Temple Beth El Consecration Class with Rabbi Sky

1964 - private collection

Thank you to Rita Schwey Weisberg for the photo
People: to be identified , #1; Sidney Cronsberg; Judy Portman, #2; to be identified , #3; Joan Marcus, #4; to be identified , #5; Lisa Freundlich, #6; to be identified , #7; to be identified , #8; to be identified , #9;

Left to right: to be identified , #1; Howard Branz, #2; Peter Litman, #3; David Jackson, #4; Paul Jackson, #5; to be identified , #6; Michael Kaplan, #7; Scott Koocher, #8; Alan Weisman, #9; Rabbi Harry Sky; Rita Weisberg

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at mindspring.com

Organizations: Temple Beth El
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