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Mt Sinai Cemetery Association ( Mt. Sinai )
Purpose: now owned and operated by South Maine Jewish Cemetery Association (SMJCA)
Background: Mount Sinai Cemetery Association was incorporated on November 26, 1920, with Morris Sacknoff as president, Joseph Mack as vice-president, David Schwartz as treasurer, and Julius Comeras as secretary. The signatures of Samuel Seiger and Max Oransky also appear on the certificate of incorporation. The land for the cemetery, consisting of one and a half acres off Warren Avenue in Portland, was first purchased as a cemetery in 1894 by the Portland Hebrew Benevolent Association Later, a Hebrew Synagogue Society came into being and held title to the same land jointly with the older burial association. When the new Mount Sinai Cemetery Association was formed, through merger of the two organizations, it received title to the land in separate deeds from each of the older groups. William Goodman has served as president of the Mt. Sinai Cemetery Association since the death of Morris Sacknoff in 1943. - Ben Band, Chap IX
Notes & Plot numbering system: a family plot has a section letter followed by one to three digits followed by a dash followed by a code for the size of the plot (i.e. S - single, D- double; F4- family site with four plots; F8- family site with eight plots; etc)
A plot finder aide is being developed. Guides to plot location are provided by reference to the section letter, the name of the family headstone at the beginning of the relevant row and the number of rows back in a line of sight from the first row in that section
known burials: 3,383
available headstone images: 2,027
earliest known burial: 1894
most recent DMJ recorded burial: 2024
burials by section: A B C D E F G H I J S T U V
burials by last name: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  
I   J   K   L  M  N  O  P 
Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
Status of data collection: all cemetery records processed; all headstones photographed except those in section J and Section G (2011/2012)
Location: Hicks St / PO Box 251, Portland, ME
Driving instructions: Hicks St (off of Warren Ave) , Portland, Me. - / Mt. Carmel and Mt Sinai Cemeteries are adjacent to each other.
Current contact person: Sherri Quint
Tel #: (207) 761-9095
Web site: https://www.'>
Researchers/Photographers: Steve Hirshon, Susan Cummings-Lawrence, Harris Gleckman, Sherri Quint, Harvey Elowitch

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