Local Jewish Organizations in Greater Portland

Atrium at Cedars 630-640 Ocean Ave Portland Kathryn Callnan - 207-221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
B'nai Portland Portland Rabbi Laura Boenisch - 207-613-5888 - rabbibnaiportland@gmail.com
Beth El Memorial Park intersection of Rt 22 (extension of outer Congress St) and Johnson Rd Portland Sherri Quint - 207-774-2649 - controller@tbemaine.org
Casco Bay Tummlers 29 City Point Road Portland - - info@cascobaytummlers.com
Cedars 630-640 Ocean Ave Portland Kathryn Callnan - 207-221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
Chabad of Maine 11 Pomeroy St Portland Rabbi Moshe Wilansky, Director; Mrs Chana Wilansky - 207/871-8947 -
Chevra Kadisha (Portland) 471 Deering Ave Portland Darrell Cooper - (207) 774-3733 - http://www.portlandjewishfuneralhome.org/
Hebrew Free Loan Fund 400 Deering Ave Portland - 207-774-2649 ext 202 - controller@tbemaine.org
Jewish Community Alliance of South Maine 1342 Congress St Portland Molly Curran Rowles - 207-772-1959 - JCA@mainejewish.org
Jewish War Veterans Jacob Cousins Post No 99 Portland Jim Friendlander, Commander - 207 221-7000 - info@thecedarsportland.org
Michael Klahr Jewish Family Services 1342 Congress St Portland Karli Ephron - 207 871-0508 - kephron@mainejewish.org
Mt Carmel Cemetery Association Hicks St Portland Arthur Cope - 207 774 8513 - GSCope1@yahoo.com
Mt Sinai Cemetery Association Hicks St / PO Box 251 Portland Sherri Quint - (207) 761-9095 - info@smjca.org
Osher Inn at Cedars Portland Kathryn Callnan - - info@thecedarsportland.org
Southern Maine Hillel c/o JCA Portland - 207-772-1959 - so.me.hillel@gmail.com
Southern Maine Jewish Cemetery Association PO Box 251 Portland, ME Portland Sherri Quint - +1 207 761 9095 -
Temple Beth El 400 Deering Avenue Portland Rabbi Carolyn Braun and Kate Shalvoy - 207/774-2649 - director@tbemaine.org
Temple Beth El Brotherhood 400 Deering Ave Portland - 207-774-2649 - director@tbemaine.org
Temple Beth El Hebrew School 400 Deering Ave Portland Melanie Weiss - 207-774-2649 - education@tbemaine.org
Congregation Bet Ha’am 81 Westbrook Street South Portland Rabbi Jared H Saks - 207 879 0028 - ravsaks@bethaam.org
Smith St Cemetery Smith St / P O Box 251 South Portland Sherri Quint - - info@smjca.org