Center Day Camp Staff

summer 1960 circa - private collection

Thank you to Stephanie Gerber Stern and Babbidge and Ani Helmick for the photo
People: to be identified , #1; Bernie Johnson, #2; Al Abbey, #3; Stanley Schwartz (?) , #4; Stanley Wolfson, #5; George Shur, #6; Alan Heifetz, #7; Stanley Sclar, #8; to be identified , #9; Stephen Novick, #10; Norman Bress, #11; Albert Sibson, #12; Barry Potter, #13; Jim Linehan, #14; Paul Royte, #15;

Front: Daniel Clayman, left;

Front row, left to right: Harriet Zade, #1; Evan Barden?, 2nd from left; Harriet Lerman, #2; Billy Neff, 2nd from right; Barbara Mersky, #3; Becky Brooks, #4; Becky Brooks, #4; Stephanie Gerber, #5; Bonnie Godfrey, #6; Pam Drogin, #7; Maxine Nathanson, #8; Joan Taylor, #9; Miriam Reef, #10; Deborah "Debby" Zolov, #11; Marjorie DeMott, #12; Sharon Cohen, #13

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at

Organizations: Center Day Camp
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