Maine Rabbis and Cantors

Name of ClergyCongregation Known Years
Rabbi David Aaron Temple Beth El (Augusta) 1992-1996
Paul Aranson Temple Beth El (Portland) 1989 - 1999
Rabbi Erica Asch Temple Beth El (Augusta) 2013 - present
Rabbi [FirstNameNotKnown] Averach Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1941-1945
Rabbi Harry Baum Aroostook Hebrew Community Center (Presque Isle) 1965-1989
Cantor Jules Becker Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1993
Rabbi Morris Bekritsky Beth HaKnesseth Anshe Sfard (Portland) 1948 - 1957
Rabbi Ephraim I Bennett Temple Beth El (Portland) 1948 - 1953
Rabbi David Berent Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1940-1975
        Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn (Lewiston) 1957
        Hadassah, Lewiston-Auburn Chapter (Lewiston or Auburn) 1957
        Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn (Lewiston) 1975
Rabbi William "Billy" Berkowitz Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 1990 -1994
Rabbi Bernard L Berzon Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1937-1939
Rabbi Laura Boenisch B'nai Portland (Portland) 2016 - to date (2019)
Rabbi Carolyn Braun Temple Beth El (Portland) 1994 - to date
        Temple Beth El (Portland) 2021
Rabbi R Brettler Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) after Rabbi Schonberger
Rabbi David Cantor Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 2002-2008
Joseph Caplan Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1908-1911
Rabbi Susan Bulba Carvutto Temple Beth El (Augusta) 1997- July 2013
Rabbi Morris Chapman Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1934-1935
Rabbi Mordecai S Chertoff Temple Beth El (Portland) 1953 - 1955
Rabbi Gerald Chirnomas Aroostook Hebrew Community Center (Presque Isle) 1948 - 1965
        Aroostook Hebrew Community Center (Presque Isle) ? - 1965
Rabbi Paul Cohen Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 1994-2000
Rabbi Peisach Cooperstein Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 1937-1939
Rabbi Sruli Dresdner Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center (Auburn) 2014-present
        Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center (Auburn) 2021
Rabbi Lazarus Druker Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1897-1900
Rabbi Milton H Elefant Temple Israel (Old Town) 1955
        Temple Israel (Old Town)
Stanley Elowitch Temple Beth El (Portland) 1989 - 1999
Rabbi Jacob Feinstein Congregation Beth Judah (Portland) 1901-1902
Rabbi Avraham H / Abraham H Freedman Temple Israel (Old Town) 1955
        Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1949-1969
Rabbi David Freidenreich Colby College (Waterville) 2000c - to date (2017)
        Abraham S. & Fanny B. Levey Day School-Hillel Academy (Portland) 2021
Rabbi Seth Frisch Temple Beth El (Portland) 1989 - 1993
Rabbi Norman Geller Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1966-1992
Lay Cantor Dov Goldberg Temple Beth El (Portland) 2003 - 2012
Hazan Lazarus/Louis Goldenkopf/Goldenkoff Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1897
Rabbi Alice Goldfinger Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 2000-2010
Cantor Alfred G (Al) Goldman Temple Beth El (Portland) 1949 - 1953
        Temple Israel (Portland) (Portland) 1950
Rabbi Justin Goldstein Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 2011-2013
Harry (Chaim) Goodman Chaore Toldos Itzchok Anshe Sfard (Bangor)
        Toldos Itzchock (Bangor)
        Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center (Auburn) 1987-1991?
Rabbi Boris Gottlieb Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1954-1967
Rabbi Morris Gray Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1910-1930
Rabbi Aaron Greenbaum Vaad Hoir (Portland) 1942 Aug
        Beth HaKnesseth Anshe Sfard (Portland)
Raphael Gribetz Aroostook Hebrew Community Center (Presque Isle) 1989-2014
Rabbi Harry Grosberg Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1900
Rabbi Lewis Grossman Temple Beth El (Portland) 1955- 1959
Cantor Toby Hayman Temple Beth El (Portland) 1985 - 1988
Hirch Hazid Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1900-1907
Rabbi Ralph B Hershon Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1937-1940
Rabbi David Hornstein Temple Israel (Old Town) 1916
Rabbi Harry / Henry J Isaacs Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 1960-1999
        Hillel at Colby College (Waterville) 2012 to date (2014)
        Colby College (Waterville) 2015 c - todate (2021)
Rabbi Harold Jaye Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1975-1977
Rabbi Levine Julius Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1917 circa
Rabbi Alan M Kalinsky Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 1976 - 1981
Rabbi Abraham Kaprow Toldos Itzchock (Bangor) 1920
Rabbi Hillel Katzir Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center (Auburn) 2003-2014
Rabbi Mordecai Klatchko Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1909-1912
Rabbi Raymond Krinsky Colby College (Waterville)
        Colby College (Waterville)
Rabbi Samuel Langer Temple Israel (Rumford) 1932
Rabbi Hyman H Lasker Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1890 - 1895
Cantor Daniel Leeman Temple Beth El (Portland) 1998
        Temple Beth El (Portland) 2021
Rabbi Raymond Leiman Temple Beth El (Portland) 1959 - 1961
Rabbi Darah Lerner Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 2005 - present
Rabbi M Levenson Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1907 - ?
Rabbi Eliezer Levine Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 1925-1930
        Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1925- 1930
        Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1885 - 1890
        Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1885-1891
Rabbi Mendel Lewittes Vaad Hoir (Portland) 1942 Jan
        Beth HaKnesseth Anshe Sfard (Portland)
Rabbi Emily Lipof Temple Beth El (Augusta) 1988c - 1989c
Rabbi Irving A Margolies Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1971 - 1976
Cantor Deborah Marlowe Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor)
Paul Menitoff Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1982 - 1986
Cantor Kurt Messerschmidt Temple Beth El (Portland) 1951 - 1985
Rabbi Laurence Milder Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1994 - 2005
Rabbi Abraham Miller Beth HaKnesseth Anshe Sfard (Portland)
Rabbi Juda Moses Temple Israel (Old Town) 1955
        Toldos Itzchock (Bangor) 1949-1955
Rabbi Morris Nathanson Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1932-1934
        Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1936-1945
Rabbi Fred Nebel Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 2001-2008
Rabbi Edmund Neiss Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1950
Rabbi Shoshana Perry Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 1988-1994
Rabbi Louis Plotkin Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1906-1909
Rabbi Mac Portal Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1994
Rabbi Edward Portner Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1996
Rabbi Victor Reinstein Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1978-1982
Rabbi Louis Rosen Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1935-1936
Rev H Rosenberg Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1902 - 1905
Cantor Ruth L Ross Temple Beth El (Portland) 1999 - 2007
Rabbi Benjamin Roth Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1948-1950
Rabbi Jared Saks Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 2011-present
Rabbi John Samuels Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1995
Rabbi David Sandmel Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 1985-1990
        Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1987 - 1988
Rabbi Joseph P Schonberger Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 1982 - 1997
Rabbi Steven Schwarzman Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 2008-2011
Rabbi Sam Seicol Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland) 2010-2011
Rabbi Louis Seltzer Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1903-1906
Rabbi Abraham Moses Shershevsky Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1895 - 1897
Rabbi Chaim Nosson Shohet Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh (Newbury St Shul) (Portland) 1915
        Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1937
        Congregation Beth El (Bangor) 1912-1921
Rabbi Martin Shorr Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 2014 - 2017
Rabbi William Siemers Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 2014 - present
Rabbi Silverman Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1905-1907
Rabbi Harry Sky Temple Beth El (Portland) 1961 - 1989
        Temple Beth El (Portland) 1994 - 2012
Rabbi Mattus Soloway Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1899
Rabbi [FirstNameNotKnown] Spivak Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1932 circa
Morris / Maurice Sprince Beth Jacob (Lewiston) 1907-1910
        Congregation Sharith Israel (Portland) 1900-1904
Cantor Ralph Sternberg Temple Beth El (Portland) 1950 - 1951
        Temple Beth El (Portland) 1950 - 1951
        Temple Israel (Portland) (Portland) 1950
        Temple Beth El (Portland) 1988 - 1989
Cantor Beth Strassler Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 2017 - present
Rabbi Tarasin Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1941-1945
Rabbi Boaz Tomsky Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 1999-2001
Rabbi Doug Weber Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center (Auburn) 1991-?
Rabbi Chaim Wilansky Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 2015 - present
        Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) 2021
        Chabad of Maine (Portland) 1988 - present
        Chabad of Maine (Portland) 2021
Rabbi Norman Zdanowitz Temple Beth El (Augusta)
        Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1951 - 1965
        Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn (Lewiston) 1975
        Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn (Lewiston) 1975
Rabbi Akiba Zilberberg Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) (Biddeford) 1945-1947
Cantor Samuel Zimelman Congregation Beth Israel (Old Orchard Beach)
Rabbi Simon E. Zipper Congregation Beth Abraham (Auburn) 1937 circa- 1941 circa
Rabbi Moshe / Moses Zucker Congregation Beth Israel (Bangor) 1945-1947
Rabbi Henry Zwelling Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor (Bangor) 1945