Recognition Boards at Beth Abraham (Auburn) as of July 2011

Recognition Board : BA Sisterhood 1

Name ColumnEnglish date
of death
Hebrew DateHebrew name
John (Mrs) Abromson
Nat (Mrs Ben) Abromson
Robert (Mrs) Allen
H. Michael (Mrs) Alpren col 1
Ida Leah Alpren col 1 10/9/1996 25 or 26 Tishrei, 5757
Marjorie W or C Alpren col 1 18 Oct 1998
Harriet (Mrs) Baker col 1
Mollie M Baker col 1 12/1/1966 18 Kislev, 5727 Malka bat Yitzchak Zev HaLevi
Benjamin (Mrs) Barr col 1
Frieda Rae Barr col 1 Sep 17 2004 2 Tishrei 5765
Richard (Mrs) Barr col 1
Helen S Bean col 1 19 Jan 1977 29 Tevet, 5737 Chana bat r'yitzchak yitzchak
Ida S Benson col 1 Dec 29 1988 21 Tevet 5749
Selma Blatt col 1 11-13-2011
Nathan (Mrs) Blum col 1
Martha Leah Bornstein col 1 25 Feb 1983 12 Adar I, 5743 Mishka-Leah bas Berl
Judith S "Judy" Brody col 1 11/22/1967 19 Heshvan, 5728
Sheldon (Mrs) Cohen col 1
Frances Day col 1 Mar 7 1974 13 ADAR 5734 Freyda bat Yaakov-Yeshayohu
Abraham (Mrs) Deletetsky col 1
Louis (Mrs) Deletetsky col 1
Howard (Mrs) Siegel col 1
Estelle Weiner col 1
Behzad (Mrs) FAKHERY col 2
Jerome (Mrs) Feinstein col 2
Arno (Mrs) Fleisher col 2
Becky Goldberg col 2 12/2/1981 6 Kislev, 5742 Rivka bat Mordechai HaLevy
Margery "Margie" Goldberg col 2
Elinor M Goldblatt col 2
Elsie Goodman col 2 Jan 1 1989 24 Tevet 5749
Joel (Mrs) Goodman col 2
Pearl "Pearly" Hayman col 2 2 Dec 2001
Eli (Mrs) Isaacson col 2
Shirley B Isaacson col 2 Jan 3 2010
Judith "Judy" Kamin col 2 1/5/2024
Beatrice Reiner Kammerman col 2 4 Aug 2006
Edward (Mrs) Koss col 2
Herbert A (Mrs) KOSS col 2
Ann L Lempert col 2 14 Jan 1998 Chanah Leah bat Ketoel
Maise / Maize / Maxie M Schwartz col 2
Esther R Siegel col 2 5/21/1938 20 Iyyar, 5698 Ester Rivka ??? Bat R' Mordechai
Mildred Supovitz col 2 6/9/1905
Nathan (Mrs) Tapper col 2
Annie Deletetsky col 3 1/16/1924 10 Shevat, 5684
Bella Esther Lelansky col 3 2/15/1980 28 Shevat, 5740
Esther L Lempert col 3 11/6/1977 25 HESHVAN 5738 Ester bas Leyb
Jennie L "Jane" Lichter col 3 11/13/1976 20 HESHVAN 5737 Devorah bat Chayim Michal HaCohen
Goldie S Lourie col 3 11/19/2005
Gayle A Margolin col 3
Mrs. ? Miller? col 3
Philip (Mrs) Rosenthal col 3
Benjamin (Mrs) Schwartz col 3
N. Michael (Mrs) Shapiro col 3
Rose Siegel col 3 3/16/1999 28 Adar I, 5759
Goldie Singer col 3
Sarah Smalley col 3
Celia Supovitz col 3 Jan 24 1996 4 Shevat 5756
May / Mae Tetenman col 3 6/21/1989 18 Sivan, 5749
Stanley (Mrs) Tetenman col 3
Lilyan Wiener col 3 23 June 2014 25 Sivan 2014
Julius (Mrs) Wise col 3
Phyllis Zack col 3 11/22/1983 16 Kislev, 5744
Norman (Mrs) [??witz ] col 3
[LastNameNotLegible] [FirstNameNotLegible] col 3

Recognition Board : BA Sisterhood 2

Name ColumnEnglish date
of death
Hebrew DateHebrew name
Louis A Abromson col 1 12/25/1947 12 Tevet, 5708 Eliazer ben Yitzchak Josef
Rita Meltzer col 1
Annie Miller col 1 7/13/1972 2 Av, 5732 Chana bat r'Favvel (?)
Isidore (Mrs) Miller col 1
Morris (Mrs) Miller col 1
Rebecca Miller col 1 2/28/1975 17 Adar I, 5735 Rivka bat r' Avraham Zvi HaLevi
Sandra B Miller col 1
Rebecca ROBINSON col 1
Stanley (Mrs) Rosenblatt col 1
Lena M Rubinoff col 1 11/1/1979
Ida (Mrs) Scheier col 1
Doretta Shapiro col 1
Ernest (Mrs) Shapiro col 1
Ida Shapiro col 1
Michael Abromson col 2 Nov 22 1993 9 Kislev 5754
Lawrence (Mrs) Margolin col 2
Isadore (Mrs) Shapiro col 2
[Mrs. -FirstNameNotKnown] Shapiro col 2
Hattie B Sherr col 2
Mrs. Morris Shiffer col 2
Charles (Mrs) Wilner col 2
Doris Ruth / Dorris L Winner col 2 04/23/1992 20 NISAN 5752 Dvorah bat r' Yosef HaCohen
Ruldolph (Mrs) Zallen col 2
Anne A Abromson col 3 2/7/1960 9 Shevat, 5720 Chana bat r' yod-dalid-nun-hay
Maurice (Mrs) Margolin col 3
Pauline "Poppy" Traister col 3 3/16/2007 P'nenah (?) Malcha bas Y'kov Dov

Recognition Board : Roll of Honor

Name ColumnEnglish date
of death
Hebrew DateHebrew name
Harry ALPREN col 1
Carl J Baker col 1
Benjamin M Barr col 1
Allen / Alko Bean col 1 23 Nov 1995
Louis Bean col 1 5/6/1900 7 Iyar 5660
William B Bean col 1 16 Nov 1983 10 Kislev, 5744 Z'ev Benyamin bat Elchanun
Irving M Bell col 1 Nov 23 1992 27 Cheshvan 5753 Avraham Moseh ben Chayyim Yitzchak
Myer B "Putty" Bornstein col 1 13 Dec 1995 20 Kislev, 5756
Paul Bornstein col 1 6/1/1986 23 Iyyar, 5746
Felix M Cohen col 1
Sidney Cohen col 1
Jacob "Jack" Davidson col 1 11 Oct 1998
Donald S "Duddy / David" Day col 1 9 Dec 1976 Shlomo-Dovid
Lawrence Deletetsky col 1 10/20/1994 15 Heshvan, 5755
Lewis / Louis Deletetsky col 1 2/26/1996 6 Adar I, 5756
Louis Simon Dennis col 1 7/26/1991
Howard Dion col 1
Herman Dvorin col 1
Jerome "Jerry" Feinstein col 1 8/6/2010
Myer Goldman col 1
Lester Gordon col 1 9/5/1988 23 Elul, 5748 Hayim bar Yisrael
George I Gould col 1 4/23/1988 6 Iyyar, 5748
Melvin Hyman col 1
Morris Hyman col 1
Samuel "Sam" Hyman col 2
Eli A Isaacson col 2 9/9/1983 2 Tishrei, 5744
Irving B Isaacson col 2 11/19/1979 29 Heshvan, 5740
Louis Isaacson col 2
Peter A Isaacson col 2 2 Sep 1980 Avrahum ben Yuhusha
Ralph Kaplan col 2
Arnold Leavitt col 2
Charles Lelansky col 2 24 May 1978
Edward M Lelansky col 2
Lawrence Margolin col 2 10/7/1979 16 Tishrei, 5740 (Ayin Shin Qof Aleph) (Tzadei Yod Pei Aleph) bar r'(Kaf Tav Nun Sofit) Aharon
Leonard Margolin col 2 5/20/2004
Leonard A "Lippy" Meltzer col 2 5/15/1998 19 Iyyar, 5758 Levman b r' Shomah Zelka
Harold Maurice Miller col 2 5/22/1987 23 Iyyar, 5747
Lester Miller col 2 Aug 29 2008
Michael Moskowitz col 2
Calvin Rosenberg col 2
Maynard Hillel Rosenberg col 2 10 Sep 1998
Ralph Rosenfield col 2
Samuel Ruttenberg col 2
Benjamin  Schwartz col 2 04/09/1966 19 Nisan, 5726
Harold Seltzer col 2 1/4/1981 28 Tevet 5741
Milton Semer col 2 07-27-2016
Harold Shapiro col 2 11 Oct 1993 26 Tishrei 5754 Hallal ben Dovid
Isadore / Isidor "Izzy" Shapiro col 2 25 Feb 1998 29 Shevat 5758
Morris Shulman col 2 11/09/1982 11 HESHVAN 5761
Pearl M Brody col 3 1 Sept 1987 7 Elul Perke bat Shlomo Zalman
Donald S "Duddy / David" Day col 3 9 Dec 1976 Shlomo-Dovid
Harold Lewis Lempert col 3 26 Jan 1992 21 SHEVAT 5752 Hershel b r' Yosef HaCohen
Leon Seltzer col 3
Samuel D Shapiro col 3 Schmuel Dovid ben Mosheh Zev
Samuel D Shapiro col 3 Schmuel Dovid ben Mosheh Zev
Daniel Sheiffer col 3
David Siegal col 3
Morris / Maurice Siegel col 3 10/15/1963 27 Tishrei, 5724 Y'chezkayl bar Yosef Halevi
Lawrence Jacob "Larry" Ward col 3 3/4/2005
Milton J Ward col 3 2/20/1945 7 Adar
Samuel "Sam" Widrowitz col 3
Milton Wiener col 3
Burton L Wilner col 3 5/5/2008 Dov Var ben Yosef Reuvan
Charles Philip Wilner col 3 7/22/1945 12 Av 5705
Abraham Winokur col 3
Ernest R Zallen col 3
Ernest Baker col 4 7/6/1911 10 Tammuz, 5671 Elchanan Eliezer Bar Shmeul Zavel
Sherman Louis Baker col 4
Sumner Barr col 4
Allan Bornstein col 4
Hymen S Bornstein col 4
Charles Edward Day col 4 Oct 9 2002 3 Cheshvan 5763 Asher Tzedek ben Yitzchak
Hyman / Heyman Deletetsky col 4 3/7/1945 22 Adar I, 5705 Chaya Hinda bat r' Natan Aharon
Arnold Fleischacker col 4
Arnold Fleischacker col 4
Joel Goodman col 4 Yosef ben Zvi v'Elkah
Arnold G Lelansky col 4 4/24/1998 28 Nisan, 5758 Avrachma (?) …. Ben r' Yosef
Robert M Meltzer col 4 10/13/1997 12 Tishrei 5758
Stanley John "Stan" Miller col 4 1-28-2019
Marcia Rubinoff col 4
Joseph "Joe" Schatz col 4 05/30/1979 4 SIVAN 5739 Yosef ben Shmuel Chaim
Samuel Singer col 4 Mar 12 1984 9 Adar II 5744 Shimuel ben r' Avraham
Morris Zallen col 4 Dec 22 1973 27 Kislev 5734

Note : The date of death and the person's Hebrew name can be from the memorial board or from cemetery records, Yarzheit announcements, or family sources.