State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, March 28, 2025. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Abraham / Abram Pachowsky Avraham ben Yitzchak 1885 - 12/05/1969 Mt Sinai -- A A346/A346a-F2 headstone image one
     Ida L Pachowsky Chaya Leah bat Avraham Yitzchak 1886 - 07/27/1970 Mt Sinai -- A A346/A346a-F2 headstone image one
     Maurice H "Maury" Packet 1910 - 07/19/1960 BethElMemPark -- E E079-1 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Paikowsky 1887 - 11/21/48 Mt Sinai -- F F125-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman Lewis /Herman Paikowsky 1897 - 5/31/59 Mt Sinai -- F F125-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Jennie Williams Paikowsky Cherne bat Moshe - 9/16/28 Mt Sinai -- G G243-S
     John Paikowsky Yona ben Yona HaLevi 1850 - 2/5/37 Mt Sinai -- G G114-S
     Eli / Samuel Palais Eliyahu Shlomo ben Akiva 1862 - 6/6/1931 Mt Sinai -- G G298-F2
     Gussie / Gossie Latkin Palais Nisha bat Shlomo 1864 - 1940 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Israel Palais 24 September 1914 - 25 May 1922 Mt Sinai -- G G434-S
     Joseph Palais Yosef bat Ali Sholma 15 Dec 1906 - 1 Feb 1983 Mt Sinai -- A A350/A350a-F2 headstone image one
     Rachel "Rae" Weisberg Palais Rachel bat Yitzchak 3 May 1909 - 29-Jan-95 Mt Sinai -- A A350/A350a-F2 headstone image one
     Ada Cutler Palmer 1894 - 8/15/1957 Mt Sinai -- F F429-S headstone image one
     Edward Palmer 5 Oct 1919 - 10 May 1975 Mt Sinai -- F F453/F453A-F2 headstone image one
     Morris Parger - May 27 1951 Mt Sinai -- H H165-S headstone image one
     Albert Parker 1924 - Mt Sinai -- G G407-S headstone image one
     Eugene Parker 22-Jun-27 - 4/12/1984 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- M Section: M Row: 3 Site: 40 
     Muriel Shapiro / Tabachnick Parker abt 1934 - Mt Sinai -- A A341/A341a-F2
     Goldie Parris 23 April 1908 - 5/9/2006 BethElMemPark -- E E108-4 headstone image one
     Myer "Mike" Pachowsky Parris 1907 - 02/24/1982 BethElMemPark -- E E108-3 headstone image one
     Gesza Goldszol Pasiencier Gasha bat Shmuel 15-Mar-06 - 5-Sep-92 Mt Sinai -- A A336/A336a-F2 headstone image one
     Szloma / Shloma Pasiencier Shlomo bar BenTzion 1902 - 01/09/1967 Mt Sinai -- A A336/A336a-F2 headstone image one
     Abraham I Passman Avraham Yitzchak ben Zion 3/13/1898 - 2/23/1987 Mt Sinai -- A A171/A171a-F2
     Annie Ina Grossman Passman Yenta bat HaRav Noah 1/2/1908 - 08/13/1969 Mt Sinai -- A A225/A225a-F2
     Bertha C Passman Brindel bat Hershel 7/3/1904 - 2/8/1987 Mt Sinai -- A A171/A171a-F2
     Goldie  Schreter / Passman Passman 19-Jul-22 - 10-Jul-92 Tiferet Israel, Revere, MA --
     Saul Passman Yisrael ben Zion 11/4/1908 - 11/09/1976 Mt Sinai -- A A225/A225a-F2
     Jacob Joseph Patashnick Yaakov Yosef ben Mishe Leib HaKohein - 06/19/1966 Mt Sinai -- G G288/G288a-D
     Morris Patashnick Moshe Yehuda ben Avraham Tsvi - 2 September 1931 Mt Sinai -- G G288/G288a-D
     Bessie/Rita Levee/Muskin Pates - Mt Sinai -- J J41-F4
     Dora Bertha Beitler Paul 1883 - 4/28/1905 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-9 headstone image one -- two
     Estelle F Paul Rivka bat r'Yitzchak 10/2/1923 - 9/27/1950 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-1 headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude Berger Paul Gittel Bas Leib 4/16/1909 - 5/20/2000 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-3 headstone image one
     Henry Paul Zvi Ben Yochavov 1/26/1903 - 1/30/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-4 headstone image one
     Sidney B Paul Shemul ben Y'chanun 1907 - 1/15/1971 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-2 headstone image one -- two
     Susan R Rapaport Paul - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-19
     Mollie Copenetsky Peck 1877 - 1/22/1927 Mt Carmel -- Main 13
     Sarah Peker - Mt Sinai -- G G388-S
     Ruth F Pellegren 1898 - WebsterAveCem -- Main 59 headstone image one
     Gail Burns Pelletier 1/17/1941 - 1/09/2001 BethElMemPark -- C C047-3 headstone image one
     Ella Pels 1904 - 1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-16 headstone image one
     Norbert Pels 4/25/1899 - 5/9/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-15 headstone image one
     David Scott Astrowsky Penoyer 1991 - 3/3/1991 Mt Sinai -- A A175/A175a-F2
     Annie Pepper abt 1917 - 4/14/1915 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-1? headstone image one -- two
     Barney Pepper 1888 - 3/4/1955 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 213b headstone image one
     Bertha Pepper Pepper 1913 - 6/18/1944 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 213a headstone image one -- two
     Max Pepper 1909 - 1976 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 213d headstone image one -- two
     Julius Perkitsky - April 1915 Mt Sinai -- G G165-S headstone image one -- two
     Ida S Slosberg Perlberg Iytqa b. Mordechai 8 Nov 1900 - 9 Aug 1986 Mt Sinai -- J J18-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Robert Perlberg Reuven b. Eliezer ha-Levi 22 Sep 1902 - 23 Jan 1984 Mt Sinai -- J J18A-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Dora Levi Perlin Elka bat Dovid Leib 1871 - 1/2/1950 Mt Sinai -- F F71-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Ethel Perlin abt 1910 - 17 Sept 1978 Mt Sinai -- F F56-F3 headstone image one
     Lewis / Louis Perlin Aryeh Leib ben Yitzchak haLevi 1870 - 7/10/1951 Mt Sinai -- F F71-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Richard Perlin 23 Sept 1927 - 08/18/1985 BethElMemPark -- C C030-4 headstone image one
     William Perlin 2/15/1898 - 02/15/1965 BethElMemPark -- C C030-2 headstone image one -- two
     Everett R Perlman 2/3/1928 - 8/23/2017 Mt Sinai -- A A141/A141a-F2
     Rebecca Melcher Perlman Rivka bat Eliyahu 12 Oct 1903 - 8 Dec 1988 Mt Sinai -- A A137/A137a/A138-F3
     Eli Perry 1874 - Mt Sinai -- G G24a-S
     Helen Perry - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 5
     Louis "Lou" Perry - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 6
     Avron Persky 3/22/1922 - 7/2/1993 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 3 headstone image one -- two
     Barbara Persky - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 3 plot 35A headstone image one
     Harry Persky Zvi Hersh b’ Avraham Yitzhok haLevi 7/20/1887 - Jul 19 1966 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 3 plot 34 headstone image one
     Jane Arenstam Persky Abt 1924 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 4 headstone image one
     REBECCA Persky Rivka Sarah bat r' Yehoshua Leev HaLevi 10/7/1894 - 11/3/1973 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 3 plot 35 headstone image one
     Barbara Spector Peters - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-22
     Donald Peterson - TempleShalomCem -- E 390 headstone image one
     Fridelle Cohen Peterson Freedal bas Avraham 4/14/1948 - 7/8/1999 TempleShalomCem -- E 391 headstone image one
     Ann Leah / Anna Leah / Hannah Leah Hurwitz Petlock Hannah Leah bat Avraham Yitzhak abt 1874 - 11/3/1935 Mt Sinai -- G G267-F2
     Dora Rubin Petlock Devorah bat Mendel 1900 - 01/22/1992 BethElMemPark -- C C058-2 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob "Jack" Petlock Yaakov bar Nachum Fayvel 1908 - 10/13/1946 Mt Sinai -- H H161-S headstone image one
     Louis E  Petlock Luya 1895 - 03/16/1980 BethElMemPark -- C C058-1 headstone image one -- two
     Mary R Petlock Merka bat Dovid 8/1/1908 - 06/21/1983 BethElMemPark -- A A022-3 +4 headstone image one
     Morris Petlock Moshe ben Nahum 12/6/1902 - 12/25/1985 BethElMemPark -- A A022-3 +4 headstone image one
     Nathan Franklin Petluckas Petlock Nahum Fayvel ben Mordecai abt 1872 - April 30, 1936 Mt Sinai -- G G267-F2
Pewitz ? [Hebrew not clear]
     Chanah Pewitz ? [Hebrew not clear] - 10/1/1910 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-40 headstone image one
     Chanah bat Kalman Yitzchak Pewitz ? [Hebrew not clear] - 22 May 1918 circa BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-1? headstone image one
     Machar bat Mordechai Pewitz ? [Hebrew not clear] 1887 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-43 headstone image one
     r' Aaron ben Shumel Pewitz ? [Hebrew not clear] - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-39 headstone image one
     Annie Pfeffer - Mt Sinai -- G G313-S
     Samuel Pfeffer Shmuel b. ha-Rav Y'khiel 21 June 1884 - Jan 18 1943 Mt Sinai -- H H145-S headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Pfeffer 1910 - 10/19/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel Pheffer 21 June 1884 - 18 Jan 1943 Mt Sinai -- H H145-S
Pheffer / Pfeffer
     Ethel Pheffer / Pfeffer Artel bat Sharga 1896 - Mt Sinai -- F F463-F2 headstone image one
     William PICK 15-Feb-16 - 2/13/1989 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- O Section: O Row: 5 Site: 30 
     George Pickus 1910 - 10/27/1988 BethElMemPark -- E E069-1 headstone image one
     Regina Rachel Piek 1895 - 5/23/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 10 headstone image one
     Walter Piek 1894 - 5/27/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 11 headstone image one
     Frances Golden / Frannie Golden Pilot abt 1892 - 12/1/1979 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-17
     Michael Pilot Michel ben Reb Chaim 8/26/1892 - 2/26/1966 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-16 headstone image one
     Rashe Pilot - Mt Sinai -- G G361-S
     Reuben Pilot Reuben b. Eliyahu abt 1836 - Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Reuben "Rubin/ Ruben" Pailet Pilot 1872 - May 3, 1913 Mt Sinai -- G G153-S headstone image one
     Samuel Louis Pilot 26-Jan-02 - 2/4/1948 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-5 headstone image one -- two
     Stella R Pilot Stella B.R. Pilot 1894 - June of 1918 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-5 headstone image one
     Annie / Anna Bernstein Pinansky Hannah Riva b. Dov Ber 1/14/1890 - 12/17/1973 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Arthur L "Art" Pinansky 29 Aug 1922 - 1/28/1995 BethElMemPark -- C C061-3 headstone image one
     Charles Pinansky Hayyim b. Mordechai Leeb 12/23/1921 - 04/24/1975 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Harold Pinansky Zvi b. Mordechai Leeb 2/10/1918 - 01/11/1980 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Irving Pinansky HaBocher Yitzchak Moshe ben Mordechai Leib 4 May 1916 - 31 Jan 1939 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one
     Martha S Pinansky 1901 - 2/18/1995 BethElMemPark -- C C061-2 headstone image one
     Max Louis Pinansky Mordechai Layb b. Eliezer 12/11/1887 - 4/11/1951 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Richard Pinansky 1949 - 04/07/1978 BethElMemPark -- A A017-1 +3 + 4 headstone image one
     Samuel Pinansky 27 Jan 1889 - 03/13/1966 BethElMemPark -- C C061-1 headstone image one
     William David 'Bill' Pinansky 23 Jun 1920 - 12/08/1999 BethElMemPark -- A A017-1 +3 + 4 headstone image one
     Martin Samuel Pincus - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-22
     Miriam Gertrude Denison Pink Miryam Git'l b"rk Yechezikial 1856 - 8/20/1935 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Ida Blumenthal Pinkham 15 Nov 1903 - 5/1/1996 BethElMemPark -- X
     Lillian Pinsky - Mt Sinai -- J J280-S
     Henry I Platz Chayyim Yuhudah ben r' Yvel - May 29 1951 TempleShalomCem -- C 320 headstone image one
     John A Platz 11/19/1913 - Jan 27 1980 TempleShalomCem -- C 291 headstone image one
     Mary H Platz Mareh (?) bas Avraham Yaacov - Feb 21 1955 TempleShalomCem -- C 321 headstone image one
     Abraham Heim Chaim Plawin Plavin Avraham Chayyim ben r' Mordechai 15 April 1894 - Jun 22 1966 TempleShalomCem -- E 377 headstone image one -- two
     Amy C Plavin Esthar Chaya bat Mordechai Plavin - TempleShalomCem -- F 414 headstone image one
     Doreen H Plavin Raizel bat Shalom 28 March 1936 - 14 January 2007 TempleShalomCem -- F 411 headstone image one
     Edith Plavin Yuhudot bat Dovid 10/20/1906 - 11/20/1994 TempleShalomCem -- F 412 headstone image one
     Ethel Ida Plavin Esther Breina bat Shumel 20 June 1902 - 20 December 1992 TempleShalomCem -- E 376 headstone image one -- two
     Eva Plavin Chaya … bas Yosef Natah (?) - 2/10/1936 TempleShalomCem -- D 345 headstone image one
     Gwenith Ingersoll Plavin Rut bat Avraham Aveenu 1 March 1911 - 10/30/1966 TempleShalomCem -- E 379 headstone image one -- two
     Jack N Plavin Yaacov ben r' Mordechai - TempleShalomCem -- F 413 headstone image one
     Leonard Newell Plavin Leizer ben Avraham 7 September 1927 - 15 April 2010 TempleShalomCem -- E 386 headstone image one
     Saul Plavin Shalom ben Mordechai 18 December 1896 - Oct 17 1957 TempleShalomCem -- E 378 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Plessett Plesset 31 May 1916 - 13 July 1959 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-9 headstone image one -- two
     Harvey B Etscovitz Plesset 8/5/1894 - 5/19/1974 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-7 headstone image one
     Lewis Plesset Y'hudah Leev ben Lev Yitzchak 8/15/1921 - 3/3/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-20 headstone image one
     Lewis "Leo" Plesset 1883 - 8/5/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-8 headstone image one
     Pearl E Plessett 21 Dec 1913 - 8/31/2000 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-21 headstone image one
     Sarah Plevin - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-43
     Doris Lane Aronson / Lane Pluznick Dinah bat Yosef 1912 - 6/19/1947 Mt Sinai -- F F28-F8
     Ellen Kaplan Pluznick Chana Rayzeh bat Binyomin Ber 26-Jan-14 - 9/1/1993 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Hyman Pluznick Chaim Benyamin ben Moshe 15 Apr 1907 - 14 May 1998 Mt Sinai -- A A188/A188a-F2
     Leah Pluznick Sasha Leah bat Mottel 7 Sept 1887 - 7/1/1974 Mt Sinai -- G G115-F2
     Morris Pluznick Moshe ben Yisrael 18 Mar 1886 - 5/10/1963 Mt Sinai -- G G115-F2
     Oscar / Oskar Pluznick Osher ben Moshe 7/8/1921 - 8/13/1986 Mt Sinai -- A A210/A210a-F2
     Selina/Selma Cohen Pluznick Sara Rivka bat Moshe v. Etta Elka 10/9/1929 - 4/7/2020 MT Sinai -- A A210/A210a-F2
     Selma Pluznick - Mt Carmel -- Main C-175
     Abraham Podolsky 9/14/1909 - 1/6/1984 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-2 headstone image one
     Anne Rappaport Podolsky 4/7/1914 - 3/9/1990 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- A A-1 headstone image one
     Gertrude E Braveman Podolsky Gittle 4/19/1905 - 7/28/1999 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-8 headstone image one
     Louis M Podolsky Leazar B.R. Nutta 12/25/1905 - 4/3/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-9 headstone image one
     Ruth Haimson Podolsky 1/31/1905 - 8/29/1976 Mt Sinai -- A A197-S
     Ann / Annie Polakewich abt 1897 / 1898 - 4 July 1979 Mt Sinai -- J J597B-F4
     David Polakewich David ben Yaakov Mordechai abt 1860/62 - 10 May 1940 Mt Sinai -- G G59-S
     Dorothy S Brown Polakewich 4/18/1905 - 5/25/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-11
     Hyman / Harman Polakewich 1868 - 12 Oct 1959 Mt Sinai -- J J597B-F4
     Jennifer / Jennie / Jenney Polakewich Shaina Ita bat Yitzchak abt 1859/60/62 - 2/11/1941 Mt Sinai -- J J42-F4 headstone image one
     Joseph Polakewich abt 1865 /69 - 22 Oct 1937 Mt Sinai -- J J47-S
     Reuben / Ruben Polakewich 1903 - 21 June 1956 Mt Sinai -- J J597B-F4
     Sara Goodkowsky Polakewich Sarah bat Hayyim HaCohen 1866 - 05-10-1909 Mt Sinai -- G G414-S headstone image one
     Sarah Goodkowsky Polakewich abt 1866 - 05-10-1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Sprincy / Sprince / Edith Maretski / Polakuvien Polakewich 1868 - 25 Feb 1960 Mt Sinai -- J J597B-F4
     Samuel R Polakewich Polakewicz (yisroel) Shmuel ben Rebel Leazer 3/7/1904 - 12/28/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-10
     William Polakowitch 1910 - 2/18/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     [Hebrew Name on headstone] Polakowitz - Mt Sinai -- J J42-F4 headstone image one
Polakowitz or Polakewich
     Jennifer / Jennie Polakowitz or Polakewich 1859 - 2/11/1941 Mt Sinai -- J J42-F4 headstone image one
     Anna Dietrich Polansky Chana bat Moshe 1911 - 3/16/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E037-4 headstone image one -- two
     Philip Polansky Lipe ben Saul haLevi 1909 - 3/06/1979 BethElMemPark -- E E038-1 headstone image one -- two
     Sheldon Polansky 11 July 1936 - 6/19/1998 BethElMemPark -- E E037-1 headstone image one
     Harris Polise r' Aaron b Yitzchak Zvi 1864 - 4/29/1945 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 26 headstone image one
     Manuel Polise Maagdall ben Aaron 4 Feb 1897 - 4/8/1949 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 28 headstone image one
     Yette Polise Chanah Ataah b r'Yitzchak 1865 - 1936 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 26 headstone image one
     Camilla Emery Polisner Ruth bat Avraham v. Sarah 07/07/1918 - 11/03/2016 Beth El Memorial Park --
     Saul R Polisner Zelig ben Aharon 1908 - 10/15/1985 BethElMemPark -- E E043-5 headstone image one -- two
     Morris / Maurice Pollack Moishe-Yudah b r' Dovid HaCohen 1865 - OwlsHeadCem -- Main 3 headstone image one -- two
     Annabelle Shur Pollard 1914 - 10/4/1947 Mt Sinai -- F F1-F4 headstone image one
     Henry Polanski Pollard 10/7/1913 - 9/3/03 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bertha Shiffren Pollock . . . Bas r'Yosef Nachman 1 Jan 1864 - 5/4/1930 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 1 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Pollock Yosef-Nachman b r'Moishe-Yudaah 1892 - 1916 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 2 headstone image one -- two
     Morris / Maurice Pollock 1868 - 10/24/1916 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 3
     Sylvia Polsky - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-14
     Bella Popkin . . . Bat r' Yaacov abt 1870 - 16 Nov 1947 Mt Sinai -- G G183-S headstone image one -- two
     Celia Popkin Sima bat R Elihu 1900 - 05/16/1984 Mt Sinai -- A A322/A332a-F2 headstone image one
     Harry A Popkin September 2 1891 - March 4 1956 Mt Sinai -- H H181-S headstone image one -- two
     Jacob / Jack Yacov ben Shumel Popkin Yaakov bar Shmuel 1900 - 10/21/1985 Mt Sinai -- A A322/A332a-F2 headstone image one
     Samuel Popkin Shmuel ben Dov Yosef - 8/20/1928 Mt Sinai -- G G11-S
     Bessie Porter 1884 - 9/30/1972 BethElMemPark -- C C067-1 headstone image one
     Abraham Posner 7/18/1903 - 01/07/1979 Mt Sinai -- A A176/A176a-F2
     Eli Posner Yehoshua ben Yosef 25 Sept 1901 - 03/22/1971 Mt Sinai -- A A383/A383a-F2 headstone image one
     Minneola "Minnie" Posner Minna bat Michael 10 June 1897 - 28 April 1990 Mt Sinai -- A A383/A383a-F2 headstone image one
     Sarah Posner 1908 - 07/09/1976 Mt Sinai -- A A357a headstone image one
     Leo Potolsky Lazer ben Yitzchak - 7/24/1966 Mt Sinai -- A A378/A378a-F2 headstone image one
     Regina Goldfine Potolsky Rivka bat Avraham Yitzchak 15-Jun-05 - 05/01/1994 Mt Sinai -- A A378/A378a-F2 headstone image one
     Arnold Potter 15 Feb 1917 - 18 Jan 2005 Mt Sinai -- G G221-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy Elowitch Potter 23 Oct 1921 - 2/2/2008 BethElMemPark -- C C055-4 headstone image one
     Esther Spitzer Potter 20 June 1880 - 14 Dec 1970 Mt Sinai -- G G221-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Gladys Cohen Potter August 5, 1916 - May 23, 2000 Sharon Memorial Park, Sharon, MA -- Section 29A
     Harold Jerome Potter Aaron Y'hudah ben Yaacov Hacohen July 28, 1914 - 1/17/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F293-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Harry Hillel Plostchuk Potter Hillel ben Yechiel Michael HaCohen 8 Aug 1877 - 12 Nov 1947 Mt Sinai -- G G221-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Jacob Ploshchok (Ploshchuk) Potter Yaakov ben Yechiel Michael HaCohen January 18, 1885 - 1/31/1957 Mt Sinai -- F F93-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Katherine Epstein Potter . . . Bat r' Baruch Mordechai June 6 1894 - 1/08/1973 Mt Sinai -- F F93-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Libbie / Lillian Potter - Mt Sinai -- F F293-F8
     Lillian S "Libby" Goodman Potter Leba Sarah bat Reuvan Nov 1910 - 10/13/1962 Mt Sinai -- F F93-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Newell Leonard Potter Natan Lazar ben Yaakov haLevi July 18, 1913 - 7/19/2004 BethElMemPark -- C C045-1 headstone image one
     Sadie Potter August 23, 1909 - 9/21/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Violet Esther Isenberg Potter Circa 1848 - 9/28/1921 Chevra Kadusha, Woburn, MA --
     Yoland P Potter 20 Dec 1920 - 1/6/2007 BethElMemPark -- C C055-3 headstone image one
     [Un-named Female Infact] Potter - 2/23/1903 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Annie Povich 4/30/1899 - 6/21/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-19 headstone image one
     Celia Povich Sima bat Natan 13 March 1896 - 3/22/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Donald Mayer "Donnie" Povich Daniel Meir ben Moshe Shmuel abt 1927 - June 10, 2001 Mt Sinai -- J J472/J473-D
     Esther F Glazier Povich 1869 - 5/19/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-13 headstone image one -- two
     Eva Povich Riva bat Natan 8 Oct 1889 - 11 Jan 1951 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Goldie Povich Golda bat Natan 15 June 1894 - 7/17/1980 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Helen S Seplin Povich 3/15/1918 - 3/17/2001 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-15 headstone image one
     Janice Goldstein Povich abt 1929.2 - Mt Sinai -- J J472/J473-D
     Julius "Jay" Povich Yehudah Yaakov ben Natan 22 Feb 1901 - December 30, 1964 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Michael Povich 8/26/1892 - 5/19/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-14 headstone image one -- two
     Morris E "Matie" Povich Moshe ben Natan 10 Dec 1898 - 13 Sept 1936 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Morris S / Maurice S Povich Moshe Shmuel ben Aryeh Leib 26 Sept 1886 - 01/11/1981 Mt Sinai -- F F27-F8
     Nathan Povich Natan ben Shavat 16 June 1867 - 16 June 1931 Mt Sinai -- G G18-F2
     Rebecca Povich - Mt Sinai -- G G308-S
     Rosa / Rose Arlovich Povich 1871 - 3/9/1944 Mt Sinai -- G G18-F2
     Samuel "Sam" Povich Shmuel bar Aharon Povich 1892 - 9/7/1954 Mt Sinai -- H H172-D headstone image one -- two
     Shirley P Povich 5/24/1909 - 5/23/1981 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-16 headstone image one
     Simon Povich Shevah ben Moshe 1836 - October 3, 1921 Mt Sinai -- G G101-S
     Sophie S Weinstein Povich Sasiatov bat Zvi Hirsh Povich 8/11/1898 - 06/12/1987 Mt Sinai -- H H172-D headstone image one -- two
     Joe Pozen - Mt Sinai -- F F166A-S
     Joseph Pozin 2/1/1888 - Mt Sinai -- H H166A-S headstone image one
     Iona A Berenson Prawer Haika bat Avraham v. Celia 7/15/1905 - 1/07/2003 BethElMemPark -- C C046-2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" Prawer Shlomo ben Avraham haLevi 1/18/1903 - 1/26/1985 Mt Sinai -- J C46-1 headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Prawer - 1/26/1985 BethElMemPark -- C C046-1
     Abraham Press 1905 - 11/7/1906 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Julius Press Eliahu ben Natan December 1871 - 18 Feb 1926 Mt Sinai -- G G57-S
     Nathan Press 1850 - 4/16/1910 Mt Sinai -- G G157-S
     Peter Press 1908 - 10/14/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Jennie G Price - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main
     Jennie H Price 1 Oct 1900 - 7 June 1979 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main 20 headstone image one
     Rebecca Price 1882 - 6/28/1930 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-38
     Samuel "Sam" Price 1892 - 12/10/1954 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-35 headstone image one -- two
     Anna B Brownstone Prilutsky 1901 - 12/22/1988 Mt Sinai -- J J393/J394-F2
     Morris L Prilutsky 1/8/1914 - 11/3/1939 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-29 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Prilutsky 1904 - Mt Sinai -- J J393/J394-F2
     Rachel Prilutsky - 1/23/1949 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-28 headstone image one -- two
     Louis "Louie" Packer / Pecker Prolman 12/17/1904 - 9/27/1984 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 4 headstone image one
     Pauline M "Polly" Merson Prolman 7/25/1905 - 10/8/1963 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 3 headstone image one
     Doris C Pullman abt 1927 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-47 headstone image one
     Hattie Pullman Chana bat r'Abba Elizar abt 1895 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-48 headstone image one
     Joseph Pullman 1890 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-46 headstone image one
     Alfred I Punsky 14 May 1920 - 18 June 1971 Mt Sinai -- A A366/A367-F4 headstone image one
     Charles E  Punsky Betzalel ben Meir Yaakov 30 May 1895 - 6 June 1980 Mt Sinai -- A A347/A347a-F2 headstone image one
     Esther Punsky Esther bat Ya'akov Shalom abt 1861 - 9/30/1929 Mt Sinai -- G G255-S
     Goldie Lewis Punsky Gelda bat rav Mosha 24 Sept 1896 - 17 June 1975 Mt Sinai -- A A347/A347a-F2 headstone image one
     Helen Langavin Punsky 10-May-28 - 12-Apr-94 BethElMemPark -- E E085-2 headstone image one -- two
     Melvin Punsky 1931 - 09/16/1988 BethElMemPark -- E E085-1 headstone image one -- two
     Meyer J / Myer Punsky Meir Ya'akov ben Hillel Punsky 1867 - 16 July 1925 Mt Sinai -- G G53-S
     Myer Joseph Punsky 11/1/1927 - 15 May 2006 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Rose Israelson Punsky Rachel bat Shumel OR Rachel bat Yitzchak 1897 - 7 Jan 1986 Mt Sinai -- A A366/A367-F4 headstone image one
     Samuel Punsky Shalom Zalman ben Meyer Yitzchak - 12/06/1981 Mt Sinai -- F F417b/F417c-F2 headstone image one
     Samuel Punsky 1893 - 24 Jul 1897 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Sarah Punsky 1890 - 24 Jul 1890 Smith St -- Main
     Simon Punsky 1885 - 22 Sep 1896 Mt Sinai -- G G197-S headstone image one
     Sumner Punsky Zalman ben Zev 5/27/1925 - 5/11/2013 Mt Sinai -- A A69a
     William Punsky Ze'ev ben Yaakov Meir - 1 Feb 1969 Mt Sinai -- A A366/A367-F4 headstone image one