Abraham S. Levey holding plaque honoring him and his wife for Levey Day School

1974 -

Thank you to Jessica Lantos for the photo

Here’s what the article from the Portland Press Herald (circa 1974) says: “ Abraham S. Levey, honorary president of Hillel academy and an advisor and supporter of the local Hebrew day school since its founding, holds a plaque presented to him and his wife in ceremonies Sunday at Shaarey Tphiloh Synagogue in which the academy was renamed the Abraham S. and Fanny B. Levey Day School. Levey, widely known throughout Maine for his charitable works, recently presented $5,000 to the academy, one of a handful of Hebrew day schools in New England. The school, which opened in 1969 with an enrollment of nine, has added a grade each year and in September will be open to children of Portland’s Jewish community from kindergarten through grade 5. Attending Sunday’s presentation were Rabbi Steven M. Dworken, the school’s educational advisor; Ben Romanow, Vice President; Chaim Yaffe, headmaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pollard, charter directors.”
People: Abraham Levey
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