State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, March 28, 2025. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Alvin Aranovitch Aaron August 16, 1915 - 6/25/2009 BethElMemPark -- A A040-3 headstone image one -- two
     Sophie Lookofsky Aaron 1917 - 3/4/1998 BethElMemPark -- A A040-4 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Abel - Long Island, NY --
     Rose Adelman and laterTarr Abel abt 1905 - 11/04/1994 Long Island, NY --
     Esther Abelon Esther bat Meyer v. Rivka 27 Apr 1909 - 7/31/2001 BethElMemPark -- C C050-3 headstone image one
     Harry Abelon Zvi ben Meyer 17 Jan 1912 - 8/8/2002 BethElMemPark -- C C050-1 headstone image one
     Israel Abelon Yisrael ben Yehuda Meyer 7 March 1902 - 11/13/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C050-4 headstone image one
     Louise Hayes Abelon 5 May 1918 - 8/3/2004 BethElMemPark -- C C050-2 headstone image one
     Mayer / Louis Mayer / Louis Abelon Mayer bar Yisroel 1861 - 9/21/1953 Mt Sinai -- H H168-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Michael Abelon Abelon 9 April 1947 - 5/24/2005 BethElMemPark -- F F024-3 headstone image one
     Rebecca "Becca" Gold Abelon Rivkah bat R. Yitzchak 1869 - 5/13/1950 Mt Sinai -- H H168-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph A Abelovitz abt 1885 - 19 March 1953 Mt Sinai -- H H134-F2
     Sadie Abelovitz abt 1885 - Mt Sinai -- H H134-F2
     Alfred Abrahams Yitzchock ben Avraham 1881 - 12/14/1959 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-14 headstone image one
     Anna P Miller Abrahams 10/2/1895 - 10/6/1991 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-13 headstone image one
     Eleanor Abrahams - 12/20/2010 TempleShalomCem -- G
     Jennie / Jenny Abrahams Lippa B.R. Samuel 1888 - 3/9/1973 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-5 headstone image one
     Samuel Abrahams Sholmo Tzvi ben Dovid 8/16/1914 - 10/30/1999 TempleShalomCem -- G 484 headstone image one -- two
     Albert ("Jim") Abramson Abrahamson Abraham ben Eliezer 4 Nov 1905 - 2/24/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C021-1 headstone image one
     Esther Abrahamson Esther bat Shlomo Velvel 1882 - 6/22/1967 Mt Sinai -- J J224/J225-F2
     Fannie Abrahamson Feigeh bat Kopel - 7/13/1963 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Lazarus / Louis Abrahamson Elizer ben Moshe Tzvi abt 1873 - 5/5/1945 Mt Sinai -- J J124-S
     Moses H Abrahamson Mosheh Zvi b. Hayyim 1847 - Mt Sinai -- G G155-S headstone image one
     Philip Abrahamson Pesach ben Mosheh Tzvi abt 1930 - 11/11/1942 Mt Sinai -- G G140-F2
     Robert Abrahamson Yerachmiel ben Yisachar 1910 - 12/10/1960 Mt Sinai -- J J224/J225-F2
     Rose / Rosie Robinson Abrahamson Rasy'e bat R' Dovid 1876 - 3/18/1936 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Samuel Abrahamson Yissachar b. Mosheh Zvi 3/22/1880 - 5/29/1933 Mt Sinai -- H H37-S headstone image one
     Clara Abram Chaya bat Moshe 1865 - 17-10-1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-44 headstone image one
     Max Abram Mordechai ben Moshe 1858 - 30-04-1939 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-45 headstone image one
     Isaac Abramovitch 1838 - 3 Nov 1891 Smith St -- Main
     Louisa Abramovitch 1832 - 4/9/1907 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Abraham Issac Abrams - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-23 headstone image one
     Abraham Sol Abrams Avraham Shaul b"r Yaaqov *** 1916 - 1889 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Abram Abrams Avraham b"r Barukh Ayybrams 1877 - 1/16/1939 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Bertha Starr Abrams Bayyl'e b"r Mordechay Ayybrams - 4/13/1945 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Dora Morgousky Abrams D'vorah b"r Y'didiyah - 11/5/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Dora Morgousky Abrams D'vorah b"r Y'didiyah - 11/5/1910 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Fannie Abrams Feige bar Shalom 1861 - Mt Sinai -- H H58-S headstone image one
     Harry Abrams Tzvi Hirsch ben Kopel 1896 - 5/29/1965 Mt Sinai -- A A391-S headstone image one
     Hiram Abrams 22 Feb 1878 - 11/15/1926 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Isaac Abrams Avraham Yitzkhak b"r Y'huda Lyb 1844 - 10/15/1922 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Lewis / Louis J Abrams Aryeh Layb Yaaqov b. Shlomoh 1890 - 10/30/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F230-S headstone image one -- two
     Louis H / Lewis Abrams Ari Zvi b"r Yaaqov Qapul 1809 - 27 Aug 1889 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Max Abrams Mordechai bar Yehuda HaCohen - Mt Sinai -- G G
     Rose F Fineberg Abrams Rytzl B.R. Yaakov 7/18/1892 - 8/11/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-6 headstone image one
     Sarah R Abrams Sura Reize bas Yisrael 1858 - 10/19/1918 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-36 headstone image one
     William Abrams Dov Zev b"r Wolf b"r Avraham Yitzkhaq 12 Mar 1870 - 16 Sep 1895 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Bessie Abramson - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one
     David Abramson David ben Eliahu HaCohen - 4/7/1959 Mt Sinai -- J J210-S
     Edward Abramson - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one
     Ida D Weinstein Abramson 7/2/1901 - March 1984 Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8
     John Abramson 5/30/1909 - 9/16/1992 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 6 headstone image one
     Judith Abramson Edit bat Zissel / Y'hudis b. Zis'l 1900 - 1/5/1955 Mt Sinai -- J J162-S headstone image one
     Jules Abramson 1917 - 7/23/1982 BethElMemPark -- C C090-1 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Julius Abramson - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one
     Julius Abramson 1891 - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one
     Leah / Lea Abramson Leah bas Kopel abt 1900 - 8/5/1981 Mt Sinai -- A A391a-S headstone image one
     Lillian I Abramson Khayyah Leah b. M'nakhem 1894 - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Louis I / Lewis Abramson 1895 - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one
     Max Abramson Mordechai ben Y'hudah ha-Kohen 1861 - Mt Sinai -- G G5-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Rebecca Abramson Rivka Leah bat Avraham - 5/1/1935 Mt Sinai -- J J68-S headstone image one
     Robert Abramson - Mt Sinai -- J J224/J225-F2
     Ruth Nelson Abramson - 11/13/2011 BethElMemPark -- C C090-2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Abramson - 6/8/1986 BethElMemPark -- C C090-2
     Samuel Abramson - 6/8/1986 BethElMemPark -- C C090-2 headstone image one
     Ada Meltzer Abromson 31 Dec 1908 - 9/18/2000 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 5 headstone image one
     Anne A Abromson Chana bat r' yod-dalid-nun-hay 1865 - 2/7/1960 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 25 headstone image one
     Benjamin "Ben" "Bennie" Abromson Baruch ben Eliazer 4/17/1907 - Mar 29 1997 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 23 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman H Abromson 1894 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 9 Plot 6 headstone image one
     I Joel / Irving Joel Abromson 15 Aug 1938 - 1/14/2002 BethElMemPark -- C C100-1 headstone image one
     Louis A Abromson Eliazer ben Yitzchak Josef - 12/25/1947 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 26 headstone image one
     Michael Abromson 8/29/1939 - Nov 22 1993 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 2 headstone image one
     Natalie "Nettie" Supovitz Abromson Naanashee bat r' Morchechi 1909 - Oct 12 1992 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 24 headstone image one -- two
     Isaac Acker Isacc ben Zwei 1906 - 4/6/1930 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-31 headstone image one
     Ida Shear Ackerman abt 1904 - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Issac Ackerman Yitzkhaq Ayyzyq b"r Gershon Aqerman c. Dec 15, 1897 - May 8, 1933 Mt Carmel -- Main 66 headstone image one
     Leize Ber / Louis Ackerman Eliezer David ben Rav Gershon c. Sep 15, 1890 - 9/26/1981 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     M Ackerman - Mt Carmel -- Main 37
     Raisel / Rose Glazier / Gloss Ackerman Rayzyl b. Yaaqov Yhudah 1861 c - 3/26/1927 Mt Carmel -- Main 38 headstone image one
     [infant] Ackerman - 12/11/1926 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Ida Adams - 2/2/1971 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-12 headstone image one -- two
     Raphael A / Ralph Adams Raphael ben Zwei Hirsch - 2/1/1967 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-13
     David M Adelman - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-12 headstone image one
     Gertrude C Adelman Sheine Gittel bas Chayim 6/29/1910 - 6/6/1949 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-5 headstone image one -- two
     Gloria Adelman Leah bat Avroham - 1/3/2010 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-5 headstone image one
     Hiram Adelman Chaim ben Yoel Zusye 3/23/1879 - 9/24/1951 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-5
     Katherine / Catherine "Kate" Goldsmith Adelman Kranie bas David 2/15/1887 - 2/15/1963 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-6
     Mary Shure Adelman ?????? Bas Yisrael 6/22/1914 - 9/30/2001 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- H H-14
     Neal M Adelman - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-19 headstone image one
     Yale D Adelman Yoel Ben Chaim 6/12/1914 - 5/19/1998 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- H H-15
     J Adlemont - 8/7/1915 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-42 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Adler Tsvi Hersh ben Sharga 27 Mar 1882 - 26 Dec 1941 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 255a2 headstone image one
     Rose Lewina Adler Rashe bat Alihu HaLevi 17 Sep 1879 - 1 Aug 1961 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 255a1
     Annabel / Anna Belle Agger Sarah Chana bat Avraham 1924 - 11-Dec-74 Mt Sinai -- J J7-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Arthur Agger Yosef Zvi ben Chaim 2 April 1898 - 24 March 1970 Mt Sinai -- A A320-S headstone image one
     Fannie Agger abt 1875 - 10 Sept 1948 Mt Sinai -- H H91-F2 headstone image one
     Harry Agger abt 1909 - 26 Dec 1970 Mt Sinai -- A A325/A325a-F2 headstone image one
     Jacob / Jake / Jack Agger Yaakov ben Shmuel Asher 1908 - 2/28/1977 Mt Sinai -- J J7-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Agger Eliezer b. Ziv'l abt 1902 - Mt Sinai -- H H22-S headstone image one
     Molly / Mollie Agger Malka bat R Zimel (?). abt 1900 - 1/14/1972 Mt Sinai -- A A325/A325a-F2 headstone image one
     Robert Agger 1910 - 9/30/1966 Mt Sinai -- G G234-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Rose G Groshouse Agger Rachel bat Yossef ca 1872 - 4/19/1947 Mt Sinai -- J J7-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel J Agger Yisrael Shmuel ben Asher HaLevi 8/1873 - 7/22/1932 Mt Sinai -- J J7-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Saul Agger Shaul b. Zysel 19 April 1892 - 10 Aug 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H26-F2 headstone image one
     Zissel / Zesel Agger 4/1/1869 - 1/7/1935 Mt Sinai -- J J51-S headstone image one
     Hennie / Henny Ahrens - 3 Feb 1980 Mt Sinai -- A A389-D headstone image one
     William Ahrens - 3/11/1964 Mt Sinai -- A A389-D headstone image one
     Russe Akerman - Mt Sinai -- G G248-S
     Samuel Akron 1900 - 4/3/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Isaiah William Albair Y'shuah ben Avivel 6 August 2007 - 1/4/2008 BethElMemPark -- G G011-3 headstone image one
     Stephen B. (Steve) Alberg Shlomo Yitzchak ben Boruch 7/20/1941 - 09/24/2016 Beth El Memorial Park --
     Adelaide Constance Albert 1913 - 28 Mar 1913 Smith St -- Main
     David Albert David b"m Shneur Pynkhas Albert 1847 - 10/18/1922 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Esther Mack Albert 3/9/1910 - 1/3/2004 BethElMemPark -- C C041-2 headstone image one -- two
     Herman / Hermon Albert 1/5/1889 - 10/24/1965 BethElMemPark -- C C041-1 headstone image one -- two
     Hia Albert 1865 - 31 Jan 1892 Smith St -- Main
     James Albert or Alberts Albert Zalman ben David 1887 - 9/14/1970 BethElMemPark -- C C051-1 headstone image one
     Rose Albert Rayzel bat R' Yisrael Simkhah Albert 1866 - 1/10/1916 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rose Kopkind Albert 1867 - 4/19/1929 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-47 headstone image one -- two
Albert or Alberts
     Pauline / Paulina Albert or Alberts Peasha Chana bat Moshe - 5/2/1945 Mt Sinai -- F F63-S headstone image one
     Edward I Albling Yitzchak Izik ben Pesach abt 1914 - 3/12/1972 Mt Sinai -- F F246/F247/F264/F265-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Fannie / Fanny Albling Faigel bat Gadliahu 1890 - 7/7/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F246/F247/F264/F265-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Louis Albling abt 1861 - May 14, 1924 Mt Sinai -- G G340-F3
     Percy Albling Paseach ben Chayim Leib 1889 - 12/9/1974 Mt Sinai -- F F246/F247/F264/F265-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Rebecca Albling abt 1865 - Dec 19, 1921 Mt Sinai -- G G340-F3
     Theodore "Ted" Alfond About 1945 - Mt Sinai -- G G322-F8
     Adelle C Allen Hodas Tcheve B.R. Avram Alter 9/25/1906 - 8/19/1980 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- K K-15
     Arthur A Allen Avram Alter ben Ezriel Zemke abt 1886 - 8/15/1958 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-18 headstone image one
     Edward L Allen Ezrael Lemel B.R. Mordecar Zev 5/14/1911 - 11/29/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-17 headstone image one
     Elizabeth Klein Allen Leah B.R. Yakov 1/14/1886 - 1/26/1978 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-17 headstone image one
     Florence B Markow Allen … bat Aaron 3/17/1909 - 5/14/2000 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-16 headstone image one
     Harry Allen Hirsch ben Ezriel Zemke abt 1894 - 12/30/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-18 headstone image one
     Henry Allen H'Chasan Chanina B.R. Ezriel Lemuel abt 1889 - 3/10/1910 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-31 headstone image one -- two
     Julia Rosen Allen Yehadis B.R. Zeiv Allen abt 1859 - 3/4/1920 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-32 headstone image one -- two
     Lemuel Lemke Allen Ezriel Lemuel B.R. Chiya 5 May 1868 - 11/30/1900 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-30 headstone image one -- two
     Max William Allen 1884 - 1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-24 headstone image one
     Minnie William Allen Minka bas Ezriel Zemke abt 1889 - 4/24/1975 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-18 headstone image one
     Eva Aller 1894 - 12/11/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C078-1 headstone image one
     Rose Alper - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-17
     Ida Ginsberg Alperin Chana …. bas R'Nachman abt 1865 - 8/18/1918 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 9 headstone image one
     Israel ALPERN Alpern Israel ben Moshe Yizchak 25 Nov 1905 - 11 April 1993 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- headstone image one -- two
     Louis Abraham / Lewis Alpern 1902 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 9 Plot 7 headstone image one
     MORRIS I Alpern Moshe Tevk ben Meyerim abt 1874 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 21 headstone image one
     SADIE M Meltzer Alpern Shafra bat Yitzchak Tevk abt 1876 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 22 headstone image one
     Fannie Alperowitz Fayga Iyta bat Shmuel Alparavytz 1889 - 1902 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Simon Alperowitz 1868 - 28 Sept 1891 Smith St -- Main
     Alec / Alix Alpert 12/4/1886 - 8/27/1902 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bessie Fine Alpert Bassheva bat Shimon abt 1882 - 5/28/1938 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-27 headstone image one
     Betty S Solomon Alpert 2/13/1911 - 11/21/1969 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-1 headstone image one
     Dorothy G "Dora" Gurewitz Alpert D'vorah bat r' Eliahu Shulma 10 Dec 1907 - 1 Feb 1991 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2 plot 3 headstone image one
     Harry Alpert March 15, 1893 - 21 Nov 1949 Mt Sinai -- J J20-F8 headstone image one
     Isaac ALPEROWICZ Alpert Yitzchok-Aizik ALPEROWICZ 12 Apr 1896 - Nov 1969 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2 plot 2 headstone image one
     Isadore Louis Alpert Yitzchak Eleazer ben Reb Isroel HaCohen 5/13/1912 - 15 Nov 1967 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- I I-1
     Isidor N / Isadore Alperowitz Alpert Yitzhak Natan ben Moshe Hakohen abt 1887 - 5/7/1950 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-13 headstone image one -- two
     Israel Alperowitz Alpert Yisrael ben Reb Moishe Ha Cohen 4/1/1914 - 9/11/1955 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-26 headstone image one
     Jacob S Alpert Yakov Shimon ben Zalman Mendel Hakohen Sept 1903 - 12/26/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-1 headstone image one
     Jean Alpert … bas r' Shumel Chayyim - TempleShalomCem -- E 372 headstone image one -- two
     Mary "Mae" Fine Alpert Miriam bat Shimon abt 1887 - 12-18-1957 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-12 headstone image one -- two
     Maurice Alpert Moishe B.R. Yisrael Ha Cohen 7/14/1910 - 12/2/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-2 headstone image one
     Max Alperowitz Alpert Zalman Mendel ben Moshe Hakohen 1869 - 1920 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-35 headstone image one -- two
     Molly Alpert Meelcha bas r' Shumel - TempleShalomCem -- E 371 headstone image one -- two
     Morris / Maurice Alpert abt 1909 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-29 headstone image one
     Rose E King Alpert Rachel b. Avraham abt 1896 - Mt Sinai -- J J20-F8 headstone image one
     Simon Alperowitz Alpert Shimshon ben Moshe Hakohen abt 1876 - 08-07-1946 Shara Tfilo --
     Benjamin R "Bennie" Alpren 8/5/1914 - 11/6/1974 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 5 Plot 7 headstone image one -- two
     Berniece L Alpren 1/25/1905 - 7/9/2002 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 5 Plot 6 headstone image one -- two
     David Alpren - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 5 Plot 5 headstone image one
     Ida Leah Alpren 4/5/1903 - 10/9/1996 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 5 Plot 9 headstone image one
     Israel ALPREN abt 1906/1907 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 6 headstone image one
     Samuel "Sammy" Alpren Shmuel 1 Aug 1900 - 6 Sep 1994 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 5 Plot 8 headstone image one
     Thelma Galkin Alpren 12/26/1939 - 3/21/2008 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 14 Plot 6 headstone image one -- two
     Fanny Koritzky Altman Hannah bat r'Aaron Yaakov abt 1865 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-30
     Jacob Altman abt 1860 - 4/25/1905 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-20 headstone image one
     Louis Altman abt 1900 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-39 headstone image one -- two
     Bernard Altshuler - 12/21/1941 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-37
     Goldie Kuvent Altwerger Gold'e b. Avraham abt 1891 - 11/1/1955 Mt Sinai -- J J182/J183-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Louis / Lewis Altwerger Aryeh Laybel b. Shalom Herysh abt 1880 - 7/12/1962 Mt Sinai -- J J182/J183-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Esther Amar Esther b. Mosheh - 13 March 1940 Mt Sinai -- H H19-S
     David Ames 10/25/1892 - 10/3/1971 Mt Sinai -- H H157-S headstone image one
     Sarah F or Sarah T Finks Ames 1872 - Mt Sinai -- H H135-S
     Annie / Hannah / Chanah Robinowitz / Robinowich Anches - 6/13/1931 Mt Sinai -- G G330-S
     Florence Anches Bluma bat Yisrael Nachum 1903 - 9/6/1985 Mt Sinai -- A A326/A326a-F2 headstone image one
     Michael L Anches Mikhel Leib ben Moseh HaCohen July 24, 1905 - 4/14/1971 Mt Sinai -- A A326/A326a-F2 headstone image one
     Morris Anches 1869 - 4/6/1946 Mt Sinai -- H H107-S headstone image one
     [Still Born Child - no first name] Anches - 10/22/1902 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Anna (Annie) Alperowitz/Cohen Anderson Hannah Pearl bat Natan Hakohen 1878 - BethIsraelCem : TBD --
     Florence Ida Rosenbloom Angelowitz - TempleShalomCem -- C 251 headstone image one
     Isaac Angelowitz - Dec 30 1972 TempleShalomCem -- C 250 headstone image one
     Nathan Arnovitz Anovitch Nachum Zvi b. Yudah Yosef - Mt Sinai -- G G60-S
     EVA CHASE ANTEN Rivka bat r' Yosef 3/23/1908 - 7/28/2006 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 32 headstone image one
     Rose Brownstein Apotheker Raize bas Shimmon 4/20/1899 - 10/15/1959 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-39
     William Apotheker 20 Sept 1903 - 8/28/1964 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-42 headstone image one -- two
     Bernard I Apotherer Barukh Yitzkhaq b"r Mosheh Meir Aptayqer - 4/15/1936 Mt Carmel -- Main 48 headstone image one
     Borach Apotherker - Mt Sinai -- G G447/G448-F2
     Fannie Apotherker - Mt Sinai -- G G447/G448-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Appel 7 April 1917 - 2/20/1986 BethElMemPark -- E E076-3 headstone image one
     Eleazer Apple Eleazer ben Raphael Ha Levi - 8/16/1922 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-37 headstone image one
     Lillian Appleton 1886 - 26 May 1971 Mt Sinai -- A A324a-S headstone image one
     Alex / Alec Aranovitch Eliyahu b. Aharon 1 Aug. 1908 - 6 June 1958 Mt Sinai -- H H369/H370/H377/H378-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Eva Aranovitch Khavan b. Aharon 15-Mar-05 - 9/3/1991 Mt Sinai -- H H371-S headstone image one -- two -- three
     Harry Aranovitch - 17 July 1977 BethElMemPark -- C C031-2
     Harry Aranowitz Aranovitch Aharon b. Zusman April 15, 1877 - 14 Dec 1966 Mt Sinai -- H H369/H370/H377/H378-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Jennie / Jenny "Zishe" Osherowitz Aranovitch Zis'l b. Eliyahu 10 Dec 1883 - 12/2/1975 Mt Sinai -- H H369/H370/H377/H378-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Ivan / Isadore Aranovitch Aranovitz Sept. 28, 1913 - 4/9/2005 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Shimke Aranowitch Shimke . . . Bat r' Yosef - Mt Sinai -- G G389-S headstone image one
     Albert Aranson 4 Jan 1913 - 12/21/1998 BethElMemPark -- E E177-2 headstone image one -- two
     Golde Rodman Aranson 22 Nov 1920 - 3/4/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E177-3 headstone image one -- two
     Emma B Bernstein Arenstam - 5/9/1971 TempleShalomCem -- F 408 headstone image one -- two
     Harry J Arenstam Zvi Herseh ben r' Anashel Dov HaLevi - 12/30/1961 TempleShalomCem -- F 407 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Arestam Arenstein Vteya bat Raphael 1902 - 05/02/1981 Mt Sinai -- F F482-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Arik abt 1883 - 1962 c Portland, Oregan --
     Bertina Wolf / Pink Arlock Tovah bat Benyamin 30-Dec-03 - 13-Dec-89 Mt Sinai -- A A319/A319a/A319b-F3 headstone image one -- two
     Ida Spitzer Arlock Chaya Rivka bat Zelig - 2/27/1953 Mt Sinai -- G G279-S
     William "Bill" Arlock Yerachmiel ben Yitzchak Izik 1889 - 4/28/1972 Mt Sinai -- A A319/A319a/A319b-F3 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Arnovitch Nakhman Zvi b. Y'hudah Yosef 1863 - 9/10/1926 Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Annie Arnowitz Annie bar Shimon the levite 1901 - Mt Sinai -- H H49-S headstone image one
     Kate Arnowitz - Mt Sinai -- G G302-S
     Moses Arnowitz Barukh Mosheh b. Y'hudah Yosef 1857 - Mt Sinai -- H H38-S headstone image one
     Robert Arnowitz Reuven ben Moshe 1882 - 9/24/1965 Mt Sinai -- A A353/A353a-F2 headstone image one
     Rose / Rosie / Rosa Arnowitz Raisel bat Moshe 1890 - 1/31/1970 Mt Sinai -- A A353/A353a-F2 headstone image one
     Hersh Aron Yosef Tzvi ben Haim 10 May 1920 - 4 March 1970 Mt Sinai -- A A320-S headstone image one
     Ilona Czeisler Aron - Mt Sinai -- A A129-S
     Marian L. Lempert Aronoff Miriam bat R' Yosef v'Ester 15 Feb 1911 - 2/09/2001 TempleShalomCem -- X headstone image one
     Marian L. Lempert Aronoff Miriam bat R' Yosef v'Ester 15 Feb 1911 - 2/09/2001 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2 plot 16 headstone image one
     Shayna Aronovitch Shayna b. Mosheh - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Gersha Isadore Aronson 27-Sep-1914 - 18-Jul-94 Mt Sinai -- A A126a
     Diane E Emple Arthur Deena bat Chayiim Zev et Havtolah Y'chcha 15-Mar-37 - 10/20/2009 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- B B-12 headstone image one
     Heidi Ashton 8 May 1956 - 11/7/2012 BethElMemPark -- F F032-2 headstone image one
     David "Dave" Astor Dovid ben Moshe Melech v' Sara Sept 26, 1919 - 12/10/2011 BethElMemPark -- B B-X1-3 headstone image one -- two
     Esta Venner Astor June 26, 1922 - 1/2/2007 BethElMemPark -- B B-X1-4 headstone image one -- two
     Mary Shible Astor Miriam Bat Shmuel Tzvi 1903 - 1/14/1974 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Nathan Meyer Astor Noach Meir ben Zalman abt 1897 - 2/12/1961 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Lee Astrowsky Leah bat Shimon 1/8/1937 - 3/2/1981 Mt Sinai -- A A175/A175a-F2
     Ida Atkins 1 Feb 1911 - 3/09/1991 BethElMemPark -- E E065-1 headstone image one
     Joan Atkins 5 April 1944 - 2/24/2001 BethElMemPark -- C C200-3 headstone image one
     Mildred Berland Auerbach Malka bat Yosef v. Chana 14 Oct 1906 - 5/1/1998 BethElMemPark -- A A068-4 headstone image one
     Bessie Averback Batya Gittel bat Yosef - 25 March 1956 Mt Sinai -- J J95-D
     Jacob "Jack" Averback - Mt Sinai -- J J204-S
     Louis Averback Eliezer ben Avraham - 10/28/1941 Mt Sinai -- J J95-D
     Samuel S Averback - Mt Sinai -- J J108-D
     Moshe Zvi Avramson Moshe Zvi HaCohen - Mt Sinai -- G G430x headstone image one
     Nathan Axelrod Natan ben Yosef 1874 - 1939 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 257c headstone image one
     Sadie Axelrod 1875 - 1942 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 257d headstone image one