Sam Slosberg biography in Risen, Jewels of Maine

1997 - Some Jewels of Maine: Jewish Maine Pioneers

Click here if the pdf does not appear: Sam Slosberg

Thank you to Celia C. Risen author , Some Jewels of Maine: Jewish Maine Pioneers for the article

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People: Harry Goldsmith; Ann Dion; [First Name Not Known] Slosberg Krimmer; [First Name Not Known] Goldberg Dion ; [First Name Not Known] Atkins Goldberg ; Saul Dion; Max Slosberg; Louis Slosberg; Joseph Slosberg ; Sam Slosberg ; Howard Slosberg; [First Name Not Known] Mr Epstein; Rabbi Berent; Rabbi Harry Sky; Charles Slosberg ; Sam Slosberg ; Lynn Weitz Slosberg; Irene Davidson Slosberg; David Slosberg; Kenneth "Ken" Slosberg

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at

Organizations: Stride Rite Shoes
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