People: Presque Isle Air Force Base guests
; to be identified
Mrs Harris;
Mr Harris; Captain [LastNameNotKnown]
Hiram Adelman;
Katherine Adelman;
Harry (Mrs) Green;
Harry Green;
Jacob Etscovitz;
Ann Koven;
Herb Koven;
Sam Etscovitz;
First table on left from bottom toward head table:
Jack Mazer;
Carl Moskovitz;
Jules Moskovitz;
Second table:
Leo Plesset;
Lena Shalek; Stanley Shalek
Jennie Weinberg;
Hy Weinberg;
Next row to the right:
Judy Fish Fish Cohen;
Ida Fish;
Third table (fourth row left to right):
Ellis Etscovitz,
second from right behind Ida FishIf you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at