Veazie -- Mary Silver, daughter of Burton and Elizabeth Wilson, passed away Sept. 26, 2005. She was born February 28, 1918 in Prospect Harbor. Mrs. Silver was predeceased by her husband Louis Silver, a local businessman. They moved to Veazie in 1955. She was active in town affairs for more than 15 years, serving on the planning board and also the committee to build in addition, to the school, after acquiring more land. She also helped to establish a school library and served a term on the town council. Mrs. Silver served as president and was a charter member and organizer of the Veazie garden club along with Inez Swift and Edith Thaxter. She became a member of the garden federation a few years later and was president of district 2. She joined the Bangor garden club and served as its president for 2 years. Mrs. Silver was an avid gardener and in 1956 she studied and worked in flower arranging under John Bergholt and Iva Malone. She joined the Maine federation of women’s clubs in Orono and served on all the committees, finally as club president. She was elected secretary of the state federation and worked her way up through the chairs. She was elected president of the Maine Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1978-1980. While state president she served on the board of international hostesses for the general federation of Women’s Clubs. AS president she represented the state federation in Washington DC; St. Louis, Mo; Phoenix, Az; New Orleans, La. The highlight of all these was being invited to brunch at the Rose Garden at the White House, with the hostess being Rosalynn Carter. Mrs. Silver was chairman of three state conventions and 4 conferences, and as state president visited most of the clubs state wide. She was a member of Beth Abraham Synagogue and a life member of the sisterhood; a member of Center Tomans League; Hadassah Senior Citizens and b’nai birth. Surviving are her beloved son Barney Silver and his wife, Robin; two grandsons, Benjamin Wilson Silver and Jacob Nelson Silver; Two sisters; one brother; many nieces and nephews.
Thank you to Beth Abraham Cemetery Assn for the information
Organizations: Veazie Garden Club; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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