Documenting Maine Jewry :
Master Index to Maine Jewish Oral Histories and Biographies

The collection of the DMJ�s 2009/2010 oral histories of Portland area Jews and the 1972 collection of Greater Portland Jewish oral histories by Konnilyn G. Feig. are available here and on the Portland Public Library website. .

The DMJ project was supported by a grant from the Maine Humanities Council and individual contributions while the Feig collection was commissioned by the Jewish Community Center. .

Thanks goes to Annette Elowitch, Eleanor Goldberg, Ross Goldberg, Judy Halpert, Ani Helmick, Elaine Crasnick Kahaner, Marvin London, Joanne Rosenthal and Wilma Rose for undertaking the 2009/2010 DMJ interviews.

All the DMJ and Feig interviewees agreed that the interviews will protected by copyright and also deposited in the Portland Public Library as a public archive for use by future researchers. The interviewees also understood that the recordings and transcripts may be used in public presentations, including but not limited to audio and video documentaries, live performances, exhibits, print publications, web pages or any media as yet to be invented. Their gifts to DMJ does not limit any use that they may want to make of the information in these recordings.

DMJ is now seeking $7,500 in supplemental funding to create an on-line index to the 1977 and the 2009 interviews. On-line donations can be made from the DOMJ homepage. Regular donations can be sent to DMJ's financial sponsor,Temple Beth El, 400 Deering Ave, Portland, Me. (details also at the bottom on the DMJ home page).

  • About
  • Documenting Maine Jewry is available exclusively for personal and noncommercial use. Access to most data is limited to registered users with bona fide connections to Maine's Jewish community (click here to register). A comprehensive index of burials in Maine's Jewish cemeteries, however, is publicly available here.
  • Click here to email the project manager with questions or to discuss how you can contribute data to our collection.

Financial contributions enable us to maintain and develop this website, the largest repository of information about Maine's Jewish community. All contributions to Documenting Maine Jewry made through our fiscal sponsor, Temple Beth El of Portland, are eligible for tax deduction. You can donate through Temple Beth El's website (under payment type, select "Documenting Maine Jewry") or mail a check (payable to Temple Beth El, with "Documenting Maine Jewry" in the memo field) to 400 Deering Ave., Portland, ME 04103. Thanks for your support!