North Main St. O 5000 25 no yes Poland Poland Poland Jewish 1910 na proprietor clothing store 8491 O yes
Annie Sklar wife abt 1890 40   134 North Main St.   25 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1910 na none     
Rose Sklar daughter abt 1918 12   134 North Main St.    yes yes Maine Poland Russia     none     
Simon Sklar son abt 1921 9   134 North Main St.    yes yes Maine Poland Russia     none     
Gertrude Sklar daughter abt 1924 6   134 North Main St.    yes yes Maine Poland Russia     none     
Barney Ginsberg head abt 1874 56   146 North Main St. O 9000 29 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1897 na proprietor dry goods store 8491 O yes
Rosa Ginsberg wife abt 1879 51   146 North Main St.   24 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1897 na none     
Saul Ginsberg son abt 1917 13   146 North Main St.    yes yes Maine Russia Russia     none     
Maurice Kinkaw ? head abt 1895 35   152 North Main St. O 9000 20 widower no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1911 na proprietor clothing store 8491 O
David Goldsmith head abt 1862 68   220? North Main St. O 6000   no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1892 na Dealer 2nd Hand Goods 9741 ? O yes
Stella Goldsmith wife abt 1864 66   220? North Main St.    no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1903 na none     
Abe Goldsmith son abt 1892 38   220? North Main St.    no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1904 al none     
Maurice Lait head abt 1893 37   183 __w__ Ave. R 52 26 no yes Maine Russia Russia     commercial ___ _ibes Co. 4290 W yes
Isabelle "Fabel" Lait wife abt 1893 37   183 __w__ Ave.   26 no yes Massachusetts Russia Germany     none     
Hale H ? Lait son abt 1926 4   183 __w__ Ave.    no no Massachusetts Maine Massachusetts     none     
Robert L Lait son abt 1928 1.5   183 __w__ Ave.    no no Maine Maine Massachusetts     none     
Saul Lait boarder abt 1910 20 boarder 183 __w__ Ave.    yes yes Maine Russia Russia     student College    
Dorothy Haskell servant abt 1910 20 servant 183 __w__ Ave.    yes yes Maine Maine Maine     servant private Family 9546 ? W yes
Harry I Goldsmith head abt 1890 40   182 Middle St. R 40 31 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1902 al proprietor furniture store 8491 O yes
Dora Goldsmith wife abt 1892 38   182 Middle St.   29 no yes New York Russia Russia     none     
Joseph Goldsmith son abt 1922 8   182 Middle St.    yes yes Maine Russia New York     none     
Natalie Goldsmith daughter abt 1926 4   182 Middle St.    yes yes Maine Russia New York     none     
Harry M Goldsmith head abt 1895 35   170 Middle St. R 50 30 no yes Maine Russia Russia     proprietor ladies store 8491 O yes
Frances D Goldsmith wife abt 1903 27   170 Middle St.   22 no yes New York Russia Russia     none     
Harriet E Goldsmith daughter abt 1926 4   170 Middle St.    no no Maine Maine New York     none     
Edwin Cutler head abt 1865 65   80 __sky St. O 6000 21 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1892 na proprietor clothing store 8491 O yes
Rachel Cutler wife abt 1870 60   80 __sky St.   16 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1898 na none     
Alexander Cutler son abt 1902 28   80 __sky St.    no yes Maine Russia Russia     Clerk clothing store 8396? W yes
Lawrence Cutler son abt 1907 23   80 __sky St.    yes yes Maine Russia Russia     college student College    
Harold Cutler son abt 1909 21   80 __sky St.    yes yes Maine Russia Russia     college student college    
Arthur J Goldsmith head abt 1885 45   21 Veazie St. O 8000 17 no yes Russia Russia Russia Jewish 1894 na proprietor clothing store 8491 O yes
Eva Goldsmith wife abt 1885 45   21 Veazie St.   17 no yes Poland Poland Poland Jewish ? na none     
Samuel Goldsmith son abt 1907 23   21 Veazie St.    no yes Maine Russia Poland     Clerk clothing store __ 90 ? W yes
Ruth Goldsmith daughter abt 1912 18   21 Veazie St.    yes yes Maine Russia Poland     none     
Helen Goldsmith daughter abt 1921 9   21 Veazie St.    yes yes Maine Russia Poland     none     
Milton H Goldsmith son abt 1925 5   21 Veazie St.    yes yes Maine Russia Poland     none     
Harry B Goldbard head abt 1880 50   29 Wood St. O 2000 20 no yes Poland Poland Poland Polish 1897 na tailor tailor shop 801V O yes
Anna B Goldbard wife abt 1880 50   29 Wood St.   20 no yes Russia Russia Russia Yiddish 1898 al none     
Edith Goldbard daughter abt 1918 12   29 Wood St.    yes yes Maine Poland Russia     none     
Benjamin Sklar head abt 1900 30   25 Wood St. O 2000 26 no yes Poland Poland Poland Jewish 1921 na retail merchant clothing store 8491 E yes
Sarah I Sklar wife abt 1906 24   25 Wood St.   20 no yes Poland Poland Poland Jewish 1911 na salesman clothing store 4590 NP yes
Ellana D Sklar daughter abt 1927 3   25 Wood St.    no   Maine Poland Poland         
J Hoos head abt 1884 46   64 Veazie St. O 6000 15 no yes Poland Poland Poland Hebrew 1907 na retail merchant market 8891 E yes
Rose E Hoos wife abt 1885 45   64 Veazie St.   14 no yes Poland Poland Poland Hebrew 1909 al none     
Sidney Hoos son abt 1912 18   64 Veazie St.    yes yes New York Poland Poland     none     
Harold W Hoos son abt 1913 17   64 Veazie St.    yes yes Maine Poland Poland     none    

Methodological notes :

This data was culled from the original U.S. census manuscripts, as found on www.ancestry.com.
Jews are understood to constitute an ethnic group of Eastern and Central European origin characterized by common names and occupational pursuits, as well as a distinctive language.
This definition lends itself well to analysis of the data preserved in census records.
Two primary methods were used to identify Jews:
1. Individuals born abroad whose mother tongue is "Yiddish," "Jewish," or "Hebrew" were automatically included in the spreadsheet, as were all members of their families.
2. For individuals born abroad whose mother tongue was another Eastern or Central European language (e.g., Russian, Polish, German), or individuals born in the U.S. with one or more parents from Eastern or Central Europe, we examined surnames, given names within a household, and occupations in light of common Jewish characteristics. This method of analysis is, of course, subject to inaccuracy, as we may have excluded Jews with uncommon names or occupations or included non-Jews whose characteristics appear Jewish. Individuals listed with the annotation "nj?" in the far right-hand column are those whose Jewish ancestry is plausible but questionable.
This method of analysis easily misses Jewish households whose members' parents were all born in the United States. In 1930 Maine, however, such households were quite rare. Special efforts were made to identify households of this nature in Portland, where they constituted less than 1% of identified Jewish households.
All members of a household containing a Jew are included in the spreadsheet, with the exception of Jewish lodgers and servants, who are listed individually. Household members who are evidently not Jewish (such as non-Jewish servants and some spouses or in-laws) are listed with the annotation "nj."
Information on place of birth
Some people replied with the name of the place when they left; others replied with the name of place when the census was taken; in other cases it just seems that it was easier for the census taker to write ‘Russia’ rather than Lithuania, Ukraine or other unfamiliar country names.
And there is another reason to be skeptical of the accuracy of the place of birth information. Immigrants from the Pale had a very justified fear of the Russian and often local governments. One way to manage this reality was to tell government representatives what they expected they wanted to hear or what they thought would bring them the least trouble. This may well explain why a number of family members, who were clearly from Eastern Europe, may have answered ‘Maine’ or ‘New York’.

Last Updated : Jan 2 , 2021

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