Jewish Community Center Softball Team

1969 - private collection

Thank you to Family of Dave Astor for the photo
People: Dean Silverman, 2; Larry Murinson, 3; Ed Levine, 4; Mel Zimelman, 5; Phil Hudson , 6; Eliot Sprince, 7;

Middle row, l to r: Roz Siegel, 1; Rick Diamon, 2; Steve Bogg, 3; Dave Brenerman, 4; Jim Jolin, 5; Jay Kaplan, 6;

Back row, l to r: Mike Messerschmidt, 1; Marvin Silver, 2; Herm Blumenthal, 3; Neal Stillman, 4;

Front (bat boy): Barry Isenman;

Missing from photo: Mike Schwartz; Richard Green; George Marcus
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