thanks to Jocelyn Polland and Jessica Lantos for providing the image; orginally photographed by Dr Henry Pollard
first row :
David Ross (first from left);
Jimmy Bress (second from left);
Harvey Silverman (third from left) ;
Steven Glovsky (fourth from left) ;
Alan Zimmerman (fifth from left) ;
Mark Finkelstein (sixth from left) ;
second row :
Johnny Gerber (first from left) ;
Dick Baker (second from left ) ;
Gary Taylor (third from left) ;
Jim Connolly, coach , (in back row) ;
Bruce Fenton (fifth from left);
Myles Goodman (sixth from left);
Stanley Sax (sixth from left);
Stanley Turetsky (sixth from left);
contributors of names : Jocelyn Polland and Jessica Lantos