Smith St Cemetery ( Smith St ) Burial Records
as of Wednesday July 17, 2024

includes links to all available headstone images
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        [First Name Not Known] Rachel - Main
        N Rappaport 1881 - 12 Feb 1881 Main
        Fannie Roberts 1889 - 3/28/1902 Main
        Abraham Robinson Avraham b"r David Rabynzan abt 1876 - 8/18/1942 Main headstone image one
        Bessie Robinson Yetta. Stone: Pesa Brind'l b. Dov abt 1871 - 12/30/1902 Main headstone image one
        David Robinson - 7/23/1915 Main headstone image one -- two
        Etta Lapides Robinson Iyta b"r Khayyim Elezer Rabynsan 1853 - 11/18/1946 Main headstone image one -- two
        Max Robinson M'nakhem Mend'l b"r David Rabynsan abt 1871 - 10/2/1938 Main headstone image one
        Molly "Mollie" Nathanson Robinson Khanah Malkah b"r Yosef Rabynsahn 1877 - 1/24/1930 Main headstone image one -- two
        Nechoma Robinson N'khamah Rabynsan bas R' Zev 1882 - 10/27/1925 Main headstone image one -- two
        Nellie S Spigelman Robinson 1882 - 10/30/1925 Main
        [First Name Not Known] Rodman - 3 Oct 1905 Main
        Israel Rosenbloom Yisrael b"r Eliezer 1840 - 22 Jun 1892 Main headstone image one
        Israel H Rosenbloom 1893 - 28 Apr 1897 Main headstone image one -- two -- three
        Sarah Rosenbloom 1887 - 6 Apr 1888 Main
        [First Name Not Known] Rosenbloom - 26 Jan 1894 Main
        Abraham Rosenburg 1894 - 26 Feb 1894 Main
        Albert A Rosenburg 1894 - 1/20/1926 Main headstone image one -- two
        Bella Rosenburg 1881 - 26 Sep 1881 Main
        Helen Rosenburg 14 Feb 1854 - 5 Nov 1886 Main headstone image one -- two
        Judah Rosenburg Y'huda b"r Avraham 8 June 1825 - 13 Dec 1885 Main headstone image one
        Max Rosenburg 1858 - 20 May 1880 Main
        No First Name Rosenburg 1886 - 16 b 1886 Main
        No First Name Rosenburg - 6 Dec 1882 Main
        Rebecca Rosenburg 15 Jan 1823 - 3/23/1906 Main headstone image one
        Simon Rosenburg Simkhah b"r Y'huda 1852 - 6/3/1922 Main headstone image one
        Avraham Yosef Rosenthal Avraham Yosef b"r Eliezer - 10/6/1940 Main headstone image one -- two
        Bertina Wolf Rosenthal Tovah bat Yosef Tzvi 1891 - 12/18/1956 Main headstone image one
        George J Rosenthal Avraham Yossel ben Eliezer 1888 - 1940 Main headstone image one
        Harry Rosenthal 1890 - 1942 Main headstone image one
        Henrietta Wolf Rosenthal Ita bat Yosef Tzvi 1883 - 1962 Main headstone image one
        Zvi Hirsh Rosenthal Zvi Hirsch b"r Eliezer - 11/14/1942 Main headstone image one -- two
        [First Name Not Known] Rothschild - 1/8/1923 Main
        Bessie Rubbins Khayyah Batyah Eudriy'e bat R' Elkhanan Rubyns - Main headstone image one
        Israel Rubbins Yissachar b"r Dov Rubyns 1891 - 7/28/1919 Main headstone image one
        Bernard "Barnett" Rubins Dober b"r Avram Rubyns 1858 - 5/15/1925 Main headstone image one -- two
        Bessie Rubins 1857 - 1/14/1915 Main
        Hannah H Rubins Khanna b. R' Shmuel m-Y'rushalayim 1840 - 18 Oct 1890 Main headstone image one
        Eva G Rubinsky Khava b"r Yaaqov Elazar 1864 - 10/7/1908 Main headstone image one
        Milton W, Rubinsky Mordechay Zev Rubynsqy 1921 - 9/6/1930 Main headstone image one
        Rachel Rubinsky 1894 - 6 Aug 1894 Main
        Barnet Ruder 1868 - 12/3/1921 Main