Documenting Maine Jewry : Beth Abraham Synagogue (Auburn-Lewiston)

Congregational Officers in the 1992
celebration of the synagogues 90th birthday

Congregation Beth Abraham Officers
     Arnold Leavitt, President
     Arno Fleisher, Vice President
Allen Bean ;     Nathan Blum ;     Richard Bornstein;     Aaron Burke;     Michael Cohen;     Janet Feldman , Sisterhood Representative;     Lee Jay Feldman;     Michael Feldman;     Isaak Gekhtin;     Mark Kessler;     Herbert Koss;     Philip Laine;     Arnold Lelansky;     Alice Peters;     Michael Shapiro;     Milton Wiener;     Donald Wismer;
Beth Abraham Sisterhood Officers
     June Margolin , President
     Goldie Lourie , Corresponding Secretary
     Betsy Caswell, Treasurer and
     Sara Deletetsky , Financial Secretary
Chevra Kadisha (Burial Society)
    Arnold Lelansky;     Harold Shapiro;     Isadore Shapiro;     Morris Shiffer

Last Updated : March 15, 2010