State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, March 28, 2025. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Frank Sabel Efraim b. Y'hudah Layb Ber Abt 1878 - 30 Sept 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H10-S headstone image one
     Abraham I Sabelman 12/18/1903 - 12/5/1986 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 13 Plot 4 headstone image one
     Jytte Sachs 1935 - 2/19/1990 BethElMemPark -- F F024-4 headstone image one
     Mollie Sack - Mt Sinai -- G G337-S
     D Anna Gourse Sacknoff 1 June 1889 - 01/29/1967 Mt Sinai -- G G86-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Edward D "Ed" Sacknoff 16 Aug 1909 - 1/6/2007 BethElMemPark -- C C081-2 headstone image one -- two
     Ethel Potter Sacknoff 30 April 1911 - 2/25/1990 BethElMemPark -- C C066-4
     Eva Mae Cohen Sacknoff Chava bat Beresh Kayen v. Devorah 23 May 1910 - 1/03/2000 BethElMemPark -- C C081-3 headstone image one
     Lillian Resnick Sacknoff - Mt Sinai -- G G276-D
     Max / Michael Sacknoff - 11/2/1933 Mt Sinai -- G G276-D
     Morris Sacknoff Mosheh b. Y'khiel Mikhel 1879 - 4/05/1943 Mt Sinai -- G G2-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Myer H Sacknoff 26 March 1902 - 3/11/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C066-3 headstone image one
     Peter Michael Sacknoff Mikhael Aharon b. Y'didiyah OR HaBocher Michael Aharon ben Yedidiah 1937 - 6/23/1947 Mt Sinai -- G G2-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Peter Michael Sacknoff Mikhael Aharon b. Y'didiyah OR HaBocher Michael Aharon ben Yedidiah 1937 - 6/23/1947 BethElMemPark -- C C081-1 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel J "Sam" Sacknoff Yehoshua ben Yechiel Michael 27 July 1884 - 2/20/1928 Mt Sinai -- G G86-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah E Sacknoff Sarah Hen'e b. Yhoshua David ha-Levi 1880 - 12/19/1941 Mt Sinai -- G G2-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Tillie Sacknoff 1862 - 11/4/1932 Smith St -- Main
     Yekhiel Sacknoff Y'khiel Mikh'l b. Meir - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     [Riva Barnoff / Liba?] Sacknoff - Mt Sinai -- section H
     Howard Burton "Howie" Sacks Chaim Ber ben Avraham DEC. 15, 1929 - 7/08/1982 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 8 headstone image one
     Jennie Stein Saef - 5-Nov-53 Mt Sinai -- J J153A-S headstone image one -- two
     Clara Sagik 25 Sept 1920 - 2/12/2008 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 171
     Goldie B Saifer** Gald'e Brakhah Sofer b"r David Zayvv'l Sho"B khosenet R' Khayyim Funkelman 1844 - Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Goldie B Weiner Saiffe 1844 - 6/19/1932 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Margaret Salaway abt 1895 - 6/29/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Dorothy Salk 1906 - 1/4/1984 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 1 headstone image one
     HYMAN D. Salk 1902 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 2 headstone image one
     Kenneth Harvey Salk Kapel Chaim ben Reuven 7 Dec 1931 - 1/04/1997 BethElMemPark -- A A051-4 headstone image one -- two
     Adrienne Hinda Saltz 12 Sept 1934 - 11/09/1973 BethElMemPark -- E E076-1 headstone image one
     Elmer Z Saltzman abt 1921 - BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-14
     Julia C or W Alperowitz/Cohen Saltzman Yehudit bat Yakov Hakohen Oct 1889 - 6/22/1986 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-4 headstone image one
     Louis E Saltzman Born in February of 1893 - 12/11/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-5 headstone image one
     Ruth Salzberg - 1/7/2007 BethElMemPark -- G G013-1
     Ruth Salzberg 1932 - 1/7/2008 BethElMemPark -- G G013-1 headstone image one
     Lillian Cohen Salzman - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 47 headstone image one -- two
     Robert Salzman 1910 - 3/12/2003 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 190a3 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Sanders July 1877 - 8/1/1956 WebsterAveCem -- Main 44 headstone image one -- two
     Rose B Frank Sanders 8 March 1883 - 8/20/1953 WebsterAveCem -- Main 45 headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy A Alman Sandler Devorah bat Avraham 1910 - 6/27/1997 BethElMemPark -- A A016-2 headstone image one
     Herbert "Herb" Sandler Chaim ben Chaim 13 June 1942 - 1/23/2006 BethElMemPark -- A A051-1 headstone image one
     Herman Sandler Chayim ben Yosef Lieb. 1906 - 3/26/1942 Mt Sinai -- F F91-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Irving Sandler Yitzchak ben Yosef Leib 6/11/1911 - 08/13/1982 BethElMemPark -- A A034-3 headstone image one -- two
     Jennie C Sandler Zepah bat r' Slomoel 1905 - 12/19/1976 Mt Sinai -- F F91-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Loretta Jolovitz Sandler Leiba bat Dov v. Sara Leah 4/12/1914 - 2/25/2010 BethElMemPark -- A A034-4 headstone image one -- two
     Louis / Lewis Sandler Yosef Leib ben Mordechai 1876 - 10/11/1943 Mt Sinai -- F F91-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Maurice L Sandler Moshe Leib ben Zundel Hersch 5/12/1908 - 04/02/1978 BethElMemPark -- A A016-1 +2 headstone image one -- two
     Rebecca Simensky Sandler Rivka bat r' Aaron 1881 - 02/16/1963 Mt Sinai -- F F91-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Tobina / Gobina Sandler 1-Mar-05 - 7-Jan-90 BethElMemPark -- A A052-4 headstone image one
Sange (sp)
     Doris Sange (sp) - 1-May-89 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Richard I Sanger r'Yitzchak ben Moshe 11/2/1882 - 9/8/1958 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-9 headstone image one
     Belle R / Bella Santosky Bayl'e Rivqah b. Paltiel 1865 - Mt Sinai -- G G227-F2 headstone image one
     Benjamin B Santosky Binyamin Ber b"r Mordechay 2 Nov 1899 - 5/25/1959 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Goldman Santosky Batyah b"r Yisrael Santatzqy 1876 - 9/18/1946 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Isaac Santosky Shlomo Yitzchok ben Shalom 8 Feb 1904 - 9/30/1973 Smith St -- Main
     Isaac S Santosky Shlomoh Yitzkhaq b"r Shalom Santatzqy 1861 - 3/22/1941 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Israel Santosky Yisrael b"r Mordechay - Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Santosky Yosef b"r Mordechay 21 Aug 1912 - 7/20/1972 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Louis Santosky Y'hudah Lyb b"r Mordechay 6 Jan 1896 - 10/04/1964 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Max Santosky Mordechay b"r Mshulam Santatzqy OR Mordecai ben Shalom 1868 - 8/24/1942 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Rebecca Santosky Rivqah bat R' Mosheh [unclear] 1843 - 4 March 1888 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Reuben Santosky Reuven b"r Mordechay 13 July 1908 - 06/27/1974 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Santosky Sarah bat Joseph - 20 June 1936 Mt Sinai -- G G202-S headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Santosky abt 1865 - Mt Sinai -- G G202
     Sarah D Santosky Sarah Dvasha bat Yosef HaLevi - 6/19/1936 Mt Sinai -- G202-S headstone image one -- two
     Sarah F Santosky 1843 - 4 March 1888 Smith St -- Main
     Simon Santosky Shalom ben Dov 1833 - 12/16/1933 Smith St -- Main
     Solomon Santosky 1839 - 1/16/1934 Smith St -- Main
     Abraham Saperia - Montvale Cemetery, Woburn, MA --
     Al / Eli Saperia Eli 1914 c - Montvale Cemetery, Woburn, MA --
     Bessie Wine Saperia 1900 - Sharon Memorial Park, Sharon, MA --
     Irving / Israel Saperia Yisrael Shumel ben Avraham Yitzchak v'Tema 1916 - 1/10/2001 Sharon Memorial Park, Sharon, MA --
     Myer Saperia Meir ben Avraham Yitzchak v'Tema 1898 c - Sharon Memorial Park, Sharon, MA --
     Tema Monchar Saperia - 1948 c Montvale Cemetery, Woburn, MA --
     Edward A Saperstein Avraham ben Meir Wolf 8 June 1902 - 27 Nov 1990 Mt Sinai -- F F94-F10
     Rose Rosenthal Saperstein Gute Rochel bat Eliyahu Chaim 7 March 1899 - 12 Oct 1988 Mt Sinai -- F F94-F10
     Anna D Sapiro 1885 - 03/13/1968 BethElMemPark -- C C016-1 + 2 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Sapiro Yaakov ben Kolman 4/28/1883 - 02/08/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C016-1 + 2 headstone image one -- two
     Machla Milman Sapoll Machla bat r' Chaim abt 1873 - 11 April 1916 Mt Sinai -- G G396-S headstone image one
     Nathan Sapoll 1872 - 2/24/1940 Mt Carmel -- Main 88 headstone image one
     Abraham Zapolsky Sapolsky Avraham Eizik ben David 15 June 1883 - Mt Sinai -- G G167-F2 headstone image one
     Jeannette / Jeanette Punsky Sapolsky - 11/31/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F417b/F417c-F2 headstone image one
     Ida Pinansky Sarlson 1929 - 10/12/2004 Mt Sinai -- J J13-F8 headstone image one
     Bernard/Barney Sass - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M2? headstone image one
     Gertrude H Hollander Sass 8/26/1914 - 6/3/1975 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-1 headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Satefand - 2/10/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     B Savage abt 1848 - 17 Nov 1910 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-37 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin "Bennie" Savage 25-Dec 1893 - 31 July 1975 Mt Sinai -- F F283/F284/F303/F304-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Doris Savage 11-Mar-03 - 1-May-89 Mt Sinai -- F F283/F284/F303/F304-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Hindah Savage - 10/28/1916 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-37 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman Louis / Hyman Lewis / Herman L Savage Hayyim Leeb b. Dov Ber Sevvitsh 15-Jul 1866 - 20-Sep 1920 Mt Sinai -- F F283/F284/F303/F304-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Sarah Rebecca Pilot Savage Sarah Rivkah b. Reuven Paylat Sevvitsh 25-July 1877 - 22-Jan 1966 Mt Sinai -- F F283/F284/F303/F304-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Frances B "Fanny" Leah Bluestein Savitt Feige Leah bas Avraham 6/14/1910 - 3/6/1978 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-18 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" J Savatsky Savitt Shalom Shackua ben Yaakov 2/6/1899 - 6/20/1953 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-19 headstone image one -- two
     Elizabeth "Betty" Tomkin Sax Leah bat Meier 7/12/1914 - 03/16/1993 BethElMemPark -- A A019-1 +2 headstone image one
     Richard Sax 3/1/1942 - 11/1/1986 BethElMemPark -- A A023-1 headstone image one
     Robert "Bob" Sax Reuven ben Gerson 7/10/1913 - 12/04/1977 BethElMemPark -- A A019-1 +2 headstone image one
     Jane Wilhelm Saxl - 2/14/2006 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one
     Joseph Saxl 1860 - 1/7/1981 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one
     Gertrude Shapero Sazin 11/17/1919 - 7/5/1996 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 231a1 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Sazin 4/7/1914 - 10/24/1980 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 75 headstone image one -- two
     Douglas Malcolm Schair 4/30/1945 - 1/27/2005 TempleShalomCem -- F 670 headstone image one
     Beatrice E Baker Schatz Bracha Etta bat Zu'el v. Shayna 10/3/1917 - 2/01/1999 BethElMemPark -- B B010-1 + 2 headstone image one
     Bernard Schatz 7 Nov 1918 - 06/18/1983 Mt Sinai -- A A104/A104a-F2
     Joseph "Joe" Schatz Yosef ben Shmuel Chaim 10/15/1915 - 05/30/1979 BethElMemPark -- B B010-1 + 2 headstone image one
     Mark David Schatz - Mt Sinai -- J J78-F4
     Sadie / Sayde Goldstein Schatz 10 Aug 1896 - 30 Dec 1984 Mt Sinai -- J J78-F8 headstone image one
     Samuel H "Sam" Schatz 10 March 1892 - 11/03/1979 Mt Sinai -- J J78-F4 headstone image one
     Philip Schelling 1861 - 12/30/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Iky Schible 1/14/1891 - 9/20/1891 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Jacob Schiebe 1866 - Mt Sinai -- F F440/F441-F2 headstone image one
     Jennie Schiebe Sep 1875 - 12/12/1964 Mt Sinai -- F F440/F441-F2 headstone image one
     Manheim Schiebe 1856 - Mt Sinai -- G G208-S headstone image one
     Mulka Sima Schiff Malkah Syma b"r Yitzkhaq - 1/31/1931 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Peasch Schilling Pesakh b. Natan Nat'e - Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Shmuel Schilling Shmuel b. Michael - Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Cyrus S "Cy" Schiro 9/8/1875 - 3/29/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-13 headstone image one -- two
     Ethel Catherine Schiro - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-6 headstone image one
     Sarah L Schiro 7/27/1881 - 4/8/1976 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-14 headstone image one -- two
     Bertha Eppinger Schlesinger 1873 - Mt Sinai -- H H130x-S
     Rose Schlesinger - 4/08/1973 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Jennie Schlosky 1903 - 11/18/1904 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Fabian S Schlumper 1901 - 01/04/1966 BethElMemPark -- E E079-3 headstone image one
     Theda Schnall 12/8/1925 - 11/15/2008 TempleShalomCem -- F 511 headstone image one
     Samuel "Sam" Schneider 4/8/1903 - 11/16/1961 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 231a2 headstone image one -- two
     Shirley Lerner Schneider 7 July 1925 - 29 June 2014 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 201
     Jack Schnitzer Yaacov ben r' Dov Bier (?) 3/16/1916 - Jun 19 1968 TempleShalomCem -- F 449 headstone image one
     Lipman Scholnick Lipman ben Yarirai 1857 - Mt Sinai -- G G81-S
     Isaac "Iky" Schoppee 14 Jan 1891 - 20 Sep 1891 Smith St -- Main
     Hermoine / Henreitta Schreiber 1871 - 02/21/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F113-D headstone image one
     Morris R Schreiber 1866 - Mt Sinai -- F F113-D headstone image one
     Merriam Schryver 1876 - 10 Aug 1876 Smith St -- Main
     Susan Trombly Schulman 5 Sept 1940 - 15 Oct 1997 Mt Sinai -- J J8-F8 headstone image one
     Anne B Simonds Schultz 15 Aug 1912 - 3/7/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E074-4 headstone image one -- two
     Baila / Minnie T Blumenthal / Drayton Schultz Mina bat Chaim haCohen - Mt Sinai -- J J98-D headstone image one
     Harry Schultz Yehuda ben Menachem Mena 4/6/1882 - 1940 Mt Sinai -- J J98-D headstone image one -- two -- three
     William "Billy" Schultz 23-Jan-11 - 7-Mar-91 BethElMemPark -- E E074-3 headstone image one -- two
     Rebecca Schuman - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Annie Schussheim Chaya bat 1890 - 18 March 1976 Mt Sinai -- A A349a headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Schwartz Avraham ben Mordechai - 11/01/1933 Mt Sinai -- G G217-F8 headstone image one
     Adam Schwartz Avraham David ben Szaya David v. Rachel 3/7/1912 - 1/16/2000 BethElMemPark -- C C013-1 headstone image one -- two
     Albert Schwartz Ava ben Yitzchak Moshe 1906 - Mt Sinai -- F F23-S
     Avis M Wilner Schwartz 4/23/1923 - Oct 31 2004 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 2 headstone image one
     Benjamin  Schwartz 6/1/1914 - 04/09/1966 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 1 headstone image one
     Betty S Schwartz 29 July 1909 - 14-July 1987 Mt Sinai -- F F186/F187-F2 headstone image one
     Carol Schwartz Kalman ben Eliezer October 11, 1905 - 06/29/1963 Mt Sinai -- J J271-S
     David Schwartz Dovid ben Shimeon - 2/1/1935 Mt Sinai -- G G216-F8
     David S Schwartz 1906 - 08/11/1960 Mt Sinai -- J J421/J422-F2
     Dora Schwartz - Mt Sinai -- A A226/A226a-F2
     Ethel / Etta / Ethel Shellings Schwartz Etel bat Natan Nateh 1880 - 4/20/1956 Mt Sinai -- J J99-D headstone image one -- two
     Frederick "Fred" Schwartz 1946 - 12/21/1990 BethElMemPark -- A A015-2 +4 headstone image one
     Harry M SCHWARTZ abt 1898 - 24 Oct 1977 Mt Sinai -- G G216-F8
     Jack Schwartz Yaakov ben Eliahu 21-Nov-22 - 13-May-95 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Jack Schwartz Yaakov ben Eliahu 21-Nov-22 - 13-May-95 Mt Carmel -- Main C-174
     John William Schwartz Yonah Zev b"r Ben-Tziyon Shvvartz - 11/3/1935 Mt Carmel -- Main 96 headstone image one
     Joseph Schwartz - 9-Dec-48 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Joseph S Schwartz Yosef Schoel b Dovid abt 1871 - 12/9/1948 Mt Sinai -- F F9-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Louis / Lewis Schwartz Eliezer ben Shmuel 9/12/1880 - 12/26/1940 Mt Sinai -- J J99-D headstone image one -- two
     Maise / Maize / Maxie M Schwartz - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 3 headstone image one
     Martha Happ Schwartz Malka bat Avraham 1884 - 07/18/1970 Mt Sinai -- J J59-F2 headstone image one
     Maynard Schwartz 5/13/1913 - Jan 17 1986 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 3 Plot 4 headstone image one
     Michael / Micael Schwartz Eliyahu ben Avrahom 1885 - 7 July 1937 Mt Sinai -- J J59-F2 headstone image one
     Mildred Brenner Schwartz 1908 - 10 March 2000 BethElMemPark -- G G001-7
     Rose Oransky / Haimson Schwartz 23-Oct-05 - 8-Aug-92 Mt Sinai -- J J421/J422-F2
     Rosie Schwartz Rachel bat Avraham - 2/3/1939 Mt Sinai -- F F9-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Schwartz 1899 - Mt Sinai -- G G100-S
     Sara B Modes Schwartz - Mt Carmel -- Main C-174
     Sarah Schwartz Chaya Sarah bat Pinchas 1855 - 10/15/1912 Mt Sinai -- G G418-S headstone image one
     Sidney Schwartz - Mt Sinai -- G G216-F8
     Stephen Schwartz - Mt Carmel -- Main C-174
     Susan Schwartz - Mt Carmel -- Main C-174
     Sylvia Schwartz 28 Dec 1947 - 5/25/2013 BethElMemPark -- G G015-2 headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Schwartz 1904 - 10/11/1904 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Andrea Joy Schwartzberg - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-17 headstone image one
     Lynn "Linda" Schwenger 14-Feb-43 - 20-Nov-95 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-19 headstone image one
     David Schwey Dovid ben Shlomo Henoch v'Sara Raizel 11/29/1902 - 20 Sept 1974 Mt Sinai -- A A206-S
     Eli Myer Schwey Eliahu ben Shlomo Yaakov 1863 - 4/3/1936 Mt Sinai -- J J53-S headstone image one
     Esther L Schwey Esther Leah bat Moshe - 12/31/1946 Mt Sinai -- J J122-S
     Henry Schwey - Mt Sinai -- A A207/A207a-F2
     Henry S Schwey 7/10/1900 - 10/29/1998 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Issac Schwey Yitzchak Zelig ben Shimeon Yaakov 1868 - 9/21/1944 Mt Sinai -- J J89-D headstone image one
     Katherine "Katie" Schwey Gooteh Rasheh bat Yehudah Leib 1866 - 9/16/1942 Mt Sinai -- J J89-D headstone image one
     Sarah Rose Levine Schwey 11 July 1900 - 03/18/1993 Mt Sinai -- A A207/A207a-F2
     Benjamin "Ben" Sclair Zwei dov ben reb Getzel El Yokim Sept 1900 - 2/25/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-9 headstone image one
     Dora Irene Siegel Sclair 2 Feb 1907 - 9/14/1977 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-25? headstone image one -- two
     Getchell Sclair 1878 - 4/30/1947 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-18 headstone image one
     Jacob Sclair Yitzchak Efriiam ben r' Chayiim Dov 1885 - 4/3/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-16 headstone image one
     Kate / Tzivia Sclair abt 1900 - 4/13/1982 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- I I-9 headstone image one
     Lena A Alpert Sclair Leah bat Moshe Hakohen 1881 - 1955 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-15 headstone image one
     Lena S Sclair 1/15/1904 - 12/19/1996 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-8 headstone image one
     Moses / Morris Sclair Moseh Zvi ben Chayyim Dovid - 3/27/1941 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-18 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Sclair 25 Dec 1906 - 9/20/1980 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-24? headstone image one -- two
     Sara Mena / Sarah Sclair 1/15/1881 - 6/6/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-7 headstone image one
     Anna Sclar Hendah bat Avraham Yoel 1910 - 02/02/1973 Mt Sinai -- F F481-F4 headstone image one
     David Sclar 1885 - 07/09/1976 Mt Sinai -- F F481-F4 headstone image one
     Dora Berenson Sclar 1886 - 6 March 1974 Mt Sinai -- F F481-F4 headstone image one
     Edith Davis Sclar 14 Feb 1916 - April 20, 2007 BethElMemPark -- E E045-2 headstone image one
     Harry Sclar Hirsh ben Avraham Chaim 4/15/1887 - 10/19/1975 BethElMemPark -- C C037-1 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph G Sclar 1914 - 10/28/2001 BethElMemPark -- E E045-1 headstone image one
     Mary Robbins Sclar 12/1/1892 - 06/23/1976 BethElMemPark -- C C037-2 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Arnold Sclar Moseh ben David 12-Jul-08 - 08/26/1990 Mt Sinai -- F F481-F4 headstone image one
     Benjamin Scolnick Binyamin ben Aharon - Mt Sinai -- G G38-F2
     Gertrude Sadofsky Scolnick Gitel bat Schumel 1886 - Mt Sinai -- A A310 headstone image one
     Lipman Scolnick - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bessie Scolnik 1882 - 5/10/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 233 headstone image one
     Edward "Eddie" Scolnik 8/19/1917 - Sept. 16 2005 TempleShalomCem -- B 194 headstone image one
     Hannah Scolnik 1891 - 5/24/1905 TempleShalomCem -- A 133 headstone image one
     Joseph Scolnik 1889 - Dec 31 1939 TempleShalomCem -- A 134 headstone image one
     Julius Scolnik 1878 - Jul 20 1955 TempleShalomCem -- B 234 headstone image one
     Kalman "Karl" Scholnik Scolnik 1886 - Apr 22 1989 TempleShalomCem -- B 232 headstone image one
     Mary G Gurewitz Scolnik abt 1888 - Apr 12 1977 TempleShalomCem -- B 231 headstone image one
     Maurice / Morris Scolnik 1909 - 5/29/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 197 headstone image one
     Louis Score Eliezer ben R. Dov Ber July 1 1892 - 3 Aug 1963 Mt Sinai -- H H169-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Morris H Score Moshe Chaim Bar Eliezer Score 1924 - 10/22/1945 Mt Sinai -- H H159-S headstone image one
     Sarah / Sara Score Sarah bar R. Aharon Yaakov Nov 20 1897 - 29 Jan 1951 Mt Sinai -- H H169-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Eva D Berman Seamon Chanah Devorah bas r' Chayyim Yitzchak abt 1885 - Dec 23 1963 TempleShalomCem -- E 367 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Seamon Zvi ben r' Israel abt 1880 - Feb 27 1964 TempleShalomCem -- E 366 headstone image one -- two
     Allan S Seavey 12 Aug 1930 - 16 May 2002 Mt Sinai -- F131-S headstone image one
     Bertha Zulofsky Seavey Bayla b. Aharon Zalman 10 April 1907 - 14 March 1982 Mt Sinai -- F F143/F144-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Charles K Seavey Bezalel ben Shmuel Eser 1884 - 10/12/1963 Mt Sinai -- F F19-F2 headstone image one
     Lena Seavey Liba Mina bat Yosef Yitzchak 1883 - 10/19/1963 Mt Sinai -- F19-F2 headstone image one
     Louis Seavey Eliezer b. B'tzalel 1906 - 9/29/1980 Mt Sinai -- F F143/F144-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham  Segal 1896 - 03/27/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-11
     Alfreda D  Dennis Segal 3 Jan 1910 - 09/20/1991 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-32 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin Louis Segal Beeral Leev b r'Shumel HaLevi 1887 - 9/8/1953 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 10 headstone image one
     Celia Kotlar Segal 5/10/1915 - 9/25/2004 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 260 headstone image one -- two
     Dora Segal 8/9/1904 - 3/14/1981 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-13
     Dora D Albert Segal Devorah bat Dovid Segal 1864 - 5/4/1938 Mt Sinai -- F F64-S headstone image one
     Dora H Segal - 6/8/1935 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-33 headstone image one -- two
     Henry H Segal abt 1910 - April 6, 1999 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-31 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman A  Segal 1901 - 10/29/1963 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-12
     Izak  Segal 10/15/1904 or 8/15/1904 - 08/03/1967 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 258e headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Segal 1869 - 4/13/1948 Mt Carmel -- Main 87
     Jennie / Jenny Finkelstein Segal Shaanah Praada b r' Yudah 1885 - 10/21/1918 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 10 headstone image one
     Julia Mendelson Segal Y'hudith bat Avrahom 8/12/1896 - 10/21/1978 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-10 headstone image one
     JUSTINE Brownstone Segal 7/11/1927 - 11/19/1986 TempleShalomCem -- F 399 headstone image one
     Louis Segal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Louis Segal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Louis Segal abt 1922 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- K K-18
     Madeleine Bernstein Segal 1908 - 2000 BethElMemPark -- A A007-2 headstone image one -- two
     Maurice / Moses "Monie" Segal Moseh ben Zelman Yitachak 13 Dec 1895 - 10 June 1933 TempleShalomCem -- D 331 headstone image one -- two
     Merle Segal - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- K K-19
     Minnie Segal abt 1867 - TempleShalomCem -- D 333 headstone image one
     Mollie Segal 1907 - 2/2/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Molly Segal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Myer / Micah Segal Micah 28 Oct 1887 - 1956 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-9 headstone image one
     Rachel Segal - Mt Carmel -- Main 58
     Rose Passman Segal Ettel Raizel bat BenZion 15-May-07 - 27-Sep-92 Mt Carmel -- Main
     Sam Segal - Mt Carmel -- Main 123
     Sam (Mrs) Segal - Mt Carmel -- Main 123
     Samuel Segal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel Siegal Segal 1880 - 04/14/1972 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-34 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel S Segal 28-May-08 - 29-Jul-95 Mt Carmel -- Main
     Sarah Segal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Simon S Segal r' Zelman Yitzchak ben Meyer abt 1868 - TempleShalomCem -- D 332 headstone image one
     Vernice L / Vernon Segal abt 1922 - 5/20/1987 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- N Section: N Row: 14 Site: 19
     Vivian Seplin Segal 12/19/1924 - 9/6/1957 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49h headstone image one -- two
Segal / Seigal
     Fannie Segal / Seigal Chana Fagel bat Israel HaLevi Segal 21 Nov 1883 - 31 Dec 1948 Mt Sinai -- F F75-S headstone image one
     Rebecca Berg Segol - 10/26/1991 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 258c1
     Abraham Seigal Avraham b"r Yoel ha-Levy 1887 - Mt Carmel -- Main 47 headstone image one
     Bessie Seigal 1867 - Mt Sinai -- G G369-S
     Dorothy Gordon Seigal Devorah bat Moshe Leib 1/17/1906 - 09/11/1984 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Fannie / Feiga Seigal Fayga b"r Dov Segal 1871 - 2/10/1951 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD headstone image one
     Joel Seigal R' Yoel b"r Avraham Aryah ha-Levy Sygal 1867 - 12/29/1930 Mt Carmel -- Main 47 headstone image one
     Joseph Seigal Yosef ben Yoel HaLevi 6/15/1901 - 12/21/1984 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Louis Seigal - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Motel Seigal 1867 - 1/13/1948 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Abraham Seigel - Mt Sinai -- G G105-S
     Max M Seigel 1906 - Mt Sinai -- H H193-S
     Molly Gittelles / Siegal Seigel Malka bat David 15 March 1887 - 01/28/1975 Mt Carmel -- Main 47 headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Seigel - 28 Nov 1896 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Isador / Isidor / Isidore Seiger Shlomoh Y'khezqal Sayger OR Yisrael ben Yehezkel Shlomo January 9, 1900 - 3/12/1927 Mt Sinai -- G G217-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Mamie Schwartz Seiger Many'e b. Avraham July 25, 1877 - 02/06/1962 Mt Sinai -- G G217-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Samuel Seiger abt 1879 - Mt Sinai -- G G217-F8
     Samuel H Seiger Shlomoh Y'khezqal b. Yisrael 1878 - 8/17/1950 Mt Sinai -- G G217-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Adelina P "Peggy" Davidson / Zinn Seligman 15 March 1897 - 13 May 1972 Mt Sinai -- F F126-F16 headstone image one
     Annie P Rubin Selikofsky 1860 - Mt Sinai -- G G22-F2
     Max Selikofsky 1859 - Mt Sinai -- G G22-F2
     [First Name Not Known] Selikofsky 1897 - 1 Feb 1897 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     [First Name Not Known] Selleck - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 3 headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Selleck - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 1 headstone image one
     Benjamin SEMER Semer 1900 - 12/5/1981 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 6 headstone image one
     Max Semer M'nachum Mendel b r' Morchechi 02-07-1886 - 5/28/1967 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2 plot 23 headstone image one
     Millie / Mollie Semer Malchah bat r'Y'shihu (?) Leev HaLevi - 4/6/1962 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 2 plot 24 headstone image one
     Sylvia Semer 1918 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 5 headstone image one
     Dora Schneier Seplin - 10/3/1954 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 491 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" Seplin 8/15/1884 - 5/21/1976 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152l headstone image one -- two
     Susan Striar Serell abt 1908 - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main
     Bessie Kantofsky Serlick Basha Rachel bat Yitzchak Yaakov 1871 - Mt Sinai -- G G24-F2
     Esther Whitney Serlick Esther bat Yaakov 12/15/1897 - 5/28/1981 BethElMemPark -- C C049-4 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Serlick - Mt Sinai -- G G148-S
     Max N Serlick Mordecai Nissan ben Shlomo 10/12/1896 - 12/15/1968 BethElMemPark -- C C049-3 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Serlick 1868 - Mt Sinai -- G G24-F2
     Jacob "Jack" Serota 24 May 1915 - 20 July 1999 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-41 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Serota Elizar ben Israel 1878 - 7/27/1952 Mt Sinai -- F F53/F54-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Serota Rachel bat Yaacov 1883 - 9/13/1953 Mt Sinai -- F F53/F54-F4 headstone image one -- two
Serota / Serotta
     Charles Serota / Serotta Akiva ben Nahum 1893 - 12/11/1967 Mt Sinai -- A A337-S headstone image one
     Kaly Serota / Serotta Kailah bat Moshe David - 1/10/1924 Mt Sinai -- G G319-S
     Abraham "AJ" Serotick Avraham ben Yitzchak 12/1/1898 - 7/06/1970 BethElMemPark -- A A038-1 headstone image one
     Alice Slosberg Serotick 28 Sept 1900 - 2/17/1994 BethElMemPark -- A A038-2 headstone image one
     Evelyn S Serotick 22 Feb 1925 - 2/9/1981 BethElMemPark -- A A038-4 headstone image one -- two
     Ann Serota / Serotta Serotta - Mt Sinai -- A99a-S
     Max Serulnick M'nakhem Mend'l b"r Yaqir 1887 - 7/28/1939 Mt Carmel -- Main 67 headstone image one
     Sadie B Kirshner Serulnick Shana Basha bat Yitzchak Eliezer - 10/16/1955 Mt Carmel -- Main 67 headstone image one
     Beatrice Marion Stone Setlin Baile Mela bat Chaim 8-Nov-19 - 9/19/1997 Mt Carmel -- Main A178 headstone image one
     Sherman Setlin Simeon ben Uri 14-Mar-20 - 6-Mar-98 Mt Carmel -- Main A178 headstone image one
     Mori Yitzchak Shachlach - Smith St -- Main
     Anna P "Annie" Cohen Shafmaster Chana Peril Bas Shimon Azel 7/22/1895 - 3/8/1981 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-9 headstone image one
     Morris H Shafmaster Moshe Nechum Ben Yehudah 8/30/1899 - 7/29/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-10 headstone image one
     Jeffrey Shafran - Mt Sinai -- A A102/A102a-F2
     Theda Jane Freedman Shafran 17-Jan-53 - 7-May-97 Mt Sinai -- A A102/A102a-F2
     David Shafter Dovid ben Shumel 20 Jan 1875 - 11/23/1956 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 38 headstone image one
     Sylvia Toby David Shafter 11 March 1916 - 10/8/1990 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 41a headstone image one
     Louis W Shainbam Lypa Vvalf b. Yitzkhaq 1/2/1917 - 12/24/1983 Mt Carmel -- Main 159 headstone image one
Shainbam / Shainblum
     Rita M Bernard Shainbam / Shainblum Rivqah b:r Barukh 18-Mar-26 - 25-Jan-89 Mt Carmel -- Main 159 headstone image one
     Anne Shainblum Hen'e b"r Yonah Zev Shaynblum - 7/24/1932 Mt Carmel -- Main 80 headstone image one
     Isaac Shainblum Yitzkhaq b"r Mosheh Aharon Shaynblum 1872 - 9/30/1939 Mt Carmel -- Main 81 headstone image one
     Annie Rachel Abrams Shalit Chana Rachel bat Yitzchak Avraham 12/24/1872 - 12/09/1966 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Bernard L / Blarridel Shalit Dov Aryeh b"r Yosef Yud'l 2/10/1869 - 1/14/1915 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     David Harold Shalit 20 June 1858 - 11/20/1927 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Etta / Etter Abrams Shalit 14 April 1865 - 6/12/1941 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Gittell / Gittle / Gitelle Golodetz/ Rappaport Shalit 1/25/1901 - 2/5/1996 BethElMemPark -- C C040-2 headstone image one -- two
     Harold Melville Shalit 11 Feb 1893 - 1/4/1953 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Mae Sokarl Shalit 18 april 1906 - 4/23/1949 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     William A Shalit 1/29/1897 - 04/09/1986 BethElMemPark -- C C040-1 headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude F Feinstein Shamis 24 Sept 1905 - 5/19/1968 BethElMemPark -- C C086-3 headstone image one
     Jacob Joshua Shapell Yaacov Y'husha 6 Sept 1983 - 7 Dec 2004 Mt Sinai -- F F466-F10 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Freda Shapero - Mt Sinai -- H H28-F2
     Nathan Shapero Nakhum b. Mordechay Marq'l 1859 - Mt Sinai -- H H28-F2 headstone image one
     Abraham Shapiro Avraham N'tah ben Nishan 5 Nov 1855 - 1949 TempleShalomCem -- B 112 headstone image one
     Abraham Srolis Shapiro Avraham ben r' Yosef 5 Nov 1855 - 04-30-1949 TempleShalomCem -- D 336 headstone image one
     Abraham  Shapiro 1910 - 01/05/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- G G-11
     Allen / Allan / Sllsn Shapiro 7/23/1916 - 11/25/1973 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 8 headstone image one
     Annie Louise Morrison Shapiro abt 1936 - --
     Barbara Faye "Babs" Goodman Shapiro Abt 1938 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 5
     C Allen Shapiro 1/15/1915 - 9/11/1925 Mt Sinai -- G G54-S
     Carol P Plavin Shapiro Channa Rifka (Beth Israel Hebrew Names List) or Sarah (headstone) 25 March 1933 - 19 March 2013 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 2
     Cecilia / Celia Shapiro Tziril bat Ben Zion 1861 - 7/14/1938 Mt Sinai -- F F21-F2
     Charlotte Shapiro - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 89
     Charlotte C  Cominsky Shapiro 1926 - 10/11/1986 TempleShalomCem -- B 28 headstone image one -- two
     Daniel H Shapiro Dan ben Hallel 6 July 1951 - 28 Jan 2005 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 13 Plot 1 headstone image one
     David Shapiro 1873 - 03/03/1963 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 2 headstone image one
     David M Shapiro 17 Feb 1912 - 25 Aug 1992 St Peters Cemetery, Lewiston, ME --
     Dina /Dinah / Diana Cohen Shapiro Chana Denah bat r' Avraham Zvi - 11/9/1947 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 2 headstone image one
     Edward Shapiro 1908 - 01/23/1966 Mt Sinai -- F F90-F12 headstone image one -- two
     Edythe Alfreda Ginsberg Shapiro … bat r'Shalom 2/4/1897 - 6/19/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-18 headstone image one
     Ernest M Shapiro 10/7/1899 - Mar 18 1983 TempleShalomCem -- B 32 headstone image one -- two
     Ester Shapiro - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 4 headstone image one
     Ethel Shapiro Ettil bat Elihu 1890 - 07/17/1972 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 2 headstone image one
     Freda M / Frida MEYER Shapiro Freedal bas Dov Beer 2/6/1906 - 7/8/1987 TempleShalomCem -- E 370 headstone image one
     Gittel Leah / Leah / Lea Shinier Shapiro N'Tal Leah bat r'Shevti 3/10/1866 - TempleShalomCem -- D 337 headstone image one -- two
     Goldie Aronson Shapiro Hena Chava bat Yitzchok 5/15/1876 - 5/3/1952 TempleShalomCem -- B 35 headstone image one -- two
     Harold Shapiro Hallal ben Dovid 26 Sept 1910 - 11 Oct 1993 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 7 headstone image one
     Harry Richard  Shapiro 1907 - 06/10/1985 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 8 headstone image one
     Hermin Erwin / Hyman Shapiro 14 July 1893 - 25 April 1958 TempleShalomCem -- F 404 headstone image one
     Howard L Shapiro Harshel Leev ben Y'chiel 11/21/1927 - 11/13/1999 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-21 headstone image one
     Ida Shapiro 1894 - 2 Feb 1894 Smith St -- Main
     Ida Shapiro 1895 - 22 Apr 1895 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Ida Shapiro SEPT. 15, 1904 - 2/14/1989 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 8 headstone image one
     Ida Mary Shapiro 1/15/1881 - 10/25/1964 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 2 headstone image one
     Ida  Shapiro 1897 - 02/14/1969 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49f headstone image one -- two
     Isadore / Isidor "Izzy" Shapiro 13 May 1909 - 25 Feb 1998 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 5 headstone image one -- two
     Isidore H / Isidor / Esidore H Shapiro abt 1898 - 5/17/1957 Mt Sinai -- J J74-F8
     Israel Shapiro Yisrael Pesach ben Yechezkel Isser 1876 - 5/13/55 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 2 headstone image one
     Jacob Joseph "JJ" Shapiro 12/7/1855 - 11/28/1956 --
     Jacob Joseph "JJ" Shapiro 12/7/1855 - 11/28/1956 TempleShalomCem -- B 34 headstone image one -- two
     JEFFREY Shapiro - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 3
     Joseph Shapiro - 5/6/1996 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 5 headstone image one
     Joseph Shapiro Yosef ben Leev - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 5 headstone image one -- two
     Lillian Klein Shapiro Esther Leah bat R' Y'hushua Aaron 1901 - 04/21/1981 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 6 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Shapiro 1901 - 06/20/1973 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 77c headstone image one -- two
     Mariette B  Shapiro Miriam bat Avraham 23 Oct 1923 - 1 March 1996 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 Section : 5-Plot 1 x 7 headstone image one -- two
     Mark H Shapiro - 12/29/1951 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 8 headstone image one
     Martel / Marks / Mark Shapiro Mordechai b. M'nasheh 24 Dec 1877 - 22 April 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H24-D headstone image one
     Matus Shapiro 15 March 1914 - 6 April 2001 Mt Sinai -- J J518-S
     Maurice Elloit / Morris Shinier Shapiro Moshe ben Avraham 17 Apr 1888 - 15 Feb 1971 TempleShalomCem -- F 405 headstone image one
     Meredith Shapiro - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 90
     Michael "Mike" Meir ben Leib Shapiro 10/21/1876 - 12/14/1964 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 1 headstone image one
     Miriam M Michaels Shapiro 5/14/1913 - 6/8/1996 TempleShalomCem -- B 31 headstone image one -- two
     Morrill / Morrell Shapiro Moshe bar Shlomo Zalman 24 June 1924 - 14 Aug 1978 Mt Sinai -- A A341/A341a-F2 headstone image one
     Morris J Shapiro - Mt Sinai -- S S
     Morris J Shapiro - --
     Moses "Moe" Shapiro Moshe ben Yosef 23 Dec 1874 - 01/14/1968 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 Section : 4-Plot 4 x 9 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Neil Michael "Mike" Shapiro - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 6 headstone image one
     Nettie Wise Shapiro 1892 - Mt Sinai -- H H196/H197-F2
     Nettie Schneider Shapiro Dec 3 1895 - 01/19/1980 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-18 headstone image one -- two
     Pauline M Shapiro 5/5/1887 - 03/28/1965 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 Section : 4-Plot 3 x 9 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Phyllis Hochmitz Shapiro - 3/14/2006 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- G G-12
     Phyllis Shapiro 8/5/1923 - 8/20/2009 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 6 headstone image one
     Rachel Shapiro - Mt Sinai -- J J74-F2
     Rosa Shapiro 1900 - 10/10/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Rosalind Elaine Shapiro 5/2/1925 - 6/23/89 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 7 headstone image one
     Rose Shapiro - Mt Sinai -- G G321-S
     Rose L Abrams Shapiro - 8/2/1927 Smith St -- Main
     Sadie B Bernstein Shapiro 17 Aug 1904 - 17 Aug 1997 Mt Sinai -- F F90-F12 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Shapiro Shlomoh Hayyim b. Eliezer 1895 - 8/23/1909 Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Samuel "Sam" Shapiro 1890 - Mt Sinai -- H H196/H197-F2
     Samuel "Sam" Shapiro 8 Mar 1908 - 4 Dec 2001 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel 'Sam' Shapiro Shumel ben Avraham 6/22/1892 - 22 July 1972 --
     Samuel 'Sam' Shapiro Shumel ben Avraham 6/22/1892 - 22 July 1972 TempleShalomCem -- E 369 headstone image one
     Samuel D Shapiro Schmuel Dovid ben Mosheh Zev 1896 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 1
     Samuel S Shapiro 1887 - 7/4/1964 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-19 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Shapiro abt 1899 - 6/18/1978 Mt Sinai -- J J74-F2
     Sarah Weiner Shapiro Sarah bat Israel abt 1895 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 Section : 4-Plot 8 x 2 headstone image one
     Sarah Shapiro 1896 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 7 headstone image one
     Sarah Shapiro MAR. 26, 1907 - 7/21/1995 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 7 headstone image one
     Sarah G Zitaner Shapiro 1/21/1892 - 5/27/1984 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- G G-10
     Sherman G Shapiro abt 1918 - 12-30-2016 TempleShalomCem -- B 29 headstone image one
     Sime Frieda Shapiro Shapiro Simme Fradel bat Yechiel - 20 January 1922 Mt Sinai -- G G342-S
     Thomas Shapiro Tnachum ben Tnachum 1859 - 1/25/1937 Mt Sinai -- F F21-F2
     William Shapiro 10/19/1891 - 9/13/1964 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-17 headstone image one
     Zelig Shapiro Zelig Eliyahu b. Mosheh Yosef - Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Hyman Louis Share 3/14/1879 - 12/26/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-15
     Isadore Charles Share 10/29/1914 - 11/24/1978 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-6 headstone image one
     Sadie Rebecca Weisberg Share 1884 - 1/21/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-14
     Evelyn Sharkoff 12-Oct-06 - 6-Aug-91 Brooklawn Memorial --
     Abraham / Abram "Abe: Shatz Avraham Yitzchak ben Yosef 1885 - 10/27/1961 Mt Sinai -- J J84-D headstone image one
     Bella Geller Shatz Beilah bat Tzvi abt 1912 - 09/03/1988 Mt Sinai -- G G331-F 8
     Fannie Shatz Fruma bat Avraham Yitzchak 6-Dec-07 - 18-Mar-92 Mt Sinai -- J J78-F4
     Joseph Shatz Yosef ben Avraham 1912 - 9/14/1967 Mt Sinai -- G G331-F 8
     Joseph Shatz - Mt Sinai -- A A178/A178a-F2
     Louis C Shatz 15-Nov-1912 - 26 Aug 1998 Mt Sinai -- A101/A101a-F2
     Rebecca Latkin Shatz Rivka Sarah bat Gershon - 1/8/1959 Mt Sinai -- G G331-F 8
     Rose Shatz Nechama Rachel bat Eliahu Shlomo 1885 - 11/06/1945 Mt Sinai -- J J84-D headstone image one
     Samuel J Shatz abt 1917 - 3/04/2002 Mt Sinai -- G G331-F 8
     Sarah E Levi Shatz Sarah bat Chaim - 06/12/1992 Mt Sinai -- A A178/A178a-F2
     Sarah Edith Levi Shatz Sara bat Chaim 4-Feb-12 - 12-Jun-92 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Sylvia N Diamond Shatz 7 Jan 1921 - 22 Sept 2007 Mt Sinai -- A101/A101a-F2
     David Isaac Shaw 9-Apr-83 - 1/08/1989 BethElMemPark -- E E103-3 headstone image one
     David Shelling David bar Pesach Shelling 12/4/1901 - 4/8/1945 Mt Sinai -- H H158-S headstone image one
     Esther G Pitkowsky Shelling Esther Gitel bat Yisrael Isser 1861 - 4/16/1941 Mt Sinai -- G G111-S
     Frank Shelling Ephraim ben Pesach 9/5/1897 - 10/30/1935 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Frank M Shelling 1897 - Mt Sinai -- G G182-S headstone image one -- two
     Hilda / N Hilda Solmer Shelling Hinda bat Aharon 1885 - 1936 Mt Sinai -- J J67-S headstone image one
     Nathan Shelling Nachum Neta ben Pesach 10/25/1884 - Mt Sinai -- A A357-S headstone image one
     P Shelling - Mt Sinai -- G G156-S
     Pauline Gitt SHELLING Pessil bat Zalman - Mt Sinai -- J J128-S
     Thelma Resnick Shenkman - Mt Sinai -- J J80-F4
     Hyman Shepard Chaim Leib ben Eliezer 6 Feb 1914 - 24 Oct 1989 Mt Sinai -- J J516-S
     Louis Shepard Eliezer ben Meir 1877 - 10-Aug-36 Mt Sinai -- H H71, H79x-F2 headstone image one
     Meyer / Myer Shepard Meir ben Eliezer 1909 - 16 June 1979 Mt Sinai -- H H302-S
     Morris I Shepard Moshe Izik ben Eliezer 1917 - 8/30/1957 Mt Sinai -- H H77-S headstone image one
     Sarah Weiner Shepard Shaineh Sarah bat Yitzchak 1882 - 18-Nov-45 Mt Sinai -- H71x-S headstone image one
     Sarah Shepard Shaineh Sarah bat Yitzchak 1882 - 11/18/1945 Mt Sinai -- H71x-S headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Sheper - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Abraham Sheper Avraham Yonah b"n Mosheh Sheper 1869 - 9/26/1934 Mt Carmel -- Main 90 headstone image one
     Ethel Louise Sheper Eta Lyba b. Avraham Yonah 6/27/1910 - 4/17/1977 Mt Carmel -- Main 91 headstone image one
     Rachel / Rachael Sheper Rakhel b. Yitzkhaq 3/16/1879 - 3/3/1979 Mt Carmel -- Main 91 headstone image one
     Harold L "Harry" Sher 1912 - 10/27/2006 BethElMemPark -- E E055-1 headstone image one -- two
     Ruth Melnekoff Sher 1913 - 8/22/1978 BethElMemPark -- E E055-2 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Sheriff Avraham Yitzchak ben Moshe 1909 - 8/30/1927 Mt Sinai -- G G61-S
     Gerald L Sheriff Yehudah Leib ben Moshe 29Jan 1921 - 3 Oct 1976 Mt Sinai -- F F89-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Goldie Sheriff Golda Bat Avraham Yitzhak - 07/24/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F89-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Lena / Leah / Lyona Mazer Sheriff Leah bat Moshe Pesach 1884 - 1/1/1927 Mt Sinai -- G G238-S
     Morris / Maurice Sheriff Mosheh ben Shalom Tzvi - 2/20/1943 Mt Sinai -- F F89-F8
     Rachael Polakowitz Sheriff Chaya Rashkah bat David 1880 - 09/30/1960 Mt Sinai -- J J42-F4 headstone image one
     Saul H Sheriff Shalom Tzvi ben Moshe - 06/17/1960 Mt Sinai -- F F89-F8 headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Sheriff 1910 - 11/9/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Harry Sherman 1897 - 12/28/1968 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-30 headstone image one
     Hattie B Bornstein Sherr - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 12 Plot 1 headstone image one
     Samuel Sherr 15 May 1895 - 1 Nov 1984 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 12 Plot 2 headstone image one
     Benjamin Shible 1904 - Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Bessie Zak Shible Pesah bat Yaakov 1878 - 2/12/1956 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Gerald Shible 5 Oct 1926 - 6/18/2002 BethElMemPark -- E E025-1 headstone image one
     Hyme / Hime Shible Chyiim Nisan bar Zvi - April 1915 Mt Sinai -- G G166-S headstone image one
     Jennie Weinstein Shible 1899 - 11/11/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E025-2A headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Shible 1891 - 09/20/1986 BethElMemPark -- E E025-2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel H Shible Shmuel Tzvi ben Shlomo 1862 - 2/6/1936 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Sonia Shible 27 May 1931 - 12/11/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E025-1A headstone image one
     [First Name Missing] Shible - Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8
     Harry SHIFFER Zvi Y'vnah ben Israel 11 May 1886 - 27 Feb 1975 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 13 headstone image one
     Leah M Shiffer 1962 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 12 headstone image one
     Leah M / Lea SHIFFER Leah Esther bat R' Moshe 4 April 1889 - 12 Aug 1974 TempleShalomCem -- X headstone image one
     Leah M / Lea SHIFFER Leah Esther bat R' Moshe 4 April 1889 - 12 Aug 1974 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 14 headstone image one
     Maurice Shiffer 2/16/1913 - 8/28/2006 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 4 headstone image one
     Morris Shiffer 1969 - 2/27/1969 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 2 Plot 11 headstone image one
     Rita Shiffer 4/17/1912 - 2/26/2000 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 5 headstone image one
     Harry Shill 1913 - 4/11/1998 BethElMemPark -- E E160-1 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Shill 1915 - 6/3/2009 BethElMemPark -- E E160-2 headstone image one -- two
     Goldeh Leah Shilling Golden Leah Bat Michael Shilling - Mt Sinai -- TBD headstone image one
     Michael Shilling Yechial Michal ben Nisan Nateh 1873 - 12/31/1916 Mt Sinai -- G G132-S
     Rose Caplan Shilling - Mt Sinai -- G G132-S
     Maurice Shindler 12/29/1913 - 1/19/2006 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 263 headstone image one -- two
     Pauline "Polly" Lavoott Shindler 9/5/1910 - 1/30/1977 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 262a headstone image one -- two
     Etta Helen Shine 1892 - 3 Feb 1892 Smith St -- Main
     Harry H Shine Hersh b"r Shlomoh Zalman 25 July 1887 - 24 Aug 1892 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rebecca Shine Rivqah b"r Shlomoh Y'Khyel 29 Mar 1881 - 20 Sep 1883 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     William M Shine Mosheh b. M'nakhem - 15 Dec 1895 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Frances Shire … bat Aser 12/7/1918 - 5/19/1974 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-3 headstone image one
     Abraham M  Shiro Avrom ben Moishe 1878 - 08/29/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-16
     Alan B Shiro Avrum Beryl B.R. Yaukov 7/26/1948 - 10/24/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-4 headstone image one
     Albert Shiro 3/12/1903 - 1/23/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-8 headstone image one
     Blanche Shiro - Mt Sinai -- G G339-S
     Cecelia Wasser Shiro 21 Aug 1894 - 9 Jan 1981 Mt Sinai -- H H130-F2
     Esther Coslov Shiro Esther bas Abba 3/15/1863 - 3/16/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-20 headstone image one -- two
     Fannie M / Franney Shiro Feige bas reb Shlomo 3/15/1886 - 5/26/1964 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-13 headstone image one
     Helen Marie Keim Shiro Chia B.R. Yisrael 12/23/1907 - 12/17/1973 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-5 headstone image one
     Ida F. Shiro 4/14/1906 - 1/28/2006 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-7 headstone image one
     James C Shiro Yakov Kapel Ben Natan 7/17/1918 - 4/11/1984 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-6 headstone image one
     Lena A / Lina Altman Shiro Tiba bas Avraham 1888 - 1956 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-15 headstone image one
     Louis Shiro 1873 - Mt Sinai -- F F22-S
     Louis J Adelson Shiro Yehuda Leib ben Yitzchok or Aryeh Leib ben Yitzchok 12 Oct 1887 - 30 Sept 1954 Mt Sinai -- H H130-F2
     Nathan Shiro Noson Note ben reb Yaakov 2/14/1880 - 6/3/1964 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-14 headstone image one
     Peter A Shiro - 9/02/2004 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- I I-2 headstone image one
     Samuel Shiro Shmuel ben Chaim Yitzchak abt 1860 - 5/6/1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-21 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Shiro - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-21 headstone image one
     Samuel H Shiro Shhomo B.R. Noseu Note 11/4/1914 - 4/14/1999 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-4 headstone image one
     Sidney W Shiro 10/21/1904 - 3/20/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-6 headstone image one
     David Shkolnik 8-May-19 - 3-Jun-97 Mt Sinai -- A90a-S
Shmeul Zvi
     [ben Avraham Dov] Shmeul Zvi Shmeul Zvi ben Avraham Dov - Mt Sinai -- G G107-S
     Chaim Nosson Shohet Chaim Nosson ben Moshe - 6/13/1921 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Etta Hannah / Etta Henna Shokhat / Shokhet Shohet Etyl b. Rav Avraham Shlomoh - 27 April 1917 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Henry Shohet 1893 - 12 Feb 1893 Smith St -- Main
     Wolfe D Shrensker Zev David b. Ozer ha-Kohen 1870 - Mt Sinai -- H H39-S headstone image one
     Wolfe D Shrensker Ze’ev David bar Ozer (?) ha-cohen Shrensker 1870 - Mt Sinai -- TBD headstone image one
     Bernard C Shriro Beryl Chain Lipman Halevi 1/10/1918 - 1/29/1989 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-21
     Jan Lee Shiro or Shriro ? Shriro Yehudis Bas Beryl Chaim 11/2/1951 - 7/16/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-10
     Shirley P Polakewich Shriro 4/11/1927 - 2/17/1999 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-20
     William Moses Shubert Moseh ben Yitzchak 5/10/1916 - 8/26/1994 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-22 headstone image one
     David Stanley Shuer - 4/4/1982 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- H H-10
     Grace Bruder Shuer - 7/15/2009 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- H H-11
     Adeline Kuslansky Shulman 1918 - 4/8/2008 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 7 headstone image one -- two
     Charles / Gdaly / Gadelia Shulman Gadliahu ben Yisrael 1880 - 03/19/1962 Mt Sinai -- J J83-D headstone image one
     David Shulman - 2/28/2006 Mt Sinai -- J J269D
     Donald A Shulman HaBocher Daniel Eliahu ben David 1946 - 07/08/1963 Mt Sinai -- J J270-S
     Fruma Karp Shulman From'e b. Shmuel 1864 - Mt Sinai -- G G226-S headstone image one
     Fruma/Fannie Levine Shulman Frumeh bat Shlomo abt. 1853 - 1/20/1925 Mt Sinai -- G G273-S
     Ida / Yoco Gavitsky Shulman Yochebed b. Mosheh Ayzik 1893 - 2 May 1980 Mt Sinai -- J J148-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Israel Shulman - 6/4/1921 Mt Sinai -- G G134-S
     Lauren Mona Finkelstein Shulman 8-Apr-55 - 8-Apr-91 BethElMemPark -- E E088-4 headstone image one
     Lena / Libby Maslansky Shulman Libeh bat Avraham Shmuel 1882 - 12/25/1943 Mt Sinai -- J J headstone image one
     Morris Shulman 1913 - 11/09/1982 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 8 headstone image one -- two
     Morton Shulman Michel Ben Labe 04/05/1926 - 01/11/2016 Beth El Memorial Park --
     Rose / Ronnee Gavitsky Shulman 1883 - 08/24/1973 Mt Sinai -- J J82-D
     Samuel / Shlamie Shulman 1877 - 4/17/1951 Mt Sinai -- J J82-D
     Sarita Bernice Lerman Shulman Sarah Beileh bat Mordechai abt 1914 - 16 Jan 2000 Mt Sinai -- J J268/J269-F2
     Saul D Shulman Sha'ul b. Lipa OR Shaul ben Lipman 1888 - 6 July 1979 Mt Sinai -- J J148-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Sidney Shulman abt 1921 - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Stewart S SHULMAN 19-Jul-19 - 6/8/2001 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- L Section: L Row: 1 Site: 158
     Albert Shuman - Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main AA23 headstone image one -- two
     Ruth Mack Shuman 13 Aug 1934 - 6/26/2006 BethElMemPark -- F F025-4 headstone image one -- two
     Ruth Shuman - 6/26/2006 BethElMemPark -- F F025-4
     Sally Silk Shuman - Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main AA24 headstone image one
     Joseph Shumer 14 Jan 1929 - 27 Aug 2002 Mt Sinai -- J JH00
     Joseph Shuper 1979 - Mt Sinai -- J TBD
     Barnett I "Barney" Shur 15 July 1905 - 05/08/1992 BethElMemPark -- C C083-1 headstone image one
     Benjamin Shur Aug 23, 1917 - Dec 29, 1939 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-11 headstone image one
     Calvin Shur 1926 - 02/09/1989 BethElMemPark -- E E052-1 headstone image one
     Clarice B Geller Shur 3 May 1915 - 11/5/2004 BethElMemPark -- C C083-2 headstone image one
     Ethel Shur 1884 - 12 Nov 1963 Mt Sinai -- F F1-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Harry L Shur 1890 - 12/14/1946 Mt Sinai -- F F42-F2 headstone image one
     Ida Rapaport Shur 1883 - 6/8/1979 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-4 headstone image one
     Jacob J Shur Yaacov ben Reuven 3/31/1910 - 05/16/1980 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-10 headstone image one
     Joseph Aaron Shur 1881 - 10/8/1946 Mt Sinai -- F F1-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Shur 12/8/1913 - 7/8/1997 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- I I-3 headstone image one
     Rose Shible Shur 25-Jan-96 - 7-Oct-89 Mt Sinai -- F F42-F2 headstone image one
     Rubin Shur 3/15/1881 - 1934x BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-22 ? headstone image one -- two
     Violet Rubin Shur abt 1909 - 02/14/1993 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-9 headstone image one
     Harry M Shwartz - 10/24/1977 Mt Sinai -- G G216-F8
     Sidney P  Shwartz - 03/15/1962 Mt Sinai -- G G216-F8
     Celia V Silverman Sibolkin Tzvia Vichna bat Haim 7-Nov-07 - 10/15/1996 Anshei Sfard, Danvers, MA --
     Anna Sibolsky 1/15/1914 - 12/4/1976 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main N1 headstone image one
     Celia / Cecelia Sibolsky abt 1877 / 79 - 7/1/1964 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-18 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Sibolsky 1887 - 1940 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-19 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Sidman Avram Late 1800's - 1944 Pride of Lynn Lynn, MA --
     Benjamin Sidman 1884 - 12/28/1907 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Tillie Rose "Tootsie" Rosenfield Sidman Tovah Raizel bat Akiva April 11, 1911 - March 1, 1991 Pride of Lynn Lynn, MA --
     William Sidman Ze'ev ben Avraham - June 10, 1995 Pride of Lynn Lynn, MA --
     [First Name Not Known] Siegal Khayah Rakhel Syg'l b"r Meir Sofer - Mt Carmel -- Main C-142 headstone image one
     Bertha Siegel abt 1894 - 10/23/1969 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 4 headstone image one
     Charlotte Shulman Siegel Shima bat Saul 10/15/1918 - 7/30/2013 Mt Sinai -- A A85/A85a-F2
     David Siegel David ben Yosef HaLevi 16 Oct 1911 - 9-Apr-92 Mt Sinai -- A A85/A85a-F2
     Esther R Siegel Ester Rivka ??? Bat R' Mordechai - 5/21/1938 TempleShalomCem --
     Esther Y Shible Siegel Esther Yentl bat Yaakov 1874 - 12/31/1945 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8 headstone image one
     Jacob Siegel abt 1885 - 11/30/1973 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 5 headstone image one
     James Howard "Jimmy" Siegel 7/17/1918 - 6/15/2008 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-26? headstone image one -- two
     Jeannette Siegel 19 Dec 1917 - 9/26/2004 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-27? headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Siegel - 12/4/1943 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-36? headstone image one
     Leah Siegel 8/26/1915 - 10/5/1966 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 1 headstone image one
     Louis Siegel Yehudah Leib ben Avraham Dov HaLevi - 9/10/1947 Mt Sinai -- J J6-F8
     Louis Siegel Esther Rivka bat r' Mordecai Halevi abt 1914 - 3/26/1969 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 1 headstone image one
     Maurice Siegel 5/13/1923 - 6/18/1999 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 8 headstone image one -- two
     Max Siegel 1882 - 22 Aug 1893 Smith St -- Main
     Rose Siegel APR. 4, 1904 - 3/16/1999 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 2 headstone image one
     Ruth Siegel 06-05-1914 - 2/8/2010 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-25? headstone image one
     Samuel 'Sam' SIEGEL 10/21/1918 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 3 headstone image one
     SYLVIA SIEGEL SEPT 19, 1918 - 3/26/2004 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 2 headstone image one
     Zelda Gopin Siegel 2/21/1879 - 8/3/1960 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-43
     [First Name Not Known] Siegel - 7 Sep 1898 Smith St -- Main
     Gerson D Silberg 1872 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-39 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Silbert Mosha ben Aaron 1882 - 18 March 1959 Mt Sinai -- F F417/F418-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Tillie Silbert 1885 - 29 Aug 1971 Mt Sinai -- F F417/F418-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Alex L / Alexander Silver Eliyahu Labe B.R. Dovid 3/4/1916 - 7/30/1993 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-15
     Barney Silver 11/10/1880 - 11/15/1955 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-46 headstone image one
     Bessie Weisberg Silver Beila bat Yitzchak 9 Jan 1906 - 10/11/1990 BethElMemPark -- C C026-1 headstone image one
     Claire "Bobbie" Williams Silver 8/22/1906 - 10/3/1980 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-48 headstone image one
     Edith L Bernstein Silver Esther Leba B.R. Mordocai 10/15/1918 - 10/15/1918 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-14
     George H Silver Yosef ben Dov 12/17/1907 - 9/24/1980 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-45 headstone image one
     Goldie Chana Silver Golda Tshorna bat Meir 1874 - 4/4/1947 Mt Sinai -- F F99-F2 headstone image one
     Harry Silver Hillel Yitzchok ben Moshe 1 January 1885 - 4/10/75 Mt Sinai -- H H231 left side
     Hyman Silver Chaim ben Meyer 11/24/1923 - 11/15/1991 BethElMemPark -- A A014-1 + 2 headstone image one -- two
     Jack Silver Yaakov Leib ben Meir Kalman 5/14/1921 - 10/11/1974 Mt Sinai -- J J213/J214-F2
     Jean Silver Shaindel bat Menachem Mendel - 7/27/1961 Mt Sinai -- J J213/J214-F2
     Leah Silver Leah Devorah Silver bat Ephraim Dov 1851 - 2/15/1927 TempleShalomCem -- A 86 headstone image one
     Louis "Louie" Silver 8/12/1912 - Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main AA14 headstone image one -- two
     Mary Elva Silver - Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main AA13 headstone image one -- two
     Milton Silver 1920 - 1/23/2007 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-47 headstone image one
     Myer K / Meyer K Silver Klaman Meir ben Shlomo abt 1896 - 4/28/1940 Mt Sinai -- J J62-D headstone image one
     Randall Silver Reuvan ben Avraham v'Sarah 4/29/1929 - 8/11/2005 TempleShalomCem -- G 491 headstone image one
     Samuel Silver Shlomo ben Yaakov Leib 1870 - 2/14/1956 Mt Sinai -- F F99-F2 headstone image one
     Samuel B Silver - 1/26/1977 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 2 headstone image one
     Sara Charlotte Cutler Silver Sara Zlata bat Dovid v.Gana 8/28/1930 - 2/02/2003 BethElMemPark -- A A014-1 + 2 headstone image one
     Sarah G Silver 1894 - 12/07/1976 Mt Sinai -- J J62-D headstone image one
     Sarah G Goldberg Silver 1/10/1899 - 1/15/1960 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-38
     [FirstNameNotKnown-One] Silver - TempleShalomCem -- A 85 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Anna Less Silverberg 1921 - 1994 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 177 headstone image one
     Irving Silverberg 1918 - 2000 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 176 headstone image one
     Florence Zallen Silverhart 1/1/1912 - 9/30/1992 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 1 headstone image one
     Jack Silverhart 8/17/1911 - 5/10/1968 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 2 headstone image one
     Ada Saltzman Silverman 1904 - check headstone - 02/02/1966 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-16 headstone image one -- two
     Alice L Silverman Alys L. b. Avraham 1886 - 02/10/1969 Mt Sinai -- H H146-F3 headstone image one
     Anna L / Annie Levinson Silverman N'khamah Liba b. Meir 1894 - 12/12/1947 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Annie Silverman Hannah b. M'shullam Fayvel abt 1892 - Mt Sinai -- F F345-S headstone image one
     Annie Machowsky Silverman Chani bat r' Arych Lev abt 1870 - 31 Mar 1942 TempleShalomCem -- B 238 headstone image one
     Annie Gertrude Silverman 1902 - 4/9/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     ARCHIE SILVERMAN Aaron b r' Sharga Fievel - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 3 plot 46 headstone image one
     Barnett / Barnet Silverman Barukh b. Yisrael Mosheh 1846 - Mt Sinai -- G G154-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Barney Silverman Barukh b. Aharon 1/17/1915 - 11 Feb 1943 Mt Sinai -- H H146-F3 headstone image one
     Baruch Silverman Baruch bar Yisrael Moshe - Mt Sinai -- G G431x headstone image one
     Beatrice (Rosenberg) SILVERMAN 02-07-1894 - 06-07-1998 Pride of Jacob Cmty, West Roxbury --
     Benjamin J Silverman Benjamin Yosef bar Sharga Fievel 1904 - 06/19/1988 TempleShalomCem -- B 199 headstone image one
     Bertha V "Betty" Silverman Bracha bat Chaim v. Esther 26 June 1914 - 1/03/2004 BethElMemPark -- E E001-5 headstone image one -- two
     Bertram H "Bert" Silverman Baruch ben Moshe 05-15-1913 - 07-13-2009 Mt Sinai -- A A189/A189a-F2
     Bessie Abrams Silverman Pesh'e b"r Avraham Sylvverman 1906 - 5/1/1935 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Betty D Visnick / Kaplan Silverman 10-Nov-07 - 1-Dec-89 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     David Silverman - Mt Carmel -- Main C-111
     David K "Buddy" Silverman Dovid ben Nachum 15 Dec 1918 - 15 March 2002 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8
     Dora Silverman abt 1889 - 1956 Mt Sinai -- F F3-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Dora Leah Pealk Silverman Devorah bat Ari Zev - 22 February 1918 Mt Sinai -- G G364-S
     Edward Silverman Yehudah ben Ze'ev 1919 - 02/21/1964 BethElMemPark -- C C008-1 + 2 + 3 headstone image one
     Elder Silverman - TempleShalomCem -- A 7 headstone image one
     Elizabeth Silverman Rachel bet Asher 28 Aug 1880 - 29 Aug 1958 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8 headstone image one
     Ernest "Red" Silverman 12/10/1907 - 4 Feb 1987 TempleShalomCem -- B 201 headstone image one
     Evelyn Setlin Silverman Avigyl bat Uri September 11, 1911 - 2 Jan 1989 Mt Sinai -- A A189/A189a-F2
     Frances Brownstone Silverman 1898 - 5/29/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 235 headstone image one
     Frieda Silverman 1915 - 12/13/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C008-1 + 2 + 3 headstone image one
     Gabriel Silverman Gabriel ben Mordechai Eliazer 20 Jan 1882 - 25 Feb 1951 Mt Sinai -- F F56-F3 headstone image one
     Goldie Silverman - Mt Carmel -- Main C-111
     Harriet Israelson Silverman Yeta b. Aryeh Layb 1898 - 9/29/1940 Mt Sinai -- H H87-S headstone image one -- two
     Harry Silverman Tzvi b. Barukh 1879 - Mt Sinai -- H H231-S headstone image one
     Harry Silverman Zvi bar Baruch 7/1/1879 - 03/01/1963 Mt Sinai -- H H146-F3 headstone image one
     Harry Silverman Aryeh Layb b"r M'nakhem Mend'l Silverman 1871 - 9/10/1909 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Harry W Silverman 1908 - 6/13/1985 BethElMemPark -- E E072-4 headstone image one
     Hattie / Ettie Edelson Silverman Etel bas Yechezikal abt 1880 - 07/09/1972 Mt Sinai -- J J110-D
     Herman Samuel Silverman 7/4/1902 - 1/6/1959 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-17 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman H Silverman 1888 - 3/21/1943 Mt Sinai -- F F3-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman H Silverman Chayim Zvi ben Nahum 30 Nov 1909 - 17 Aug 1981 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8 headstone image one
     Ida Rebecca Goldstein Silverman 1861 - 1/5/1924 Smith St -- Main
     Isaac Silverman 1884 - 11/27/1905 Smith St -- Main
     Isadore Silverman Yitshaq b"r Mordechai Eliezer 1887 - 1906 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Isadore K Silverman Tzuk Ben Nachum 9 May 1907 - 6 Nov 1999 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8 headstone image one
     Israel / Dean Silverman Yisroel ben Yaacov 30-Jul 1917 - 23-Feb 1999 Mt Sinai -- F F285/F286/F305/F306-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Silverman Yaaqov b. Mordechai Eliezer abt 1890 - 11-May 1975 Mt Sinai -- F F285/F286/F305/F306-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph D Stone Silverman Silverman 28 Jan 1910 - 3/15/2003 BethElMemPark -- E E001-4 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph M Silverman Yosef Meir Silverman 1908 - Mt Sinai -- J J140-S headstone image one
     Julius Silverman 18 March 1909 - 7 April 1985 Mt Sinai -- F F81-F3 headstone image one
     Khayyah Rachel Silverman Khayyah Rachel b. Ya'aqov Yosef 1866 - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Lena L Silverman Lyba Leah bat ha-R' Lyb 1867 - 22 March 1920 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Lillian Rapoport Silverman 8 July 1910 - 6/20/2011 BethElMemPark -- C C005-10 headstone image one
     Louis Silverman 1881 - 1/12/1959 Mt Sinai -- F F3-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Silverman - Mt Sinai -- G G348-S
     Louis A / Lewis Silverman 1899 - 5/7/1954 TempleShalomCem -- B 236 headstone image one
     Louis S Silverman 1852 - 8/14/1926 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Mandel J Silverman - Mt Sinai -- F F474-S
     Marsha Silverman - Mt Carmel -- Main C-111
     Mary Z Silverman Mirium bat Avraham 1907 - Mar 20 1995 TempleShalomCem -- B 198 headstone image one
     Maurice Silverman - Mt Sinai -- D D/s???
     Maurice / Morris Silverman Moshe bar Asher 1882 - Mt Sinai -- H H124-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Maurice L Silverman 1899 - Mt Sinai -- J J365/J366-F2 headstone image one
     Max E Silverman 19 July 1900 - 10 Aug 1986 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8 headstone image one
     Max J Silverman Minachum Minardal ben Mordechai 1888 - 4/9/1960 Mt Sinai -- F F470-S headstone image one
     Mildred/Mickie Silverman - Mt Sinai -- F F285/F286/F305/F306-F4
     Miriam Silverman 1881 - 3/30/1959 Mt Sinai -- F F3-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Morris I Silverman Yisrael Moshe ben Meshulam Feivel - 7/20/1949 Mt Sinai -- J J110-D
     Morris L  Silverman abt 1874 - 07/09/1987 BethElMemPark -- E E072-3 headstone image one
     Nathan Silverman Nachum ben Mordechi 31 July 1875 - 5/24/1949 Mt Sinai -- F F2-F8 headstone image one
     Philip Silverman abt 1860 - 8/22/1910 Mt Sinai -- D D/S2
     Philip Silverman - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Philip Silverman Phivel ben Israel Moshe abt 1855 - 8/10/1936 Mt Sinai -- G G137-S
     Philip (Mrs) Silverman - Mt Sinai -- D D/S3
     Philip / Phillip Silverman Sharga Faivel ben Mordechi Yitzchak abt 1870 - Oct 17 1956 TempleShalomCem -- B 237 headstone image one
     Phoebe Greenspun Silverman Peshe bat David - 15 Jan 1915 Mt Sinai -- G G392-S headstone image one
     Rebecca Drucker/ Druker Silverman Rivkah bat Moshe Yehudah abt 1875 - 22 Oct 1918 Mt Sinai -- G G366-S
     Rebecca D Kaplan Silverman 10 Nov 1907 - 1 Dec 1989 Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Hilda Silverman Hinda Rachel bat Dov Ber 12/12/1885 - 11/22/1970 Mt Sinai -- H H124-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Rose C Chase Silverman Rachel bat Yosef 1909 - 11/27/1989 TempleShalomCem -- B 200 headstone image one
     Sadie M Silverman 1907 - 04-Aug-70 Mt Sinai -- A A306a-S headstone image one
     Sadie M  Silverman - 04-Aug-70 Mt Sinai -- A A306
     Samuel Silverman 24 May 1905 - 03/06/1994 BethElMemPark -- C C005-09 headstone image one
     Samuel Silverman 1906 - 1935 Smith St -- Main
     Samuel SILVERMAN 04-07-1892 - 06-30-1966 Pride of Jacob Cmty, West Roxbury --
     Samuel C / Solomon S Silverman 1907 - 05/05/1982 Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah G Silverman Sarah Gittel bat Yisrael Abba - 4/24/1958 Mt Carmel -- Main 1 headstone image one
     Sarah L Kaplan Silverman - Mt Sinai -- J J365/J366-F2 headstone image one
     Tillie/Teibe/Tobie Berman Silverman abt 1890 - 3-Oct 1958 Mt Sinai -- F F285/F286/F305/F306-F4 headstone image one -- two
     William Silverman 30 May 1875 - 12/14/1962 BethElMemPark -- C C008-1 + 2 + 3 headstone image one
     William D Silverman Zev ben r'Avroham 1895 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-18 headstone image one
     [Mother] Silverman - Smith St -- Main
     Esther Silverstein 4/27/1920 - 10/26/1978 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 53 headstone image one
     Norman Silverstein 10/23/1914 - 2002 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 54 headstone image one
     Thema B Silverstein 12 April 1924 - 2/06/2001 BethElMemPark -- F F headstone image one
Simanovsky / Simonofsky
     Sarah Simanovsky / Simonofsky - Mt Sinai -- G G170-S headstone image one
     Sarah Simanovsky / Simonofsky - Mt Sinai -- G G167-F2 headstone image one
     Dora Simanowsky 1902 - Mt Sinai -- G G465-S headstone image one
     Abraham Simansky Aharon Shevah b"r Khayyim Symynsky 1878 - 12/20/1921 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Abraham Simansky Avraham b"r Ya'aqov Symyansky - Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Charles Simansky - 6/6/1946 Mt Sinai -- F F118
     Ethel / Ethel Roizen Anovitch Simansky Et'l b. Yhuda abt 1878 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one
     Harry Simansky 1882 - 1966 Smith St -- Main
     Hyman Simansky Khayyim b"r Shevakh Symanskqy 1866 - 2/11/1943 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Ida R Actobe Simansky Khaya Rivqah bat R' Aharon Symensqy 1861 - 3/25/1925 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Ida Rachel Simansky Khaya Rish'e b"r Mosheh 1839 - 3/2/1909 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Jacob Simansky Yaaqov b"r Aryeh 1836 - 1916 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rose Simansky 1882 - Mt Sinai -- H H106-S
     Rose Simansky 1882 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one
     William Simansky Zev Wolf b"r Ya'aqov 1884 - 7/5/1936 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     A W Simensky - Mt Sinai -- G G403-S
     Annie Simensky Malkah bar Chaim HaCohen Simensky - 28 Sept 1939 (by inference) Mt Sinai -- TBD headstone image one
     Arthur Simensky 11-Sep-27 - 17-Aug-94 BethElMemPark -- E E091-3 headstone image one
     Betty A. Simensky 1/15/1911 - 12/30/1995 BethElMemPark -- C C026-4 headstone image one
     Charles Simensky 1894 - Mt Sinai -- F F118-S headstone image one
     Ethel Simensky - Mt Sinai -- H H83-S
     Fay / Faye Isaacson Simensky 1906 - 4/08/2004 BethElMemPark -- A A036-2 headstone image one -- two
     Isaac Simensky 1866 - 3/21/1910 Mt Sinai -- G G210-S headstone image one
     Leo L. Simensky Eliezer ben Yitzchak 1901 - 12/15/1978 BethElMemPark -- A A036-1 headstone image one -- two
     Meyer A / Myer Abe Simensky abt 1882 - 6/28/1952 Mt Sinai -- H H129-F2
     Minnie Simensky Malka bat Chaim haCohen Abt. 1879 - Mt Sinai -- H H56-S headstone image one
     Stella Lazorovich / Lazarovithc Simensky abt 1890 - 11/30/1964 Mt Sinai -- H H129-F2
     Ralph Simes Raphael ben r'Yitzchak - 5/15/1905 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-24? headstone image one
Simkowitz / Simkowitch
     Ida Osorewitz Simkowitz / Simkowitch Khayyah b. Iyrl OR Chaya bar Aydel Abt. 1879 - Feb 20 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H89-S headstone image one
     Katherine B Simon 1885 - Mt Sinai -- G G475xx-S headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Simon 1910 - 11/29/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Abraham H Simonds Avraham Chaim ben Ephraim Fishel 23 July 1910 - 12/25/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C024-3 headstone image one
     Celia E Simonds Simah Esther bat rav Asher 1897 - 2/17/1957 Mt Sinai -- F F480-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Edmund Simonds Mendel 03-18-1920 - December 28, 2010 South Florida National Cemetery, Lake Worth, FL --
     Fannie Gatzman Simonds Fayga Seimons b. Yosef Hayyim - 4/03/1923 Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Frank Simonds Ephraim Fish'l b. Shmuel 1876 - 08/24/1968 Mt Sinai -- J J191/J192-F4 headstone image one
     Max W Simonds Mordechai Ze'ev ben Shmuel 1889 - Feb 13 1967 Mt Sinai -- F F480-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Simonds Shmuel ben Mordechai v'Estmah (?) Esthar 9/25/1925 - Feb 10 2002 TempleShalomCem -- F 577 headstone image one
     Sara / Sarah Simonds Sarah bat Ephraim Fishel 1916 - 1/16/1958 Mt Sinai -- J J191/J192-F4 headstone image one
     Joseph Sinert - 22 May 1969 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 3 headstone image one
     Malka Singal - 4/20/1999 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 174
     Singer Mordechi Tzvi ben Yehudah 1875 - 09/10/1969 TempleShalomCem -- 4 6 headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Issac Singer r' Avraham Yitzchak ben r' Yihudah 1871 - May 9 1940 TempleShalomCem -- D 329 headstone image one
     Anne Singer 16 Jan 1912 - 3/14/2006 BethElMemPark -- E E017-2 headstone image one -- two
     Annette L Shapiro Singer 1/8/1911 - Feb 2005 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 5 headstone image one
     Bessie F Greenblatt Singer Basha Freida bat R Shlomo Kaddish 29 Nov 1909 - 4 July 1972 Mt Sinai -- A A334/A334a-F2 headstone image one
     Bessie Libby Gould Singer Levah bat R' Mical HaLevi OR Basha Lieba bat Michael Helba 1878 - 06/09/1970 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 5 headstone image one
     Goldie Singer - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 10 Plot 4
     Isadore / Izzy Singer Esav ben Mordecai Tzvi 26 June 1903 - 28 Oct 1996 Mt Sinai -- A A334/A334a-F2 headstone image one
     Joseph Singer 11/24/1909 - 11/23/1996 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 3 Row 11 Plot 6 headstone image one
     Minnie Shohet Singer Michel bas HaRav Avraham Shlomo - 9/30/1934 TempleShalomCem -- D 330 headstone image one
     Philip Saul Singer 7/15/1949 - 10/2/1987 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 7 headstone image one
     Samuel Singer Shimuel ben r' Avraham 1899 - Mar 12 1984 TempleShalomCem -- E 360 headstone image one -- two
     William / Wilson Singer Ze'ev ben Mordechai Tzvi 23 Aug 1912 - 12/09/1995 BethElMemPark -- E E017-1 headstone image one -- two
     David Sivovlos David b"r Shimshon Sivvavvlas 1886 - 17 Sep 1889 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Fanny/Fannie Davis Sivovlos 1860 - 4/12/1937 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Harry Lewis Sivovlos 1895 - 02/28/1981 Mt Sinai -- A A160a
     Simon Sivovlos Shimshon b"r Khayyim Hoshaya 1863 - 2/4/1908 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Herman A Sivovolos Chaim Y'hoshua b. Shimshon 1888 - 2 March 1972 Mt Sinai -- J J375/J376-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah / Sadie Phoebe Sivovolos Sarah Fraydl b. Nakhum 1883 - 3/11/1959 Mt Sinai -- J J375/J376-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin "Ben" Sklar Chayiim Baruch ben Yududah HaLevi 11/2/1900 - 4/2/1963 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-19
     Louis K Sklar r'Akiba Leev ben r'…HaLevi 1890 - 1953 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-9 headstone image one
     Maynard Sklar 10/8/1931 - April 8 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- Q Q-20
     Mollie S Berlant Gold Sklar abt 1910 - 6/12/1982 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-34
     Philip "Fishel" Sklar Fishel ben Yisrael Dov 4/25/1900 - 2/8/1956 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-34 headstone image one
     Sara / Sarah I Levine / Levin Sklar Sara bat Dovid 7/10/1904 - 7/1/1979 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- R R-18
     Helene Lyon Sky 30 Sept 1934 - 3/18/2003 BethElMemPark -- C C065-6A headstone image one
     Ruth Levinson Sky 23-Jan-24 - 12/19/1990 BethElMemPark -- C C065-8 headstone image one -- two
     Eileen Slade - Mt Sinai -- A A210-D
     William M "Bill" Slade Velvel ben Yosef - 7/17/1978 Mt Sinai -- A A210a-D
Slatnick / Sletnick
     Abish Slatnick / Sletnick Abba b"r Shlomoh Zlatnik 187? - 2/3/1937 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Bessie Slatnick / Sletnick Batyah b"r Layb Zlatnik 1881 - Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Jerry Slivka 11 July 1915 - 1/10/2013 BethElMemPark -- E E088-1 headstone image one -- two
     Rochelle Blechman Slivka 18 April 1922 - 4/3/2005 BethElMemPark -- E E088-2 headstone image one -- two
     Mabel Slon Malcha bat r'Shumel 1887 - 1956 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- I I-17 headstone image one
     Samuel Slon … ben Shumel 1887 - 9/14/1958 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- I I-18 headstone image one
     Abraham B Slosberg Avraham ben Bere 1877 - 5/8/1948 Mt Sinai -- F F35/F36-F2
     Alice D. Albling Slosberg Abel Dopkey August 10, 1915 - 02/09/2001 BethElMemPark -- E E070-2 headstone image one -- two
     Annie / Anna Dion Slosberg Genesiah bat Chaim Shaul 1880 - 1/9/1942 Mt Sinai -- F F35/F36-F2
     Barnett Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- D D/S
     Benjamin Slosberg Binyamin b. Mordechai 17 Oct 1894 - 11 May 1958 Mt Sinai -- J TBD headstone image one -- two -- three
     Bennett / Barnet Slosberg 1875 - 25 Oct 1935 Mt Sinai -- G G19/G20/G21-F5
     Bessie L Levi Slosberg Bash'e b. Binyamin 1900 - Mt Sinai -- J J385/J386-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Charles Slosberg Alel Ben Yaacov 11/15/1910 - 4 Dec 1910 Mt Sinai -- T GE headstone image one
     Charles Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- F F154/F155-F2
     Charles L Slosberg - Smith St -- Main
     Charles L "Charlie" Slosberg Yisrael b. Eliezer abt 1902 - 07/30/1979 Mt Sinai -- F F154/F155/F156/F157-F4 headstone image one
     Dora R Slosberg Devorah b. Avraham 22 Apr 1888 - 06/28/1966 Mt Sinai -- J J363/J364-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Gerald A Slosberg January 15, 1914 - 2/18/1998 BethElMemPark -- E070-1 headstone image one -- two
     Harry M Slosberg - 2/17/1930 Mt Sinai -- G G351-S
     Helen Slosberg abt 1913 - Mt Sinai -- J J361/J362-F2
     Howard Slosberg  25-Mar-1917 - 6/12/2003 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- K Section: K Row: 23 Site: 29
     Irene Rose Davidson Slosberg Chaya b. Aharon OR Chaya Rachel bat Aharon 02 Oct 1911 - 6/2/2003 Mt Sinai -- F F154/F155/F156/F157-F4 headstone image one
     Jacob B. Slosberg Yaakov ben Dov Baer 20 Aug 1882 - 10/29/1972 Mt Sinai -- G G19/G20/G21-F5
     Joseph Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- G G210-3 lots ??
     Joseph Slosberg Yosef b Avraham - 05/12/1985 Mt Sinai -- J J385/J386-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Laura "Lotta" Slosberg Zlat'e bat R' Yitzkhaq Zvi Shlasberg 1836 - 1918 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Lena Silbert Slosberg 1856 - July 27 1930 Mt Sinai -- G G19/G20/G21-F5
     Lewis Slosberg Leizer ben Moshe August 1861 - 4/10/1942 Mt Sinai -- F F33-S
     Lewis B / Louis Slosberg Y'hoshua Eliezer b. Dov Ber 1880 - 08/20/1966 Mt Sinai -- F F154/F155/F156/F157-F4 headstone image one
     Lynn Weitz Slosberg 1913 - 8/17/2003 BethElMemPark -- A A045-4a + 4b headstone image one -- two
     Madeline Slosberg Michalah Bat r Yakov 1923 - Mt Sinai -- G G431-S headstone image one
     Mary B or E Jacobson Slosberg Marlene Bailah bat Michael 15 Oct 1884 - 3 June 1979 Mt Sinai -- G G19/G20/G21-F5
     Maurice Slosberg Mosheh b"r Btzalel Shlasberg 1842 - 4/18/1922 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Max Slosberg 31 July 1865 - 5/3/1944 Mt Sinai -- G G228-F2 headstone image one
     Max (Mrs) Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- G G228-F2
     Mildred "Bunny" Treshinsky Slosberg 10/7/1930 - August 2, 2024 Mt Sinai -- A A158a/A159/A159a-F3
     Mortimer "Morton" Slosberg Moshe ben Yitzchak 27 Jan 1926 - 5/20/2014 Mt Sinai -- A A158a/A159/A159a-F3
     Paces Slosberg Pesh'e b"r Eliezer 1805 - 4/2/1912 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rachael Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- D D/s
     Rachel Slosberg - Mt Sinai -- D D / s
     Rebecca Slosberg 25 March 1871 - 5/1/1932 Mt Sinai -- G G228-F2 headstone image one
     Ruth Slosberg 1903 - Mt Sinai -- F F35/F36-F2
     Sadye / Sadie Slosberg abt 1908 - 5/24/1955 Mt Sinai -- G G19/G20/G21-F5
     Samuel Howard Slosberg Chaim Shael May 12, 1910 - 9/28/1998 BethElMemPark -- A A045-4a + 4b headstone image one -- two
     Sophia Dion Slosberg Shifrah b. Hayyim Shaul 1882 - 11/02/1980 Mt Sinai -- F F154/F155/F156/F157-F4 headstone image one
     Bessie Slotnick 1882 - 5/6/1957 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Cyrus S Slotnick 1900 - 1/12/1973 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-7 headstone image one
     Irene (Ida) Myers Slotnick 1/5/1901 - 12/6/1980 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-6 headstone image one
     Arthur Lewis Slotsky - Mt Sinai -- A A162/A162a/A163/A163a-F4
     Fanny Ida Cohen Slotsky Chaya Feigeh bat Shmuel abt 1875 - 14 June 1947 Mt Sinai -- F F18-F8
     Haskell Slotsky Eshcol ben Reuven 25 Dec 1911 - 15 Nov 1961 Mt Sinai -- F F18-F8
     Lewis Slotsky Yehudah Meir ben Reuven 19 June 1894 - 17 Feb 1938 Mt Sinai -- F F18-F8
     Mark Slotsky Menachem Mendel bar Reuven 1905 - 11/26/1979 Mt Sinai -- A A343/A343a/A344a-F3 headstone image one
     Reuben Slotsky Reuven ben Yitzchak 5 Jan 1872 - 4 Oct 1940 Mt Sinai -- F F18-F8
     Ruth Evelyn  Mirochnick Slotsky Rachel bat Yaakov 17-Dec-10 - 18-Mar-91 Mt Sinai -- A A343/A343a/A344a-F3 headstone image one
     Solomon Slotsky Shalom bar Reuven 1907 - 12/20/1975 Mt Sinai -- A A343/A343a/A344a-F3 headstone image one
     Sylvia Alta Schussheim Slotsky 03/12/1916 - 03/07/2006 Mt Sinai -- F F18-F8
     [StillbornChildOfReuben] Slotsky - 8/20/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Abraham Small 6/20/1917 - 10/9/1958 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 6 headstone image one -- two
     Irving E Small 1914 - 10/10/1977 BethElMemPark -- C C068-1 headstone image one -- two
     Irving Myron Small 9/5/1926 - 1/7/2007 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 46 headstone image one
     Ivan Small 30 June 1978 - 3/11/2001 BethElMemPark -- C C068-4 headstone image one
     Phillip W Sr Small  04-Feb-1924 - 12/1/1994 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- PC Section: PC Row: 15 Site: 31 
     Rose Evall Small 5/3/1891 - 8/10/1975 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 5 headstone image one
     Samuel Small Shumel ben Zeev HaLevi v' Rachel 2/5/1915 - 3/23/2008 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 83 headstone image one
     William Small 4/11/1885 - 11/8/1938 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 4 headstone image one -- two
     Bertha Smalley Chana Barach b r'Penachum 1907 - 3/10/1927 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 5 headstone image one
     Jacob Smally Smalley 1877 - 11/14/1950 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 34B
     Jacob "Jake" Smally Smalley 1877 - 11/14/1950 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 34 headstone image one
     Nettie Smally Smalley 1884 - 5/17/1950 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 34 headstone image one
     Abe Smith - BethElMemPark -- E E184-4
     Abraham Smith - 3 Aug 1924 Mt Sinai -- G G455-S headstone image one
     Abraham Smidovich Smith Abraham Leisor 15-01-1882 - 12 May 1957 Mt Sinai -- F F4C-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Beril Gieler Szmit Smith R' Dov Ber b"r Mosheh Ya'aqov Smyt - 8/1/1931 Mt Carmel -- Main 45 headstone image one
     Bladen R Smith Izza Baer ben Yisrael Issac abt 1928 - 10/2/1974 BethElMemPark -- C C069-3 headstone image one
     Carl Smith Kalman b"r Shmuel 22-Sep-1922 - 6/14/1967 Mt Carmel -- Main 75 headstone image one -- two
     Elissa Ann Smith Ester Khana b. Qalman 4-Oct-51 - 31-Jul-93 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Estelle F O Smith Shayna Fruma bat Hayim Leib abt 1902 - 6/24/1980 BethElMemPark -- C C069-2 headstone image one
     Fannie Smith abt 1892 - 7/21/1954 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 189d headstone image one -- two
     Gussie Smith 1889 - 1938 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77z headstone image one -- two
     Harriet Gitlin Smith May 27, 1924 - August 31, 2008 Mt Carmel -- Main 75
     Harry Sidney Smith 1924 - 1930 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77y headstone image one -- two
     Hyman / Hiram Smith Chayyim ben Shumel Hillel 1902 - 16 Jan 1938 Mt Sinai -- F F117-S headstone image one
     Jacob "Jake" Smith Yaakov ben Shmuel Hillel abt 1909 - 8/25/1978 BethElMemPark -- C C070-1 headstone image one -- two
     James O "Jimmy" Smith abt 1933 - 4/14/1987 BethElMemPark -- C C069-4 headstone image one
     Jenny Smith 9/8/1903 - 1/7/1979 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main 15 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph I Smith abt 1900 - 10/11/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C069-1 headstone image one
     Judith B Brodzinsky Smith 7-Sep-48 - 13-Aug-97 Mt Sinai -- A A91A
     Libby Rachel Smith 1925 - 12/29/1999 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 80 headstone image one -- two
     Lisa Smith - Mt Carmel -- Main 166
     Louis Smith Lybush b. Shmel 1916 - Mt Carmel -- Main 155 headstone image one
     Mary Richman Smith abt 1891 - 2/3/1966 Mt Carmel -- Main TBD
     Mary M Smith Mera Mutta Rochel bat Moshe 1874 - August 20, 1951 Mt Sinai -- G G181-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Millicent Robinson Smith Malka bat Yehuda v. Hazel 12 Oct 1948 - 10/17/1995 BethElMemPark -- C C029-1X headstone image one
     Miriam Smith Miryam b"r Qalman 1891 - Mt Carmel -- Main 44 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan "Nate" Smith 1925 - 2009 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 81
     Nathan S / Natan Smith abt 1890 - 4/17/1951 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 189d headstone image one -- two
     Pauline Smith 1914 - 11/25/1995 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 79 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" Smith Shmuel b"r Dov abt 1891 - 8/4/1953 Mt Carmel -- Main 44 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel "Sam" Smith 1886 - 5/28/1973 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 189d headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Hillel Smith Shmuel Hillel ben Yitzhak Isaac 1869 - June 25, 1948 Mt Sinai -- G G181-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah / Sara Levine Smith Sara bat Yosef abt 1908 - 10/12/1985 BethElMemPark -- C C070-2 headstone image one -- two
     Simon Smith 7/15/1901 - 1/19/1972 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 16 headstone image one -- two
     Sonja / Sonia Smith - 2/27/1975 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77aa headstone image one -- two
     Sophia Smith Sarah Yente bat 20-04-1886 - 8/29/1951 Mt Sinai -- F F4C-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Frances Benson Smullin Faiga Tovah bat Nach v'Chaya 6/9/1924 - Mar 29 2000 TempleShalomCem -- F 602 headstone image one
     Allen / Allie Sneider 5 April 1915 - 3/19/2007 BethElMemPark -- A A007-3 headstone image one
     Carl Morris  Sneider Qalman Mosheh b. Yosef 11/20/1913 - 03/14/1983 Mt Sinai -- ?
     Carl Morris  Sneider Qalman Mosheh b. Yosef 11/20/1913 - 03/14/1983 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Dina Sneider - Mt Sinai -- A A67a
     Ethel Sneider Etta bat Reuven 1992 - 4/15/1958 Mt Sinai -- H H213-S
     Frank Sneider Efrayim b"r Y'khezqal Shnayder 1885 - Mt Carmel -- Main 23 headstone image one
     Gertrude Sneider Gita bat Avraham 2-13-1898 - 12/13/1980 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Golda Singer Sneider Golda bat Shraga Feivel 14 June 1920 - 5/27/2000 BethElMemPark -- A A049-3 +4 headstone image one -- two
     Ida R  Spill, Berkowitz Sneider Ayyd'e Rivqah b. Yitzkhaq Eliezer 6/7/1894 - 06/15/1980 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Joseph Sneider Yosef ben Yechezkel abt 1890 - 11/19/1981 Mt Carmel -- Main 24 headstone image one
     Meyer Sneider - Mt Sinai -- G G380-S
     Philip Sneider Shraga Feivel Ben Yosef 19 June 1918 - 11/7/2005 BethElMemPark -- A A049-3 +4 headstone image one -- two
     Reuben Sneider Reuvan ben Ohzer 1896 - 9/09/1942 Mt Sinai -- F F31-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Reuben (Mrs) Sneider - 13 Dec 1980 Mt Sinai -- A A54
     Sadye / Sally Kuvent / Lourie Sneider 1915 - 12 May 2011 BethElMemPark -- headstone image one
     Sally Lourie Sneider - 5/12/2011 BethElMemPark -- A A005-2
     Annie Snider - Mt Sinai -- H H52
     Frank Snider 1886 - 8/18/1956 Mt Carmel -- Main 21
     Ida Shavti Snider Chaya bat Avraham Shavti 1906 - 03/25/1968 Mt Sinai -- F F424/F425/F426/F427-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Ida Snider Chaya bat Avraham - Mt Sinai -- H H54-S
     Jennie Snider 1885 - 8/13/1958 Mt Sinai -- F F425/F426-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Reuben Snider - Mt Sinai -- F F31
     Samuel Snider Avraham Shavti ben Ephrahim Yitzchak 1886 - 01/02/1972 Mt Sinai -- F F425/F426-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Sara Lee Snider Sarah Leah bat Avraham Shavti abt 1920 - Mt Sinai -- F F424/F425/F426/F427-F4 headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Snider - 1/15/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     [First Name Unknown 1st child] Snider 1900 - 12/14/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     [First Name Unknown 2nd child] Snider 1905 - 5/31/1905 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
Snyder / Snider
     Annie Rose Snyder / Snider Chanah Raizel bar Yitzchak Snyder - Jan 7 1935 Mt Sinai -- H H52-S headstone image one
     Edwin Jay Sohn 2 July 1924 - 7/12/1972 BethElMemPark -- E E077-1 headstone image one
     Gertrude Goldberg Sohn 2/4/1905 - 12/10/1975 BethElMemPark -- C C039-4 headstone image one -- two
     Wilfred Sohn 2/12/1905 - 02/20/1976 BethElMemPark -- C C039-3 headstone image one -- two
     Sheldon Sokol 7/25/1927 - 12/6/1959 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-3 headstone image one
     Joseph W Solhanick - Mt Sinai -- U Unknown
     [FirstNameNotKnown] Solhanick - Mt Sinai -- ?
     Samuel M Solmer Shmuel Mosheh b. Aharon 3 June 1881 - Mt Sinai -- H H106-S
     Anne / Annie Leavitt Solomon 12/21/1890 - 2/27/1965 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-1 headstone image one
     Bella (Isabelle) Solomon 9/27/1864 - 6/22/1922 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-32
     Ida S Solomon Sarah bat r' Levman - 2 May 1921 Mt Sinai -- GE headstone image one
     Isidore L Solomon Yitzchak Ben Israel 4/1/1914 - 10/7/1956 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-18 headstone image one
     Louis Solomon abt 1880 - Mt Sinai -- G G98-S
     Louis Solomon 1858 - 1919 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-35 headstone image one -- two
     Max Solomon Sept 1865 - 7/12/1930 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-22
     Michael B Solomon - 2/4/2005 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one -- two
     Philip Solomon Shraga Fayv'l b"r Shlomoh Salaman - 12/1/1943 Mt Carmel -- Main 61 headstone image one
     Jennie Povich Solovich Shayna bat Shevah 1872 - 3/20/1945 Mt Sinai -- F F26-F2
     Joseph "Joe" Hurwitz Solovich Yosef Reuven ben Mordecai 1870 - 5/28/1940 Mt Sinai -- F FX
     Morris Sondon 8/29/1890 - 1/30/1977 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 261a headstone image one -- two
     Stanley Sontz Feb 1941 - 6/23/2009 BethElMemPark -- E E165-1 headstone image one -- two
     Lucy S Soroker Libeh bat R Arye Itzick 1888 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one
     Saul Soroker Shaul bar Yaakov 1884 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one
     Eugene N SOSNOFF 14-Feb-26 - 2/15/2009 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- H Section: H Row: 36 Site: 19
     Martha Spatz - 7/23/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E171-5
     Martha Spatz - 7/23/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E171-5
     Benjamin Spear - July 25, 1934 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-59 headstone image one
     Bessie Spear - 6 April 1955 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-5? headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude Spear - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-42
     Gertrude Spear - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-36
     Ida Spector 4/11/1918 - 7/7/1997 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-21
     Maxwell Spector - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- O O-20
     Sarah Sperling - 10/27/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Jack Spiegel 6 Nov 1917 - 4/24/2010 BethElMemPark -- C C092-1 headstone image one -- two
     Lawrence A. "Larry" Spiegel 26 July 1948 - 10/10/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C092-3 headstone image one
     Marshall Spiegel Mordechai ben Ya'akov v. Chana 31 March 1951 - 4/13/2003 BethElMemPark -- C C092-4 headstone image one
     Abraham Spill Avraham b"r Shimon ha-Kohen 8/15/1879 - 7/19/1962 Mt Carmel -- Main C-15 headstone image one
     Esther Mae Spill Ester b. Khayyim u'Besy 5/25/1910 - 4/09/2004 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Ida Greenstein Spill Rakhel D'vorah b"r Shmuel 5/8/1913 - - 01/26/1960 Mt Carmel -- Main C14 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Spill Layb b"r Avraham ha-Kohen 11/30/1913 - 01/26/1982 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Martha Fleet Spill Tsirel - Mt Carmel -- Main
     Simon / Simeon / Seymond Spill Shimon 25-Dec-08 - 3-Feb-89 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Spilovsky - 5/1/1910 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bertha Spindel Beila bat Yacob v. Sarah Braina 1904 - 2/27/2000 BethElMemPark -- C C064-4 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Spindel 1901 - 3/26/1972 BethElMemPark -- C C064-3 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Spitz about 1847 - about 1848 Ohabei Shalom --
     Yette Spitzer Yette bat Meier - Mt Sinai -- G G304-S
     Elizabeth Golden Sprince 7/7/1874 - 21 Sept 1951 TempleShalomCem -- A 299 headstone image one
     Fraide F Sprince 1841 - 6/30/1901 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Henry Sprince abt 1899 - Aug 4 1939 TempleShalomCem -- C 310 headstone image one
     Jennie Broudy Sprince Shaina Sarah bat Avraham Yitzchak 1881 - 3/29/1977 TempleShalomCem -- A 53 headstone image one
     Joseph Sprince Yosef ben HaRav Shlomo Dov HaCohen 1881 - Jul 17 1950 TempleShalomCem -- A 52 headstone image one
     Morris / Maurice Sprince 3/1/1870 - 05/09/1962 TempleShalomCem -- A 298 headstone image one
     Norma Rothschild Sprince 2/4/1904 - 8/22/1983 TempleShalomCem -- C 311 headstone image one
     Oscar B Sprince 5/26/1910 - Feb 6 1933 TempleShalomCem -- A 49 headstone image one
     Ruth Goodman Sprince Rachel b. Y'rachmiel 25-Mar-18 - 03/08/1994 Mt Sinai -- J J309/J310/J311/J312/J338/J339/J340/J341-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Samuel 'Sam' Sprince 1909 - 8-Jan-97 TempleShalomCem -- A 297 headstone image one
     Ethel Oldstein Stachowitz 17-01-1910 - 20-01-1970 TempleShalomCem -- A 141 headstone image one
     Isaac Stachowitz 15-06-1875 - 9/22/1948 TempleShalomCem -- A 140 headstone image one
     Isadore "Izzy" Stachowitz Stack Ezriel b"r Yitzkhak 1-17-1910 - 1-20-1970 Mt Carmel -- Main 28 headstone image one
     Barnett Stadler 1862 - 4/10/1940 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-32
     Jesse Staerman 21 Nov 1913 - 29 Sept 1915 Mt Sinai -- GE headstone image one
     Solomon C Stahl Shlomoh b"r Nakhum 5 Jan 1846 - 8 Sept 1878 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Abraham Stairman abt 1861 - Mt Carmel -- Main 40
     Annie Nelson Stairman Chana bat Yosef abt 1904 - 05/10/1987 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin Stairman 4/7/1908 - 2/3/1975 Mt Carmel -- Main 126
     Bessie Blacker Stairman abt 1880 - 12/28/1958 Mt Carmel -- Main 40
     Goldie Stairman 1925 - Mt Sinai -- F F73-F3 headstone image one
     Max Stairman 1880 - 11/26/1950 Mt Sinai -- F F73-F3 headstone image one -- two
     Melvin Stairman - Mt Carmel -- Main 145
     Melvin  Stairman Michael ben Meir 11-Jul-26 yr of birth might be 1926 : headstone - 24-May-89 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Morris Stairman 1899 - 7/30/1927 Smith St -- Main
     Nathan Stairman Nahum ben Meyer 1918 - Mt Sinai -- G G129-S
     Sarah Stairman 1886 - Mt Sinai -- F F73-F3 headstone image one -- two
     Minnie Astrafsky Star 1847 - 4/7/1933 Smith St -- Main
     Ida Morrison Starr Toyb'e bat R' Asher Star 1882 - 2/22/1936 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Max Starr Meir b"r Mordechay Star 1888 - 12/28/1953 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Abraham Stein Avraham ben Moshe 1/15/1863 - 10/15/1938 Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Annie / Anna Star Stein - Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Donald Stein - 2/17/1936 Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     James "Jimmy" Stein 27-Oct-96 - 04/20/1994 Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Stein - 11/2/1931 Mt Sinai -- G G264-S
     Leo  Stein 1892 - 06/26/1981 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- I I-18
     Marie Stein - 6/07/1985 Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Mildred Brooks Stein Malka bat Michel - 3/26/1956 Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Mollie Schneider Stein - 11/21/1996 Montefiore Cemetery (PA) - Ahavas Achim Belzer Beneficial Association -- Y 796-3
     Rose / Rosie Stein abt 1869 - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     [BrotherStein] Stein - Mt Sinai -- J J38-F8 headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Stein - 1/17/1900 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Carolyn Steinberg 1942 - 1/11/1987 BethElMemPark -- E E090-2 headstone image one
     Henry Steinfeldt 1911 - 4/15/1984 BethElMemPark -- A A053-3 + 4 headstone image one -- two
     Marion Steinfeldt 1912 - 12/22/1988 BethElMemPark -- A A053-3 + 4 headstone image one -- two
     Ida "Hinde / Hinda" Halperin Steinman Chinad (?) bat r'Meyerim abt 1858 - 5 Dec 1939 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 45 headstone image one
     Kalman Steinman Kalni Moss (?) b r' Yosef Rav - 2 Apr 1919 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 44 headstone image one
     Helen Stencel - 9/1/1966 TempleShalomCem -- A 129 headstone image one
     Abraham J Stern 1914 - 1/2/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-8 headstone image one
     Alexander "Alex" Stern - 10/23/2001 Mt Sinai -- J J415/J416-F2
     Arthur David Stern abt 1910 - 7/8/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-6 headstone image one
     Beth Jettchen Stern - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-20
     Edith M Stern 1919 - 11/18/1983 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-7 headstone image one
     Edward Stern 1/31/1908 - 7/11/1981 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-2 headstone image one
     Elsie Z Zelkin / Zitaner Stern 1909 - 01/08/1987 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-31
     Frances Zolov Stern abt 1920 - 08/06/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E058-2 headstone image one
     Harry Stern Ezral br chaim yitzchak 2/10/1906 - 01/24/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-3 headstone image one
     Harry L Stern 1884 - 1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-16? headstone image one -- two
     Herbert "Herbie" Stern 24-Nov-16 - 4-Aug-95 BethElMemPark -- E E058-1 headstone image one
     Hymen / Herman Stern abt 1880 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-33 headstone image one
     Irving B Stern 4/10/1941 - 06/07/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-2 headstone image one
     Joseph Stern 13-Dec-11 - 18-Dec-94 Mt Sinai -- J J532/J533/J534/J535-F4
     Kurt Stern 3/1/1914 - 5/1/1993 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-21
     Mamie Lipsky Stern 9/30/1895 - 1939 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-34 headstone image one
     Max Stern Menachem ben Benyamin 12-Aug-12 - 6-Feb-98 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Minnie E / Mimi Rosen Stern abt 1882 - 3/20/1968 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-8 headstone image one -- two
     Miriam Mimi G Golden Stern 3/9/1918 - 3/14/1999 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-5 headstone image one
     Mollie  Rubin Stern 1909 - 11/18/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-1 headstone image one
     Samuel Stern 1912 - 03/07/1963 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-2 headstone image one
     Samuel "Sam" Stern - 10 Dec 1952 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-43 headstone image one
     Violet Rolnick Stern Vitiya b. Asher 19-Apr-17 - 05/05/1987 Mt Sinai -- J J415/J416-F2 headstone image one -- two
     William "Bill" Stern - 7/1/1950 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-7 headstone image one -- two
     Etta Sternberg Ettana bat rav Yitzchak Miorr 1860 - Mt Sinai -- G G417-S headstone image one
     Harold Elliott Sternburg Chaim Yitzchak ben Izik 6-Sep-31 - 10/01/1997 BethElMemPark -- A A001-1A + 2A headstone image one -- two
     Sandra Rice Sternburg 19 July 1936 - 9/11/2011 BethElMemPark -- A A001-3 headstone image one -- two
Sternburg / Sternberg
     Evelyn Katlin Sternburg / Sternberg 1-Sep-04 - 10/13/1991 BethElMemPark -- A A001-1A + 2A headstone image one
     Barney Sterns - 6/12/1967 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-3 headstone image one
     Bertha Robinson Sterns 1883 - 1929 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-38 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie S Shiro Sterns 12/25/1882 - 5/6/1961 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-21 headstone image one
     Florence Sterns - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-5 headstone image one
     Frederick James / Fred J / Fred G Sterns - 11/23/02 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-3 headstone image one
     George H Sterns Yehudah Chaim BR Ezra Laib 9/25/1905 - 4/24/1969 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-6 headstone image one
     Harry L Sterns Ezra Leib ben Moshe Aharon 1884 - 1/21/35 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-22
     Herbert D "Herbie" Waterville Sterns David Zwei Ben Ezra Lelb 3/11/1919 - 8/11/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-6 headstone image one
     Jennie Sterns abt 1857 - 1/4/1936 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-22 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Sterns 1903 - 12/03/1980 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-37 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Sterns - 9/10/1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-23 headstone image one -- two
     Myra A Aronson Sterns 1/10/1925 - 1/24/1977 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-5 headstone image one
     Sarah Hoos Sterns 7/12/1909 - 1/29/1995 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- H H-2 headstone image one
     Yetta Sterns 12/25/1904 - 10/17/1992 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- E E-4 headstone image one
     Steve Stevens 11 Oct 1939 - 13 July 2008 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 48 headstone image one
     Nathaniel Lewis Stewart 1886 - 2/5/1961 BethElMemPark -- E E079-6 headstone image one
     Dora Dorothy Stiles 1910 - Mt Sinai -- H H105-S
     Anna/Ann Marcus Stillman Chana bat Zalman v. Bluma 27 May 1918 - 2/23/2011 BethElMemPark -- A A031-4 headstone image one
     Joseph Stillman Yosef ben Moshe v. Sara 8 Dec 1919 - 09/23/1996 BethElMemPark -- A A030-1 headstone image one
     Anna Epstein Stiman Chana bat Mordechai HaLevi 7/22/1894 - 9/02/1985 Mt Sinai -- J J48-F2
     Frances Stiman Faigeh bat Aharon David HaLevi - 30 April 1970 Mt Sinai -- J J34-F8
     Harry Stiman Henoch ben David haLevi - 12/29/1941 Mt Sinai -- J J34-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Marcia Ginsberg Stiman Masha bat Kolman 3/16/1916 - 8/19/1962 Mt Sinai -- J J34-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Norman Ralph / Norman K Stiman abt 1924 - 2/16/1978 Mt Sinai -- A A158a
     Samuel Stiman Shneuer ben David Zalman 3/10/1893 - 5/29/1934 Mt Sinai -- J J48-F2
     Samuel Stiman - Mt Sinai -- J J18-F4
     Abraham B Stolkner 1919 - 08/07/1996 BethElMemPark -- E E045-4 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin Stolkner Ben Tziyon 1921 - Mt Sinai -- H H41-S headstone image one -- two
     Beth Mencher Stolkner 1922 - 12/12/1984 BethElMemPark -- headstone image one -- two
     Beth M  Stolkner - 12/12/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E045-3
     Isidor / Isadore Stolkner Yitzhaq b. Yitzhaq 1898 - 4/17/1940 Mt Sinai -- H H14-F2 headstone image one
     Jacob  Stolkner 1917 - 10/11/1995 Mt Sinai -- H H226/H227-F2
     Leah Stolkner 1916 - 09/28/1960 Mt Sinai -- H H226/H227-F2
     Rebecca A Baer Stolkner - --
     Sarah Siegel Stolkner Sarah b. Avraham Dov ha-Levi 1884 - Mt Sinai -- H H14-F2 headstone image one
     Fannie / Fanny Stone 1884 - 4/10/1953 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-24 headstone image one -- two
     Helen Cecille Goldsmith Stone Chana Zevel bas Yaakov Yosef 6/17/1920 - 7/27/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-9 headstone image one
     Isaac Stone 1879 - 5/17/1932 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-25 headstone image one -- two
     Julius / Julian Stone Zussman ben Reb Yitzchak Isaac 1/15/1906 - 12/24/1963 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-10 headstone image one
     Elinor R. Parris Strandburg 23 March 1941 - 7/28/2005 BethElMemPark -- E E109-0 headstone image one
     Rose Streifler 11/3/1875 - 4/4/1946 TempleShalomCem -- A 139 headstone image one
     F Roberta Streinberg - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 3 headstone image one
     Abraham "Abe" Striar 8/27/1913 - 7/27/2006 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152a headstone image one
     Anne Striar 17 Sept 1929 - 31 March 1975 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 257i headstone image one -- two
     Annie B Striar 1870 - 13 Oct 1945 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49L headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin J Striar 4/20/1906 - 3/11/1952 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 261b headstone image one -- two
     Bennie Joseph / Boruch J Striar 1 July 1889 - 12/27/1981 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 49l headstone image one -- two
     Bernard Striar 10/23/1921 or 12/23/1921 - 2/8/2011 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77h
     Bertha Cohen Striar 06-14-1912 - 4/11/1959 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 152b4 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Striar abt 1876 - 1/13/1942 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 152b5 headstone image one -- two
     Chaya Sarah / Chae Sura Striar - 7/19/1918 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49g headstone image one -- two
     David Phillip Striar 30 May 1919 - 3/21/2014 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 170
     David Pinchas Striar 4/8/1973 or 4/5/ 1973 - 3/28/1917 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 49n headstone image one -- two
     Doris E Striar 7/6/1911 - 11/24/2001 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77l headstone image one -- two
     Eli Striar 1829 - 12/12/1935 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 77p headstone image one -- two
     Hyman Mower Striar 1875 - 8/11/1946 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 231 headstone image one -- two
     Ida Alper Alper Striar - 9/23/1978 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 77o headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Striar 9/21/1904 - 1/17/1989 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77i headstone image one -- two
     James Striar 2/8/1891 - 11/1/1959 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 49a headstone image one -- two
     Jean Harris Striar - 3/12/1959 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 258 headstone image one -- two
     Jennie Striar 1894 - 11/29/1961 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77q headstone image one -- two
     Louis Striar 4/14/1911 - 2/1/1983 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 49 headstone image one
     Louis "Johnnie" Striar abt 1915 - 9/30/2011 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152k headstone image one -- two
     Louis "Label" Striar - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 230
     Max Striar 4/15/1896 - 2/9/1960 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 77e headstone image one -- two
     Max Striar - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 77a
     Mildred Striar - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-4 headstone image one
     Philip "Phil" Striar 1910 - 2003 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 76 headstone image one -- two
     Roslyn / Rosalind Striar 1945 - 3/19/2003 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 45 headstone image one -- two
     Ruth Striar 1/10/1921 - 14 Nov 2011 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 258b
     S David Striar 1858 - 3/15/1936 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 49o headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Striar 1894 - 1961 BethIsraelCem : TBD -- B 152k headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Striar 1894 - 1961 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152k headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Striar 1859 - 11/19/1951 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 227b headstone image one -- two
     Sarah "Sally" Sophie Rapaport Striar 12-May-17 - 25-Nov-97 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- H H-1 headstone image one
     Sarah / Sara Schoenbaum Striar 7/15/1893 - 9/11/1981 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 180a headstone image one -- two
     Sarah / Sophie/ Sally "Soffie" Shapiro Striar Shifra 1889 - 3/19/1967 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152s headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Judith Striar - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 49j
     Steven Striar 7/16/1951 - 11/2/1999 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152b3 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Strumph 5 Dec 1907 - 9/18/1970 BethElMemPark -- E E083-1 headstone image one
     Virginia B Auger Strumph 11-Jul-13 - 16-Nov-93 BethElMemPark -- E E083-2 headstone image one
     Ernest Sturman Ezra ben Yehuda Leib 06-26-1920 - 12-27-2016 Beth El Memorial Park --
     Meyer Styerman - Mt Carmel -- Main 36
     Bertha Headstone says Shugarman Sugarman - 12/2/1929 Mt Sinai -- G G259-S
     Florine Nelson /Sulkowitch Sulka 1920 - 12/5/2008 BethElMemPark -- E E019-7 headstone image one
     Sol Sulkowitch Sulka 1915 - 6/16/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E019-8 headstone image one
     Bernard Sulkowitch Asher Dov ben Chaim Tzvi 1854 - Mt Sinai -- G G14-F2
     Esther (Shershevsky) Sulkowitch Esther bat Haim Shmuel abt 1880 - 07/07/1968 Mt Sinai -- G G139-F2
     I. Sarah Rubinsky Sulkowitch Chaya Sara bat Zev 1852 - 9/20/1942 Mt Sinai -- G G14-F2
     Jacuciel E / Cushey Cushey Sulkowitch Yechezkiel Eliazar ben Avraham Mordechai 28 Sept 1910 - 14 May 2000 Mt Sinai -- F F466-F10 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Mark Sulkowitch Avraham Mordechai ben Asher Dov abt 1876 - 4/19/1942 Mt Sinai -- G G139-F2
     Abraham Supovitz 9/4/1894 - 7/22/1947 TempleShalomCem -- A 136 headstone image one
     Abraham "Abe" Supovitz abt 1903 - 2/21/1976 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 3 headstone image one
     Benjamin "Bennie" / Bernard Supovitz 3/15/1885 - Aug 5 1952 TempleShalomCem -- A 173 headstone image one
     Celia Abromson Supovitz 4/2/1900 - Jan 24 1996 TempleShalomCem -- A 167 headstone image one
     Edvia Supovitz - 12/26/1978 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 4 headstone image one
     Ethel / Ethyl Supovitz 1864 - 5/18/1905 TempleShalomCem -- A 83 headstone image one
     Frances "Fannie" Ginsberg Supovitz 7/14/1885 - Apr 15 1965 TempleShalomCem -- A 172 headstone image one
     Frances G / Farney "Fanny" Stachowitz Supovitz 8/7/1901 - 10/13/1987 TempleShalomCem -- A 169 headstone image one
     Harry Supovitz 3/15/1890 - Jan 11 1965 TempleShalomCem -- A 209 headstone image one
     Israel Abraham Supovitz 12 Oct 1898 - 4/1/1905 TempleShalomCem -- A 118 headstone image one
     Kasreil / Carl Supovitz - Feb 22 1932 TempleShalomCem -- 119 headstone image one
     Max Supovitz 1872 - Sep 29 1936 TempleShalomCem -- A 120 headstone image one
     Mendell / Mendel Supovitz 1864 - 3/20/1905 TempleShalomCem -- A 82 headstone image one
     Mildred Supovitz 1907 - 6/9/1905 TempleShalomCem -- A 117 headstone image one
     Mollie / Molly Hertzberg Supovitz 1876 - 3/27/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 96 headstone image one
     Morris Supovitz 4/15/1895 - 19 Dec 1986 TempleShalomCem -- A 168 headstone image one
     Myer / Meyer Supovitz Meyer b r' Hillel - 11/22/1944 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 3 plot 30 headstone image one -- two
     Paul Supovitz 1911 - 1916 TempleShalomCem -- B 107 headstone image one
     Ruth Sybil "Ruthie" Supovitz 12/20/1932 - Nov 27 1952 TempleShalomCem -- A 171 headstone image one
     Sara / Sarah Supovitz 23 Dec 1896 - 6/03/1997 TempleShalomCem -- A 208 headstone image one
     Saul / Sal Supovitz 6/15/1898 - Mar 1 1955 TempleShalomCem -- A 170 headstone image one
     HENRY SUPOWITZ - 14 May 1902 TempleShalomCem -- A 45 headstone image one
     Julius G Sussman 11-Apr-1895 - June 11, 1984 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- M Section: M Row: 7 Site: 1 
     Sidney John Sussman 12 Jul 1935 - February 8, 1978 Pineland Cemetery -- headstone image one -- two
     Abraham J husband of Fannie Swartz 22 May 1888 - 10/4/1950 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-14 headstone image one -- two
     Fannie A Swartz 15 Feb 1884 - 4/23/1952 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-13 headstone image one -- two
     Lena Wolf Swartz Leah bat Avraham Yitzchak 4/30/1895 - 05/25/1976 Mt Sinai -- A A359-D
     Lewis Swartz - Mt Sinai -- F F123
     Louis Swartz Yehudah Leib ben BenZion 11/25/1889 - 07/27/1968 Mt Sinai -- A A359-D
Swartz / Schwartz
     Lewis / Louis Swartz / Schwartz - Mt Sinai -- F F124-S