With a little help from my friends : Jewish mutual assistance in nineteenth-century Maine" by David Freidenreich and Kristin Esdale

Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) - on line

Click here if the pdf does not appear: Maine peddlers by David Freidenreich and Kristin Esdale

David M Freidenreich and Kristin Esdale
People: Mary Jones Abrams; Sussman Abrams, first group; Hasia Diner; David F ; Mark Gallert, Waterville; Rebecca Peavy Gallert, Waterville; [daughter of Lewis and Rachel] Kaufman, Rockland; Joseph Kaufman, Rockland; Lewis Kaufman, Rockland; Rebecca Kaufman, Rockland;

Second group: [daugher of Jacob Peavy] Peavy Meyers , Waterville / Lewiston; Morris N Meyers , Lewiston; David L Peavy; Isaac Peavy, Waterville; Jacob Peavy, Waterville; Louis Peavy, Waterville; Augustus Silber, Bangor; Hannah Silber, Bangor; Moses Silber, Bangor; Haiman Philip Spitz, Spitz & Brother;

Third group: Henrietta Spitz; Peter Spitz; Julius Waterman, Bangor; Rosa Peavy Waterman, Bangor; Lee Shai Weissbach;

Fourth group: Gunst Bache, Bangor; Isaac Bache, Bangor; William Engel, Waterville; William Filene, Bath; Mark Gallert, Waterville; Julius Harris, Rockland / Bangor; Susill A Isaacson, Lewiston; Benjamin Kalish, Bucksport; William Levine , Waterville; Henry Meger , Bangor; Adam Mendelsohn ; Albert Myerson , Bangor
Organizations: Ahawas Achim; ; ; ; ;
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