1930 US Federal Census Data Saco
Where one member of the family was an East European immigrant
Data extracted by DMJ consultants (2020)

1930 US Federal Census Data

Data extracted by members of the Colby College Maine Jewish History Project research team (2011), directed by David M. Freidenreich

Name with link to DMJ biosRelation to headHouse Number Street nameown/rent, value ageAge at 1st Marrstudentliterate?POB personPOB fatherPOB mothermother tongueYOInat/alienoccupationindustrycodeclassEmployed?enum. distAncestry pg#Source
Harry Choziskhead35 Dyer St.O 3000abt 18884219noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1908natailorshop721VEyes3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Minnie Choziskwife35 Dyer St. abt 18864420noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1908alnone    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Hyman Choziskson35 Dyer St. abt 191515 yesyesNew YorkRussiaRussia   none    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Isaac Lefkowitzhead39 Dyer St.O 4000abt 18706028noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1912padealerjunk9491Eyes3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Dora Lefkowitzwife39 Dyer St. abt 18775325nonoRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1921panone    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Jillian Lefkowitzdaughter39 Dyer St. abt 190723 noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1921panone    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Beatrice R Lefkowitzdaughter39 Dyer St. abt 191020 yesyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1921panone    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Louis Feinberghead39 Dyer St.O 2000abt 18676318noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1910palaborjunk shop7890W 3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Rachel Feinbergwife39 Dyer St. abt 18755520nonoRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1922?none    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Frank Feinbergson39 Dyer St.  un (27?) noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1912aldealerjunk f___7491E 3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Irving Feinbergson39 Dyer St. abt 190426 noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1922pacarpenterhouse56X1Wno3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Bessie Feinbergdaughter39 Dyer St. abt 191020 noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1923pasalesmandry goods4590Wno3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Eliot Feinbergson39 Dyer St. abt 19255 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Samuel Noodlemengrand son39 Dyer St. abt 191416 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
[FirstName Starts with F]__ Noodlemengrand daughter39 Dyer St. abt 191515 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    3911930 US Fed Census - Saco
Hyman Zaitlinhead16 Harrison Ave.O 3000abt 18913922noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1913pajunkdealer9491Oyes3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Rose Zaitlinwife16 Harrison Ave. abt 18923821noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1921alnone    3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Irving Zaitlinson16 Harrison Ave. abt 191416 yesyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1921alnone    3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Harry Zaitlinson16 Harrison Ave. abt 19237 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Dorothy Zaitlindaughter16 Harrison Ave. abt 19255 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Elizabeth Zaitlindaughter16 Harrison Ave. abt 1929.50.5 nonoMaineRussiaRussia   none    3961930 US Fed Census - Saco
Israel E Goldmanhead12 South St.O 4000abt 18894128noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaHebrew1908naretail clothingretail clothing store8491Eyes4021930 US Fed Census - Saco
Sarah Goldmanwife12 South St. abt 18933724noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaHebrew1910nanone    4021930 US Fed Census - Saco
Florence M Goldmandaughter12 South St. abt 19237 yes MaineRussiaRussia   none    4021930 US Fed Census - Saco
Edwin M Goldmanson12 South St. abt 1929.50.5 no MaineRussiaRussia   none    4021930 US Fed Census - Saco
Jacob Fillerhead450 Main St.R 30abt 18913933noyesRussiaRussiaRussiayiddish1910nasalesmanfurniture4590Wyes4141930 US Fed Census - Saco
Riva Fillerwife  abt 19012923noyesPolandPolandPolandyiddish1921nanone    4141930 US Fed Census - Saco
I Mark Polakewichhead87 North StO unknownabt 18923831noyesMainePolandPoland   merchantladies ____8491Eyes4181930 US Fed Census - Saco
Fannie Polakewichwife87 North St abt 18973326noyesMassachusettsRussiaGermany   none    4181930 US Fed Census - Saco
Elaine R Polakewichdaughter87 North St abt 19246 yesyesMaineMaineMassachusetts   none    4181930 US Fed Census - Saco
M___ Polakewichdaughter87 North St abt 19291 no MaineMaineMassachusetts   none    4181930 US Fed Census - Saco
Louis Polakewichhead311 Main St.O 11,000abt 18884232noyesMaineRussiaRussia   proprietorclothing store8491O 4251930 US Fed Census - Saco
Bertha I Polakewichwife311 Main St. abt 18874333noyesMichiganGermanyNew Hampshire   none    4251930 US Fed Census - Saco
Sara Polakewichdaughter311 Main St. abt 19273 no MaineMaineMichigan   none    4251930 US Fed Census - Saco
Arthur J Nelsonhead? Weymouth StR 30abt 18923822noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1908nasalesmanfurniture4590  42151930 US Fed Census - Saco
Freda Nelsonwife? Weymouth St abt 18943620noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1907nanone    42151930 US Fed Census - Saco
Harold B Nelsonson? Weymouth St abt 191515 yesyesCanadaRussiaRussiaRussianunnastudentpublic school   42151930 US Fed Census - Saco
Florine S Nelsondaughter? Weymouth St abt 19219 yesyesCanadaRussiaRussiaRussianunnastudentpublic school   42151930 US Fed Census - Saco
Donald Nelsonson? Weymouth St abt 19246 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   studentpublic school   42151930 US Fed Census - Saco
Leon Singermanhead41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 19052522noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaun1907namanager___ty store8691Wyes42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Fannie Singermanwife41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 19072319noyesMassachusettsRussiaRussia   none    42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Alta Singermandaughter41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 19273 no New HampshireRussiaMassachusetts   none    42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Wilfred Singermanson41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 19282 no New HampshireRussiaMassachusetts   none    42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Charles Greenhead41 ? Near weymoth, winterO 6500abt 18913925noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaJewish1902naproprietorshoe store8491Eyes42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Esther S Greenwife41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 18913925noyesMaineRussiaRussia   none    42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Herbert S Greenson41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 191911 yesyesMaineRussiaMaine   studentpublic school   42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Frederick D Greenson41 ? Near weymoth, winter abt 19219 yesyesMaineRussiaMaine   studentpublic school   42161930 US Fed Census - Saco
Israel Catlinhead37 Water St.O 5000abt 18904030noyesRussiaRussiaRussiayiddish1907nasalesmanwholesale candy4590Wyes42171930 US Fed Census - Saco
Eva G Catlinwife37 Water St. abt 18973322noyesRussiaRussiaRussiayiddish1908nanone    42171930 US Fed Census - Saco
Rusell H Catlinson37 Water St. abt 192010 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   studentpublic school   42171930 US Fed Census - Saco
Norman M Catlinson37 Water St. abt 19228 yesyesMaineRussiaRussia   studentpublic school   42171930 US Fed Census - Saco
Samuel L Rosenberghead55 Stow St.R 14abt 18904025noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1895namerchantfruit8891Wyes4581930 US Fed Census - Saco
Ethel N Rosenbergwife, homemaker55 Stow St. abt 18953520noyesRussiaRussiaRussiaRussian1912nanone    4581930 US Fed Census - Saco
Joseph Rosenbergson55 Stow St. abt 191911 yesyesMassachusettsRussiaRussia   none    4581930 US Fed Census - Saco
Lillian G Rosenbergdaughter55 Stow St. abt 19264 nonoMassachusettsRussiaRussia   none    4581930 US Fed Census - Saco
David E Robinsonhead41 A pleasant stO 4500abt 18963425noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1900naretail merchantclothing8991Oyes4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Sarah R Robinsonwife41 A pleasant st abt 18973322noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1904nanone    4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Helen L Robinsondaughter41 A pleasant st abt 19219 yes MaineLatviaLatvia   none    4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Stanley L Robinsonson41 A pleasant st abt 19237 yes MaineLatviaLatvia   none    4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Joe Robinsonhead41 B pleasant stO 4000abt 18715929noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1897naretail merchantclothing8491O 4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Lena Robinsonwife41 B pleasant st abt 18805019noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1900nanone    4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Samuel Robinsonson41 B pleasant st abt 190822 noyesMaineLatviaLatvia   none    4611930 US Fed Census - Saco
Samuel L Solmerhead335 Main St.O 7599abt 18814929noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1900nawholesail retailjunk etc9991Oyes4661930 US Fed Census - Saco
Leah Solmerwife335 Main St. abt 18904020noyesLatviaLatviaLatviayiddish1906nanone    4661930 US Fed Census - Saco
Ethel Solmerdaughter335 Main St. abt 191218 yesyesMaineLatviaLatvia   none    4661930 US Fed Census - Saco
Dorie Solmerdaughter335 Main St. abt 191614 yesyesMaineLatviaLatvia   none    4661930 US Fed Census - Saco
Louis Horowitzhead44 Middle St.R 23abt 18923825noyesPolandPolandPolandPolish1908namanufacturingshoes7734Oyes4671930 US Fed Census - Saco
Goldie B Horowitzwife44 Middle St. abt 18963421noyesRussiaRussiaRussiayiddish1910nanone    4671930 US Fed Census - Saco
Irving W Horowitzson44 Middle St. abt 192010 yesyesMassachusettsPolandRussia   none    4671930 US Fed Census - Saco
Helen S Horowitzdaughter44 Middle St. abt 19228 yes MainePolandRussia   none    4671930 US Fed Census - Saco
Harry Shapirohead49 spring stO 3000abt 18834724noyesLithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniayiddish1898nacollectorjunk9491Oyes46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Ida Shapirowife49 spring st abt 18874321noyesLithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniayiddish1898alnone    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Jessie Shapirodaughter49 spring st abt 190723 noyesMassachusettsLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Morris Shapiroson49 spring st abt 190921 noyesMassachusettsLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Goodall Shapiroson49 spring st abt 191119 yesyesMassachusettsLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Annie Shapirodaughter49 spring st abt 191317 yesyesMaineLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Lena Shapirodaughter49 spring st abt 191515 yesyesMaineLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Bessie Shapirodaughter49 spring st abt 191713 yesyesMaineLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Eliot Shapiroson49 spring st abt 191812 yesyesMaineLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco
Miriam Shapirodaughter49 spring st abt 19228 yes MaineLithuaniaLithuania   none    46121930 US Fed Census - Saco

Methodological notes :

This data was culled from the original U.S. census manuscripts, as found on www.ancestry.com.
Jews are understood to constitute an ethnic group of Eastern and Central European origin characterized by common names and occupational pursuits, as well as a distinctive language.
This definition lends itself well to analysis of the data preserved in census records.
Two primary methods were used to identify Jews:
1. Individuals born abroad whose mother tongue is "Yiddish," "Jewish," or "Hebrew" were automatically included in the spreadsheet, as were all members of their families.
2. For individuals born abroad whose mother tongue was another Eastern or Central European language (e.g., Russian, Polish, German), or individuals born in the U.S. with one or more parents from Eastern or Central Europe, we examined surnames, given names within a household, and occupations in light of common Jewish characteristics. This method of analysis is, of course, subject to inaccuracy, as we may have excluded Jews with uncommon names or occupations or included non-Jews whose characteristics appear Jewish. Individuals listed with the annotation "nj?" in the far right-hand column are those whose Jewish ancestry is plausible but questionable.
This method of analysis easily misses Jewish households whose members' parents were all born in the United States. In 1930 Maine, however, such households were quite rare. Special efforts were made to identify households of this nature in Portland, where they constituted less than 1% of identified Jewish households.
All members of a household containing a Jew are included in the spreadsheet, with the exception of Jewish lodgers and servants, who are listed individually. Household members who are evidently not Jewish (such as non-Jewish servants and some spouses or in-laws) are listed with the annotation "nj."
Information on place of birth
Some people replied with the name of the place when they left; others replied with the name of place when the census was taken; in other cases it just seems that it was easier for the census taker to write ‘Russia’ rather than Lithuania, Ukraine or other unfamiliar country names.
And there is another reason to be skeptical of the accuracy of the place of birth information. Immigrants from the Pale had a very justified fear of the Russian and often local governments. One way to manage this reality was to tell government representatives what they expected they wanted to hear or what they thought would bring them the least trouble. This may well explain why a number of family members, who were clearly from Eastern Europe, may have answered ‘Maine’ or ‘New York’.

Last Updated : Jan 2 , 2021

Thank you to the Colby College Maine Jewish History Project (2011) and David M. Freidenreich for the information
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