Documenting Maine Jewry needs your support!
There are two major ways you can help: by making a financial contribution, and by contributing documents and information to our collection.
Your donations enable us to maintain and develop this website, the largest repository of information about Maine's Jewish community. All contributions to Documenting Maine Jewry made through our fiscal sponsor, Temple Beth El of Portland, are eligible for tax deduction.
It's easy to help:
We need your help recording, retelling, and sharing information related to Maine's Jewish community, past and present.
Do you have genealogical information, photographs, documents, recordings, personal recollections, or other kinds of material to share about Jewish individuals, families, businesses, institutions and communal organizations with ties to Maine? We want to hear from you!
Email us to start a conversation
Can you identify people and places in our photographs and documents? Help us out by clicking the green Comment button on the right side of a record.