a group listening to a speaker

date not known - Bangor Public Library

Thank you to Elizabeth Stevens for the photo
People: Gerry Kaprow, with glasses; Rabbi Mordecai Klatchko; ? Trembowler , in front of Gerry Kaprow; Betsy Schneider , 3rd from right; Deborah Rosenthal, 2nd from right; Lonnie Berson, right, looking to his right;

3rd row: Rae Gross, left; Fran Glazier, 2nd from left; Harold Hoos, 2nd from right, talking to man on the end;

2nd row: Avis Zitaner, left, arm outstretched; Ida Schur , 2nd from left; Lena Schair, 3rd from left, light top, glasses; Sally Emple, 4th from right, dark hair; Jenny Ginsberg, 3rd from right; Lena Rich Fox, right; Fannie Ginsberg, 2nd from right;

Front: Maxine Mendelson Lieberman, striped dress; Leila Pasternak, leaning forward; Irwin Pasternak, next to Leila, with yarmulke
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