| | | |
Jewish Community Organizations - local < |
| |
| |
| | B'nai Brith International Lodge #1289 | 3 May 1964 ; 3 May 1964 ; |
| | Community Center Theater Guild | 1952 ; |
| | International Chapter of B'nai B'rith | 23 Sept 47 ; 9/23/1947 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Center Women's League | date not known ; date not known ; Sept. 26, 2005 ; |
| | Jewish Union of Franklin County/Bagels and Dreidels | 2011 ; |
| | Judaea District Convention | 1950 ; |
| | Widows, Orphans, and Wounded Soldiers of israel Fund | 1975-2002 ; ca 2006 ; |
| | Young Judea Group | 11/30/1956 ; 1888-1988 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Young Maccabeans | Sept 7, 2008 ; |
| | Zionist of America (ZOA) : New England Region | 1920s ; 1960 ; 1968 ; 1973 ; 2/11/1965 ; 2011 ; June 17 1927 ; June 26, 1927 ; |
| Auburn |
| | Auburn Lewiston Kiwanis Club | 4/18/1964 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith | 1 June 1945 ; 10/7/1956 ; 10/8/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 1936 ; 1949 ; 1977 circa ; 2/13/1957 ; ca March 1967 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; June 1955 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans - Milton J Ward Post #484 | 2016 ; |
| Auburn and Lewiston |
| | Twin City Chapter of Hadassah | 10/17/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 3/14/1962 ; 3/14/1962 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Augusta |
| | Augusta/Gardiner Chapter of Hadassah | 1/14/2012 ; 1/8/1959 ; 12/29/49 ; 1982 ; 1988 ; 2/14/1951 ; 3/11/1953 ; 3/11/1953 ; 3/20/1951 ; 3/20/1951 ; 3/20/1951 ; 3/20/1951 ; 3/20/1951 ; 5/3/1950 ; Aug 12, 1985 ; date not known ; October, 1948 ; September 1, 1949 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith | date not known ; |
| | Maine House of Representatives | Aug 1937 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Bangor |
| | Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) | 1933 ; 1961 - 1962 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith (Bangor chapter) | 1982 ; 6/10/1954 ; 6/4/1990 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Girls | 1962 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Girls (now 7846) | 1961 - 1962 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Pine Tree Lodge | 10/14/1999 ; |
10/22/1968 ;
11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ;
11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ;
1888-1988 ;
1937 ;
1949-1950 ;
1965 ;
1965 ;
2/11/1965 ;
20-Jun-89 ;
2011 ;
2017 ;
2017 ;
26-Jan-85 ;
3/28/1968 ;
4/5/1989 ;
7/18/1985 ;
8/13/1973 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Dec 23, 1969 ;
June 10, 1954 ;
May 2017 ;
September 11, 1981 ;
Nov. 5, 1979 ;
| | B'nai B'rith Women | 1956 ; 1966 ; 1968 ; 1969 ; 1970 ; 1976 ; 1979 ; 1980 ; date not known ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; Sept. 26, 2005 ; Winter 2015 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; |
| | Bangor Hebrew Center | 1949-1950 ; Aug 1937 ; |
| | Bangor Junior Hadassah | 1940 ; |
| | B’nai B’rith Women | date not known ; |
| | B’nai B’rith Youth Organization | June 12 1962 ; |
| | Camp Sasone | date not known ; date not known ; July 20 1946 ; |
| | Canteen Club | 1959 ; 1961 - 1962 ; Oct 1958 ; |
| | Chi Omicron Phi Sorority | 1949 circa ; 1949 circa ; Oct 1958 ; |
| | Community Council | date not known ; |
| | Federation of American Zionists | 11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ; |
| | Gemilath Chesed | 1937 ; 1938 ; |
| | Hadassah | date not known ; |
| | Hebrew Community Center | 1938 ; 1939 ; 1943 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 2/17/1959 and 12/4/1960 ; April 24 1939 ; |
| | Jewish Chautaugua Society - Bangor Chapter | 1997 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center (JCC) | January 15, 1950 ; May 1, 1950 ; 1/1/1998 ; 12/1/1998 ; 1947 ; 1948 ; 1950 ; 1954 ; 1956 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1961 - 1962 ; 1962 - 1963 c ; 1964 ; 1967 ; 1974 ; 1980 ; 1983 ; 1983 ; 2011 ; 6/1/1997 ; 6/1/1998 ; 6/10/1954 ; 7/7/1954 ; 9/1/1998 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; December 1, 1949 ; February 1, 1950 ; February 15, 1950 ; January 1, 1950 ; June 10, 1954 ; May-01 ; mid to late 1960s ; November 15, 1949 ; Sept. 7, 1987 ; September 11, 1981 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Bowling League | 1962-1968 ; 1968-1971 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Center Youth Organization | 1959 or 1960 ; 1961 - 1962 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Women's League | date not known ; Oct 19-23, 1974 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Womens Division | date not known ; |
| | Jewish Community Council | 1-May - year not known ; 10/14/1999 ; 10/16/1952 ; 1951 ; 1967 ; 1970 ; 1976 ; 20-Nov-17 ; 20-Nov-17 ; 20-Nov-17 ; 2006 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 8/13/1973 ; 8/27/1916 ; 9/1/1996 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 23, 1969 ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; June 5 1988 ; March 1983 ; May 1952 ; Oct 19-23, 1974 ; Sept 2013 ; Winter 2015 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; |
| | Jewish Community Council Hebrew School | 1960 ; |
| | Jewish Community Endownment Association | 10/22/2006 ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Labor Committee | 7/8/1966 ; July 8, 1966 ; |
| | Jewish National Fund | 12 May 1950 ; 1915-2006 ; 1957 ; date not known ; May 2017 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans - Bangor Post 507 | 2016 ; 2017 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Lucerne Country Club | 2006 ; |
| | Mu Sigma Fraternity - Omega Chapter | 1952 ; 1961 - 1962 ; 1964-1965 ; date not known ; date not known ; May 4 1963 ; |
| | Sisterhood of the JCC | 1969 ; |
| | Szold Club | 11/27/1929 ; |
| | The Veritans | 11/27/1929 ; |
| | United Jewish Appeal | 16 June 1967 ; 1985 ; |
| | Women American OORT | 1980 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; |
| | Youth Aliyah | 6/4/1990 ; early 1980s ; March 1983 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Zionist Organization of America | 6/4/1990 ; date not known ; |
| Bath |
| | B'nai B'rith Women | 1950-1970 ; 5/2/1946 ; |
| Bath |
| | Beth Israel YWHA | 1927-1929 ; 1927-1929 ; |
| | Excelsior Club (Portland) | 2/3/1916 ; |
| Biddeford |
| | B'nai B'rith (Solmer Lodge - York Chapter) | 8/30/1954 ; Aug 30, 1954 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans - Osher-Edelstein Post | 2016 ; |
| Brunswick |
| | Bowdoin College Hillel | 2005 ; 2015 ; |
| Calais |
| | Congregation Chaim Yosef | 1937 ; 1999 ; 29 Oct 1986 circa ; date not known ; date not known ; Nov 18, 1937 ; |
| Farmington |
| | Women in Black | 2011 ; |
| Gardiner |
| | Gardiner-Augusta Center Youth | 1961 - 1962 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Bates College Hillel | May 26, 1989 ; |
| | Bates Hillel | 05/19/03 ; June 1955 ; |
| | Daughters of Zion | 4 Oct 1940 ; |
| | Hebrew School of Lewiston-Auburn | 1958 - 1959 c ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn Center Youth | 1959 or 1960 ; |
1960 ;
1960 - 1961 ;
22 Oct 1960 ;
8 Nov 1960 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Nov 21 1958 ;
Oct 17 1956 ;
| | Sigma Phi Sigma Sorority | 1936 ; 1959 or 1960 ; 1963 ; date not known ; date not known ; Nov 27 1957 ; |
| Lewiston ? |
| | Lewiston-Auburn Hebrew School | 1 June 1945 ; 1930 ; 1959 ; 1977 circa ; 2/1/1956 ; 6/1/1959 ; 6/1/1959 ; 6/1/1959 ; 6/1/1959 ; date not known ; June 1955 ; |
| Lewiston or Auburn |
| | Jewish Community Center - Theater Group | 1975 ; |
| | Jewish Federation - Auburn/Lewiston | 1 June 1945 ; June 1955 ; |
| | Kora Temple Shrine | c. 1938 ; October 13, 1958 ; |
| | United Jewish Appeal | 05/19/03 ; 1977 circa ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Women's League | 1967 ; |
1975 ;
| | Young Judea | 1957 - 1958 ; |
| Lewiston-Auburn |
| | AZA | 1 June 1945 ; 1977 circa ; |
| | B'nai b'rith - Twin city Chapter | date not known ; |
| | Community Council | 1936 ; |
| | JCC Nursery School (LA) | 1964-1965 ; 7-May-65 ; |
| | Jewish Boy Scout Troop | 1977 circa ; |
| | Lewiston and Auburn Free Loan Association | 1930 ; |
| | Lewiston and Auburn Hebrew Charity and Aid Association | 1977 circa ; |
| | Lewiston-Auburn B'nai B'rith Auxilary | June 1955 ; |
| | Lewiston-Auburn Pioneer Women | June 1955 ; |
| | National Junior Hadassah | 1936 ; 1936 ; |
| | Young People's League | 1936 ; |
| Orono |
| | Hillel Foundation (Orono) | 1961 ; |
| | Tau Epsilon Phi, Tau Zeta chapter | May 3, 1929 ; |
| Portland |
| | American Jewish Committee | 1997 ; date not known ; |
| | B'nai B'rith | 1/8/1969 ; 1880 ; 1961 ; 2015 ; Sept 1984 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith (now 4293) | 1954 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL) | Jan 8, 1969 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Cumberland Lodge No 1137 | 10 May 2013 ; |
11/30/1966 ;
1955 ;
2/28/1934 ;
4/23/1968 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
| | B'nai B'rith Women | date not known ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Youth Service | 1961 ; |
| | Boy Scouts : Pine Tree Council | 1/16/1968 ; Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Brotherhood Lodge | 1997 ; |
| | Bureau of Jewish Education (Jewish Federation) | 1961 ; 1961 ; |
| | B\'nai B\'rith Cumberland Chapter No 236 | 1951 c ; 1955 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; May 3 1972 ; Nov-85 ; Sept 1985 ; |
| | Casco Bay Tummlers | 1989 - 2008 ; |
| | Cedars | 2007 ; 9/30/1998 ; Feb 2006 ; Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ; |
| | Community Relations Committee | 1997 ; |
| | Council of Jewish Women | 1950 ; 1955 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; Aug 1937 ; date not known ; |
| | Cumberland County Jewish Senior Program | Oct-86 ; |
| | Cumberland Jewish Youth Commission | Oct-86 ; |
| | Delta Kappa Sorority | 1950 ; 1950 ; |
| | Gemileth Chasodim Shel Emes | 1955 ; |
| | Gmilos Chasodim | 1950 ; |
| | Hachnosos Orchim Committee | 1950 ; |
| | Hadassah (Portland) | 1/8/1959 ; 1946-2009 ; 1957 ; 2011 ; 2015 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; circa 1966 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Nov 14 2004 ; Nov 14 2004 ; Sept 27, 1983 ; |
| | Hadassah, Vineland Chapter | 1961 ; 24 Nov 1967 ; 9 Jan 1953 ; Feb 1968 ; Oct-86 ; |
| | Hebrew Free Loan Fund | 1925 ; |
| | Hebrew Independent and Literary Club | 1955 ; |
| | Hebrew Women's Benevolent Society | Oct-86 ; |
| | Independent Order B'nai B'rith First District Grand Lodge of Portland No 218 | 1874 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1997 ; Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ; |
| | Independent Order Brith Abraham - Portland chapter | 1955 ; |
| | Independent Order of B'nai B'rith - The Portland Lodge 218 (now 1021) | 1997 ; |
| | Industrial Removal Office - Portland | Winter 2015 ; |
| | Intercollegiate Menorah Association | 1997 ; |
| | Iota Phi Sorority (Sigma Chapter) | 1957 ; 1958 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1971 ; 2011 ; April 8-10 1960 ; date not known ; |
| | JCC Women's Division (Portland) | 10-May-68 ; |
| | Jewish Community Alliance of South Maine | 2011 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 5/10/2018 ; 7/13/2012 ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Center Youth Organization | 1957 ; 1958 ; 1958 ; 1959 ; 1959 ; 1959 ; 1959 or 1960 ; 1960 ; 1961 - 1962 c ; 1964 circa ; April 1964 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - JCC Mens Bowling Club | 1954 ; |
| Portland |
| | Jewish Community Center - JCC Tweenages | date not known ; |
| Portland |
| | Jewish Community Center - JCC Youth Dance Group | 1952 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Portland | 1/1/2010 ; 1/16/1941 ; 1/16/1968 ; 1/20/1950 ; 1/31/1938 ; 10 May 2013 ; 10/17/1982 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/4/1979 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 10/6/1944 ; 11/1/2001 ; 11/21/1964 ; 11/8/1957 ; 1888-1988 ; 1905-1938 ; 1927 ; 1939 ; 1940 ; 1940 ; 1940 ; 1940 ; 1940 ; 1943 - 1946 ; 1945 ; 1945 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1948 ; 1948 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1951-1952 ; 1952 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1959 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1961 ; 1962 ; 1963 ; 1963 ; 1963 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1965 ; 1967 ; 1968 ; 1970 ; 1971 ; 1973 ; 1974 ; 1976 ; 1977 ; 1978 ; 1979 ; 1981 ; 1984 ; 1984 ; 1985 ; 1989 ; 1996 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2-Nov-51 ; 2010 ; 2011 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 3/1/2005 ; 3/1/2010 ; 3/7/1940 ; 3/7/1969 ; 3/9/1947 ; 5-Jun-06 ; 5/1/2001 ; 6 Nov 1938 ; 6/4/1905 ; 7/9/1944 ; 9/1/2012 ; 9/22/1944 ; c1954 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1953 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1958 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1963 ; circa 1963 ; circa 1964 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1966 ; circa 1967 ; circa 1967 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1971 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 22 1948 ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; Feb-84 ; March 8, 1960 ; May 4, 1970 ; May, 1951 ; Nov 13-20, 1938 ; Nov 17, 1963 ; Nov, 1960 ; November, 1957 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Portland - Sunday School | 1970 ; 1979 ; 1980 ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Women\\\'s Club | 1905-1938 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 c ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Federation - Men's Leadership Division | 1940 - 1942 ; |
9/22/1944 ;
| | Jewish Federation Community Council of Southern Maine | 1/25/1972 ; 1950 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1990 ; 1997 ; 6/4/1905 ; date not known ; May 1986 ; |
| | Jewish Federation of Southern Maine | 1/16/1968 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 1955 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1984 ; 1985 ; 1985 ; 1985-1986 ; 1997 ; Aug 12 1981 ; c. 1938 ; date not known ; date not known ; Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Jewish Historical Society of Portland, Me | 1/16/1968 ; 1955 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; |
| | Jewish Home for Aged - Auxiliary | 10/14/1999 ; 1894 - 1977 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; circa 1966 ; |
| | Jewish Home for the Aged / Moshav Zekeinim | 06/13/11 ; 1/18/1960 ; 10/18/1956 ; 10/22/1968 ; 10/6/1944 ; 1925 ; 1929 ; 1929 ; 1929 ; 1930s ? ; 1930s ? ; 1932 ; 1946 ; 1948 ; 1952 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1958 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1961 ; 1970s? ; 1979 ; 1985 ; 1985 ; 1985 ; 1990 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2/11/1965 ; 2007 ; 2015 ; 25 Feb 1929 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; 5/20/1962 ; 6/13/1977 ; 6/13/1977 ; 6/2/1950 ; 6/25/1983 ; 8/13/1973 ; 9/23/1928 ; April 21, 2006 ; Aug 1937 ; c. 1940 ; c. 1965 ; circa 1932 ; circa 1955 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Feb 25, 1925 ; July 4 1947 ; June 26 1932 ; Oct 1930 ; Oct 1930 ; September 21, 1928 ; |
| | Jewish Ladies Aid Society | 1955 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans Jacob Cousins Post No 99 | 1955 ; 1997 ; 2010 ; 2011 ; 2016 ; c. 1938 ; c. 1965 ; summer 2005 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans Jacob Cousins Post No 99 - Auxiliary | 2016 ; |
| | Joint Defense Appeal | 1961 ; date not known ; |
| | Junior Hadassah | 4 Oct 1940 ; |
| | Macabee Club | 1955-1970s ; 1958 - 1968 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1964 ; 1964 ; 2015 ; date not known ; |
| | Michael Klahr Jewish Family Services | 1961 ; 1961 ; 1990 ; 1997 ; |
| | Mizrachi Women | 1961 ; |
| | Mu Sigma Fraternity | Dec 1957 ; |
| | Mu Sigma Fraternity - Alpha Omega Chapter | 1954 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 2011 ; date not known ; |
| | NYA , associated with the JCC | 1940 ; 2/14/1940 ; 6 Feb 1940 ; |
| | Osher Inn at Cedars | 23 Nov 2013 ; |
| | Phi Delta Mu | 1930s ; 26 June 1940 ; 7/6/1934 ; |
| | Pioneer Women | 1 June 1945 ; 1/8/1959 ; 1977 circa ; 4/4/1957 ; circa 1966 ; date not known ; |
| | Poale Zion | 1961 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; date not known ; |
| | Portland City Lodge- No 271 Order of Brith Abraham | 1955 ; |
| | Portland Hebrew Loan Assn | 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| | Portland Lodge B'nai B'rith | 4 Oct 1940 ; |
| | Portland Vaad Hakasruth | Feb-84 ; |
| | Portland YMHA | 02/18/30 ; 1/16/1968 ; |
| | Portland Zionist District | 4 Oct 1940 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; |
| | Portland Zionist Organization | 1943 - 1945 ; 1944 ; |
| | State of Israel Bond Drive (Portland) | Sept 27, 1983 ; |
| | State of Maine Lodge, No 329 | 1955 ; |
| | Theta Rho Sorority | 1990 ; 1990 ; circa 1945 ; |
| | Torah Club | 1/16/1968 ; 1997 ; |
| | United Hebrew Charities (of Portland ) | 1894 - 1977 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1955 ; 1997 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; |
| | United Jewish Appeal | 1988 ; 1988 ; 7 May 1985 ; Feb-84 ; |
| | United Jewish Appeal, National Women's Board | Oct-86 ; |
| | Vaad Ha-Schechita | 1955 ; |
| | Vaad Hoir | 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/21/1979 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1961 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 4/29/1982 ; Aug 12 1981 ; date not known ; |
| | Veritans Club - | 1955 ; |
| | Wilmot Street Community Center | 1905-1938 ; |
| | Woodford's Club | 2015 ; |
| | Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 317 | 1930 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; |
| | Yom Hashoah | Oct-86 ; |
| | Young Israel Club | 2/28/1934 ; 2010 ; |
| | Young Judea | 17 May 1927 ; 1947 ; |
| | Young Men's Hebrew Association | 02/18/30 ; 1905-1938 ; 1912 ; 1955 ; 4/08/1898 ; April 8, 1898 ; Jan 7 1974 ; May 23, 1933 ; |
| | Young Women's Hebrew Association | 1894 - 1977 ; 1905-1938 ; 1912 ; 1921 - 1922 ; 1930 ; 1955 ; |
| Presque Isle |
| | B'nai B'rith Lodge and Chapter # 216 | 1942 ; 1942 ; 2/15/1963 ; 2011 ; 3/31/1950 ; 3/31/1950 ; 3/31/1951 ; 3/31/1951 ; 3/31/1952 ; 3/31/1952 ; 3/31/1953 ; 3/31/1953 ; 31 March 1950 ; 31 March 1952 ; 5/3/1964 ; 5/3/1964 ; |
| Rockland |
| | B\'nai B\'rith Lodge #1391 (Rockland) | 1911-1987 ; |
| Waterville |
| | B'nai B'rith Waterville | 2011 ; date not known ; July 6, 1946 ; |
| | Daughters of Miriam | 1958 ; 1997 ; |
| | Gamma Phi Epsilon | 1919 ; 1930 ; January 2010 ; |
| | Hadassah (Waterville Chapter) | 07/03/11 ; 1/8/1959 ; 1928 ; 1955 ; 2011 ; circa 1951 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Community Center Fund | 2011 ; |
| | Jewish National Fund | 07/03/11 ; 1888-1988 ; 2011 ; date not known ; |
| | Newmann Club | January 2013 ; |
| | Talmud Torah | 1958 ; |
| | Tau Delta Phi | 1930 ; 2011 ; January 2010 ; |
| | Theodore N Levine Chapter of B'nai B'rth | 1958 ; circa 1951 ; date not known ; |
| | Waterville Women's Club | 07/03/11 ; 2011 ; |
| | Women's Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith | 1958 ; 1997 ; |
| | Workman's Circle / Arbeiter Ring : Branch 282 | 07/03/11 ; |
| Windham |
| | The Mildred and Ernest Baker Center Day Camp Scholarship Fund | July 26, 2013 ; |
Jewish Religious Organizations - local < |
| |
| |
| | Temple Beth Torah | 1985 ; |
| Auburn |
| | Beth Jacob Hebrew School | 1917 ; 1917 ; 1936 ; June 1955 ; |
| | Congregation Beth Abraham | 1/8/1959 ; 11/30/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 12 May 1950 ; 12/6/1952 ; 1900 ; 1936 ; 1952 ; 1952 ; 1952 ; 1952 ; 1952 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1959 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1977 circa ; 1977 circa ; 1992 ; 1992 ; 2/13/1957 ; 2/4/1956 ; 2012 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 2024 ; 24 Nov 1967 ; 4/13/1917 ; 5/15/1959 ; 6/5/1956 ; 7/28/1954 ; 9 Jan 1953 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not yet known ; Dec 31, 1897 ; Feb 1968 ; July 14 1917 ; June 1955 ; March 1983 ; May 1984 ; May 1984 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; |
| | Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center | 05/23/03 ; 06/24/11 ; 11/14/1950 ; 1982 ; 2/2/2016 ; 20-Sep-20 ; 20-Sep-20 ; 20-Sep-20 ; 20-Sep-20 ; 2007 ; 2007 ; 2007 ; 2010 ; 2011 ; 2011-2012 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2016 ; 2016 ; 2016 ; 2017 ; 2024 ; 23 May 2003 ; ca 1997 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not yet known ; |
| Augusta |
| | Temple Beth El | 1/14/2012 ; 1957 ; 1960 ; 1980s ; 2008 ; 2011 ; 8/16/1997 ; 9/24/1998 ; 9/24/1998 ; 9/30/1998 ; ca 1997 ; ca 1997 ; ca 1998 ; ca 2011 ; ca May 2012 ; circa 1965 ; circa 2017 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 2008 ; Jan- Feb 2020 ; Jan- Feb 2021 ; July- August 2020 ; June 1966 ; March - April 2020 ; March - April 2020 ; May - June 2020 ; May 3 2012 ; Nov - Dec 2019 ; Nov 14 2004 ; Nov 14 2004 ; September 24, 1998 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Bangor Jewish Chapel | 2/15/1963 ; |
| | Bangor Talmud Torah (House of Learning) | date not known ; |
| | Beth Abraham Hebrew School Committee | 1973 ; |
| | Beth Abraham Sisterhood | 10/16/1952 ; 1915-2006 ; 1943-1987 ; 1947-1988 ; 1956 ; 1983 ; 1996 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 27-Jul-06 ; 5-Jun-06 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; Jan. 19, 1979 ; Sept. 26, 2005 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; |
| | Beth Abraham Synagogue | 10/16/1952 ; |
10/21/1979 ;
10/4/1979 ;
1933 ;
1933 ;
1933 ;
1933 ;
1933 ;
1933 and 1983 ;
1937 ;
1938 ;
1956 ;
1960 ;
1960 ;
1966 ;
1968 ;
1969 ;
1969 ;
1971-1983 ;
1973 ;
1976 ;
1979 ;
1980 ;
1982 ;
1983 ;
1983 ;
1983 ;
1988 ;
1993 ;
1996 ;
20-Jun-89 ;
2006 ;
2007 ;
2009 ;
2010 ;
2012 ;
2017 ;
2017 ;
2017 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
2019 ;
22-Apr-80 ;
26-Jan-85 ;
26-Jun-80 ;
5/8/2001 ;
8-Jan-97 ;
8/27/1916 ;
Aug 8 1985 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Dec 23, 1969 ;
Dec-82 ;
Dec. 27, 1981 ;
Nov 21 2002 ;
Nov 4 1999 ;
Sept 22 2001 ;
Sept. 7, 1987 ;
September 11, 1981 ;
April 23, 1981 ;
Nov. 24 2001 ;
Nov. 5, 1979 ;
Nov. 5, 1979 ;
Oct. 4, 1988 ;
| Bangor |
| | Beth Israel Brotherhood | 1927 ; 6/4/1990 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Beth Israel Cemeteries | 15 Sept 1970 ; 6/4/1990 ; Fall 2007 ; |
| | Beth Israel Society | 1888-1988 ; August 23, 1897 ; |
| | Beth Israel Synagogue - Tefillen Group, | date not known ; |
| | Chaore Toldos Itzchok Anshe Sfard | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Congregation Ahawas Achim | 1849 ; |
1849 ;
1853 ;
1856 ;
1938 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
May 1957 ;
Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ;
Winter 2015 ;
| | Congregation Beth El | 10/22/2006 ; 1888-1988 ; 1997 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; 2013 ; circa 2018 ; circa 2018 ; date not known ; July 24, 2008 ; Jun-06 ; |
| | Congregation Beth Israel | 1913 ; 1945 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; circa 2015 ; |
| | Congregation Beth Israel, Bangor | 06/24/11 ; 1/15/1970 ; 1/15/1971 ; 10/22/1968 ; 11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ; 11/4/1967 ; 11/4/1970 ; 11/5/1971 and 5/27/1980 ; 12 May 1950 ; 17 Dec 1926 ; 1888-1963 ; 1888-1988 ; 1897 ; 1897 ; 1913 ; 1913-1920 ; 1930 & 2006 ; 1937 ; 1937 ; 1942 ; 1945 ; 1945 ; 1945 ; 1945 ; 1945 ; 1949-1950 ; 1958 ; 1960 ; 1967 ; 1973 ; 1984 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1988 ; 1990 ; 1997 ; 2/11/1965 ; 2/15/1963 ; 2/17/1959 and 12/4/1960 ; 2/23/1963 ; 2/26/2003 ; 2006 ; 2010 ; 2017 ; 3/28/1968 ; 4/5/1989 ; 6/14/1969 ; 6/4/1990 ; 7/7/1954 ; 8/19/1964 and 7/21/1973 ; 8/8/1965 ; 9/23/1983 ; Aug 23, 1897 ; Aug 30 2012 ; circa 1955 ; circa 2009 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 17 1926 ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; December 18, 1949 ; June 14-15, 1969 ; March 1983 ; Sept 7, 2008 ; September 11, 1981 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; |
| | Congregation Sons of Israel | 3/20/1968 ; |
| | Hebrew Academy of Bangor | 1967 ; 1968 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; March 1983 ; Nov 4 1999 ; November 1978 ; September 11, 1981 ; |
| | Hebrew Free School | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Kashruth Board | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Religious and Education Committee of Congregation Beth Israel | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Schlossberg-Goldman-Solomon Chapel | 1985 ; |
| | Temple Beth Israel | 1955 ; 1960 ; 1997 ; 8/13/1973 ; |
| | Tifereth Israel (Glory of Israel) | 1888-1988 ; 1940s ; 1960 ; |
| | Tifereth Israel Cemetery Committee | 15 Sept 1970 ; |
| | Todolph Yitzchak | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Toldos Itzchock | 1960 ; 3/28/1968 ; |
| | United Jewish Chapel | 1/15/1971 ; 1/18/1962 ; 11/15/1960 and 5/3/1962 ; |
| Bath |
| | Beth Abraham Synagogue | 1997 ; 7/13/2012 ; |
| | Beth Israel Sisterhood | 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999 ; 11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ; 1919-62 ; 1955-67 ; 1958 ; 1962-64 ; 1963 ; 1963-69 ; 1968 ; 1969 ; 1970-84 ; 1984 ; 2011 ; 2017 ; 4/21/1967 ; 8/19/1964 and 7/21/1973 ; date not known ; Sept 1984 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; |
| | Hebrew Ladies Society | 1919 ; 1919-20 ; 1920 ; 1920's ; 1923-26 ; 1927-1929 ; 1927-30 ; 1939-40 ; 1940-42 ; 1942-44 ; 1944 ; 1944 ; 1944 ; 1944-46 ; 1944-47 ; 1947-55 ; 1955-62 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; circa 1922 ; |
| | The Naomi Club | 1916-18 ; 1927-1929 ; 2/24/1916 ; 2/3/1916 ; |
| Belfast |
| | Congregation Beth Israel | 10/14/1999 ; 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999 ; 1972 ; 4/21/1967 ; 7/18/1985 ; |
| Biddeford |
| | Congregation Etz Chaim (Biddeford) | 1916 ; 1923 ; 1996 ; 2007 ; 2008 ; 23 Nov 2013 ; April 2007 ; circa 1960 ; circa 2004 ; circa 2018 ; circa 2018 ; date not known ; date not known ; Jan 2007 ; May 2006 ; May 2006 ; |
| Delray Beach |
| | Temple Anshei Shalom | 2013 ; 2013 ; |
| Ellsworth |
| | Chaveroth Shalom | 1888-1988 ; |
| Farmington |
| | Non-Violet Order of the Ark | 2011 ; |
| Fort Kent |
| | Congregation Beth Israel | 1915 ; |
| Gardiner |
| | Temple Beth Israel | 9/30/1998 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Beth Abraham Brotherhood | 1/11/1957 ; 5/21/1956 ; June 1955 ; |
| | Beth Abraham Sisterhood | 11/29/1951 ; 1930 ; 1969 ; 1976 ; 24 Nov 1967 ; 6/5/1956 ; 9 Jan 1953 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Feb 1968 ; June 1955 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; Sept. 26, 2005 ; |
| | Beth Jacob | 05/19/03 ; 1 June 1945 ; 1/6/1958 ; 10/18/1956 ; 11/13/1929 ; 11/30/1956 ; 1936 ; 1948 ; 1954 ; 1954 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1958 ; 1962 - 1963 c ; 1977 circa ; 1977 circa ; 1977 circa ; 1980 ; 1997 ; 2/4/1956 ; 20-Nov-36 ; 20-Nov-36 ; 2000 ; 2024 ; 2024 ; 3/18/1958 ; 3/18/1958 ; 5/20/1904 ; 5/23/1958 ; 5/23/1958 ; 6/3/1957 ; April 10 1964 ; circa 1945 ; circa 1955 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not yet known ; date not yet known ; Fall 2007 ; Feb 21, 1981 ; June 1955 ; May 23 1958 ; Oct 7, 1961 ; |
| | Beth Jacob Brotherhood | 1977 circa ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Beth Jacob choir | 1977 circa ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Beth Jacob Sisterhood | 1 June 1945 ; 10/17/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 17-Dec-67 ; 1930 ; 1953 - 1955 ; 1954 ; 1955 ; 1958 - 1959 c ; 1972 ; 1977 circa ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; June 1955 ; May 4, 1956 ; |
| | Congregation Am Echad | 1982 ; date not known ; |
| | Jewish Community Center - Lewiston-Auburn | 1/29/1957 ; 10/17/1956 ; 10/17/1956 ; 10/22/1960 ; 10/28/1957 ; 10/4/1956 ; 10/7/1961 ; 11-Jun-50 ; 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999 ; 11/21/1956 ; 11/6/1957 ; 12/27/1967 ; 12/28/1956 ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s or 1960s ; 1950s or 1960s ; 1951 ; 1951-1982 ; 1956 ; 1960 ; 1960s ; 1960s ; 1960s ; 1960s ; 1962 - 1963 c ; 1968 ; 1969 ; 1982 ; 2/16/1960 ; 3/14/1962 ; 3/14/1962 ; 4/12/2012 ; 4/17/1956 ; 4/9/1957 ; 8/11/1992 ; 9/19/1956 ; April 1978 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Jan 1 1963 ; June 1955 ; May 23 1957 ; |
| Lewiston or Auburn |
| | Hadassah, Lewiston-Auburn Chapter | 1 June 1945 ; 1/8/1959 ; 10/19/1948 ; 10/4/1956 ; 10/7/1956 ; 10/8/1956 ; 11/1/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 11/30/1956 ; 1930 ; 1948 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1957 ; 1957 ; 1977 circa ; 1978 ; 2/13/1957 ; 2017 ; 3-Nov-81 ; 4/4/1957 ; 7/9/1957 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Jan 9 1957 ; June 1955 ; Nov23 & 27, 1956 ; Oct 26 1968 ; |
| Lewiston-Auburn |
| | Beth Abraham Hebrew School | June 1955 ; |
| | Beth Jacob Men's Club | June 1955 ; |
| | Jewish Undertakers Associatin | 1930 ; |
| New York |
| | Congregation Beth Israel | 1976 ; 2/28/1982 ; |
| | Congregation Tifereth Eliezer | 1976 ; |
| Old Orchard Beach |
| | Congregation Beth Israel | 1 Oct 2005 ; 12/19/2017 ; 1949 ; 1950s? ; 1956 ; 2000 ; 2000 ; 2000 ; 2010 ; 2015 ; circa 2017 ; circa 2017 ; circa 2017 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; July 18 ; June 17 1927 ; June 24, 1956 ; |
| Old Town |
| | Temple Israel | 1955 ; 1955 ; 1980 c ; 7/18/1985 ; |
| Portland |
| | Abraham S. & Fanny B. Levey Day School-Hillel Academy | 11/1/1973 ; 1985-1986 ; 1985-1986 ; 1985-1986 ; 1985-1986 ; 1985-1986 ; 1985-1986 ; 1990 ; 5/26/1905 ; 6/1/1974 ; 6/1/1974 ; 6/10/1959 ; 6/10/1959 ; date not known ; |
| | Beth HaKnesseth Anshe Sfard | 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 1890 ; 1917 c ; 1917 c ; 1920 c ; 1920 c ; 1942 ; 1948 ; 1955 ; 1966 ; 1970c ; 1970c ; 1983 ; 1983 ; 2010 ; 2014 ; 2014 ; 2015 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; Nov-70 ; |
| | Beth Hamidrash Hagodol | 1955 ; |
| | Chabad of Maine | 10 May 2013 ; 11/15/2015 ; 2015 ; 2019 ; 8/21/2008 ; Aug 22, 2008 ; |
| | Chevra Mishnayot | 1902 ; |
| | Chevra t'Hillim | 04/27/14 ; |
| | Congregation Beth Judah | 1883 ; 1955 ; date not known ; |
| | Congregation Kehilath Israel | 1961 ; |
| | Congregation Sharith Israel | 1955 ; |
| Portland |
| | Etz Chaim Choir | 2016 ; |
| Portland |
| | Etz Chaim Synagogue Auxliary | circa 1966 ; |
| | Hebrew Synagogue Society | 1997 ; 1997 ; 2010 ; |
| | Jewish Community Chapel | 4/21/1967 ; 8/8/1965 ; May 1984 ; May 2017 ; |
| | Maine Jewish Committee | Oct, 1945 ; |
| | Modern Synagogue Society | 1955 ; |
| | NCSY | 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
| | Orthodox Kehillah of Portland | 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; |
| | Shaarey Tphiloh Sisterhood | 10/31/1966 ; 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 1954 ; 5/1/1972 ; 5/26/1905 ; 9/1/1973 ; 9/1/1974 ; date not known ; |
| | Shaarey Tphiloh Brotherhood | 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; 9/1/1973 ; 9/1/1974 ; |
| | Temple Beth El | 05/23/68 ; 10 May 2013 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/4/1979 ; 10/4/1979 ; 11 Aug 1981' ; 13 Jan 2013 ; 1894 - 1977 ; 1948 ; 1948 - 1949 ; 1948 - 1998 ; 1948 c ; 1949 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1952 circa ; 1952 circa ; 1954 ; 1954 ; 1954 ; 1954 ; 1954 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1956 ; 1957 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1963 circa ; 1964 ; 1966 ; 1969 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2/22/2018 ; 2006 ; 2007 ; 2009 ; 2010 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 23 May 1957 ; 24037 ; 27 Jan 1961 ; 30 April 2013 ; 5 June 1964 ; 7-Dec-84 ; 8 Oct 1954 ; 9/30/1998 ; Apr-May 2009 ; April 2007 ; Aug 2007 ; Aug 2008 ; ca 1998 ; ca1954 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1963 ; circa 1968 ; circa 1989 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 2006 ; Dec 2007 ; Dec 2014 ; Feb 2007 ; Feb-84 ; Feb-Apr 2011 ; Jan 2007 ; Jan-Feb 2012 ; Jan-Feb 2013 ; Jan-Feb 2014 ; July-Aug 2012 ; June - July 2008 ; June 2006 ; June 5 1964 ; June-July 2007 ; Mar - Apr 2008 ; Mar - Apr 2014 ; Mar -Apr 2013 ; Mar-April 2012 ; March - April 2008 ; March 15, 1957 ; May - June 2013 ; May - June 2014 ; May 2007 ; May 2008 ; May-July 2011 ; May-June 2012 ; Nov 2005 ; Nov 2006 ; Nov 2012 ; Nov 8 -11 1963 ; Nov 9 1956 ; Nov-Dec 2013 ; Nov-Jan 2010 ; Oct 2006 ; Sept 2007 ; Sept 2008 ; Sept 2011 ; Sept- Oct 2011 ; Sept-Oct 2014 ; Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ; |
| | Temple Beth El Children's Choir | 1963 circa ; |
| | Temple Beth El Choir | 1963 circa ; |
| | Temple Beth El Hebrew School | 1950 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 2015 ; |
| | Temple Beth El Hebrew School (now 1083) | November 2011 ; |
| | Temple Beth El Youth Choir | 1963 circa ; |
| | Temple Beth Hillel | 10/6/1944 ; |
| | Temple Emmanuel | 2015 ; |
| | Temple Israel (Portland) | 1894 - 1977 ; 1955 ; 2010 ; 2015 ; |
| | USY | 2015 ; 2015 ; |
| Presque Isle |
| | Aroostook Hebrew Community Center | 1-Jun-55 ; 10/15/1937 ; 13 March 1958 ; 15-Sep-37 ; 16 May 1956 ; 16 Oct 1953 ; 19 October 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1953 ; 1997 ; 2 May 1956 ; 2 Sept 1953 ; 2019 ; 2020 ; 22 Feb 1957 ; 23 Sept 47 ; 24 April 1965 ; 24 August 1956 ; 25 May 1953 ; 27 April 1953 ; 3 May 1964 ; 30 May 1955 ; 30 Se[t 1953 ; 31 March 1950 ; 31 March 1950 ; 31 March 1951 ; 31 March 1952 ; 31 March 1953 ; 5/11/1948 ; 5/11/1948 ; 5/11/1948 ; 5/11/1948 ; 6 Jan 1953 ; 9 May 1957 ; date not known ; date not known ; July 2009 ; Oct 25, 1953 ; |
| Rockland |
| | Adas Yoshuron - Sisterhood | 1911-1987 ; 6/25/1983 ; |
| | Congregation Sharajehdek | 1911-1987 ; |
| Rumford |
| | Temple Israel | 1941 ; 1941 ; 1952 c ; April 21, 2006 ; circa 1940 ; circa 1940 ; date not known ; late 1940s - early 1950s ; |
| South Portland |
| | Congregation Bet Ha’am | 05/06/09 ; 1930 & 2006 ; 2008 ; 2009 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 26-31 March, 2011 ; 4/15/2013 ; Apr 1 2021 ; Apr 12 2021 ; Apr 13 2021 ; Apr 15 2021 ; Apr 19 2021 ; Apr 20 2021 ; Apr 22 2021 ; Apr 27 2021 ; Apr 27 2021 ; Apr 29 2021 ; Apr 30 2021 ; Apr 6 2021 ; Apr 8 2021 ; April 2011 ; April 2012 ; April 2013 ; April 2014 ; April 2015 ; Aug 1 2021 ; Aug 12 2021 ; Aug 16 2021 ; Aug 19 2021 ; Aug 19 2021 ; Aug 23 2021 ; Aug 24 2021 ; Aug 26 2021 ; Aug 5 2021 ; ca 2000 ; circa 2000 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 10 2020 ; Dec 13 2020 ; Dec 14 2020 ; Dec 15 2020 ; Dec 16 2020 ; Dec 2 2020 ; Dec 2011 ; Dec 2012 ; Dec 2013 ; Dec 2014 ; Dec 24 2020 ; Dec 3 2020 ; Feb 11 2021 ; Feb 2010 ; Feb 2012 ; Feb 2013 ; Feb 2014 ; Feb 23 2021 ; Feb 25 2021 ; Feb 4 2021 ; Jan 1 2021 ; Jan 13 2021 ; Jan 14 2021 ; Jan 2012 ; Jan 2013 ; Jan 2014 ; Jan 23 2021 ; Jan 23 2021 ; Jan 28 2021 ; Jan 7 2021 ; Jan 8 2021 ; Jan Feb 2015 ; Jan Feb 2016 ; July 1 2021 ; July 15 2021 ; July 22 2021 ; July 22 2021 ; July 29 2021 ; July 29 2021 ; July 8 2021 ; July 2012 ; July Aug 2011 ; July Aug 2013 ; July August 2015 ; June 1 2021 ; June 10 2021 ; June 17 2021 ; June 18 2021 ; June 2011 ; June 2012 ; June 2013 ; June 24 2021 ; June 3 2021 ; June July 2014 ; Mar 11 2021 ; Mar 12 2021 ; Mar 18 2021 ; Mar 24 2021 ; Mar 25 2021 ; Mar 26 2021 ; Mar 30 2021 ; Mar 5 2021 ; Mar April 2016 ; March 2011 ; March 2012 ; March 2013 ; March 2014 ; May 11 2021 ; May 13 2021 ; May 20 2021 ; May 2011 ; May 2012 ; May 2013 ; May 2014 ; May 27 2021 ; May 4 2021 ; May 6 2021 ; May June 2015 ; Nov 1 2020 ; Nov 10 2020 ; Nov 12 2020 ; Nov 2 2020 ; Nov 2011 ; Nov 2012 ; Nov 2013 ; Nov 2014 ; Nov 24 2020 ; Nov 25 2020 ; Nov 30 2020 ; Nov 4 2020 ; Nov 4 2020 ; Nov 5 2020 ; Nov Dec 2015 ; Oct 1 2020 ; Oct 14 2020 ; Oct 14 2021 ; Oct 15 2020 ; Oct 2011 ; Oct 2012 ; Oct 2013 ; Oct 2014 ; Oct 21 2021 ; Oct 22 2020 ; Oct 28 2021 ; Oct 28 2021 ; Oct 29 2020 ; Oct 7 2021 ; Sept 1 2020 ; Sept 1 2021 ; Sept 10 2020 ; Sept 11 2020 ; Sept 12 2021 ; Sept 13 2020 ; Sept 13 2021 ; Sept 14 2020 ; Sept 14 2021 ; Sept 15 2020 ; Sept 15 2021 ; Sept 16 2020 ; Sept 16 2021 ; Sept 17 2020 ; Sept 2011 ; Sept 2012 ; Sept 2013 ; Sept 2014 ; Sept 23 2021 ; Sept 27 2021 ; Sept 28 2020 ; Sept 29 2020 ; Sept 29 2021 ; Sept 3 2021 ; Sept 30 2020 ; Sept 4 2020 ; Sept 4 2020 ; Sept 5 2021 ; Sept 5 2021 ; Sept 6 2021 ; Sept 8 2020 ; Sept Oct 2015 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Colby College | 05/23/03 ; 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 1/13/2016 ; 12/21/10 ; 1919 ; 1930 ; 1931 ; 1977 circa ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2012 ; 2014 ; August 2011 ; date not known ; January 2010 ; January 2011 ; January 2011 ; January 2013 ; January 2013 ; January 2013 ; January 2015 ; July 1, 2010 ; July 2011 ; Winter 2015 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | Hillel at Colby College | May 26, 1989 ; |
Jewish Religious Organizations - State < |
| |
| |
| | Rabbinical Association of Maine | Feb 21, 1981 ; |
| Portland |
| | Mizrachi | 1888-1988 ; 2010 ; 4/4/1957 ; date not known ; June 3-4, 1944 ; |
Cemeteries & Chevra Kaddisha < |
| Auburn |
| Auburn |
| | Beth Abraham Cemetery Association (Auburn) | 1 June 1945 ; 1977 circa ; date not known ; |
| | Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center Cemetery | 2006 ; Oct 2010 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Beth Abraham - Chevra Kaddisha | 1947-1988 ; 1982 ; Jan. 19, 1979 ; |
| | Beth Abraham Synagogue (Bangor) Cemetery : old section | 1947-1988 ; 2012 ; 26-Jan-85 ; 27-Jul-06 ; 5-Jun-06 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 27, 1981 ; Feb 1968 ; Jan. 19, 1979 ; May 1984 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; Sept. 7, 1987 ; September 11, 1981 ; April 23, 1981 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; |
| | Beth Israel (Bangor) - Chevra Kadisha | 29 July 1971 ; 29 July 1971 ; |
| | Beth Israel Cemetery Fund | March 31 1961 ; |
| | Chavra Kaddisha (Beth Abraham - Bangor) | date not known ; |
| | Chevra Kaddisha | date not known ; |
| | Jewish Funeral Chapel | July 26, 2013 ; 11/15/1960 and 5/3/1962 ; 11/4/1970 ; 11/5/1971 and 5/27/1980 ; 19-Mar-03 ; 1947-1988 ; 1969 ; 2017 ; 2017 ; 26-Jan-85 ; 27-Jul-06 ; 28 May 2013 ; 4/15/2013 ; 5 Feb 2013 ; 5-Jun-06 ; 6/4/1990 ; 8/13/1973 ; 9/23/1983 ; 9/30/1998 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 27, 1981 ; Feb 1968 ; Jan. 19, 1979 ; March 1982 ; May 2017 ; May 2017 ; Nov. 20, 2013 ; Oct. 21, 2013 ; Sept. 7, 1987 ; September 11, 1981 ; April 23, 1981 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; Sept. 25, 2004. ; |
| | Webster Ave Cemetery | date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 2008 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Beth Jacob Cemetery | 05/23/03 ; 10/18/1956 ; 1977 circa ; 23 May 2003 ; 26-Nov-1900 ; |
| Owls Head |
| | Owls Head Jewish Cemetery, Owls Head, Me | Fall 2006 ; |
| Portland |
| | Beth El Memorial Park | 10 May 2013 ; 28 May 2013 ; 30 April 2013 ; Nov. 20, 2013 ; Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ; |
| | Beth El Memorial Park (now 1098) | Nov 2007 ; |
| | Chevra Kaddisha (Portland) (now 1008) | 1955 ; date not known ; May 2017 ; |
| | Chevra Kadisha (Portland) | 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/22/1968 ; 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999 ; 8/19/1964 and 7/21/1973 ; 8/27/1916 ; |
| | Mt Sinai Cemetery Association | July 26, 2013 ; |
10 July 2013 ;
10/16/1952 ;
10/16/1952 ;
10/16/1952 ;
10/16/1952 ;
1915 circa ;
1997 ;
1997 ;
2000 ;
23 Nov 2013 ;
5 Feb 2013 ;
7/8/1966 ;
9/30/1998 ;
c. 1938 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Nov 20 2010 ;
| | Portland Jewish Funeral Home | July 26, 2013 ; July 26, 2013 ; 10 July 2013 ; 10 May 2013 ; 13 Jan 2013 ; 23 Nov 2013 ; 28 May 2013 ; 30 April 2013 ; 4/15/2013 ; 5 Feb 2013 ; Nov. 20, 2013 ; Oct. 21, 2013 ; Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ; |
| | Shaarey Tphiloh (Noyes and Deering Ave) | 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 06/22/57 ; 10 May 2013 ; 10/06/36 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/4/1979 ; 10/4/1979 ; 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 12/16/2012 ; 1902 ; 1904-1964 ; 1913 ; 1921 ; 1925 ; 1925 ; 1930 & 2006 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1940s - 1960s ; 1942-1948 ; 1945 ; 1947 ; 1948 ; 1948 ; 1948 ; 1948-1959 ; 1949 ; 1951 ; 1954 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1958 ; 1958 ; 1959 ; 1961 ; 1963 ; 1964 ? ; 1973 ; 1975 ; 1976 ; 1987 ; 1990 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2/2/2009 ; 2004 ; 2007 ; 2010 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2016 ; 2020-07-10 ; 2020-09-17 ; 2020-09-24 ; 2020-10-29 ; 2020-11-05 ; 2020-11-05 ; 2020-11-12 ; 2020-11-19 ; 2020-11-26 ; 2020-12-03 ; 2020-12-10 ; 2020-12-17 ; 2020-12-24 ; 2020-12-31 ; 2021-01-08 ; 2021-01-21 ; 2021-01-29 ; 2021-02-04 ; 2021-02-11 ; 2021-02-25 ; 2021-03-04 ; 2021-03-11 ; 2021-03-18 ; 2021-03-24 ; 2021-04-02 ; 2021-04-09 ; 2021-04-16 ; 2021-04-22 ; 2021-04-29 ; 2021-05-06 ; 2021-05-13 ; 2021-05-20 ; 2021-05-28 ; 2021-06-04 ; 2021-06-18 ; 2021-06-25 ; 2021-07-05 ; 2021-07-09 ; 2021-07-15 ; 2021-07-22 ; 2021-07-30 ; 2021-08-06 ; 2021-08-12 ; 2021-08-20 ; 2021-08-27 ; 2021-09-02 ; 2021-09-09 ; 2021-09-10 ; 2021-10-01 ; 2021-10-07 ; 2021-10-14 ; 2021-10-21 ; 2021-10-28 ; 23-Jan-41 ; 25-May-05 ; 3/21/2013 ; 3/30/1905 ; 30-May-90 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; 4/15/2013 ; 4/29/1982 ; 4/29/1982 ; 5/1/1972 ; 5/1/1974 ; 5/1/1974 ; 5/16/1905 ; 5/17/1905 ; 5/26/1905 ; 6/1/1951 ; 6/1/1972 ; 6/1/1972 ; 6/1/1974 ; 6/1/1974 ; 6/13/1977 ; 6/13/1977 ; 8/19/1984 ; 8/27/1916 ; 9/1/1973 ; 9/1/1974 ; c. 1920 ; c. 1938 ; c. 1965 ; c1902 ; c1911 ; c1920 ; c1949 ; c1950 ; c1950 ; c1954 ; c1985 ; circa 1985 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; December, 1961 ; March 18, 1974 ; March 2008 ; Nov 8 -11 1963 ; November 2011 ; November 2011 ; Oct. 21, 2013 ; |
| | Smith St cemetery | 2008 ; |
| | Southern Maine Jewish Cemetery Association | 2/2/2016 ; |
| Rockland |
| | Berliawsky-Small Cemetery, Rockland,Me | Fall 2006 ; |
| South Portland |
| | Smith St Cemetery | 2/2/2016 ; c. 1938 ; |
Jewish Community Org - State / Region < |
| |
| |
| | Board of Deputies of American Israelites | 1876 ; |
| | Maine District Organizing Committee of the Workmen's Circle | 1916 ; 1919 ; |
| | Anti-Defamation League - Maine | 1/8/1969 ; 6/29/1954 ; 7/13/2012 ; 7/21/1958 ; 8/30/1954 ; April 22, 1960 ; date not known ; date not known ; July 21, 1938 ; June 29, 1954 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith (Eastern District) | Aug 6 1927 ; |
| | Hebrew Immigration Assistance (HIAS) | 1961 ; |
1997 ;
| | Jewish Welfare Board | 6/4/1905 ; |
| | State of Maine Youth Assembly | 10/7/1961 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1961 ; 1961 - 1962 ; 1962 - 1963 ; 1962 - 1963 c ; 1963 ; 1963 ; 1963 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1963 - 1964 ; 1965 ; 2/27/1959 ; 2015 ; 4/23/1961 ; 4/23/1961 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Nov 8-11, 1963 ; Oct 7, 1961 ; |
| Augusta |
| | Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine | 07/03/11 ; 13 Jan 2013 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; |
| | Maine B'nai B'rith ADL Committee | 1954 ; |
| | Maine B'nai B'rith Council | 1/16/1968 ; 10 May 2013 ; 11/19/1956 ; 1955 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; Aug 1937 ; date not known ; December, 1946 ; January, 1946 ; Nov 19, 1956 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Maine State Zionist Organization | 11/13/1929 ; |
| | New England Region of JNF | 1888-1988 ; |
| | New England Zionist Organization | 1888-1988 ; |
| Boston |
| | American Jewish Committee - New England Region | 1997 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith Northern New England district | 2/11/1999 ; 3 Aug 1932 ; |
| | National Council of Jewish Women (North Eastern Regional Conference) | March 15, 1927 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | State Zionist Convention | Nov 13, 1929 ; |
| Lewiston or Auburn |
| | New England Conference of Hadassah | 11/6/1957 ; |
| Maine |
| | Documenting Maine Jewry | 10/27/2010 ; 2013 ; summer 2011 ; |
| Portland |
| | Associated YM and YWHA of New England | 9/17/1920 ; |
| | B'nai B'rith - Cumberland Auxilary | 4/23/1968 ; |
| | International Relations Committee of the Maine Federation of Women's Clubs | 1997 ; |
| | Jewish Community Council of Southern Maine | 1997 ; |
| | Maine JCC Youth Council | 4/15/1956 ; |
| | Maine Jewish Film Festival | 26-31 March, 2011 ; 3/3/2006 ; |
| | Maine Jewish Museum | 2015 ; 2015 ; circa 2019 ; June 2009 ; Nov 22, 2021 ; |
| | UJA New England Regional Conference | Aug 12 1981 ; |
| | United Palestine Appeal of Maine | 11/27/1929 ; |
| to be determined |
| | Maine Jewish Teens (1990s) | Winter 2015 ; |
| | Maine Jewish Young Adult Council | 10/19/1948 ; 2/4/1956 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Maine Conference for Jewish Life | December 22, 2015 ; |
| | Maine Jewish History Project | July 1, 2010 ; |
Jewish summer camp(s) < |
| |
| |
| | Camp Woodland Springs | 1926 ; 1926 ; |
| Belgrade |
| | Camp Modin | 1920s ; 1920s ; 1920s ; 1920s ; 1939 ; 1939 ; 1940s ; 1940s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1975 circa ; 1975 circa ; 1976 ; 1976 ; 1976 ; 1976 ; 1978 ; 1978 ; 1978 ; 1978 ; 1978 ; 1978 ; 1997 ; 2007 ; 2009 ; 2011 ; 29 Aug 2009 ; 6 May 1934 ; circa 2000 ; date not known ; |
| Bridgton |
| | Camp Kingswood | 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; |
| | Camp Koda | 1926 ; |
| | Micah | 1939 ; 2011 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Casco |
| | Camp Brunonia | date not known ; |
| | The Barta Camp | 1926 ; |
| Chesuncook |
| | Camp Kennesuncook | 1926 ; |
| Denmark |
| | Camp Walden | 07/04/11 ; 1926 ; 1977 ; 1981 ; 1981 ; 1981 ; 2011 ; |
| Fayette |
| | Winnebago | 1926 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1953 ; |
| Harrison |
| | Camp Chickawah for Boys | 1920 ; 1920 ; 1920 ; 1920 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Camp Joseph | 1958 ; 2011 ; 9/2/2018 ; |
| Lake Androscoggin, Leeds Centere |
| | Camp Sunny Crest | 4/13/1917 ; April 13 1917 ; |
| Monmouth |
| | Camp Cobbossee For Boys | 5/19/1922 ; May 19, 1922 ; |
| Mt Vernon |
| | Camp Ramah | 1966 ; Oct 28, 1966 ; |
| North Belgrade |
| | Camp Arcadia | 15-May-14 ; 1948 ; 5/15/1914 ; circa 1938 ; circa 1938 ; |
| | Camp Jo-Lee | 1926 ; |
| | Camp Kennebec | 1926 ; 1962 ; 1973 ; 2011 ; 2012 ; circa 1938 ; circa 1938 ; circa 2019 ; |
| North Sebago |
| | Highland Nature Camps | 1926 ; |
| Oakland |
| | Birch Crest Camp | 1933/1934 ; 1937 ; circa 1938 ; circa 1938 ; |
| | Camp Arden | 1926 ; |
| | Camp Lown | 06/26/55 ; 07/04/11 ; 07/04/11 ; 1911-1987 ; 1946 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1948 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 circa ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 circa ; 1952 circa ; 1953 or 1954 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 / 1957 ; 1955 circa ; 1958 ; 1958 ; 1958 ; 1958 ; 1959 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1961 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1965 ; 1966 ; 1981 ; 1984 ; 1984 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 20 April 1947 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 22 Aug 1957 ; 23 Aug 1955 ; 23 Aug 1959 ; 24 Aug 1958 ; 25 Aug 1957 ; 4/20/1947 ; 7/7/1955 ; August 1984 ; c. 1957 ; c. 1957 ; c. 1957 ; c. 1959 ; c. 1960 ; c. 1960 ; circa 1947 ; Circa 1947 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1948 ; circa 1949 ; circa 1952 ; circa 1952 ; circa 1953 ; circa 1954 ; circa 1954 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1956 ; circa 1957 ; circa 1958 ; circa 1958 ; circa 1959 ; circa 1959 ; circa 1959 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1961 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; December, 1946 ; Feb 21, 1928 ; January, 1946 ; July 2009 ; July, 1947 ; late 1950s ; Oct 28, 1966 ; Oct, 1945 ; summer 1957 ; |
| | Camp Manitou | 1969 ; 1969 ; 1969 ; 1969 ; 1969 ; 1975 ; |
| | Cedar Crest Camp | 1/22/2010 ; |
1/28/1916 ;
1926 ;
2011 ;
6/1/1917 ;
circa 1938 ;
circa 1938 ;
Jan 28.1916 ;
June 1, 1917 ;
| | Lakeridge Manor Camp for Girls | circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1956 ; circa 1956 ; |
| Oakland / Readfield |
| | Echo Lake Camp | 1926 ; January 2013 ; |
| Otisfield |
| | Camp Powhatan | circa 2011 ; July 22, 1938 ; July 8 2009 ; July 8 2009 ; |
| Oxford |
| | Kamp Kohut | 17-Feb-11 ; 1926 ; 2/17/1911 ; 4/18/1913 ; 6/19/1908 ; April 18, 1913 ; June 19, 1908 ; |
| Raymond |
| | Naomi | 1963 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; 5/3/1977 ; 9/2/2018 ; date not known ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; |
| Sweden |
| | Camp Tapawingo | 1926 ; circa 1958 ; circa 1959 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Camp Tracy (Harold Alfond Youth Center) | 2011 ; |
| Windham |
| | Center Day Camp (CDC) | 1940s ; 1949 ; 1949 - 1952 ; 1950 ; 1950 ; 1950 circa ; 1950 circa ; 1950 circa ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1950s ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 ; 1951 circa ; 1951 circa ; 1951, 1952, 1953 ; 1952 ; 1952 circa ; 1953 or 1954 ; 1953 or 1954 ; 1955 ; 1956 ; 1959 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1960 ; 1961 ; 1962 ; 1963 ; 1968 ; 1968 ; 1969 ; 1970 ; 1972 ; 1980 ; 1994 ; 1999 ; 2006 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 6/4/1905 ; 8/14/1957 ; 9/1/1959 ; Aug 1, 1959 ; Aug-60 ; Aug-60 ; c1960 ; c1960 ; c1997 ; c1997 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1953 ; circa 1953 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1955 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1960 ; circa 1961 ; circa 1961 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1962 ; circa 1963 ; circa 1964 ; circa 1964 ; circa 1964 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1966 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1970 ; circa 1971 ; circa 1972 ; circa 1972 ; circa 1973 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1980 ; circa 1995 ; circa 1998 ; circa 1998 ; circa 1998 ; circa 1998 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Date not yet known ; early 1980s ; early 1980s ; early 1980s ; January, 1951 ; Jul-60 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-63 ; Jul-72 ; Jul-82 ; July 1951 ; July 1951 ; July 1958 ; July 1962 ; July, 1951 ; July, 1951 ; July, 1951 ; July, 1951 ; July, 1960 ; late 1940s ; May 1951 ; May, 1951
; May, 1951 ; May, 1951 ; summer 1960 ; summer 1960 circa ; |
| York County |
| | Ramah | 1966 ; |
Jewish Religious Org - National / International < |
| |
| |
| | Union of American Hebrew Congregations | 10/22/2006 ; 1876 ; |
| New York |
| | Cantors' Asssembly | 8/19/1984 ; |
| | Hillel Foundation- National Committee | January 2013 ; Nov 19, 1956 ; |
| | Union of Orthodox Jewish congregations | 1894 - 1977 ; 1976 ; 4/12/2012 ; 5/1/1972 ; 9/1/1973 ; 9/1/1974 ; |
| New York City |
| | Rabbinical Council of America | 2010 ; June 14-15, 1969 ; |
| | Synagoge Council of America | 4/4/1957 ; |
| Roxbury |
| | Mishkan Tefila | 7/7/1955 ; |
Jewish Community Org - National / International < |
| |
| |
| | American Jewish Congress | 1961 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; |
| | Hebrew Immigration Assistance (HIAS) (now 4710) | date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Histadruth | 1961 ; |
| | Jewish War Veterans | 1960 ; |
| | Mizrachi Women's Organization of America | date not known ; |
| | National Jewish Welfare Board | 1943 ; 1955 ; 1961 ; date not known ; June 1955 ; |
| | Women's Labor Zionist Organization of America | 1955 ; |
| | Young Judea | 2/24/2006 ; |
| | Young Women’s Hebrew Association | 1997 ; circa 1947 ; |
| | Zionist Organization of America, Connecticut Region | 1/15/1970 ; 1969 ; 1972 ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec 23, 1969 ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; |
| Auburn |
| | The Globe Yiddish Theater | 1914 ; |
| Bangor |
| | National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs | 8/8/1979 ; |
| | National Womens Committee of Brandeis University | 10/14/1999 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Boston |
| | State of Israel Bonds | May 1986 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| Montreaux |
| | Yeshiva Etz Chayim | Feb 21, 1981 ; |
| New York |
| | B'nai B'rith Foundation | 05/19/03 ; 1874 ; |
| | Jewish National Fund | 4/7/48 ; |
| | Organized Kashruth Laboratories | 1976 ; |
| | Synagogue House | August 21, 1947 ; |
| | Youth Aliyah | 4/7/48 ; |
| New York City |
| | Camp Ramah - National Office | Oct 28, 1966 ; |
| | National Hadassah | 10/14/1999 ; 10/16/1952 ; 11/14/1959; 11/4/57 ; 11/29/1950 ; 12/29/1949 ; 12/29/49 ; 1956 ; 1956 ; 1958 ; 1969 ; 1979 ; 1980 ; 2/11/1999 ; 2011 ; 26-Jan-85 ; 3/17/1953 ; 3/5/1952 ; 4/21/1967 ; 4/7/48 ; 5-Jun-06 ; 5/28/1952 ; 6/25/1983 ; 7/18/1985 ; 8/19/1964 and 7/21/1973 ; 9/23/1983 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Sept. 26, 2005 ; September 11, 1981 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; Nov. 5, 1979 ; Oct. 4, 1988 ; |
| | Rabbinical Assembly of America | 1950 ; |
| | Workmen's Circle - National Office | 1930 ; |
| Portland |
| | American Association for Jewish Education | 1961 ; date not known ; |
| | American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) | 1997 ; |
| | Young Leadership Cabinet - Zionist national | Feb-84 ; |
School(s) - High School < |
| |
| |
| | Alcuin Preparatory School for Girls | 1926 ; |
| | Eaglebrook School | 2011 ; |
| | Kent's Hill | 2011 ; |
| Augusta |
| | Augusta public school | 1/14/2012 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Bangor Grammar Schools | 1984 ; |
| | Bangor High School | 1915-2006 ; 1926 ; 1927 ; 1943-1987 ; 1966 ; 22-Apr-80 ; date not known ; date not known ; Dec. 23, 1990 ; Jan 4 1946 ; March 1983 ; Sept 2013 ; |
| Biddeford |
| | Biddeford High School | date not known ; |
| | Emory Grammar School | date not known ; |
| Brewer |
| | Brewer High School | 1967 ; 2006 ; |
| Byfield |
| | Governor Drummer School | 2011 ; |
| Cape Elizabeth |
| | Cape Elizabeth High School | 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
| Caribou |
| | Caribou High School | 1949 ; 1949 ; |
| Cumberland |
| | Greeley High School | 11/1/1973 ; |
| Falmouth |
| | Falmouth High School | Sept 23, 1973 ; |
| Fort McKinley |
| | Jewish Brotherhood at Central Maine Technical College (C M T C) | 12 Aug 1928 ; |
| Hallowell |
| | The Stevens Schools for Girls - Hallowell | 1/14/2012 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Lewiston High School | 1977 circa ; Year not known ; |
| North Windham |
| | St Joseph\'s Academy / College | 11/1/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
| Portland |
| | Deering High School | 1960 ; 1995 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; Sept 23, 1973 ; |
| | Keith's Theater | 5/13/1934 ; |
| | Nathan Clifford School | 1935 ; circa 1957 ; Nov 2013 ; |
| | North School | 1896 ; 2015 ; 2016 ; |
| | Oakdale School | 1945 ; |
1950 ;
Nov 2013 ;
| | Portland - Schools | 1926 ; |
| | Spurwink School | 1988 ; 1988 ; |
| | Waynflete | 2015 ; |
| Presque Isle |
| | Cunningham High School | 1942 ; |
| Queens |
| | Queens College | 3/20/2010 ; |
| Rockland |
| | Rockland High School | 1901 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Sabattus |
| | Franklin Academy | 1988 ; |
| South Portland |
| | South Portland High School | 11/1/1973 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Brooks Street School | 1913 ; |
| | Goodwill Hinckley School | 2011 ; |
| | Waterville High School | 1/13/2016 ; 1965 ; |
| Yarmouth |
| | Bonnie Eagle High School | 11/1/1973 ; 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
School(s) - College/University < |
| |
| |
| | Peabody Law School | c. 1938 ; |
| | Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary | 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
| Akron |
| | The University of Akron | 1997 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; date not known ; date not known ; Nov 17 1983 ; |
| Ann Arbor |
| | University of Michigan | 2001 - 2002 ; |
| Baltimore |
| | Goucher College | 11/1/1957 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Bangor Theological Seminary | 1888-1988 ; |
| | Hebrew Institute Hall | 1938 ; |
| | Husson College | 2006 ; |
| Biddeford |
| | New England School of Medicine | date not known ; |
| Boston |
| | Boston University | 1966 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; |
| | New England Conservatory | 8/19/1984 ; |
| | Simmons College | May 2017 ; Nov 14 2004 ; |
| Brunswick |
| | Bowdoin Alumni Fund | Jan 30 1984 ; |
| Cambridge |
| | Harvard Law School | 1/16/1968 ; |
| | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2012 c ; |
| Coral Gables |
| | University of Miami | Dec 22 2015 ; |
| Farmington |
| | University of Maine in Farmington | 2011 ; |
| Gorham |
| | Gorham State Teachers College | 2015 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Bates College | 03/12/07 ; 05/23/02 ; 05/23/03 ; 12/21/10 ; 1956 ; 1975 ; 7 Nov 1994 ; April 2, 1964 ; August 2011 ; c. 1950 ; date not known ; Dec 5, 2018 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | Georgetown University | c. 1950 ; |
| New York |
| | New York Law School | 2007 ; |
| New York City |
| | Albert Einstein School of Medicine | 11/1/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; date not known ; Feb. 20, 1990 ; May 2017 ; September 11, 1981 ; |
| | Columbia University | 1900 ; circa 2011 ; Sept 2013 ; |
| | Columbia University - Teachers College | Feb 21, 1981 ; |
| | New York University | 04/03/11 ; 1/20/2012 ; 2/24/2006 ; April 2011 ; date not known ; Jan 4 1946 ; July 8, 1930 ; Sept 23, 1973 ; |
| | Yeshiva University | 11/1/1973 ; |
1958 - 1997 ;
2/24/2006 ;
5/26/1905 ;
6/1/1974 ;
6/1/1974 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Dec. 23, 1990 ;
June 14-15, 1969 ;
Sept 22 2001 ;
| Newton |
| | Andover Newton Theological Seminary | 11/1/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 11/15/1973 ; 5/26/1905 ; |
| Orono |
| | University of Maine | 1/14/2012 ; 10/23/2012 ; 1900 ; 1949-1950 ; 1952 ; 1967 ; 1995 ; 1996 ; 1996 ; 27-Jul-06 ; 9/22/1922 ; circa 2000 ; date not known ; Jan 4 1946 ; March 1983 ; May 2017 ; May 3, 1929 ; Nov 14 2004 ; Sept 2013 ; Sept 22 1922 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| Portland |
| | Etz Chaim Synagogue | 10 May 2013 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 1894 - 1977 ; 1938 ; 1941 ; 1948 ; 1949 ; 1953 ; 1955 ; 1991 ; 2010 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 30-Sep-74 ; 30-Sep-74 ; 4 Oct 1940 ; 4/29/1982 ; 5 Feb 2013 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; Feb-84 ; Feb-84 ; June 2009 ; March 28, 1927 ; Nov 1991 ; Nov 1991 ; November 2011 ; Oct 28, 1966 ; |
| | Joaan Waxman Library at the MCEA | 2015 ; |
| | Maine College of Art | 2015 ; |
| | Osher Lifelong Learning Institue at Univeristy of Southern Maine | date not known ; |
| | Portland Junior College | 1997 ; |
Nov 14 2004 ;
| | UNE Gallery | 2015 ; |
| | Westbrook College (now U of NE) | 11/1/1973 ; |
| Princeton |
| | Princeton University | Sept 23, 1973 ; |
| Skowhegan |
| | Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture | 2015 ; |
| Waterville |
| | B'nai B'rith Hadassah, Theodore N. Levine Chapter No. 66 | 07/03/11 ; April 2011 ; circa 1951 ; date not known ; |
| | Colby College - Art Museum | 07/03/11 ; 1972 ; |
| | Thayer Hospital | 07/03/11 ; 1/22/2010 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; date not known ; |
| Winter Park |
| | Rollins College | 2011 ; |
School(s) < |
| |
| |
| | Central Maine General Hospital | 1977 circa ; 1977 circa ; |
| | Maine Jewish Council | date not known ; |
| Auburn |
| | Edward Little High School | 1932 ; April 20 1960 ; May 2017 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Bangor Hebrew Institute | date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Bangor Hebrew School | 10/2/1947 ; 10/2/1947 ; 10/2/1947 ; 10/2/1947 ; 10/2/1947 ; 1888-1988 ; 1907 - 1947 ; 1913-1920 ; 1930 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1938 ; 1943 ; 1946-1947 ; 1947 ; 1947 ; 1948 ; 1951 ; 1960 ; 1977 circa ; 2/11/1965 ; 6/10/1951 ; August 21, 1947 ; August 7, 1947 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; March 1983 ; May 20, 1941 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; Oct 2 1947 ; October 2, 1947 ; |
| Bath |
| | Beth Israel Congregation | 18-Sep-88 ; 1905 ; 1919 ; 1920 ; 1920 ; 1920 ; 1921 ; 1921 ; 1921 ; 1922 ; 1922-32 ; 1930-1975 ; 1972 ; 1988 ; 1997 ; 2006 ; 2007 ; 2015 ; 3/9/1967 ; circa 1920 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; May 2008 ; Oct 15, 1972 ; |
| | Morse High School | 10/10/1950 ; 1945 ; 1946 ; Year not known ; |
| Boston |
| | Wentworth Engineering . | 2016 ; |
| Brunswick |
| | Bowdoin College | 10/10/1950 ; 11/15/1955 ; 12/21/10 ; 1948 ; 1967 ; 1997 ; 20 June 1955 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 5/9/1956 ; 7/5/2013 ; April 22, 1960 ; Aug 1937 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; March 1983 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| Cambridge |
| | Harvard University | 1/16/1968 ; c. 1938 ; |
| New York City |
| | Jewish Theological Seminary | 1955 ; 5/26/2011 ; date not known ; July 2019 ; |
| Portland |
| | Deering High School | 1964 ; |
| Portland |
| | Hebrew School | 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 10/16/1952 ; 12/18/1957 ; 1947 ; 1950 ; 1951 ; 1952 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1955 ; 1961 ; 2/9/1955 ; 4/29/1982 ; 6/7/1959 ; 9/22/1944 ; circa 1953 ; circa 1956 ; date not known ; Dec 18, 1957 ; Oct 1951 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | Portland Hebrew Day School | 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 10/21/1979 ; 12/7/1950 ; 1925 ; 1925 ; 1954 ; 1956 ; 1957 ; 1986 ; 1986 ; 1986 ; 1990 ; 2007 ; 2015 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Portland High School, Maine | 04/14/23 ; 1/16/1968 ; 10/23/2012 ; 1920-2003 ; 1923 ; 1935 ; 1942/1943 ; 1950 ; 2/3/1916 ; 2011 ; 2013 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; 2016 ; April 1962 ; Aug 1 2020 ; c. 1925 ; c. 1938 ; c. 1960 ; circa 1926 ; date not known ; June 19, 1930 ; May 27, 2021 ; Nov 14 2004 ; |
| | Portland School of Fine and Applied Art (now 4204) | date not known ; |
| Rome |
| | Pine Tree Camp | date not known ; |
| Saco |
| | Thornton Academy. | April 1962 ; |
| Waltham |
| | Brandeis University | 05/19/03 ; 05/23/68 ; 1975 ; 7/7/1955 ; Feb. 20, 1990 ; Sept 23, 1973 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Yale University | 1905 ; August 22, 1911 ; date not known ; |
Media < |
| |
| |
| | Gillette Cavalcade of Sports | 2001 - 2002 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Bangor Daily News | 2/20/2023 ; April 2011 ; |
| | Bangor News Agency | 1949-1950 ; |
| Biddeford |
| | The Morgen Journal | date not known ; |
| Chicago |
| | Chicago Tribune | 1944 ; |
| Eastport |
| | Eastport Sentinel | April 2011 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | The Bates Student | 05/19/03 ; |
| New York City |
| | Jewish Daily Forward | 07/03/11 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| | Jewish Daily Forward (now 5000) | July 9, 1944 ; |
| Portland |
| | The Dave Astor Show | 04/17/66 ; 10/01/64 ; 1956 ; 1962 ; 2011 ; April 1962 ; c. 1960 ; c. 1960 ; c. 1960 ; c. 1962 ; c. 1962 ; c. 1962 ; c. 1962 ; c. 1964 ; |
| | WCSH | c. 1962 ; |
| | WGME | 04/17/66 ; 2011 ; April 1962 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Kennebec Journal | April 2011 ; Sept 2011 ; |
Hospital(s) < |
| |
| |
| | Central Maine Medical Center | 1977 circa ; |
| | Municipal Bldg Dental Clinic | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Penobscot Bay Medical Center | 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Amsterdam Hospital | 3/20/1968 ; |
| | Bangor State Hospital | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Coral Gables Hospital | 3/28/1968 ; |
| | Eastern Maine General Hospital | 1997 ; 2017 ; 3/9/1967 ; date not known ; date not known ; Feb 1956 ; Sept 2013 ; |
| | Eastern Maine General Hospital - Women\'s Auxiliary | 10/16/1952 ; |
1969 ;
4/21/1967 ;
9 Jan 1953 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
Sept 2013 ;
September 11, 1981 ;
| | Eastern Maine Medical Center | 10/14/1999 ; 10/22/2006 ; 5-Jun-06 ; 6/20/1981 ; date not known ; March 1983 ; |
| | Eastport Health Center | 1981 ; |
| | James A Taylor Oeteopathic Hospital | 1996 ; |
| | Machias Crippled Children Clinic | 6/20/1981 ; |
| | Orono Healthcare Center | 1972 ; |
| | St Joseph's Hopsital | 10/14/1999 ; |
| | St. Joseph Hospital Development Fund | 6/20/1981 ; |
| | St. Joseph's Hospital | 1900 ; 3/9/1967 ; date not known ; date not known ; September 11, 1981 ; Nov. 24 2001 ; |
| | Togus Hospital | 11/4/1967 ; |
| Boston |
| | Mass General Hospital | 2015 ; |
| Farmington |
| | Farmington Memorial Hospital | 2011 ; |
| Jerusalem |
| | Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center | date not known ; March 18, 1974 ; Sept 23, 1973 ; September 1, 1949 ; |
| Lewiston or Auburn |
| | Androscoggin Valley Mental Health Organization | 1975 ; |
| Orono |
| | DOW Air Force Base Dental Clinic | 1949-1950 ; |
| Portland |
| | American Red Cross | 1997 ; |
| | Brooklyn Jewish Hospital Nursing School | 2011 ; |
| | Leo Levi Memorial Hospital | date not known ; |
| | Maine General Hospital Women's Board | 1997 ; |
| | Maine Medical Center | 1964 ; |
1997 ;
Oct-86 ;
| | Promenade Inn | 2015 ; |
| | Temple Beth El Sisterhood | 30 April 2013 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Kennebec Behavioral Health Center | 2011 ; |
| | Reddington-Fairview Hospital | 1997 ; |
Businesses < |
| |
| |
| | Greenough, Jones & Co. | 05/23/02 ; |
| | J. J. Shapiro & Bros | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Widrowitz & Isaacson | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Archie Bishop & Sons | 22 Feb 1957 ; |
| | Olalla Copper Mining and Smelting Co | 1/23/1903 ; |
| Aroostook |
| | Adelman Brothers | 1997 ; date not known ; July 2009 ; |
| | J H Oak Co | 1937-1965 ; 25 May 1953 ; |
| | Jack Roth | 1940s ; |
| | Shalek Bag Co | 1Feb 4 1947 ; 2001 - 2002 ; |
| Auburn |
| | Advance Auto | 1936 ; 1954 ; 2024 ; date not known ; late 1950s or early 1960s ; |
| | Clark Shoe Company | 1960 ; |
| | Flock Buick Co | 1959 ; |
| | Lown Shoes Inc | 1977 circa ; |
| | Shapiro Bros Shoe Co Inc | 1900-1922 ; |
2011 ;
date not yet known ;
| | Twin City Tire Co | 11/19/1958 ; 4/26/1961 ; date not known ; |
| Augusta |
| | Chernowskys Department Store | 2/28/51 ; 3/5/1952 ; circa 1938 ; circa 1938 ; |
| | J Peavy and Brothers (Augusta) | Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ; |
| | Lipman Poultry Co | 06/13/11 ; 1949-1950 ; 1952 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; 2012 ; 7/29/2011 ; date not known ; Dec 1970 ; Dec 1970 ; Dec 1970 ; |
| Augusta |
| | Stride Rite Shoe | 1997 ; |
| Bangor |
| | 210 State St | 1949-1950 ; |
| | A Brown | 1949-1950 ; |
| Bangor |
| | A Emple and Co | June 23, 2020 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Allan-Lewis | 2012 ; |
| | Allen Drug | 2012 ; |
| | Allen Drug Co. | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Allen Fairmount Pharmacy | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Allen's East Side | 2012 ; |
| | Allstate Equipment Corp | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Automatic Music | 2012 ; |
| | B-Gas | 2012 ; |
| | Balloons Overhead | 2012 ; |
| | Bangor Beef Co. | 1982 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; |
| | Bangor Candy | 2012 ; |
| | Bangor Egg Co | 2012 ; |
| | Bangor Merchant's Association | 4/5/1989 ; |
| | Bangor Shoe Store | 2012 ; |
| | Ben Braveman Tire Shop | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; |
| | Benny's | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Berson's Luncheonette | 1948 ; 2012 ; circa 1950 ; |
| | Boise Funeral Home | 3/20/1968 ; |
| | Bon Win Beverage | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; |
| | Boston Store | 1960s ; |
| | Brass Rail (now 4055) | 2012 ; |
| | Burdell's Inc | 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; |
| | Carroll Cut Rate | 1949-1950 ; 1960s ; 2012 ; 2017 ; date not known ; date not known ; Oct 1951 ; |
| | clothing business on Kenduskeag Bridge, Bangor | April 1886 ; |
| | Cortell-Segal Women's Clothing | 2012 ; |
| | Crown Jewelers | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; c.1964 ; |
| | Crystal Spring Water Corp | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Cutler's Women Shop | 8/13/1973 ; |
| | Dabar Beauty Supply | 2012 ; |
| | Dave Sklar Clothing | 2012 ; |
| | David Braidy Women\'s Clothing | 2012 ; |
| | Dennis Beverage Co | 2012 ; |
| | Dennis Paper Co | 2012 ; |
| | Dewey Christmas Rug Shop | 9 May 1957 ; |
| | Dodge Clothing | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Eastern Beauty Supply | 2012 ; |
| | Economy Clothing | 2012 ; |
| | Economy Meat Market | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; |
| | Edward A Viner & Co. | 2012 ; |
| | Edward I Morris | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Ehrenfried's Department Store | 1938 ; |
| | Emple Knitting Mills | 1/3/1956 ; 1/7/1960 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1972 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2012 ; 7 Feb 1972 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Enterprise Shoe | 2012 ; |
| | Fairmount Hardware | 2012 ; 24 Nov 1967 ; |
| | Fred's Hardware | 2012 ; |
| | Freese's | 2012 ; |
| | G M Pollack | 2012 ; Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Gass Office Supply | 2012 ; |
| | George's Men's Clothes | 2012 ; |
| | Gotlieb & Rolnick Meats and Provisions | 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; |
| | Green Point Slaughter House | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Greens Novelty Store | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Grey Ladies | 2/11/1999 ; |
| | Grossman Hardware and Locksmith | 2006 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; |
| | H Goodman & Sons | 1923 ; |
| | Haffrenreffer Co | 2012 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Hammond Motors | 1966 ; date not known ; |
| Bangor |
| | Harlow Street Norge | 2012 ; |
| | Harold's | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Harry's Café | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; |
| | Henry Segal | 1960s ; 2012 ; circa 1965 ; |
| | Home Radio | 2012 ; |
| | Hub Shoe Store | 2012 ; |
| | Interstate Home Equipment Co. | 1949-1950 ; |
| | J Peavy and Brothers (Bangor) | Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ; |
| | Jacob and Sam Cohen Store | c. 1930 ; date not known ; |
| | Janel's Photo Shop | 2012 ; |
| | John Paul Clothing Store | 1/15/1971 ; 1950 ; 1950s ; 2012 ; date not known ; |
| | Josten's | 2012 ; |
| | Kagan's Store | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Kirstein's Real Estate | 2012 ; |
| | Lavoot Bakery | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Levine's Store | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Lieberman & Rich | 1923 ; |
| | Lieberman's Clothing | 1973 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; |
| | Louis Saltzman Clothing | 2012 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Lown & Kagan Shoe co | 2012 ; Oct 25, 1953 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Lufkins | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Maine Poultry | 2012 ; |
| | Maine Trailer Leasing | 2012 ; |
| | Manhatten Jewelers (now 4110) | 2012 ; |
| | Medwed Footwear Co | 1949-1950 ; |
2012 ;
| | Metropolitan Life Insurance Company | 3/28/1968 ; |
| | Mike's Lunch | 2012 ; |
| | Miller Drug | 2012 ; Jan-Feb 2011 ; |
| | Miller's Restaurant | 2012 ; |
| | Morin Tobacco Co | 2012 ; |
| | Morris Tabenken & Co. | 1949-1950 ; |
| | N. J. Cohen and Sons | 2012 ; |
| | National Confectionery | 2012 ; |
| | NE Publishing Co | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Nyle Corp | 2012 ; date not known ; Nov 4 1999 ; |
| | O. Rolnick & Son | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Olympia Theater | 2012 ; |
| | Oronoka Restaurant | 2012 ; |
| | Oscars Lunch | 2012 ; |
| | Paramount Restaurant | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Park Theater | 2012 ; |
| | Pels Zipper | 2012 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Penobscot Beef and Provision Company | 2012 ; date not known ; |
| Bangor |
| | Philco Shoe Corp | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Philip's Variety Store | 2006 ; |
| | Picture and Gift Shop (now 8056) | 2012 ; |
| | Pilgrim Shoe Co. | 1997 ; |
| | Pinwood Country Club (now 8144) | 1/15/1971 ; |
5-Jun-06 ;
date not known ;
| | Priest Drug Store | 2012 ; |
| | Purest (?) Drug | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Richardson's Variety | 2012 ; |
| | Rubin Brothers | 1923 ; 1949-1950 ; |
| | Rudman Beverage Co | 2012 ; |
| | Salco Variety Store | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Sam Stern's Antiques | 2012 ; 2012 ; |
| | Silver's Auto Supply | 1971-1983 ; 8-Jan-97 ; |
| | Sklar's Delicatessen | 2012 ; 2012 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Sons of Benjamin | 1938 ; |
| | Standard Electric | 2012 ; 2012 ; Oct 1951 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Standard Shoe Company | 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; circa 1950 ; |
| Bangor |
| | Star Beef | 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; |
| | Stevens Studios | 2012 ; |
| | Striar Woolen Mills | 2012 ; |
| | Striar's Jewelry Store | 1947-1988 ; 2012 ; Jan. 19, 1979 ; |
| | Striar's Plumbing | 2012 ; |
2012 ;
2012 ;
circa 1965 ;
| | Sunset Drug | 2012 ; |
| | Superior Paper Products | 2012 ; |
| | The Bagel Shop | 2012 ; 2012 ; 8/2/1999 ; |
| | The Bell Shop | 2012 ; |
| | The Dainty Waist | 2012 ; |
| | The Karol Shop | 2012 ; |
| | The Outlet (Everybody\'s Store) | 10/22/1968 ; |
| | The Red Lion | 1977 ; |
| | The Star Store | 2012 ; |
| | United Beef Company | 1968 ; 2012 ; |
| | Unobsky Bros (now 4429) | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; |
| | Viner Casuals | 1948 ; |
| | Viner Music | 20-Jun-89 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; circa 1964 ; date not known ; |
| Bangor |
| | Viner Shoe Company | 1920s ; 1930s ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 2012 ; May 1984 ; |
| Bangor |
| | W. Lipsky's Clothing | 06/13/11 ; c. 1900 ; |
| | Wagman's | 2012 ; |
| | Windsor Hotel | 1949-1950 ; 27-Jul-06 ; |
| | Yellow Cab Co | 2012 ; |
| | ___? Barber Co. | 1949-1950 ; |
1977 circa ;
9/12/1957 ;
| Bangor, Old Town, Orono |
| | Byer Mfg. Co | 1949-1950 ; 1958 ; 2012 ; |
| Bath |
| | A E Greenblatt | 1947-09-25 ; 1949-01-13 ; 1949-06-30 ; 1951-09-06 ; 1954-03-04 ; 1955-1956 ; 1957-1958 ; 1959-1960 ; |
| | Albert G Page Company | 1946-1947 ; |
| | Arthur W Gediman | 1951-09-06 ; 1953-04-30 ; |
| | Bargain Shoe Store | 1912 ; 1914 ; 1919-07-17 ; |
| | Bath Department Store | 1917-12-08 ; |
1918-04-27 ;
1918-05-04 ;
1918-05-18 ;
1919-01-19 ;
1922-1923 ;
1924-1925 ;
1925-09-10 ;
1926-09-09 ;
1926-12-09 ;
1927-1929 ;
1928-02-16 ;
1928-10-25 ;
1928-1929 ;
1931-11-05 ;
1931-1932 ;
1933-08-31 ;
1934-05-03 ;
1942-12-07 ;
1942-1943 ;
1949-1950 ;
1951-09-06 ;
1951-1952 ;
1953-1954 ;
| | Bath Drug Store | 1946-1947 ; |
| | Bath Savings Institution | 1919-27 ; 1927-33 ; 1933-42 ; |
| | Boston Clothing Store | 1905-1906 ; |
| | Boston Shoe Store | 1921-05-12 ; 1928-07-05 ; 1932_08_04 ; |
| | Commercial Market | 1933-04-13 ; 1933-1934 ; 1939-12-13 ; |
| | Congress Sportswear Company (now 7795) | 1930-1975 ; |
| Bath |
| | Dougherty Drug Co | 1881-09-17 ; 1883-08-25 ; 1883-10-06 ; 1883-10-13 ; 1883-10-27 ; 1922-1923 ; |
| Bath |
| | Filene's | 1979 ; c. 1888 ; c. 1888 ; c. 1888 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Freeman's | 1930-1975 ; |
| | Gediman Bros | 1923-1925 ; 1928-1929 ; 1941-07-17 ; 1942-1943 ; 1944-1945 ; 1946-1947 ; 1949-1950 ; 1951-1952 ; |
| | Harmons Mens Store | 1944-1945 ; |
| | Harold J Rubin (law office) | 1942-1943 ; |
1957-1959 ;
| | Harry Brown Pawnbroker | 1902 ; |
| | M Singer Dry Goods Store | 1915 ; |
| | Markson Bros. | 1941-10-09 ; 1942-10-22 ; 1944-03-30 ; 1948-03-18 ; 1948-03-25 ; 1954-04-01 ; 1954-04-08 ; 2015 ; |
| | Max Kutz | 1928-02-02 ; 1928-02-16 ; 1928-03-15 ; 1928-05-03 ; 1929-11-03 ; 1931-12-17 ; 1936-02-13 ; 1951-09-06 ; 1952-03-13 ; 1952-09-04 ; |
| | Mikels' Furniture | 1922-1923 ; |
| Bath |
| | Mikelskys Music Store | 1912 ; 1914 ; 1919-03-22 ; 1919-1920 ; 1924-1925 ; 1926-1927 ; 1933-01-19 ; 1933-05-04 ; 1933-05-11 ; 1933-06-15 ; 1934-02-01 ; |
| Bath |
| | Modern Shoe | 1912 ; |
| | Povich’s Men Shop | 1927-01-06 ; 1928-06-21 ; 1928-1929 ; 1930-1975 ; 1931-10-12 ; 1931-10-15 ; 1931-11-19 ; 1932-08-04 ; 1932-12-15 ; 1932-12-29 ; 1933-08-31 ; 1933-12-28 ; 1936-01-16 ; 1952-10-02 ; 1953-04-30 ; 2011 ; |
| | Prawer's | 1930-1975 ; 1942-1943 ; 1944-1945 ; 1946-1947 ; 1949-1950 ; 1951-1952 ; 1953-1954 ; 1955-1956 ; |
| | S A Isaacson | 1884-12-06 ; 1884-12-20 ; 1885-05-16 ; 1885-09-19 ; 1885-10-17 ; |
| | S J Goldstein | 1880-08-21 ; |
1881-02-19 ;
1881-04-16 ;
1882-07-08 ;
1882-08-12 ;
1955-1956 ;
1957-1958 ;
| | Sam's Place | 1942-1943 ; |
| | Sams Grocery | 1922-1923 ; 1924-1925 ; 1928-1929 ; 1931-1932 ; 1933-04-13 ; |
| | Sams Sandwich Bar | 1946-1947 ; |
| | Sherman Clothier | 1951-09-06 ; 1954-03-04 ; |
| | Solovich Clothing Store | 1900-11-17 ; 1903-05-23 ; 1903-05-30 ; 1903-07-11 ; 1904-12-28 ; 1905-01-14 ; 1908-12-16 ; date not known ; |
| | Standard Cloak and Dry Goods | 1880s-1890s ; 1905-05-24 ; 1905-05-31 ; 1905-06-17 ; 1905-06-25 ; 1905-07-01 ; 1905-07-05 ; 1905-07-15 ; 1905-08-02 ; 1905-08-12 ; 1905-09-23 ; 1905-10-18 ; 1905-10-21 ; 1905-10-25 ; 1905-10-28 ; 1905-11-15 ; 1905-12-02 ; 1905-12-06 ; 1905-12-16 ; 1915-08-07 ; 1917-12-01 ; 1918-03-09 ; 1918-03-30 ; 1918-04-06 ; 1918-04-20 ; 1918-06-08 ; 1918-06-15 ; 1918-07-06 ; 1918-07-20 ; 1918-08-03 ; 1918-09-14 ; 1918-11-16 ; 1918-11-30 ; 1918-12-14 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Standard Furniture | 1918-03-09 ; 1918-05-11 ; 1925-05-21 ; 1927-05-26 ; 1928-01-19 ; 1928-06-21 ; 1928-1929 ; 1931-1932 ; |
| | The Center Street Market | 1933-04-13 ; |
| | The Cut Price Market | 1922-1923 ; 1933-04-13 ; 1951-09-06 ; |
| | The Mademoiselle Shop | 1946-1947 ; 1949-01-13 ; 1949-03-03 ; 1950-03-16 ; 1950-04-13 ; 1950-04-27 ; 1950-05-18 ; 1950-07-27 ; 1950-09-14 ; 1954-03-04 ; 1959-07-30 ; |
| | Uptown Theater | 1944-08-31 ; |
| Belfast |
| | Belfast Poultry Company | 1997 ; |
| | J Peavy and Brothers (Belfast) | Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ; |
| | Penobscot Poultry Co | 1955 ca ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Biddeford |
| | Bibeau Fish Market | date not known ; |
| | Charlie Green's Shoe Store | date not known ; |
| | Fishman's store | date not known ; |
| | Pepperell Manufacturing Mills | date not known ; |
| | Sam’s Place | date not known ; |
| | Simensky's Jewelry Store | date not known ; |
| | Simensky's Women's Store | date not known ; |
| | York Beverage Company | date not known ; |
| Biddeford or Saco |
| | Day's Jewelry Store | date not known ; |
| | N Goodkowsky | circa 1910 ; |
| | Polakewich Bros & Co | 1950 ; |
| Boston |
| | Spitz & Brother | April 1886 ; |
| Calais |
| | Unobskey's | Jane 11, 1956 ; |
| Camden |
| | Camden Herald | 1997 ; |
| Caribou |
| | Abe's Bargain Store | 1940s ; |
| | Aroostook Auto Parts | 1940s ; 1949 circa ; |
| | Daniels Market | 1940s ; |
| Carrabassett Valley |
| | Sugarloaf | 2011 ; |
| Dexter |
| | Dexter Shoe Company (now 4309) | 05/30/89 ; 1989 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; Nov 17 1983 ; |
| Eastport |
| | S D Berman Store | 10 July 1935 ; 1918-1919 ; 1974 ; 24 Nov 1974 ; 29 Oct 1986 circa ; date not known ; |
| Eastport |
| | sardine canning factory | 1997 ; |
| Falmouth |
| | Schultz Co | 29-Aug-58 ; |
| Falmouth Foreside |
| | Portland Business Corporation | 1918 ; |
| Fort Kent |
| | Etscovitz Garage | 1940s ; 2001 - 2002 ; |
| Gardiner |
| | Corner Shoe & Clothing Store | 9/30/1998 ; |
| Hollywood |
| | Paramount Pictures Corporation & United Artist Corporation | 1949-1950 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Barnstone-Osgood Jewelry Store | 2011 ; |
| Lewiston |
| | Highland Mineral Spring Water | 1/15/1892 ; |
| | I. D. Wiener Store | circa 1930s ; |
| | J Friedman & Co | 05/23/02 ; 05/23/03 ; 1977 circa ; |
| | Lewiston Hardward & Plumbing Supply Co | 2011 ; |
| | Louie's Clothing and Shoe Store | 2011 ; |
| | Mort Koss Shoes | date not known ; |
| | Restaurant on Main St Lewiston | 1977 circa ; |
| | Sanitary Market (now 9285) | 1932 ; 1932 ; 1934 ; 2011 ; 2024 ; date not known ; |
| | Skelton, Taintor and Abbott, PA | 1982 ; |
| | Tarr's Market | 2011 ; |
| | The Blue Store | 05/23/03 ; |
| | The Mirror | 05/19/03 ; |
| Lewiston or Auburn |
| | Bates Manufacturing | 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| | Boston Shoe Store | 2011 ; |
| | Brownstein's Clothing Store | 2011 ; |
| | Carrol\'s Cut Rrate | 2011 ; |
| | Cut Price Market | 2011 ; |
| | Day's Jewelry and Appliance Store | 2011 ; |
| | Five and Dime | 2011 ; |
| | Food Town | 1965 ; 2011 ; |
| | Gordon's Hobby House | 2011 ; |
| | Miller/'s | 2011 ; |
| | New England Furniture | 1920s ; 1922 ; 1922 ; 1940s ; 1950s or 1960s ; 1977 circa ; 2011 ; 2024 ; date not yet known ; |
| | Star Millinery | 2011 ; |
| | Style Clothing | 1952 ; 2011 ; 2024 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1950 ; |
| | The Sharlane Store | 1997 ; |
| | Ward Brothers | 1929-1987 ; 1977 circa ; 2011 ; 2012 ; 2024 ; 23-Oct-87 ; date not yet known ; date not yet known ; June 2, 1950 ; |
| Lewiston-Auburn |
| | Aaron Berman & Co. | 05/23/02 ; 05/23/03 ; |
| | Barker Mill | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Brann and Isaacson (now 4014) | 1900-1922 ; 9/11/2009 ; date not known ; |
| | C.F. Brown & Co. | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Goldburg & Segal | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Greenberg Bros. | 05/23/02 ; |
| | Harris M. Isaacson Law Offices (duplicate) | 1922 ; 1922 ; 2024 ; |
| | L.E. Brown & Co. | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Lewiston-Auburn Harward [sic] Company | 1977 circa ; |
| | Mendelson Bros. | 05/23/03 ; |
| | Miller & Welch | 05/23/03 ; |
| | S. A Isaacson & Co. | 05/23/02 ; |
| | Stanwood Company | 05/23/02 ; |
| Livermore Falls |
| | Sharraff Bros. | 2008 ; |
| Madawaska |
| | Chain Apparel Shops | date not known ; |
| Mars Hill |
| | H Adelman Department Store | 11-May-48 ; 11-May-48 ; 1997 ; date not known ; |
| | Jack Mazer Insurance | 13 March 1958 ; |
| Minneapolis |
| | Betty Crocker | 1976 ; |
| New York City |
| | CBS | 2001 - 2002 ; |
| | Zabar's | 8/12/2011 ; |
| Norridgewock |
| | Norrwock Shoe Company | 05/30/89 ; |
| NotKnown |
| | B Fleishman & Co. | 1937-1965 ; 27 April 1953 ; |
| | B&B Cleaners (now 1149) | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Casco Manufacturing | 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| | Dexter Shoes (now 4309) | 2011 ; |
| | Franklin Variety | 1963 ; |
| | Judea Life Insurance Company | Aug 4 1927 ; |
| | Log Village | March 1955 ; |
| | M Wolozin Inc | 1937-1965 ; |
| | Mill End Shops | 2011 ; |
| | P I Laundry | 2001 - 2002 ; |
| | Penobscot Auto Parts | 1949-1950 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | S Cohen Fruit & Produce | date not known ; |
| | Shoe Corp. of America | 2011 ; |
| | Spruceworld Lodge (now 4324) | March 1955 ; |
| | Wiener's Parlor Bus Co | circa 1930s ; |
| Old Orchard Beach |
| | Barefoot Boy Eatery | July 18 ; |
| | Fred's Barbecue | Nov. 20, 2013 ; |
| | Freedman's Kosher Bakery | July 18 ; |
| | Lafayette Hotel (OOB) (now 1181) | 1911-1987 ; 1920s? ; 1920s? ; 1920s? ; 1922 circa ; 1927 ; 1936 ; 1950s? ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; 1955 circa ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; July 18, 1952 ; Sept 14, 1922 ; Sept 1922 ; September 10, 1922 ; |
| | Palace Playland | 1920s? ; |
1925 ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
date not known ;
| | Shefshick's Kosher Meat Market | Aug 2020 ; July 18 ; mid 1940s ; mid 1950s ; year not known ; |
| Old Town |
| | A J Goldsmith store | 1965 ; |
| | Ben Sklar Inc (now 4226) | 1965 ; 2012 ; date not known ; |
| | Cutler Men\'s and Women\'s Furnishings | 1926 ; |
| | Cutler's | 1900 c ; 1965 ; |
| | Goldsmith Furniture (now 4137) | 1965 ; |
1997 ;
2011 ;
circa 1970s ;
| | Goldsmith Sporting Goods | Oct 1951 ; |
| | H M Goldsmith Women's Clothing | 1965 ; 2012 ; |
| | Moose River Shoe Co. | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Old Town Hardware | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Old Town Shoe Company | 1965 ; |
| | Penobscot Shoe Company | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 1960s ; 1965 ; 2012 ; |
| | Shiro's Old Town Hardware Co | 1949-1950 ; 1965 ; |
| Orono |
| | Ginsberg Variety Store | date not known ; |
| | Orono Meat Market | 1949-1950 ; |
| | Silver Sale Stable | 1949-1950 ; |
| Portland |
| | Anatek - EP | Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ; |
| Portland |
| | Barridoff Galleries | 2004 ; |
| | Bernie's Fashion | 2015 ; |
| | Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer and Nelson (now 2235) | 1/16/1968 ; 11/21/1933 ; 1915 - 1990 ; 1934 - 2002 ; 1984 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2/28/1934 ; 2015 ; date not known ; May 7 1986 ; |
| | Blumenthal & Sons Meat Market | 1970s ; Feb-84 ; |
| | Blumenthal Kosher Butcher | 2015 ; |
| | Brackett Street Cash Market | 10-18 1937 ; 23-May-32 ; 4/16/1932 ; |
| | Brighton Pharmacy | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Carter's Jewelry | 2015 ; |
| | Casco Bank & Trust Co | 1/16/1968 ; 1997 ; |
| | Casco Bay Lines | c. 1908 ; |
| | Century Tire | 2015 ; |
| | Chude's Grocery | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Cinamon Brothers | 2011 ; |
| | Cox & Greenstein | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Cross Jewelers | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Cumberland Club | 2015 ; 2015 ; 2015 ; |
| | Cumberland Cold Storage Co | 2015 ; |
| | Dave's Calso Station | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Day's Jewelry Store | 02/18/30 ; 2013 ; 2015 ; ca 2010 ; ca. 1904-2001 ; circa 1960 ; |
| | Dube Travel Agency | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Eastland Hotel | c. 1954 ; c. 1954 ; |
| | F & L Super Market | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Falmouth Hotel | 2015 ; |
| | Federal Furniture Co | 11/21/1933 ; 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Fessenden's | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Fine Brothers (Hyman & Nathan) | date not known ; |
| | First Portland National Bank | date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | George's | 2015 ; 2015 ; Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Gleichman & Co | Nov-87 ; |
| | Goldberg's Bakery | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Goodwill Industries | 1/16/1968 ; |
| | Gould-Farmer Co. | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Grand Trunk Garage | 1937 ; 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Health Drug | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Home Federal Savings & Loan Association | 1/16/1968 ; 1997 ; |
| | Home Good | 2015 ; |
| | Hub Furniture | 2/28/1934 ; date not known ; Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Investors Diversified Services | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | J E Palmer Co | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | J W Minott and Co. | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Jackson Labs | 2015 ; |
| | Jacob Thurman Co. | 1997 ; |
| | James Fruit Company | 1950 ; |
| | Jewish Ministers Cantors' Association of New England | 8/19/1984 ; |
| | Kadish Brothers & Co | 11/21/1933 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| | Klamen's | 2011 ; |
| | L Goldberg | 1912 ; |
| | L H Schlosberg Furs & Skins | date not known ; |
| | Lamport Oil Co | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Lancaster Furniture | 1944 ; 2015 ; |
| Portland |
| | Levinsky | 2011 ; 2015 ; c. 1908 ; date not known ; Nov 1991 ; |
| Portland |
| | Logan Paint and Decorating Center | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Louis Seavy's kosher deli | Feb-84 ; |
| | M Winer Co | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Maine Central Railroad | Sept 2011 ; |
| | Maine Hardware | 2015 ; |
circa 1971 ;
Sept. 29 to Sept. 30, 2013 ;
| | Maine Motors co | c. 1965 ; Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Maine Printing co | 9/22/1944 ; |
| | Max's Dairy and Delicatessen Store | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Mitchell, Nathan, and Arthur Cope - contractors of Longfellow Woods | Nov 2013 ; |
| Portland |
| | Model Food | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| Portland |
| | Model Market | 2011 ; |
| | Morris Clothes Shop | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Nelson & Small | 1949-1950 ; 1949-1950 ; 2015 ; circa 1950 ; circa 1969 ; |
| | Palestine Economic Corp | 11 Jan 1929 ; Jan 1 1929 ; |
| | Paul's Family Shoe Store | Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Penny Wise Market | 9/14/2012 ; |
| | Pinewood Manufacturing Co | date not known ; |
| | Portland Candy Co | date not known ; |
| | Portland Copper Works | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Portland Overall Co. | 11/21/1933 ; |
| | Portland Press Herald | 1920 ; 1965 ; 1984 ; |
| | Portland Savings Bank | 1997 ; |
| | Portland Tourist Co, | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Regal Kosher Restaurant & Delicatessen | 1924 ; |
| | Reliable Furniture | 2/28/1934 ; 2015 ; |
| | Rice's Bakery | 2015 ; 2015 ; May 12, 1950 ; |
| | Rines Bros. and Sears. | 1950 ; 2012 ; 2012 ; |
| | Roger's | 2015 ; |
| | Romanow Furniture | 10/23/2012 ; 10/23/2012 ; |
| | S Zulofsky Bakery | 1924 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Sams Market | 1935 circa ; |
| | Service Oil Co, Inc | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | Shwartz & Rosenberg | 2/28/1934 ; |
| | Sid Lerman / Korn Kings | date not known ; |
| | Standard Grocery Co. | 1997 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| | State Hardware | Jan 9 1953 ; |
| | State Motor Company, ME | c. 1938 ; c. 1938 ; c. 1938 ; |
| | Stop and Go Drive In | 9/22/1944 ; |
| | Sukowitch Hardware | 2011 ; 2015 ; Jan 9 1953 ; not known ; not known ; |
| | T J Maxx | 2015 ; |
| Portland |
| | The Carvel Company | Nov. 20, 2013 ; |
| Portland |
| | The Movies | 2015 ; |
| | The Young Set | 4/15/2013 ; |
| | Tommys Hardware | Nov 1991 ; |
| | Town Taxi Co | circa 1945 ; Jan 9 1953 ; |
| Portland |
| | Triangle Window Company | 10 May 2013 ; |
| Portland |
| | Union Mutual Life insurance Co. | 2/16/1906 ; |
| | United Hardware & Supply | 1941 ; |
| | Waterman Jewelry Store | c. 1920 ; |
| | Weinman Bros. | 2/28/1934 ; |
| Portland |
| | William Punsky and Sons Burlap and Cotton Bag Company | 5 Feb 2013 ; |
| Portland |
| | Woodford Club | Feb-84 ; |
| | Worcester Salt | date not known ; date not known ; |
| Portland |
| | Young's Furniture | 2015 ; |
| Portland |
| | Zayres | 2015 ; |
| | Zeitman Grocery | 2011 ; |
| Presque Isle |
| | Silver's Garage Inc | 1940s ; |
| Rockland |
| | Green's Confectionery Store | date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Grossman-Faber Law Firm | 1911-1987 ; |
| Rockland |
| | Shafter Junk dealers | 2023 ; |
| Rockland |
| | The Strand Theater (Rockland) | 5/12/1935 ; 5/9/1937 ; |
| | Thorndike Hotel, Inc (now 4863) | 1911-1987 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; |
| Rumford |
| | Nathan's Apparel Store | circa 1943 ; late 1920s - early 1930s ; |
| Saco |
| | York Manufacturing Co | Winter 2015 ; |
| Sidney |
| | Big Moose Lodge | 1920 - 1928 ; c. 1931 ; c. 1931 ; |
| Skowhegan |
| | F.W. Woolworth Co. | 1997 ; |
| South Brewer |
| | Epstein Clothing Co | Nov-12 ; |
| South Portland |
| | New England Shipbuilding Company | July 9, 1944 ; |
| | UNUM | 2015 ; |
| to be determined |
| | Maine's Own Organic Milk Co | 4/12/2012 ; |
| | Sculptotek | 1997 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Corner Store | January 2013 ; |
| | Cutler's Men, Women's, and Children's Store | 9/11/2009 ; |
| | Depositors Trust Co | 1997 ; 1997 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Dunham's of Maine | 2011 ; |
| | Edgecomb Potters | 06/13/11 ; |
| | Federal Trust Company | 07/03/11 ; 2011 ; |
| | First National Bank | 2011 ; July 6, 1946 ; |
| | Gallert Shoe Company | 2011 ; |
| | Harris M. Isaacson Law Offices | 06/13/11 ; |
| | Hillson's Shoe Store | 2011 ; |
| | J Peavy and Brothers (Waterville) | Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) ; |
| | Levine Realty | 2011 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Levine’s Clothing Store ( William Levine & Sons) | 06/13/11 ; 06/13/11 ; 1917 ; 1946 - 1996 ; 1953 ; 1970s to 1996 ; 1992 ; 1997 ; 1997 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; 2011 ; Aug 30 1934 c ; c. 1960 ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; date not known ; July 6, 1946 ; Nov 17 1983 ; Sept 2011 ; Winter 2015 ; |
| Waterville |
| | Louis Levine & Sons | circa 1951 ; |
| | Louis Wolman Co. (now 4759) | 1997 ; |
| | Louis Wolman Steel Co. | 1997 ; |
| | Maine State Congress - Waterville | 2011 ; |
| | Mineral Springs Soda Co. | 2011 ; |
| | New England Confectionary Co | 9/11/2009 ; |
| Waterville |
| | New England Tea & Coffee Store | date not known ; |
| Waterville |
| | Russakoff Jewelers | 1968 ; 1981 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; circa 1965 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| | Shenson & Jolovitz Grocers | 1915 ; 1915 c ; |
| | Specialty Shoe Store | 2011 ; 2011 ; |
| | The Jefferson Restaurant | 1/22/2010 ; 29 Sept 2013 ; 29 Sept 2013 ; |
| | The Remnant Room, Inc. | Aug 12, 1985 ; |
| | W Lipsky Clothing - Gents, Furnishing, Goods | date not known ; |
| | Weins Store | 2011 ; |
| | Wm Levine & Son | 1927 ; date not known ; date not known ; |
| Westbrook |
| | Westbrook Hardware | 1960s ; 1960s ; 1970s ; 1970s ; 1975 ; 1980s ; 1987 ; early 1960s ; Sept 23 1973 ; |
| | Yudy’s Tires | 2011 ; 2015 ; |
| York |
| | Tom's of Maine | 4/15/2010 ;