Ben Band. Supplement to Portland Jewry

date not known - Temple Beth El

Click here if the pdf does not appear: Supplement to Portland Jewry, by Ben Band

Thank you to Temple Beth El for the article
People: Israel Bernstein; Bejamin Band; Jules Kerns; Harold J Potter; Lester M Willis; Harmon Hugo; Irving E Small; David Davidson; Samuel J Cohen; Judge Sidney W Wernick; Morris Benathen; Mendell (Rabbi) Lewitt; Abraham S Levey; William Goodman; Irving Rothstein; Bernard H Silverman ; Morris (Rabbi) Bekritsky; Louis (Judge) Bernstein; Louis (Mrs) Bernstein; Lewis H (Rabbi) Grossman; Raymond (Rabbi) Leiman;

Joseph Stillman; Carl Zolov; Albert (Dr) Aranson; Maurice Elowitch; Edward I Sacknoff; Norman I Godfrey; Morris Cox; Arnold Goodman; Harold E Ross; Donald J Nelson; Julie Kerns; Ben (Mrs) Troen; Barrett I (Mrs) Shur; Jesse M Rosenberg; Charles Rosenbloom; Bejammin (Dr) Zolov; Israel (Mrs) Bernstein; Summer T Bernstein; William Berman; Mitchell Cope;

Nathan Cope; Arthur Waterman; Arnold W Briggs; Ralph (Dr) Heifetz; Harry (Mrs) Geller; Jules Krems; Louis (Mrs) Black; Saul H Sheriff; Lewis H (Mrs) Kriger; Robert Silverman; Jacob Lamport; Myer Cope; Hyman Finkelman; Louis Lerman; Sewall (Mrs) Goldberg; Myer (Mrs) Goldberg; Samuel (Mrs) Brynes; Howard (Mrs) Silverman; Milton (Mrs) Burke; Maurice (Mrs) Drees;

Samuel (Dr) Fineburg; Benjamin (Dr) Zolov; Harry Kaplan; Louis Drogin; Robert (Dr) Weinstein; David (Dr) Davidson; Lester M (Mrs) Willis; Martin (Mrs) Clenott; Solomon Turesky; Herman Sivovlos; Jacob (Mrs) Levinsky; Robert (Mrs) Reef; Robert (Mrs) Sax; Joseph (Mrs) Modes; Donald J Nelson; Harold Ross; Arnold Goodman; Israel Tabachnick; Russell (Mrs) Mack; Samuel H (Mrs) Schatz;

: Michael (Mrs) Moscowitz ; Alfred (Mrs) Waxler; Seymour (Mrs) Nathanson; Julius (Mrs) Brinn; Stanley (Mrs) Goldberg; Abraham (Mrs) Stolkner; Gerald Boxstein; Maurice Rubinoff; Daniel (Dr) Kornetsky; Bertram Silverman; Max Fleischer ; Harold (Mrs) Romanow; Benjamin (Mrs) Glick; Samuel (Mrs) Kates; William Cohen ; Joseph (Mrs) Sclar; Ernest Braun; Louis Weinman
Organizations: American Association for Jewish Education; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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