1930 US Federal Census Data Rockland

Name with link to DMJ biosRelation to head own/rent, value est birthyrageAge at 1st Marrstudentliterate?POB personPOB fatherPOB motherYOInat/alienoccupationindustryclass  enum. distAncestry pg#1930 US Fed Census Rockland
Harry BenovichHead12 Rankin Street abt 187060 no Latvia- RigaRussia- RigaRussia- RigaHebrew1900 Junk Dealer    Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
Rose BenovichWife12 Rankin Street abt 187852 no Latvia- RigaRussia- RigaRussia- RigaHebrew1900      Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
Louis BenovichSon12 Rankin Street abt 190030 no MaineLatvia- RigaLatvia- Riga   Peddler    Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
Bernard/Barney BenovichSon12 Rankin Street abt 190723 no MaineLatvia- RigaLatvia- Riga   Deck Hand    Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
Isaac BerlaurskyHead385 Broadway abt 187159 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1903 Real Estate Agent    Ward 12 181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Annie BerliawskyWife385 Broadway abt 188050 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1905      Ward 12 181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Nathan BerlaurskySon385 Broadway abt 189832 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1905      Ward 12 181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Harry B. BradliskyHead610 Maine Street abt 189040 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1899 Barber    Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sadie BradliskyWife610 Maine Street abt 189139 no New JerseyRussiaRussia        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Owen J ? BradliskySon610 Maine Street abt 191416 yes MaineRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Gilford BradliskySon610 Maine Street abt 191614 yes MaineRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
C___ C. BradliskyDaughter610 Maine Street abt 191812 yes MaineRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Harry BradliskySon610 Maine Street abt 19246 yes MassachusettsRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Gladis BradliskyDaughter610 Maine Street abt 19264 no MaineRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Basil BradliskySon610 Maine Street abt 19291 no MaineRussiaNew Jersey        Ward 13231930 US Fed Census Rockland
Abraham CassmanHead  abt 187456 no PolandPolandPolandJewish1902 Junk Business    Ward 14151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Bertha CassmanWife  abt 186466 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1905 Storekeeper    Ward 14151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Lipman CohenHead37 Willow Street abt 187753 no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish  Peddler    Ward 13151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sarah R. CohenWife37 Willow Street abt 187852 no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish       Ward 13151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Pearl J. CohenDaughter37 Willow Street abt 191218 no MaineLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 13151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Janet CohenDaughter37 Willow Street abt 191416 yes MaineLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 13151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sophie M. CohenDaughter37 Willow Street abt 191515 yes MaineLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 13151930 US Fed Census Rockland
Samuel CohenHead  abt 189040 (?) no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish1898 Merchant    Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Dora CohenWife  abt 189931 (?) no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish1905      Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Bernard B. CohenSon  abt 191713 yes MassachusettsLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Morris CohenSon  abt 191911 yes MaineLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Solomon J. CohenSon  abt 19219 yes MaineLithuaniaLithuania        Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
James DondisHead  abt 188842 no Russia- RigaRussia- RigaRussia- RigaRussian1890 Merchant    Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ida DondisWife  abt 189040 no Russia- RigaRussia- RigaRussia- RigaRussian1890      Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Philip DondisSon  abt 191218 yes MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ruth DondisDaughter  abt 191713 yes MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Maurice DondisSon  abt 191911 yes MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Edith DondisDaughter  abt 19219 yes MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Joseph DondisSon  abt 19237 yes MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ernest DondisSon  abt 19255 no MaineRussia- RigaRussia- Riga        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Elizabeth Fill (sp?)Stepdaughter  abt 19219 yes MassachusettsVirginiaMassachusetts        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Virginia Fill (sp?)Stepdaughter  abt 19228 yes MassachusettsVirginiaMassachusetts        Ward 14191930 US Fed Census Rockland
Max FinegoldHead60 Willow Street abt 187159 no PolandPolandPolandRussian1903 Junk Dealer    Ward 13141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Mary FinegoldWife60 Willow Street abt 187654 no PolandPolandPolandRussian1906      Ward 13141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Anna FinegoldDaughter60 Willow Street abt 190723 no MainePolandPoland        Ward 13141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Michael GoldbergHead  abt 187555 no RussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1902 Foreman- Clothing ____    Ward 15341930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sarah GoldbergWife  abt 188050 no RussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1912      Ward 15341930 US Fed Census Rockland
Yale GoldbergSon  abt 191614 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 15341930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ruth GoldbergDaughter  abt 19228 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 15341930 US Fed Census Rockland
Charles GraceHead91 North Main Street abt 190129 no EnglandEnglandEnglandEnglish1902 Collector    Ward 12 141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Evelyn GraceWife91 North Main Street abt 190525 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1907      Ward 12 141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Arthur S. GraceSon91 North Main Street abt 19264 no MaineEnglandRussia        Ward 12 141930 US Fed Census Rockland
Jacob GreenHead14 Tea Street abt 188446 no Russia- HelsinkiRussia- HelsinkiRussia- HelsinkiJewish1900 Merchant- Fruit ??    Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Lena Koritsky GreenWife14 Tea Street abt 188743 no SiberiaSiberiaSiberiaJewish1893      Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Anna S. GreenDaughter14 Tea Street abt 191218 yes MaineRussia-HelsinkiSiberia        Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ada L. GreenDaughter14 Tea Street abt 191515 yes MaineRussia-HelsinkiSiberia        Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Maynard L. GreenSon14 Tea Street abt 19237 yes MaineRussia-HelsinkiSiberia        Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Fannie KoritskyMother-in-law14 Tea Street abt 185575 no Poland- VilnaRussia- VilnaRussia- VilnaHebrew1893      Ward 13201930 US Fed Census Rockland
Samuel LermanHead  abt 189337 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJew1911 Furniture Buyer    Ward 15171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Dora LermanWife  abt 189436 no New YorkRussiaRussia        Ward 15171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Pauline LermanDaughter  abt 192010 yes MaineRussiaNew York        Ward 15171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ruth LermanDaughter  abt 19237 yes MaineRussiaNew York        Ward 15171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Gloria LermanDaughter  abt 19282 no MaineRussiaNew York        Ward 15171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Samuel LevyHead81 Granite Street abt 189931 no New YorkNew YorkNew York   Finance    Ward 13131930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ruth LevyWife81 Granite Street abt 190030 no MassachusettsMaineMassachusetts        Ward 13131930 US Fed Census Rockland
Harry LevyHead  abt 188941 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJew1891 Ladies Clothing    Ward 15121930 US Fed Census Rockland
Mary LevyWife  abt 190129 no MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 15121930 US Fed Census Rockland
Harold ? LevySon  abt 19282 no New JerseyRussiaMaine        Ward 15121930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ruth LevyDaughter  #VALUE!inf. no MaineRussiaMaine        Ward 15121930 US Fed Census Rockland
Benjamin S. MillerHead26 Rankin Street abt 188248 no Poland- VilnaVilnaRussia- VilnaRussian1901 Used Automotive Dealer    Ward 13171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Mollie MillerWife26 Rankin Street abt 188446 no Poland- VilnaVilnaRussia- VilnaRussian1900      Ward 13171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Lawrence MillerSon26 Rankin Street abt 190525 no MainePoland- VilnaRussia- Vilna        Ward 13171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Constance MillerDaughter26 Rankin Street abt 191515 yes MainePoland- VilnaRussia- Vilna        Ward 13171930 US Fed Census Rockland
Jacob PoliseHead7 Willow Street abt 188545 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1889 Dealer (Auto parts?)    Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Fannie PoliseWife7 Willow Street abt 189832 no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish1899      Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Morris PoliseSon7 Willow Street abt 191515 yes New YorkRussiaLithuania        Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Doris PoliseDaughter7 Willow Street abt 191713 yes MaineRussiaLithuania        Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Catherine PoliseDaughter7 Willow Street abt 191911 yes ConnecticutRussiaLithuania        Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Madeline PoliseDaughter7 Willow Street abt 192010 yes ConnecticutRussiaLithuania        Ward 13251930 US Fed Census Rockland
Isaac RosenbloomHead18 Rankin Street abt 186169 no PolandPolandPolandJewish1873 None    Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sarah RosenbloomWife18 Rankin Street abt 186169 no EnglandPolandPolandEnglish1875      Ward 13261930 US Fed Census Rockland
David RubensteinHead18 Rankin Street abt 188842 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1900 Dealer    Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sarah RubensteinWife18 Rankin Street abt 189040 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1900      Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Jesse RubensteinDaughter18 Rankin Street abt 191218 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Madeline RubensteinDaughter18 Rankin Street abt 191515 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Helen RubensteinDaughter18 Rankin Street abt 191713 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Dorothy RubensteinDaughter18 Rankin Street abt 19219 yes MaineRussiaRussia        Ward 13291930 US Fed Census Rockland
Benjamin L. SegalHead39 Rankin Street abt 187852 no Poland- VilnaRussia- VilnaRussia- VilnaRussian1891 Clothing Store Proprietor    Ward 13181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sydney SegalSon39 Rankin Street abt 190921 yes MainePoland- VilnaMassachusetts        Ward 13181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Annette SegalDaughter39 Rankin Street abt 191119 yes MainePoland- VilnaMassachusetts        Ward 13181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Evelyn SegalDaughter39 Rankin Street abt 191515 yes MainePoland- VilnaMassachusetts        Ward 13181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Samuel ShafterHead15 Rockland Street abt 190525 no RussiaRussiaRussiaHebrew1922 Junk Dealer    Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
Diana ShafterWife15 Rockland Street abt 190624 no RussiaRussiaRussiaHebrew1923      Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
David ShafterHead15 Rockland Street abt 187654 no RussiaRussiaRussiaHebrew1905 Junk Dealer    Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
Lena ShafterWife15 Rockland Street abt 189040 no AustriaAustriaAustriaGerman1905      Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sylvia ShafterDaughter15 Rockland Street abt 191713 yes MassachusettsRussiaAustria        Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
Sydney ShafterSon15 Rockland Street abt 192010 yes MassachusettsRussiaAustria        Ward 12 101930 US Fed Census Rockland
Samuel S. ShapiroHead85 Lime Rock Street abt 188743 no LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaJewish1893 Merchant/Retailer    Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Nettie ShapiroWife85 Lime Rock Street abt 189436 no RussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1907      Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Ida ShapiroDaughter85 Lime Rock Street abt 191911 yes MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Esta M. ShapiroDaughter85 Lime Rock Street abt 19219 yes MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Elizabeth ShapiroDaughter85 Lime Rock Street abt 19264 no MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Benjamin S. ShapiroSon85 Lime Rock Street abt 19273 no MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Malcolm N. ShapiroSon85 Lime Rock Street abt 19282 no MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Meredith ShapiroSon85 Lime Rock Street abt 19282 no MaineLithuaniaRussia        Ward 1311930 US Fed Census Rockland
Thomas ShapiroHead  abt 186070 no LatviaLatviaLatviaJewish1893 Junk Dealer    Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland
Celia ShapiroWife  abt 186268 no LatviaLatviaLatviaJewish1894      Ward 14181930 US Fed Census Rockland

Methodological notes :

This data was culled from the original U.S. census manuscripts, as found on www.ancestry.com.
Jews are understood to constitute an ethnic group of Eastern and Central European origin characterized by common names and occupational pursuits, as well as a distinctive language.
This definition lends itself well to analysis of the data preserved in census records.
Two primary methods were used to identify Jews:
1. Individuals born abroad whose mother tongue is "Yiddish," "Jewish," or "Hebrew" were automatically included in the spreadsheet, as were all members of their families.
2. For individuals born abroad whose mother tongue was another Eastern or Central European language (e.g., Russian, Polish, German), or individuals born in the U.S. with one or more parents from Eastern or Central Europe, we examined surnames, given names within a household, and occupations in light of common Jewish characteristics. This method of analysis is, of course, subject to inaccuracy, as we may have excluded Jews with uncommon names or occupations or included non-Jews whose characteristics appear Jewish. Individuals listed with the annotation "nj?" in the far right-hand column are those whose Jewish ancestry is plausible but questionable.
This method of analysis easily misses Jewish households whose members' parents were all born in the United States. In 1930 Maine, however, such households were quite rare. Special efforts were made to identify households of this nature in Portland, where they constituted less than 1% of identified Jewish households.
All members of a household containing a Jew are included in the spreadsheet, with the exception of Jewish lodgers and servants, who are listed individually. Household members who are evidently not Jewish (such as non-Jewish servants and some spouses or in-laws) are listed with the annotation "nj."
Information on place of birth
Some people replied with the name of the place when they left; others replied with the name of place when the census was taken; in other cases it just seems that it was easier for the census taker to write ‘Russia’ rather than Lithuania, Ukraine or other unfamiliar country names.
And there is another reason to be skeptical of the accuracy of the place of birth information. Immigrants from the Pale had a very justified fear of the Russian and often local governments. One way to manage this reality was to tell government representatives what they expected they wanted to hear or what they thought would bring them the least trouble. This may well explain why a number of family members, who were clearly from Eastern Europe, may have answered ‘Maine’ or ‘New York’.

Last Updated : Nov 5. 2020

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