Oakdale School

1950 - private collection

Thank you to Ellen and Don Ward for the photo
People: to be identified , #1; to be identified , #2; to be identified , #3; to be identified , #4; Bobby Slosberg, #5; Paul Hirsch, #6; to be identified , #7; to be identified , #8; to be identified , #9;

Second row - left to right: to be identified , #1; to be identified , #2; to be identified , #3; Cynthia Mandell, #4; to be identified , #5; Barbara Greenberg, #6; to be identified , #7; to be identified , #8; to be identified , #9; Carol Bowden (?), #10; Janice [LastNameNotKnown], #11; Irene [LastNameNotKnown], #12; to be identified , #13;

Third row - left to right: to be identified , #1; to be identified , #2; Larry Lonstein, #3; Eugene McCann, #4; Paul Yarrington, #5; to be identified , #6; to be identified , #7; Don Ward, #8; Stanley Schatz, #9; to be identified , #10; Jimmy Baker, #11;

Fourth row - left to right: to be identified , #1; Ellen Godfrey, #2; Doreen Winter(s) ??, #3; to be identified , #4; to be identified , #5; to be identified , #6; to be identified , #7; Sharon Sher, #8; to be identified , #9; to be identified , #10; Irwin Brilliant, #11; Jim Blodgett, #12;

Fifth row - left to right: to be identified , #1; Steve Goodman, #2; to be identified , #3; to be identified , #4; Harriet Caplan, #5; Santo Cimino ?, #6; Richard Cohen, #7; to be identified , #8; Leon Ross, #9; Victor [LastNameNotKnown], #10
Organizations: Oakdale School
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