Center Youth Takes Over the Jewish Community Center

circa 1965 - private collection

Thank you to Family of Dave Astor for the photo
People: Chuck Stone, left; Sue Sheriff [LastNameNotKnown] , front row; Francine Plavnick, 2nd left; Jason [LastNameNotKnown] , right; Libby Modes, middle; to be indentifed , 2nd right; Susan Sherriff Goldsmith, 2nd from right; Susan Sherriff Goldsmith, 2nd from right; to be indentifed , right;

: Ben Brem , back row;

Standing: Richard Green, far left; Miles Goodman , back row; Ben Brem (?), 2nd left; Glen Kaplan , back row; Kenny Schilling, 3rd left; Matthew Clenott, right; Miles Goodman, 3rd right; to be indentifed , 2nd right; Glen Kaplan, 2nd from right; Glen Kaplan, 2nd from right; to be indentifed , far right; Matthew Clenott, right; Matthew Clenott, right

If you recognize any of the unidentified people, please send in their names and biographic information to dmj at

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