Biddeford Tire Shop
The Biddeford Tire Shop was owned and operated by Alice and Gerald Slosberg of Portland Maine. It was established about 1944 and this buiulding was the site of the business about 1960. The business expanded to Newington NH and then to Portland.
(1944) -
Bradbury Street School "The Bradbury Street School in Biddeford, Maine (possibly around 1920) grades three and four. My mother-in-law Rose Krane (nee Hoffman) is the third in from the right, second row standing. Her cousin Edie Lemovitz is also in the picture." Maria Krane
(1920) -
Building Ads for Sam's Place and Day's Jewelry Store "Sam's Place, a hardware store in Biddeford, was owned by Sam Osher. Day's Jewelry Store, owned by the Davidson brothers, is advertised just below the Sam's Place advertisement"
Polakewich Bros & Co Advertisements "Biddeford busineses owned by Jews advertised in the local Biddeford/Saco business directory. The Polakewich family owned Polakewich Brothers and Company . . . '
(1950) -