Center Day Camp (CDC) girls group XXXI

1960 - private collection

Thank you to Elaine Millman Alexander and Babbidge and for the photo
People: to be identified , far left; Connie Taylor, 2nd from left; to be identified , second from left; Elaine Millman , 4th from left; Elaine Millman , 4th from left; to be identified , center; to be identified , second from right; to be identified , far right;

Back row: to be identified , far left;

Front: Margaret Gillman, left;

Front: Margaret Gillman, left; to be identified , second from left; to be identified , third from left; Linda Baker Bojarczuk, right; Linda Baker Bojarczuk, right; to be identified , center; to be identified , third from right; to be identified , second from right; to be identified , far right (Counselor)
Organizations: Center Day Camp
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