These wonderful photographs have a number of unidentified faces.
If you recognize someone (or think you recognize someone), please add the
information in the comment box on each page or send an email to
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Old Orchard Beach
Annual Convention Maine State Zionists
(7/4/1926) - Karen Kornetsky Levine
Bertha Bornstein Girl Scout Leader Farewell
(1956) - Lisa Bornstein Brand
Lafayette Hotel, Old Orchard Beach, Celebration With Gov P Baxter
(September 10, 1922) - Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
Nelson, Thorner, Cook women
(June, 1924) - Molly Schwartz Cinamon
Old Orchard Beach group I took the photos with my Brownie camera. I was 15 years of age, and
the others are about the same age.
I took the photos with my Brownie camera. I was 15 years of age, and
the others are about the same age: Charlotte Rolnick Schwab
(8/1/1948) - Charlotte Rolnick Schwab
Pauline, Martha, Lenore Osherowitz and Two Friends at Old Orchard Beach
(1931) - Gloria Bailey
Sadie, Aunt Beatrice and Maxine at the beach
(date not known) - Maxine Kessler
Shefshick Kids and Friends in front of The Lafayette Hotel and Annex. "Umbrellas and chairs for rent by the Atlantic Sun and Beach Service (ASBS). " Bernard Blotner
(late 1950s) - Bernie Blotner
Summer lovin'
(07/04/11) - Bangor Public Library
York and Cumberland County Jews Host Governor Percival Baxter at the Lafayette Hotel, Old Orchard Beach caption on photograph : Reception at Hotel Lafayette Old Orchard Sept 10, 1922 as Governor Purcevil P Baxter by Hebrews of York and Cumberland Counties in recognition of many kind deads of His Excellency
(Sept 1922) - Harold Goodkowsky, Abe Peck, Jean Marcus Peck, and Jennie Aranovitch and
Documenting Maine Jewry
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