Documenting Maine Jewry : Master Index to Maine Jewish Oral Histories and Biographies
The collection of the DMJ�s 2009/2010 oral histories of Portland area Jews and the 1972 collection of Greater Portland Jewish oral histories by Konnilyn G. Feig.
are available here and on the Portland Public Library website. .
The DMJ project was supported by a grant from the Maine Humanities Council and individual contributions while
the Feig collection was commissioned by the Jewish Community Center. .
Thanks goes to Annette Elowitch, Eleanor Goldberg, Ross Goldberg, Judy Halpert, Ani Helmick, Elaine Crasnick Kahaner,
Marvin London, Joanne Rosenthal and Wilma Rose for undertaking the 2009/2010 DMJ interviews.
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
"A History of Jewish Life in Biddeford-Saco" a video presentation by Jennie aranovitch
(on-line) - Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center
"A Natural Progression", transcript of interview with Annette Elowitch submitted as an NYU course
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Eliza Lambert
"Coming to Falmouth was a Groundbreaking Act", transcript of interviwe with Kenny Nelson submitted as an NYU course
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Eliza Lambert
"In Judaism, it's a Matriarchal Society", transcript of interview with Nancy Davidson submitted as an NYU course
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Eliza Lambert
"Jewish Community" video included in 2012 Maine Jewish Film Festival
(on-line) - Rebecca Wohl-Pollack , Clark University
"Maine + Jewish" exhibition at the Maine State Museum
() -
"Maine Survivors Remember the Holocaust" Aired by Maine PBS Jan 1, 1994
(on-line) - Harriet Passerman Paul Jeser
"Making it in Maine : Stories of Jewish Life in Small-Town America" video presentation by David Freidenreich
(on-line) - Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies
"Times Were Different", transcript of interview with Mel Fineberg submitted as an NYU course
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Eliza Lambert
(Ir)Ving Fuller - Masters of Screwball Comics
(on-line) - Barbara Stock
200 Years of Jews in Maine - a conversation with David Freidenreich
() -
70 Years of Jewish Community Center
(Jewish Community Alliance - Photo Archive) - Sam Johnson
Charity and Acts of Loving Kindness in Portland, Maine Or How My
Father, Solomon Crasnick, Grew Up to be a Tzadik by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner
(private collection) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner, daughter Elaine Crasnick Kahaner, daughter
For the Children Anita Graber addressng her feelings of survival by reading a poem each year screened at the 2011 Maine Jewish Film Festival, Portland, ME
(on-line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
In Pursuit of the American Dream by W Dennis Stires, privately published
(private collection) - Dennis Stires
Journey of William and Sarah Levine, from Vilna,
Lithuania to Waterville, Maine, presented by Eric Bloom at the Levine Family Reunion, July 2009
(private collection) - Eric Bloom
Our Jewish Community in Lewiston and Auburn Set to the traditional melody of "L'Cha Dodi" sung by Temple Shalom's Rabbi Hillel Katzir.
(on-line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
"Oh, Lord. Oh, Lourdes. Alors!" , an essay in "How to Spell Chanukah and Other Holiday Dilemmas" published in "How to Spell Chanukah and Other Holiday Dilemmas", an anthology of essays, edited by Emily Franklin for Algonquin Books, 2007
(Algonquin Books, 225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014) - Marcia Leiberman Mameve Medwed
Everybody's Uncle Sam : The Life and Legacy of Sam L Cohen
(Sam Cohen Foundation) - Sam Cohen Foundation Nancy Brain
Mustard Doublebreasted : 10-minute documentary short about the 40th anniversary of Norman my brother's bar mitzvah as he and our parents recall the experience. screended at the 2010 Maine Jewish Film Festival
(on line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
To the Children and Grandchildren of Joseph and Harry Shur
(private collection) - Stephen Rudy
A Bath Family (Minnie Brown)
(Bath Historical Society) - Fred Weinberg Bath Historical Society
A History of the Jewish People in Bath
(Bath Historical Society) - Donald Povich Bath Historical Society
A Jewish Community (Lewiston-Auburn)
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen
A Legacy of My Memories by Sarah Meltzer Smalley
(private collection) - Sarah Meltzer Smalley
A Panel discussion with three founding family members of the Etz Chaim synagogue
(Sam Cohen Foundation) - Nancy Brain
A Place Where Jews Can Feel Safe transcript of interview with Andrew Bernstein submitted as an NYU course
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Eliza Lambert
A tribute to the remarkable Dr. Joel Bloom (1916-2009), founder of Camp Powhatan for Boys - Part I
(on-line YouTube) - Nancy Levinsky
A tribute to the remarkable Dr. Joel Bloom (1916-2009), founder of Camp Powhatan for Boys - Part II
(on line YouTube) - Nancy Levinsky
Abraham and Fannie Levey collection. Coll. 2562
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society
Abraham Isaac Singer and Minnie Shohet
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Adelman Family, Bangor
(private collection ) -
Al Weinbeg, the businessman and the voice
(on-line) - Toby Adelman
Alice Emery : transcription of Colby College Intervew
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Jewish History Project
Allen Lelansky and Marian Meyers
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Anshe Sfard: Portland's Forgotten Synagogoue
() -
Arlen Eisen : Growing Up in Portland
() - Ann Mayer Eisen, Arlene's daughter-in-law
Arnold Goodman, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Arnold Potter, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Autobiography of Haiman Philip Spitz
( ) -
Back in the J interviews
(Daniel Baker) -
Band, Benjamin, collection of papers . Coll. 2661 : This collection contains photocopies of awards and certificates, college transcript, birth certificate, US Army separation qualification record, family tree, photograph, and original Russian examinations taken at the Linguphone Institute.
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society / Samuel Band, son of Ben Band
Bangor Drive-In history
(online) -
Barbara Epstein, 2009 oral interview
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch Documenting Maine Jewry
Barnett Shur, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Beckey Sue Lelansky and Frank Hackbarth
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Being welcomed in Portland during wartime
() - Cindy Potter Taylor
Bella Cowan Coll. S-6354 Misc Box 190/9
(Maine Historical Society) - interview by Joyce Butler Joyce Butler
Bella Cowan, 2009 oral interview by Ani Helmick
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Ani Helmick
Ben Robinson - oral history transcribed
(private collection) - David Robinson
Benjamin Stern hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Bernie Resnick interview
() -
Bertram Silverman, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Bessie Mack - An American Biography
(private collection) - Donna Miller Murry Mack
Beth Mara Singer and Benet Pols
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Betty (Gerber) and Sam Serota biographies
(DMJ) - Judith Goldsmith, her neice
Biography of Bob Cook by his brother Sam (Sanford ME / Dover NH)
(on-line) - Barbara Stack
Biography of Tobey Kaplan Katz
(private collection) - Cary Sneider
Bloom Family of Maine told by Sylvia Bloom Covitz
() - Sylvia Bloom Covitz
Bob Rosenthal interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Becky Muller Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Bobbye Singer and Peter van der Walde
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Brown [of Bath] Family
() - Donald Povich
Burt and Phyllis Shiro interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Sam Levine Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Camp Lown Reunion Songbook extract
(private collection) - Sheila Berman
Cantor Beth and Dr David Strassler interview
() - Nicole Morin-Scribner, interviewer / Joan Goulet Gagnon, transcriber Biddeford Cultural Heritage Center
Cantor Kurt Messerschmidt - USC Holocaust Survivor Video Testimony
(on-line) - Anne Paige USC
Chaim Merson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Charlotte Berman Wernick, 1976 oral history
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Charlotte Shulman Siegel, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Wilma Rose
Chaya Lelansky and Elisha Dorfman
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Congregation Beth israel (Bangor), 120 Years
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Rachel Wiseman
Cowboy Mike : Rockland's real cowboy. Coll. S-7150, Misc. Box 244/7 : DVD interview (29 minutes), essay by Susan Cummings-Lawrence, obituary (printed out from the Internet), and article. The DVD is hosted by Gil Merriam.
(Maine Historical Society) -
Daniel Epstein, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Dave Astor collection. - Coll. 2499
(Me Hist Soc Stacks) - Gift of Dave Astor.
Dave Astor, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahane Documenting Maine Jewry
David Lewis, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner Documenting Maine Jewry
David Lyon Hurwitz, How Lucky We Were , American Jewish History, 87.1 (1999) pgs 29-59 Article appeared in American Jewish History, 87.1 (1999), 29-59
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Jewish History Iniatiative
David Shwartz, biographical note
(private collection) - Alan Levenson
David. G. Singer, Sadye Hootstein, and Germaine Barshdorf
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Davidson family collection Coll. 2510
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society
Donald Day Rosenberg family tree by Mike Walton
( DMJ has a copy) - Mike Walton
Donald Kamin and Wendy Cross
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Dorothy Baker Goodman, 1976 oral history
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Dr Harvey Sterns interview at the DMJ meeting in Bangor Me
Dr. Benjamen Zolov, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Early Jewish Families of Bath - Povich copy
() - Alfred T Holt Alfred T Holt
Early Jewish Families of Bath -PFL copy
() - Alfred T Holt Alfred T Holt
Edith Pagelson
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Julie Gowell Documenting Maine Jewry
Eliot Cutler , interview of - Summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Andrea L’Hommedieu Bates Muskie Archives
Eliot Cutler, 2009 oral interview part of George L Mitchell Oral History Project, Bowdoin College
(Bowdoin digital collection - on line) - Mike Hastings Bowdoin College
Elisabeth Russakoff Golden Family History
(private collection) - Dale Russakoff
Elizabeth Shamas
(USM Life Story Center) - Beverly Staples, interviewer
Elliot Schwartz, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Joanne Rosenthal Documenting Maine Jewry
Elowitch family tree
(private collection) - Janet Crocker Joyce
Eric J Sacknoff, MD, FACS interviewed at the National Museum of American Jewish History
(on-line) - Eric J Sacknoff
Estelle Brooks, 2009 oral interview by Wilma Rose
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Wilma Rose Documenting Maine Jewry
Esther Chazanovich and Louis Lelansky
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Esther Goldberg, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch
Esther Sibulkin
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Lynn Ploof-Davis
Ethel Rubinstein, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Wilma Rose Documenting Maine Jewry
Evan N. Lelansky and Linda Peter and Pamela A. McPhee
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
F Davis Clark, interview of - summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Andrea L’Hommedieu Bates Muskie Archives
Film Reference List for the Davis Collection Coll S-7005, Misc Box 2??/6
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Jewish History Initiative Northeast Historic Film (Organization)
Film Reference Lists for the Horovitz Collection Coll. S-7005, Misc Box 2??/6
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Jewish History Initiative Northeast Historic Film (Organization)
Film Reference Lists for the Unobskey Collection Coll S-7005, Misc Box 2??/6
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Jewish History Initiative Northeast Historic Film (Organization)
Finding My Roots In a Junk Yard in Rockland, Maine
(private collection) - Jeffrey Marc Rockland
Fivel Gerber
(private collection) - Bessie Gerber, granddaughter
Florence Lieberman , 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ani Helmick Documenting Maine Jewry
Frances B Gleckman
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Erin Mullet
Frances Lyons, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ani Helmick Documenting Maine Jewry
Frances Morrill Schlitt, Oral History Interview by Yiddish Book Center
(Yiddish Book Center) -
Gerald Boxstein, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Gertrude Cope Troen
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig
Glenyce Miller Kaplan : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by David Freidenreich Colby College Jewish History Project
Glenys Venner Tarlow, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Judy Halpert
Gloria Weiner Weiss Oral History
(Yiddish Book Center) - Crista Whitney
Golda Singer and Philip Sneider
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Goldie Singer : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by David Freidenreich Colby College Jewish History Project
Gordon and Myrtle Wolman interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Hasan Bhatti Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Gregory Lelansky and Jean A. Vos
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Greta Sulkowitch Miller - autobiography Coll S-7385 Misc Box 259/7
(Maine Historical Society ) -
Groundbreaking of Temple Beth El
(private collection) - Richard Cohen
Growing Up Jewish In Rumford
() -
Gwendolyn Wise and Jack Deiber
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Haiman Philip Spitz : An Autobiography Spitz lived in Bangor from 1848-1856 and was among the founders of Ahawas Achim. Six of his children were born in Bangor
(on-line) - David Freidenreich
Handwerker Blowing the Shofar on the shore of the Presumpscot River Talented local Shofar player, David Handwerker, is waking up the new year surrounded by the beauty that is Maine
(DMJ Facebook page) -
Harold Goodkowsky, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ani Helmick
Harold Hugo, 2009 oral interview
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Ross Goldberg Documenting Maine Jewry
Harold Nelson, 1976 oral history
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Harold Osher, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Marvin London Documenting Maine Jewry
Harry Day hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Harry Judelshon, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Harry Weinman, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Harvey Sterns : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Kimi Kossler (interviewer) Colby College Jewish History Project
Herbert Louis Lelansky, Sally Alcox Gibbs and Mary Burke
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Hiram Abrams - biography "financier, producer and distributor of photoplays was born in Portland Feb 22, 1878, son of Isaac and Dora (Marcus) Abrams and grandson of Isaac Adams who came from Russia and settled in Portland, Me in 1851" - first line of biography
(National Cyclopedia of American Biography) - National Cyclopedia of American Biography, James T White & Company, Vol XVII
Hiriam Abrams : This Mainer produced big Hollywood hits until a crooked DA blackmailed him video story by Troy R Bennet, BDN Staff
(on line) - Troy R Bennett Bangor Daily News
history of Shefshick's Kosher Meat Market (OOB) -
() - Bernie Blotner
Howard Singer and Cheryl Santo
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Ida Gertner Memoirs
(private collection) - Sid Cronsberg
Ida Judith Singer and Myers Brownstone
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Ida Mae Dondis hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Immediate Russakoff Family - 1981
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Inge Soule
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Sue Lippert
Interview with Bella Cowan by Joyce Butler Coll S-6354, Misc Box 190/9
(Maine Historical Society ) -
Interview with Bennett Katz by Jeremy Robitaille
(Bates College - The Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College, 70 Campus Avenue, Lewiston, Maine 04240-6018 ) - Susan Cummings-Lawrence
Interview with Reuben Cohen of Bangor Rye
(C-Span) -
Irene Friedman interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Nicole Mitchell Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Isaac Abrams Family printout
(with Documenting Maine Jewry project) - Jo Kibourn
Isadore Singer and Bessie Frieda Greenblatt
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Israel Bernstein hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Israel Bernstein, Bar Assocation Memorial Service Eulogy
(American Jewish Historical Society Boston) - AJHS (American Jewish Historical Society)
Israel Bernstein, Biography
(American Jewish Historical Society Boston) - AJHS (American Jewish Historical Society)
Israel Silverman (Dean), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Jack Spiegel, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Wilma Rose Documenting Maine Jewry
Jacob Singer and Fannie (Fanny) Laura Waterman
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
James Alan Kamin and Susan Schumacher
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
James Albert Abramson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Janice Kamin and Gary E. Scavongelli
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Janice Povich, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Joanne Rosenthal Documenting Maine Jewry
Jerome Goldberg, 1976 oral history
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig
Jerry Slivka, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Jews and Catholics in Maine: Histories, Heritages, and Legacies
() -
Joanne Shatsky
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Sherly Baker
Jocelyn Pollard, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Joanne Rosenthal Documenting Maine Jewry
Joe Chandler's detailed family history very extensive family history
(on-line - Barbara Stack genealogical site) - Marjorie Chandler / Barbara Stak
John Lelansky and Catherine R. Prayer
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Joseph and Mary Shalit Family printout
(with Documenting Maine Jewry project) - Jo Kilbourn Jo Kibourn
Joseph Chandler family story as told to by Joseph to his granddaughter Rachel
(on-line) - Barbara Stack / Marjorie Chandler
Joseph Lelansky Jr. and Bernice E. Blood
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Joseph Leo Singer and Annette Lillian Shapiro
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Judge George Singal Recounts His Family Survival from Eastern Poland
(on-line) - Etz Chaim, Temple Beth El Brotherhood
Judge Sidney Wernick, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Judith Robinson and Joe Kamin
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Judy Brody interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Jena Hershkowitz Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Judy Schreider interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Desiree Shayer Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Judy Venner Halpert, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ross Goldberg
Jules Krems, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Julie Lyons, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch Documenting Maine Jewry
Julius Elowitch, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Julius Greenstein, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Julius Wise and Betty Schneider
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Justine R. Brownstone and Joe Segal
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Karen Marie Singer and John Totman
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Ken Waxman, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Marvin London
Ken Slosberg interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Nicole Mitchell Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Kenneth Jacobson : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Katie Peterson Colby College Jewish History Project
Kenneth Jacobson : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Jewish History Project
Kenneth Jacobson interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Katie Peterson Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Kermit Lipez, 2009 oral interview part of George L Mitchell Oral History Project, Bowdoin College
(Bowdoin digital collection - on line) - Mike Hastings Bowdoin College
Kurt Messerschmidt and Sonia Messerschmidt, 2009 oral interview
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch Documenting Maine Jewry
Kurt Messerschmidt, Echoes and Reflections , A Multimedia Curriculum on the Holocaust
(on-line) - ADL, USC Shoah Foundation Institute, Yad Vashem
Laura Wise and Bruce Raben
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Leah Day hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Leah Rubin
(USM Life Story Center) - Carlye Homa, interviewer
Lee Merson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Legacy: The Levine Family (Waterville)
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Lester Jolovitz : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Sam Levine Colby College Jewish History Project
Lester Jolovitz interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Samuel Levine Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Libby Goldman, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ani Helmick
Lisa Beth Berger and Brian Barker
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Louis Bernstein hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Louis Rich
(private collection) - interviewed by Dr Ruth Helen Fox, granddaughter Dr Ruth Helen Fox, granddaughter
Louis Seavey, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Louis Weisberg, 1976 oral history
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig
Louise Nevelson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Maine's Jewish Heroes: Fallen Servicemen
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Maine Jewish History Project
Marcia Beckerman : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Kimi Kossler Colby College Jewish History Project
Marcia Beckerman interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Maine Jewish History Project
Marsha Finberg Goldfarb, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner Documenting Maine Jewry
Marvin Sadik, interview of - Summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Mike Richard Bates Muskie Archives
Matthew M. Lelansky and Susan L. Clark
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Maurice Henry Singer and Ruth Emma Cole
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Maurice Rubinoff
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Maurice S Povich hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Max Berger and Jeanette Severe
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Max Harry Singer and Bessie Gould
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Mel Robbins
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Theresa L Allocca
Melvin Stone, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Roberta Gordon Documenting Maine Jewry
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapter 10)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapter 8)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapter 9)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapters 1-3)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapters 4 and 5)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memoirs by Susman Russakoff (Chapters 6 and 7)
(private collection ) - Dale Russakoff
Memories of Jewish Portland Temple Beth El panel
(Temple Beth El (Portland)) - Tom Berman Temple Beth El (Portland)
Merton Robinson and Sondra Glorsky, Donna Harrop
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Michael Wise, Lisa Dalrymple and Marianne R. Jean
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Mikelsky Story
() - Donald Povich
Mildred Drees, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner Documenting Maine Jewry
Miller, Greta Sulkowitch, Autobiography 1908- Coll. S-7385, Misc. Box 259/7
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society
Minnie Brown
() - Marina Singer Marina Singer
Morris Cox, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Morris Isenman, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Morris Sachnoff hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Morris Singer and Shirley Miriam Siff
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Mrs Charles Mack (Cynthia), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs Maurice (Mildred) Drees, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Abe Fineberg (Tara), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Barnett Shur (Clarice), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Harold Nelson (Mildred), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Israel Bernstein (Rebecca), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Lester Willis (Rita), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Louis Black (Selma), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Max Kaplan (Ethel), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Meyer Lerman (Ethel), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Mrs. Norman I. Godfrey (Ethel), 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Muriel Kodis Branz
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Eleanor Goldberg Documenting Maine Jewry
Muriel Kodis Branz
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Eleanor Goldberg
Myer Marcus, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Marvin London
Natalie Bornstein , Oral History Interview by Yiddish Book Center
(Yiddish Book Center) -
Nathan Berliawsky hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Nettie Singer and John D. Bramson
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Nettie Wise and Isadore Shapiro
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Notes on Biddeford-Saco Communities
(Jennie Aaronwitch) - Jennie Aaronwitch Jennie Aranovitch
Odyssey of an American Jew - Lewis Weinstein - chap 1
(DMJ collection) - Joseph Paley
Odyssey of an American Jew - Lewis Weinstein - chap 2
(DMJ collection) - Joseph Paley
Papa [Benjamin 'Bunny' Bornstein] Used to Say
(on-line) - Jessica Lantos Jaime Bornstein &
Pat Davidson Reef papers Coll. 2417
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society / Pat Davidson Reef
Pat Davidson Reef, profile, "Sharing Passions at OLLI and Beyond"
() - OLLI Newsletter
Pat Singer and Howard Moskof
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Patterns of Jewish Life in Skowhegan by Kimi Kossler
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Maine Jewish History Project
Paula Borelli
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Leslie Harris
Pearl Gerber, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Joanne Rosenthal Documenting Maine Jewry
Peretz Singer and Ruth Wolman
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Phil and Bertha Rudek and their Portland families
(private collection) - interviewed by Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin, daugther Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin, daughter
Phil Levinsky, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Marvin London Documenting Maine Jewry
Philip Morris Schwind, biographical notes
(Maine Historical Society) - Maine Historical Society / Bowdoin College
Philip W Lown hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Phillip Isaacson, 2009 oral interview with Marvin London
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Marvin London Documenting Maine Jewry
Portrait of Julius (Yehuda) and Goldie (Golda) Singer (Chazanovitch) photograph taken in Swalki, Poland
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert
Povich Family
() - Dorice Povich Mensh
Povich Family Genealogy
(private collection) - Donald Povich
Rabbi David Berent hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Rabbi Harry Sky
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Hal Mermelstein
Rabbi Harry Sky's Tribute Dinner
(on-line) - Temple Beth El
Rabbi Harry Sky, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Rabbi Harry Sky, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ross Goldberg Documenting Maine Jewry
Rabbi Norman Geller's invocation US Senate
() -
Rabbi Norman Geller, rabbi of Congregation Beth Abraham in Auburn.
() -
Rabbi Steven Dworken, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Rabbinical Students on a Snow Pond Cruises
(private collection) - Captain Gary Bennett
Rebecca "Peggy" Bernstein hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Rebecca Rice, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Rebecca Singer and Morris C. Robinson
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Recollections of Emma Arenstam on the Ocassion of her Granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah
(private collection) - Lisa Bornstein Brand
Religious Education: Bob Rosenthal
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Burt and Phyllis Shiro
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Gordon Wolman
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Irene Friedman
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Judy Brody
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Ken Jacobson
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Religious Education: Ken Slosberg
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College
Remarks by Daniel S Mariaschin on the Abraham J Berson Family at the 120th Anniversary Commemoration/Beth Israel Synagogue
(private collection) - Marcia Berson Lieberman
Remembering Isear Greenblatt
() - Bob Kalish
Reporters' Roundtable : A Fatah - Hamas Government; Erasing Maine's Labor History - a podcast
(Forward on-line) - Josh Nathan-Kazis Forward - the Newspaper
Rita Schwey Weisberg as presented at Temple Beth El
(private collection) - Rita Weisberg Rita Schwey Weisberg
Rita Weisberg, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Elaine Crasnick Kahaner Documenting Maine Jewry
Robert Clenott, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Robert Haines interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Jena Hershkowitz Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Rosalyne S and Sumner T Bernstein, interview of - Summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Jeremy Robitaille Bates Muskie Archives
Rose Billing Diary recounting a visit with a Jewish peddler Coll S-7632 Misc Box257/12
(Maine Historical Society ) -
Rose Wise and Jack I. Novick
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Ross Stuart
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Nan Ross
Roz Bernstein, 2009 oral interview by Judy Halpert
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Judy Halpert Documenting Maine Jewry
Russell Bornstein, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Ross Goldberg Documenting Maine Jewry
Ruth Glazerman, Oral History Interview by Yiddish Book Center
(Yiddish Book Center) -
Sam and Carol Shapiro, 2009 oral interview interview part of George L Mitchell Oral History Project, Bowdoin College
(Bowdoin digital collection - on line) - Andrea L’Hommedieu Bowdoin College
Sam Cinamon, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Sam Cronsberg Memoirs
(private collection) - Sid Cronsberg
Sam Lelansky and Minnie Richardson
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Samuel Isacson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Samuel L. Novick and Bette Rudnick
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Samuel Nelson hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Sara Miller Arnon : transcription of Colby College interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Amy Eklund Colby College Jewish History Project
Sara Singer and Bennett Berger
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Sarah B. Novick and Timothy B. Gosselin
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Selma Black hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Selma Blatt oral history interview by Stuart O'Brien and Rob Chavira
(Bates College - Edmund S Muskie Oral History Collection) - Bates College
Selma Blatt, interview of - Summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Stuart O'Brien and Rob Chavira Bates Muskie Archives
Selma Shapiro Blatt recalls her Jewish upbringing "Selma Shapiro Blatt discusses her Jewish upbringing, including memories of her parents and Hebrew School. " - website description
(online) - Phyllis Graber Jensen. Phyllis Graber Jensen
Shaarey Tphiloh (Portland) Torah dedication Video: Shaarey Tphiloh Torah dedication ceremony, 1955 (Portland)
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Maine Historical Society
Sheila Lelansky and Donald James MacLane
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Shep Lee Interview : Summary Sheet and Transcript
(Bates Muskie Archives) - interviewed by Chris Beam Bates Muskie Archives
Shep Lee's 80th Birthday Retrospective DVD
(private collection) - Jewish Community Center
Sherman G Shapiro, Lewiston Shapiro Family History
By Sherman G. Shapiro , Lewiston Shapiro Family History, June 1982
(private collection) - Sherman G Shapiro Dick Shaw
Shirley and Joel Goodman remember the Lewiston-Auburn Jewish Community
(on line) - Phyllis Graber Jensen.
Shirley Levine, 2009 oral interview
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch Documenting Maine Jewry
Shirley Spector Levine, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch
Shoah Survivors, Eye Witnesses, and Liberators : 41 interviews Maine Holocaust and Human Rights Center All these interviews are available at the MHHR, Univeristy of Maine in Augusta Arrangements can be made to loan them from the MHHC for special event
(MHHC) - Maine Holocaust and Human Rights Center, UMA
Shoe Workers Oral History Project - Interview with Herb Koss
() -
Sid Kronsberg, 2009 oral interview by Annette Elowitch
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Annette Elowitch Documenting Maine Jewry
Sklar Goldberg Genealogy Book - Part I
(private collection) - Betsy Levenson
Sklar Goldberg Genealogy Book - Part II
(private collection) - Betsy Levenson
Sklar Goldberg Genealogy Book - Part III
(private collection) - Betsy Levenson
Songs of Life and Faith - CD by the Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Choir order from synagogue for $25 plus shiping
(Adas Yorshuron) - Dana Goldsmith, Director Adas Yoshuron
Songs of Life and Faith - introductory video
(Adas Yoshuron on-line) - Dr Dana Goldsmith Adas Yoshuron
Songs of Life and Faith : Adas Yoshrun choir singing Hugo Weisgall's congregational music
(on-line) - Adas Yoshuron
Sonya Messerchmidt
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Eleanor Goldberg
Sophie MiKelsky
() - Donald Povich
Sue Pinansky, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - interviewed by Wilma Rose Documenting Maine Jewry
Sulkowitch Family Tree
(DMJ Facebook page) - Ava L Sweeney Vaughn / Philip Bloom
Summers in Old Orchard Beach, David Cherson, Oral History Interview by Yiddish Book Center
(Yiddish Book Center) -
Sumner Bernstein, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
Sumner Fanger interview
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - interviewed by Spencer Kasko Colby Maine Jewish History Project
Sumner Thurman Bernstein hard copy book only
(Maine State Library / Portland Public Library) - Celia C. Risen, biographer
Sydney F Shapiro - Newport, Me, Jews in Small Towns : Legends and Legacies, The Museum of Family History based on a 1997 book by the same name by Howard V Epstein, Ph.D
(on-line) - Howard V Epstein
Temple Shalom Synagogue-Center reflections and interviews DVD
(Bates Library) - Phyllis Graber Jensen.
The Alperts and Cohens of Bangor, Maine
(private collection) - Jordon S Alpert , San Francisco, CA Jordon S Alpert
The Alperts And Cohens of Bangor, Maine
(private collection) - Jordan S Alpert
The Davis family. G D29.15 : "Most of this book follows the lineage of Israel Davis."--book jacket.
(Maine Historical Society) - Simpkins, Nancy K.
The Green Family History Starting with Ben ahd Louis Green
(private Collection) - Arthur S Silverman
The History of Camp Kennebec
(Camp Kennebec) - Bob Merz and Glenn Goldenberg
The Jewish History of Small-Town Maine in National Perspective
(Online) - Professor Lee Shai Weissbach, University of Louisville
The Life of Nissan Amdur
(private collection) - Stephen Smith
The Local, the National, and the Global: Maine's Jews in Modern Jewish History
(Online) - Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
The Memories of Beatrice Espovich Cohen
() - Beatrice Cohen
The Potato King of Maine : the video
(Forward on-line) - Josh Nathan-Kazis Forward - the Newspaper
The Rolnick Family
() - Charlotte Rolnick Schwab
The tracks of their ancestors - Augusta Family Travels into its Past pg. 1
(Temple Beth El (Augusta) ) - Kennebec Journal
The tracks of their ancestors - Augusta Family Travels into its Past pg. 2
(Temple Beth El (Augusta) ) - Kennebec Journal
The tracks of their ancestors - Augusta Family Travels into its Past pg. 3
(Temple Beth El (Augusta) ) - Kennebec Journal
The True Story of Maine's Potato King - My Great-Grandfather's Rise and Fall DMJ note : Josh has written an excellent and very readable piece on the County,
(Forward on-line) - Josh Nathan-Kazis, staff writer Jewish Forward Jewish Forward
The Werner Family History
(private collection) - Sid Cronsberg
Tobey Kaplan Katz , The Varaess Chronicles
(private collection) - Cary Sneider
Voices of Maine's Lost Synagogues
(on-line) -
Walter Taranko
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Peter Comstock
Wendy Sara Berger and Mitchell Diamond
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
William "Bill" Federer
(USM Life Story Center) - interviewed by Linda Patrie
William Cohen, 1976 oral history to be indexed
(Portland Room, Portland Public Library) - interviewed Konnilyn G Feig JCC - Portland
William Singer and Anne D. Silverman
(private collection) - Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
William W. Lelansky and Rebecca L. Carville
(private collection) - Sharon Alpert Paula Lelansky and Judith Kamin
Wilma Webber Rose, 2009 oral interview
(Documenting Maine Jewry) - Documenting Maine Jewry
“Congregation Beth Israel : One Hundred and Twenty Years”
(Beth Israel (Bangor)) -
“Is It Good for the Jews? Maine Jewry between Civic Idealism and the Politics of Reality
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Maine Jewish History Project
“Maine Survivors Remember the Holocaust” - collection of videos
(Maine Holocaust and Human Rights Center, University of Maine Augusta) -
“Prosperity is Just Around the Corner”: Migration Patterns of Waterville Jews
(Colby Jewish Studies Program - on line) - Colby College Maine Jewish History Project
All the DMJ and Feig interviewees agreed that the interviews will protected by copyright and also deposited in the Portland Public
Library as a public archive for use by future researchers. The interviewees also understood that the recordings and transcripts
may be used in public presentations, including but not limited to audio and video documentaries, live performances, exhibits,
print publications, web pages or any media as yet to be invented. Their gifts to DMJ does not limit any use that they may want to make
of the information in these recordings.
DMJ is now seeking $7,500 in supplemental funding to create an on-line index to the 1977 and the 2009 interviews. On-line donations can be made from the DOMJ homepage. Regular
donations can be sent to DMJ's financial sponsor,Temple Beth El, 400 Deering Ave, Portland, Me. (details also at the bottom on the DMJ home page).
Documenting Maine Jewry is available exclusively for personal
and noncommercial use. Access to most data is limited to registered users with
bona fide connections to Maine's Jewish community (click here to register ). A
comprehensive index of burials in Maine's Jewish cemeteries, however, is
publicly available here .
to email the
project manager with questions or to discuss how you can contribute data to our
Financial contributions enable us to maintain and develop this website, the largest repository of information about Maine's Jewish community. All contributions to Documenting Maine Jewry made through our fiscal sponsor, Temple Beth El of Portland, are eligible for tax deduction. You can donate through Temple Beth El's website
(under payment type, select "Documenting Maine Jewry") or mail a check (payable to Temple Beth El, with "Documenting Maine Jewry" in the memo field) to 400 Deering Ave., Portland, ME 04103. Thanks for your support!