Bangor Groundbreaking for Addition to JCC

1960 - Bangor Public Library

Thank you to Bangor Public Library and Elizabeth Stevens for the photo
People: Seymour Chamoff ; Milton Lincoln , left; Julius Gass; Max Gass; Leo Viner , 3rd from left; Joseph Ornstein , 4th from left; Dorothy Ornstein ; Louis Rapaport, 5th from left; Adolph Friedman , 6th from left; Rabbi Avraham Freedman , right;

Middle: Sharon Kobritz , left; Judy Chamoff Gatchell, 2nd from left; Jon Chamoff , 3rd from left; Barry Goldsmith , 4th from left; Joshua Cutler , right

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at

Organizations: JCC of Bangor
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