Twin Cities birthday party

date not known - private collection

Thank you to Roz Cohen Kaufman for the photo
People: Naomi Alperen, 1; Helene Schwartz, 2; Michael Abromson, 3; Morton Abromson, 4; Ruth Gordon, 5; Roselyn Cohen , 6; Jimmy Cohen , 7; Marion Goodman, 8; Marjorie [LastNameNotKnown] , 9; Ed Berman, 10; to be identified , 11; Jason Alpert, 12; Susan Grab, 13;

Around the back: Mazie Schwartz, 1; Nat Abromson, 2; Ada Abromson, 3; Bill Cohen, 4; Marion Cohen, 5; Susan Lampert, 6; Selma Alperen, 7; to be identified , 8; Ida Berman, 9; Dorothy Alpert, 10

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at

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