Local Jewish Organizations in Maine

Beth Abraham Cemetery Association (Auburn)147 Old Danville Rd Auburn(207) 783-1302
Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center74 Bradman Street Auburn(207) 786-4201 - temple6359@aol.com
Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center Cemetery147 Old Danville Rd Auburn(207) 786-4201
Holocaust and Human Rights Center of MaineP. O. Box 4645 / Michael Klahr Center, UMA, 46 University Drive, Augusta(207) 621-3530 - infohhrc@maine.edu
Maine Veterans Memorial CemeteryPO Box 942, Civic Center Drive Augusta(207) 287-3481
Temple Beth ElWoodlawn Street Augusta(207) 622-7450 - bethelaugusta@gmail.com
Beth Abraham - Chevra Kaddisha145 York St Bangor
Beth Abraham Sisterhood Bangor(207) 942-8093
Beth Abraham Synagogue145 York St Bangor(207) 947-0876 - info@jewishbangor.com
Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) Cemetery : new section145 York St Bangor(207) 947-0876 - rabbichaimwilansky@gmail.com
Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) Cemetery : old section145 York St Bangor(207) 947-0876 - rabbichaimwilansky@gmail.com
Beth El Cemetery (Bangor) Bangor(207) 945-4578
Beth Israel (Bangor) - Chevra Kadisha Bangor(207) 945-3433
Beth Israel Cemetery : New Section 2 Bangor(207) 945-3433
Beth Israel Cemetery : New Section 3 Bangor(207) 945-3433
Beth Israel Cemetery : Old Section Bangor(207) 945-3433
Beth Israel Cemetery : Teferith Israel Section Bangor(207) 945-3433
Beth Israel Cemetery : Tolodos Yitzock Section Bangor(207) 945-3433
Chaore Tildos Itzchok Anshe Sfard Congregation Cemetery Bangor
Congregation Beth El183 French Street Bangor(207) 945-4578 - info@bethelbangor.org
Congregation Beth Israel144 York St Bangor(207) 945-3433 - office@cbisrael.org
Jewish Community Endownment Association Bangoroffice@cbisrael.org
Jewish Funeral Chapel118 Center Street Bangor(207) 942-6300
Beth Israel Congregation Cemetery Bath(207) 443-4606 - info@bethisraelbath.org
Beth Israel History Project 862 Washington St, Bath, ME 04530 Bath(207) 443-4606 / 207-443-5181 - info@bethisraelbath.org
Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford)36 Bacon Street Biddeford207-284-5771 / 207-967-5833 - mail@etzchaimme.org
B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Boston(617) 406-6300 - boston@adl.org
Bowdoin College Hillel6200 College Station Brunswick(207) 725-3834
Bates College Hillel2 Andrews Rd Lewiston(207) 786-8272 - npelonzi@bates.edu
Documenting Maine Jewry Mainedmj@mindspring.com
Old Orchard Beach
Congregation Beth Israel49 East Orchard Avenue Old Orchard Beach(207) 974-2973 - cbisrael@yahoo.com
Hillel Foundation (Orono)Memorial Union Orono(207) 837-8359 - sarah.meyerwaldo@umaine.edu
Owls Head
Owls Head Jewish Cemetery - Children's Section Owls Head(207) 594-4523 - yoshuron@midcoast.com
Owls Head Jewish Cemetery, Owls Head, Me Owls Head(207) 594-4523 - yoshuron@midcoast.com
Atrium at Cedars630-640 Ocean Ave Portland(207) 221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
B'nai Portland Portland(207) 613-5888 - rabbibnaiportland@gmail.com
Beth El Memorial Parkintersection of Rt 22 (extension of outer Congress St) and Johnson Rd Portland(207) 774-2649 - controller@tbemaine.org
Casco Bay Tummlers29 City Point Road Portlandinfo@cascobaytummlers.com
Cedars 630-640 Ocean Ave Portland(207) 221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
Chabad of Maine11 Pomeroy St Portland(207) 871-8947
Chevra Kadisha (Portland)471 Deering Ave Portland(207) 774-3733 - http://www.portlandjewishfuneralhome.org/
Hebrew Free Loan Fund400 Deering Ave Portland207-774-2649 ext 202 - controller@tbemaine.org
Jewish Community Alliance of South Maine1342 Congress St Portland(207) 772-1959 - JCA@mainejewish.org
Jewish War Veterans Jacob Cousins Post No 99 Portland(207) 221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
Maine Jewish Film Festival P O Box 7465 Portland(207) 523-3422 - filmfest@mjff.org
Michael Klahr Jewish Family Services1342 Congress St Portland(207) 871-0508 - kephron@mainejewish.org
Mt Carmel Cemetery AssociationHicks St Portland(207) 774-8513 - GSCope1@yahoo.com
Mt Sinai Cemetery AssociationHicks St / PO Box 251 Portland(207) 761-9095 - info@smjca.org
Osher Inn at Cedars Portlandinfo@thecedarsportland.org
Southern Maine Hillelc/o JCA Portland(207) 772-1959 - so.me.hillel@gmail.com
Southern Maine Jewish Cemetery AssociationPO Box 251 Portland, ME Portland+1 207 761 9095
Temple Beth El400 Deering Avenue Portland(207) 774-2649 - director@tbemaine.org
Temple Beth El Brotherhood400 Deering Ave Portland(207) 774-2649 - director@tbemaine.org
Temple Beth El Hebrew School400 Deering Ave Portland(207) 774-2649 - education@tbemaine.org
Berliawsky-Small Cemetery, Rockland,Me Rockland(207) 594-4523 - info@adasyoshuron.org
South Portland
Congregation Bet Ha’am81 Westbrook Street South Portland(207) 879-0028 - ravsaks@bethaam.org
Smith St CemeterySmith St / P O Box 251 South Portlandinfo@smjca.org
Hillel at Colby CollegeColby College , 4000 Mayflower Hill. 252 Pugh Center, Cotter Union Waterville(207) 859-4086
Maine Jewish History Project, Colby College Jewish Studies Program350 Lovejoy, Colby College Waterville(207) 859-4646 - dfreiden@colby.edu