State-wide burial index (extract) as of Friday, March 28, 2025. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Harry Calpert - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-25
     Rebecca Dansky Candelmo Rivka bat Yisrael 11/7/1913 - 14 May 1999 Mt Sinai -- A A197a-S
     Annie / Anne Margolius Canter 1880 - TempleShalomCem -- A 88 headstone image one
     Moses Canter 1875 - 9/26/1932 TempleShalomCem -- A 87 headstone image one
     Myer Bernard Canter 5/27/1902 - Apr 2 1973 TempleShalomCem -- A 89 headstone image one
     Sydel P Radovsky Canter 10/23/1911 - 4/4/2001 TempleShalomCem -- A 89A headstone image one
     Ben Zion Cantor - 1/4/2003 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-19 headstone image one
     Abraham Edward Caplan 1904 - 12/18/1976 BethElMemPark -- C C052-3 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Caplan Y'hudah Lyb b"r Yitkhaq Oyzyq ha-Kohen Qaplan 1855 - 2/18/1923 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Ray (Mrs ) Caplan Rakhel Leah b"r Yhudah - Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rose Schilling Caplan Roshka Rayz'l b. Shmuel 1879 - 13-Nov-62 Mt Sinai -- J J180-S headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Silverman Caplan 8/24/1909 - 11/27/1979 BethElMemPark -- C C052-4 headstone image one -- two
     [First Name Not Known] Caplan - 26 Aug 1911 Smith St -- Main
     Michael Card Michel ben Hadar 6/10/1983 - Jan. 5, 2016 Mt. Sinai --
     Beatrice Carlin 18 Dec 1927 - 2/14/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E164-4 headstone image one -- two
     Harold Carlin 21 July 1920 - 3/23/2012 BethElMemPark -- E E164-3 headstone image one -- two
     Charlotte Aronson Carp 29 Oct 1911 - 11/22/2009 BethElMemPark -- A A035-3 headstone image one
     Leonard Carp Leizer ben Benyamin 23 Dec 1908 - 9/18/1972 BethElMemPark -- A A035-4 headstone image one
     Mary Auerbach Carp Masha Tzeitel bat Mordechai v'Malka 14 Sep 1938 - 4/28/2013 BethElMemPark -- A A035-2 headstone image one
     Hannah Goldie Carr - 1908 OwlsHeadCem-ChildrensSection -- 46 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Carr Zvi ben Avraham 25 Dec 1881 - 7/17/1967 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 33 headstone image one
     Lina Bradbury Carr Leah Keer ben r'Avraham Yitzchak 1888 - 2/28/1953 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 33 headstone image one
     Madeline "Madlyn" Carr 6 April 1920 - 21 March 2013 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 56 headstone image one
     Marion Carr Chana Melcha bat Zvi Zalcha 1914 - 2007 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 54 headstone image one
     Sydney Robert Carr Y'sheveer Reuven ben Zvi Zalcha 1910 - 23 Apr 2004 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 55 headstone image one
     Lenlie E CARTER  05-Aug-1919 - 9/7/1974 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- D Section: D Row: 5 Site: 20 
     Harry Carval - Mt Sinai -- H H7/H383/H384/H390-F4
     Richard Carval - Mt Sinai -- H H7/H383/H384/H390-F4
     Tina Carval - Mt Sinai -- J J222-S
     Annie Carvel - 10 Dec 1946 Mt Sinai -- F F119-S headstone image one
     Bella Maybush Carvel 1904 - 15 Jun 1925 Smith St -- Main
     David Carvel abt 1893 - 3/10/1963 Mt Sinai -- J J391/J392/J419/J420-F4
     Frances Steinberg Carvel Freidel bat Israel v. Chana 7/13/11929 - 11/19/2013 BethElMemPark -- G G039-2
     Harry Carvel Tzvi Hirsh b. Reuven HaCohen 1894 - 7/15/1945 Mt Sinai -- H H7/H383/H384/H390-F4
     Ralph Carvel Reuvan ben Reuvan 1907 - 15 Oct 1964 Mt Sinai -- J J391/J392/J419/J420-F4
     Richard Carvel abt 1925 - Mt Sinai -- H H383/H384/H390-F4
     Richard Jay Glaser Carvel Reuven ben Hershel 5/25/1924 - 5/28/2014 BethElMemPark -- G G039-1
     Zelda Carvel Zelda bat David 1870 - 7 June 1958 Mt Sinai -- J J391/J392/J419/J420-F4
     Aleck S / Alex Carver 1886 - 6/17/1957 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-16 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Carver - Mt Sinai -- A A314
     Katherine E "Katie" Epstein Carver 12/5/1893 - 10/10/1996 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-15 headstone image one -- two
     Tena Shulman Carver Tzinah bat Gedaliah abt 1918 - 17 Aug 1960 Mt Sinai -- J J222-S
     Esther J Schwartz Casale Esther Shayndel bat Eliahu 17-Nov-08 - 22-Feb-96 Mt Carmel -- Main C174
     David Chacham 1837 - 27 Nov 1898 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Jacob M Chacham 1863 - 14 Nov 1882 Smith St -- Main
     Rebecca "Betty" Chadys 7-Jul-1909 - 6/22/1999 Mt Sinai -- A A112-S
     Marvin C CHAIKEN  28-Dec-1919 - 12/14/2004 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- H Section: H Row: 4 Site: 17 
     Rosalyn "Roz" Wolfe Chait 22 Jun 1934 - 22 Aug 2001 Mt Sinai -- J J401-S
     Jeanette G / Jean Emple Chamoff abt 1919 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- F F-22
     Seymour "Sy" Chamoff Simcha 23 July 1923 - 9/2/1994 BethElMemPark -- E E065-2 headstone image one
     Hadas Chandler Hadas b"r Yosef Segal - Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Hillel Chandler Hillel b"r Mordechay b"r Elyah Layb -b"r --- - Mt Carmel -- Main
     Nathan Chandler Natan ben Mordechai HaLevi - 7/15/1966 Mt Sinai -- J J596-D
     Rose Chandler Rachel Basha bat Tzvi Hirsch - 7/4/1978 Mt Sinai -- J J596-D
     [First Name Not Known] Chandler - Mt Carmel -- Main 49
     Bernard Chapman 8/1/1916 - 2/13/2014 BethElMemPark -- C C013-4
     Edward M Chapman - 5/22/1965 BethElMemPark -- C C013-3
     Edward M. Chapman 3/14/1889 - 5/22/1965 Mt Sinai -- C C013-3 headstone image one
     Gilbert Chapman - 3/22/1933 Mt Sinai -- G G354-S
     Mashe Chapman - 8/12/1944 Mt Sinai -- S S
     Miriam Chapman - Mt Sinai -- F F430/F431-F2 headstone image one
     Zlata Chapman - Mt Sinai -- G G459-S headstone image one
     [Baby] Chapman - 25 March 1922 Mt Sinai -- GE headstone image one
     Albert G Jerry Chase Avrahem Gedalya 12-22-1925 - 05-01-2009 Beth Israel Cemetery --
     Blanche Chase Belumkah bat r' Yosef abt 1900 - 12/18/1989 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 28 headstone image one
     Chaim Chase Chayyim ben Avraham - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 27 headstone image one -- two
     Chasiya Chase Chasiya bar Yizchak 1859 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one
     Dorothy Chase abt 1919 - 9/28/1907 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Etta D Nelson Chase Ita Devorah bat Avraham Michael 5 April 1894 - 6/26/1978 Mt Carmel -- Main 109
     Janette 'Jan' Tarr Chase Shana bat Yitzchak 1918 - 3/18/2000 Mt Sinai -- F F474/F475-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Chase Yosef Dov b. G'dalyah abt 1885 - 22/01/1976 Mt Sinai -- J J181-S headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Chase Yosef b'r' Chayiim Peshal abt 1878 - 8/13/1951 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 30 headstone image one
     Lois Chase 01-05-1930 - 4/18/2015 Beth Israel Cemetery --
     Lois Strelitz Chase Leah 01-05-1930 - 4/18/2015 Beth Israel Cemetary --
     Morris Chase Moseh Chayiim ben r'Y'hushua Feeshal 7/25/1888 - 9/20/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-16 headstone image one
     Richard I Chase Reuven Yitzchak ben Yosef Dov 2/23/1917 - 3/9/2014 Mt Sinai -- F F474/F475-F2
     Stella V Klein Chase Shetlaah vivakana (?) bat r' Avraham abt 1882 - 6/21/1952 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 1 Row 1 plot 29 headstone image one
     Andrew David Chason 26 June 1956 - 3/17/2013 BethElMemPark -- B B002-4 headstone image one
     Charles Gilbert Chason CHASON 7 Aug 1925 - 10/31/2013 BethElMemPark -- B B002-3 headstone image one
     Dorothy Finks Chason 13 June 1898 - 12/12/1969 BethElMemPark -- B B002-1 headstone image one
     Eva Bessie Gotlib Chason Rivka B.R. Yaakov 3/26/1900 - 5/22/1985 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-13 headstone image one
     Harold Louis Chason Zwei B.R. Yaokov 10/4/1924 - March 22 2001 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-8 headstone image one
     Jacob Chason Yaukov Ben Reb Zwei 7/28/1896 - 7/7/1954 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- L L-14 headstone image one
     Saul G Chason 20 Jan 1898 - 11/2/1974 BethElMemPark -- B B002-2 headstone image one
     Frances / Fannie Greenman Chawes 9-Nov-15 - 16-Mar-91 Mt Sinai -- A A275/A275a-F2 headstone image one
     Harry Chawes Tzvi Aryeh ben Reuven 7 June 1911 - 26 April 1972 Mt Sinai -- A A275/A275a-F2 headstone image one
     George Chesner 12/8/1908 - 12/26/1993 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d5 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Chesner R' Elizar ben Baruch 1874 - 5/25/1942 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d6 headstone image one -- two
     Pearl / Polly Chesner Devorah bat rav Michel 1878 - 1/27/1971 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d7 headstone image one -- two
     Sophie Cohen Chesner 6/12/1916 - 2/28/04 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d8 headstone image one -- two
     Zile Chipman 1876 - 3/7/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Beatrice C "Bea" Lerman Chorney Asnah b"r Zvi Hyrsh'l 06/21/1923 - 10/09/2008 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Charles Chorney Yhoshua b"r Mosheh 1923 - 2-Sep-91 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Irene Frances Chotiner 2-Oct-05 - 15-Jul-09 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one
     David Chozick 1876 - 4 July 1924 Mt Sinai -- G G49-D
     Freda Chozick - Mt Sinai -- G G49-D
     Frieda Chozick Frayd'l b. Zev - 21 May 1940 Mt Sinai -- H H84x-S headstone image one
Christianson / Garozzo
     Lisa Merrick Christianson / Garozzo 4/9/1950 - 2/20/1985 Berliawsky-SmallCem -- Main 29 headstone image one
     Anna Cohen Chude 1890 - Mt Sinai -- F F70-S headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Berenson Chude abt 1886 - Mt Sinai -- H H198-S
     Elka Chude - 8/31/1947 Mt Sinai -- G G219-S headstone image one
     Joseph Chude abt 1880 - 4/25/1953 Mt Sinai -- F F39-S headstone image one
     Willie Chutovetzhy 1909 - 1/15/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Mihai Ciffer Mendel 3/14/1932 - 2/18/2011 Mount Sinai Cemetery --
     Ida E Cinamon Esther Chayabat R Yisroel Cinamon 1906 - Mt Sinai -- H H51-S headstone image one
     Israel Cinamon Yisrael ben Chaim 1862 - 2/13/1933 Mt Sinai -- G G26-F2
     Jacob J / Jack Cinamon September 28, 1918 - 11/22/2016 Mt Carmel -- Main 148
     Mamie Goffin Cinamon Michlah bat Dov 1898 - 04-Dec-70 Mt Sinai -- F F262/F263/F264/F265-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Molly Cinamon - Mt Carmel -- Main 148
     Samuel I Cinamon Schlomo Yitzchak ben Israel 1898 - 6/8/1981 Mt Sinai -- F F262/F263/F264/F265-F4 headstone image one -- two
Cindinoak ?
     David Cindinoak ? - Mt Carmel -- Main 68
     Edith Citrin Yetta b. Y'hoshua Zev ha-Kohen OR Ita bat Yehoshua Ze'ev HaCohen 1913 - 5/23/1974 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Elinor Glazier Citrin Etel bat Yoseph 14-Feb-18 - 4/14/2013 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-12
     Eva W Weiss Citrin Khava b. Elimelekh 1888 c - 5 Nov 1971 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Harry M Citrin Hersh Elimelekh b. Yaaqov 3/18/1909 - 9/22/1975 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob / Jaleob Citrin Yaaqov b. Aqiva 3/14/1884 - 8/17/1968 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Louise Shur Citrin Leah b. Zvi Eliezer 9/8/1922 - 8/15/1987 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Michael M "Mike" Citrin Meir b. Yaaqov 10/31/1910 - 10/15/1982 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Murray M / Maurice Citrin Moshe ben Yaakov June 1, 1918 - June 19, 1992 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-11 headstone image one
     Samuel M Citrin Shmuel Modechai b. Yaaqov 4/1/1913 - 1/23/1941 Mt Sinai -- J J12-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin Clayman abt 1886 - 2/8/1947 Mt Sinai -- F F95-F2
     Rose Clayman abt 1895 - 9/12/1962 Mt Sinai -- F F95-F2
     Estelle N. Nadler Clenott 3/6/1905 - 2/28/1977 BethElMemPark -- C C027-3 headstone image one
     Hattie Markson Clenott 1891 - 3/1/1961 BethElMemPark -- C C053-4 headstone image one -- two
     Herbert Goldstein Clenott Mosheh Hirsh b. Y'hudah Leeb ha-Kohen 1915 - 21 June 1981 Mt Sinai -- F F166/F167-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Martin H "Marty" Clenott 22 June 1921 - 1/17/2009 BethElMemPark -- C C033-1 headstone image one
     Robert Goldstein Clenott 12/21/1892 - 6/10/1980 BethElMemPark -- C C053-3 headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy Miriam Clevenson 1914 - 4/9/1937 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-26 headstone image one -- two
     Daniel Cleverson abt 1890 - May 13 1963 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-61 headstone image one
     Leah G Dalton Cohan 1907 - Jan 2008 Andover, MA --
     Merrill B Cohan 1905 - Andover, MA --
     Aida Helen Cohen Khayah b"r Zvi Kahen 1907 - 10/8/1924 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Albert Cohen Avram ben Shumel 5/9/1918 - 3/14/2006 TempleShalomCem -- E 393 headstone image one -- two
     Alice Alperowitz Cohen Shprintze bat Yakov Hakohen abt 1884 - 12/7/1966 BethIsraelCem : TBD --
     Alice Cohen … bat r'Moseh ….HaCohen 1882 - 6/9/1965 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 53 headstone image one
     Alice Edith Modes Cohen Its Elka bat Avrraham Yitzchak HaLevi 1897 - 15 Feb 1968 Mt Sinai -- A A292/A292a-F2 headstone image one
     Allan Cohen Eliyahu B.R. Simcha HaCohen 7/6/1907 - 4/5/1989 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- I I-8 headstone image one
     Ann J Mack Cohen - 8/13/2002 Mt Sinai -- A A122/A122a-F2
     Anna / Annie Cohen Chana Tovah bat Naphtali HaCohen abt 1899 - 9 July 1984 Mt Sinai -- J J389/J390/J417/J418-F4
     Anna P / Ann Cohen 1878 - 1941 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-14
     Annie Cohen Nov 1867 - 5 Oct 1903 Beth Israel --
     B James Cohen 1904 - 2/8/2000 BethElMemPark -- C C091-5 headstone image one -- two
     Barney / Bennett Cohen Binyamin ben Naftali 12/25/1881 - 1940 Mt Sinai -- J J100-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin Cohen - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bernard Cohen 1919 - 9/22/1977 Mt Sinai -- H H297/H298/H299-F3 headstone image one
     Bernard Cohen Dov Ber b"r Yosef Eliyahu ha-Kohen 1870 - 7/9/1946 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Bernard Cohen - Mt Carmel -- Main A177
     Bernard Cohen (maiden name Mack) Cohen - Mt Carmel -- Main C180
     Bernard Cohen 1870 - 1958 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-13 headstone image one
     Bertha R. Cohen Brayn'e Rachel b. Y'hoshua Hesh'l 10 Aug 1875 - 6 Aug 1936 Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8
     Bessey L "Bessie" Cohen Leevah bas r' Shimon Dovid HaCohen 15 Feb 1875 - 9/27/1921 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 5a headstone image one
     Betty N Nacht Cohen 1909 - Mar 17 1958 TempleShalomCem -- A 211 headstone image one
     Betty R Muskhick Cohen 1905 - 2/27/1985 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-1 headstone image one
     Carla Ames Cohen - 11/6/2006 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-19 headstone image one
     Casper Cohen Kasriel b. Aryeh Qahen 3 July 1902 - 13 Sep 1948 Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Celia Robinson Cohen Shayna bat Aryeh Leib abt 1891/1892 - 6 April 1948 Mt Sinai -- H H1-F2 headstone image one
     Charles Cohen Shevakh b. Yitzkhaq Zalman ha-Kohen 19 July 1900 - 12 Aug 1974 Mt Sinai -- F F346-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Charles Cohen 1 May 1902 - 1/17/1999 BethElMemPark -- C C130-1 headstone image one -- two
     Charles A "Cuddy" Cohen 16 oct 1926 - 13 Oct 2007 Mt Sinai -- J J317-S
     Charles Davis Cohen Dovid Ben Y'hudah Tzvi HaCohen 1906 - Jan 20 1964 TempleShalomCem -- B 147 headstone image one
     David Cohen - 7/23/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E171-5
     David Cohen 6 Nov 1915 - 8/6/2010 BethElMemPark -- E E171-5b headstone image one -- two
     David A Cohen 9/26/1903 - 2/12/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-7 headstone image one
     Devorah / Dora Sragowitz / Saragovitch Cohen Devorah bat Dov 1882 - Mt Sinai -- F F421/F422-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Donald Cohen 1925 - 1/24/1990 BethElMemPark -- E E048-3 headstone image one -- two
     Dora C Copolowitz /Kapelovich / Bunevich Cohen Draize bas Schlomo Yitzhack 1870 - 12/15/1940 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-15 headstone image one
     Dora G Petlock Cohen Dena Gittel bat Nehemya Fayvel 1897 - 5/28/1983 Mt Sinai -- H H8-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Dora k Bunevich Cohen 12/25/1883 - 12/23/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-7 headstone image one -- two
     Dora K Kovelle Cohen 1873 - 1941 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-14 headstone image one -- two
     Doris Cohen D'vorah b. Aryeh Layb 5 Oct 1899 - 24 Sep 1946 Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy Cohen 1927 - 12/11/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E048-4 headstone image one -- two
     Dorothy Cohen - BethElMemPark -- E E055-4
     Dorothy Cohen - Mt Sinai -- A A139-S
     Dorothy M Cohen 4/7/1961 - 11/29/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-5 headstone image one
     Edward Cohen - Aug, 2009 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one
     Elaine G / Elaine Myrtle Goldman Cohen Estha Mirium bas Mosheh v'Devorah 7/2/1933 - 7/27/2005 TempleShalomCem -- H 560 headstone image one -- two
     Eli Cohen Y'huel Y'duda (**) b. ha-Rav Khanokh Ya'aqov ha-Kohen 1878 - Mt Carmel -- Main 52 headstone image one
     Elsa B / Elsa G Cohen 1923 - 4/15/1984 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-47 headstone image one -- two
     Estelle Cohen 1/6/1915 - Dec. 28 1980 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 1 headstone image one
     Esther Cohen 1914 - 11/11/1967 BethElMemPark -- C C084-2 headstone image one
     Esther Judelshon Cohen Esther bat R' Ya'aqov 1878 - 8/9/1953 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Esther Rolnick Cohen Esther bat Shlomo 1890 - 6/24/1970 Mt Sinai -- J J100-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Evelyn L Brenner Cohen Ita Hadassah bat Yitzchak 7/6/1926 - 8/31/2019 Mt Sinai -- H H297/H298/H299-F3
     Fannie Albert Cohen 1868 - 1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-10
     Fannie A / Jennie Alpert Cohen 1895 - 4/14/1982 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-3 headstone image one
     Fannie E Cohen - Mt Sinai -- J J389/J390/J417/J418-F4
     Fannie Yudis "Faige" Cohen Faiga Yehudit bat Yaakov abt 1870 - 8 March 1958 Mt Sinai -- J J389/J390/J417/J418-F4
     Freda "Fritz" Cohen - 8/7/2012 BethElMemPark -- E E163-2 headstone image one
     Gene Cohen 1942 - 8/3/1989 BethElMemPark -- E E024-1 headstone image one
     George Cohen Yaakov ben Haim Yehudah - 24-Nov-80 Mt Sinai -- A A122/A122a-F2
     George David Cohen Yosef David B.R. Reuven HaCohen 6/21/1920 - 11/7/1987 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-20 headstone image one
     Gertrude Cohen 1/2/1914 - Febuary 5, 1981 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main A2 headstone image one -- two
     Gladys Diamon Cohen 10 Sept 1906 - 6/29/2003 BethElMemPark -- C C130-2 headstone image one -- two
     H Israel / Ira Cohen November 7, 1909 - May 29, 1933 Mt Sinai -- J J40-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Cohen 1903 - 3/1/1982 BethElMemPark -- C C084-1 headstone image one
     Harry Cohen Zvi ben Yitzchak 6/2/1898 - Decmber 24, 1982 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 77 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Cohen - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 255a3 headstone image one
     Harry Jacob Cohen Ya'aqov Zvi b. Aryeh Qahn 15 June 1896 - 16 Dec 1947 Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Haskell Cohen r'Ychazkael ben Yudah Kahon - 7/22/1927 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-27 headstone image one -- two
     Henry Cohen Khanokh Hener b. Yitzkhaq Zalman ha-Kohen 1-Mar 1901 - 5-Feb 1963 Mt Sinai -- F F315a F316-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Henry I Cohen 1904 - Sep 5 1957 TempleShalomCem -- A 137 headstone image one
     Herman Cohen - Mt Sinai -- H H174-D
     Herman Cohen Zvi bar Nachum the cohen 1870 - Mt Sinai -- H TBD headstone image one -- two -- three
     Hyman Cohen Chaim bar Naphtali Ha' Cohen 1889 - Mt Sinai -- H H160-F2 headstone image one
     Ida Mack Cohen Chaya bat Yitzchak v. Sara 6 Dec 1908 - 1/19/2002 BethElMemPark -- C C028-2 headstone image one -- two
     Ida Brown Cohen 11 Oct 1888 - 29 Sept 1984 Mt Sinai -- F F69-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Ida A Silverman Cohen 1851 - 1923 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-34 headstone image one
     Ida T Sabelman Cohen 9/25/1909 - 8/3/1995 BethElMemPark -- C C041-4 headstone image one
     Ira / H Israel Cohen 11/7/1908 - May 29, 1933 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Isadore A Cohen - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- Q Q-4 headstone image one
     Jacob Cohen - Mt Sinai -- ?
     Jacob Cohen abt 1875 - Mt Sinai -- F FX
     Jacob "Jake" Alperowitz Cohen Yakov ben Natan Hakohen 1873 - 1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-28
     James Cohen Yehudah Mekel 7/10/1876 - 11/30/1952 Mt Sinai -- J J40-F8
     Jean Appelbaum Cohen - TempleShalomCem -- E 392 headstone image one
     Jennie Cohen 1896 - 25 Dec 1896 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Jennie M. Lewis Cohen Shaynah b. Layzer ha-Kohen 25-Jul-04 - 11-Oct-89 Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Joseph Cohen 1908 - 11/17/1985 BethElMemPark -- E E055-3 headstone image one -- two
     Julius Cohen 1879 - Mt Sinai -- F F421/F422-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Julius Cohen Haim Yehudah ben Mordechai abt 1883/85 - 19 Jan 1939 Mt Sinai -- H H1-F2 headstone image one
     Leah Cohen - Mt Sinai -- G G85-F2
     Libby Cohen - Mt Sinai -- J J417/J418-F2
     Lillian E Cohen 1916 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 2 headstone image one
     Lillian F Forman Cohen Leiba bat Feivel 4/25/1902 - 11/23/1993 BethElMemPark -- C C031-4 headstone image one -- two
     Lillian L "Libbie" / Libby / Lilly Cohen Leiba bat Naphtali abt 1897 - 21 Sept 1986 Mt Sinai -- J J389/J390/J417/J418-F4
     Lizzie Cohen 1910 - 3/8/1910 Smith St -- Main
     Louis Cohen 1899 - 4/26/1907 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Louis Cohen 1894 - 6 Sep 1894 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Louis Cohen Aryeh b. Mordekhay 15 July 1875 - 23 Mar 1939 Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Cohen - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 1 headstone image one
     Louis W Cohen Eliezer ben Natan Hakohen abt 1891 - 01-03-1944 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-13
     Louise Cohen - Mt Sinai -- G G235-F8
     M William Cohen 1922 - 3/12/2002 BethElMemPark -- A A041-3 headstone image one -- two
     Madelyn Busker Cohen 1942 - 12/13/1986 BethElMemPark -- E E024-2 headstone image one
     Marlene Baker Cohen - Mt Carmel -- Main C180
     Martha Spatz Cohen 15 Aug 1918 - 7/23/2000 BethElMemPark -- E E171-5a headstone image one
     Marvis J Polakewich Cohen Shayna Matl b. Yitzchak 13-Sep-28 - 8/27/1978 Mt Sinai -- J J317-S headstone image one -- two
     Mary Cohen Miryam Kohen b. David Emer - 30 Jan 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H88-S headstone image one
     Maurice Cohen February 22, 1906 - 07/03/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- S S-2 headstone image one
     Maurice L Cohen Moseh Yudah b r'Sindor Dovid Cohen 1918 - 1955 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 37 headstone image one -- two
     Max Cohen Menachum Mendel Ben Z'vi Haresh 1884 - 10 Feb 1951 Mt Sinai -- F F69-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Max Cohen 1852 - Mt Sinai -- G G85-F2
     Max Alperowitz Cohen Menachem Mendel ben Natan Hakohen 1868 - 12/4/1930 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-33 headstone image one -- two
     Mildred L Dexter Cohen 1910 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- Q Q-3 headstone image one
     Milford "Mike" F Cohen 1920 - 3/14/1983 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-46 headstone image one -- two
     Minnie Simensky Cohen 1880 - 10/11/1965 Mt Sinai -- F F32-F2
     Miriam Berman Cohen 03-16-1923 - 16 Aug 2010 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-9 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Cohen abt 1914 - 2 Nov 1963 Mt Sinai -- J J389/J390/J417/J418/J419-F4
     Morris / Maurice Cohen Moseh ben Meyer HaCohen 1897 - 12/12/1969 Mt Sinai -- A A292/A292a-F2 headstone image one
     Morris Harry "Hirshele" Cohen Moshe Hirsh ben Aharon Yankel 1890 - 6/25/1946 Mt Sinai -- H H8-F4 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Morris I Cohen Moshe Yitzchak ben Yisrael 5/22/1892 - 4/13/1967 BethElMemPark -- C C031-3 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Lester Cohen 4/25/1898 - 2/21/1979 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 7 headstone image one
     Naftoli / Nathan Cohen Naftali b"r Shlomoh ha-Kohen abt 1850 - 6/25/1913 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Nathan Cohen Nafhali ben Benyamin HaCohen 24 Aug 1918 - 17 Aug 2003 Mt Sinai -- A A125/A125a-F2
     Nathan Cohen 1900 - 7/14/1908 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Nathan Alperowitz Cohen Natan ben Reuven Hakohen Oct 1844 - 1/2/1901 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-26? headstone image one -- two
     Nathan A Cohen 2/13/1913 - 1/5/2002 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- D D-10 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan J Cohen 1901 - 3/25/1983 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-8 headstone image one
     Nathan R Cohen Natan ben Moshe Shimshon HaKohen abt 1901 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-27
     Nellie Abbotoni Cohen Sara bat Avraham 9/25/1913 - 9/20/2003 BethElMemPark -- C C003-3 + 4 headstone image one
     Nellie S Zwonkin Cohen Necha b. Yitzchak 29-Jan-1900 - 8/20/1982 Mt Sinai -- J J315/J316-F2 headstone image one
     Pauline Cohen Per'l b"r Mosheh Qalman 1888 - Mt Carmel -- Main 51 headstone image one
     Pauline Cohen 9/20/1904 - 12/31/1993 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 6 8 headstone image one
     Pauline A Cohen 2 Nov 1910 - 15-Jan-2006 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- E E-11 headstone image one -- two
     Philip Cohen Eliezer Feivel ben Isaac haCohen 9/10/1903 - 1/29/1967 BethElMemPark -- C C003-3 + 4 headstone image one
     Philip R Cohen Shraga Feivel ben Moshe Shimshon HaKohen 1907 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-11 headstone image one -- two
     Reuben Cohen 1909 - 10/9/1995 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main AA1 headstone image one -- two
     Richard D Cohen 6/15/1910 - 6/10/1980 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main A1 headstone image one -- two
     Robert Cohen 2 Feb 1920 - 1/13/1994 BethElMemPark -- E E163-1 headstone image one
     Robert Alperowitz Cohen Reuven ben Yakov Hakohen 3/15/1891 - 10/29/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-4 headstone image one
     Robert L Cohen abt 1893 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- J J-6 headstone image one
     Rosa Kramer Cohen 1842 - 1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-41 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Gordon Cohen 10/21/1871 - Mt Sinai -- J J40-F8
     Rose Arkenberg Cohen Ester Rakhel b"r Ya'aqov Qahen 1884 - 3/23/1929 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Rose Leah Cohen 8/8/1881 - 11/4/1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-29 headstone image one
     Rosie Cohen All'e Rayzel b. Mordechai Yitzkhaq ha-Kohen 1870 - 24 June 1892 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rosie Cohen - 4/28/1911 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-41 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Cohen Shalom ben Zvi - 6/5/1952 Mt Sinai -- J J133-S
     Samuel Cohen - Mt Sinai -- S S
     Samuel Cohen 1907 - 10/8/1920 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Samuel Cohen Shmuel b. Ha-Rav Khanokh ha-Kohen - 17 March 1936- Mt Carmel -- Main 52 headstone image one
     Samuel "Sam" Cohen 1874 - Mt Sinai -- F F32-F2
     Samuel Alexander Cohen 1904 - Nov 4 1960 TempleShalomCem -- A 210 headstone image one
     Samuel B Cohen Sindor Dovid b r' Moseh Raphael HaCohen 1880 - 1953 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 36 headstone image one
     Samuel H Alperowitz Cohen Simcha ben Yakov Hakohen 20 April 1875 - 4/9/1961 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-8 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel J Cohen Y'hudah Sendr b. Ya'akov Manis 25 Nov 1898 - 6/23/1981 Mt Sinai -- J J315/J316-F2 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Samuel L Cohen abt 1877 - 3 Jan 1955 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Samuel L " Sam" / Soam Cohen 14 June 1915 - 22 March 2003 Mt Sinai -- H H297/H298/H299-F3 headstone image one
     Samuel M Cohen 1906 - 3/1/1963 BethElMemPark -- C C041-3 headstone image one
     Samuel M Alperowitz Cohen Simcha ben Reuven Hakohen 1863 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-27
     Samuel N Alperowitz Cohen Shmuel ben Natan Hakohen 1 Nov 1886 - 1936 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-19 headstone image one
     Sera R Cohen - 3 May 1890 WebsterAveCem -- Main 19
     Simon Cohen 1864 - 20 Oct 1904 Mt Sinai -- G G189-S headstone image one -- two
     Simon Alperowitz Cohen Moshe Shimshon ben Natan Hakohen abt 1880 - 1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-9
     Solomon Cohen 1875 - 27 Nov 1898 Smith St -- Main
     Solomon Cohen - BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-38
     Solomon "Samuel / Sammy" Cohen Shumel ben Benjamin Hacohen 12 Aug 1912 - 29 Aug 1964 Mt Sinai -- A A372a headstone image one
     Stuart D Cohen Abt 1934 - TempleShalomCem -- H 561
     Susan D "Susie" Goldberg Cohen Ziske bas Moftel 2/20/1891 - 2/18/1953 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- I I-12 headstone image one -- two
     Sylvia J Rosenbloom Cohen 1918 - 2/09/2001 BethElMemPark -- C C091-6 headstone image one -- two
     Theresa Meth Cohen - 2008 Bangor Cemetery TBD-Batch2 -- TBD TBD headstone image one
     William Cohen Zev ben Dov Ber v. Ester haCohen 19 Dec 1900 - 10/15/2000 BethElMemPark -- C C028-1 + 2 headstone image one -- two
     William Blake Cohen 1915 - 5/20/1993 TempleShalomCem -- B 227 headstone image one
     Yitka / Ada / Alice Alperovitz / Appernovitch Cohen 5/15/1887 - 12/7/1966 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-16
     Zalman Cohen Zalman b"r Naftali ha-Kohen - 11/11/1860 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     [First Name Not Known] Cohen - Mt Carmel -- Main 50
     [Husband] Cohen 1898 - Mt Sinai -- J J4-F8 headstone image one -- two
Cohen Jr
     Samuel Cohen Jr 1892 - 1945 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-6 headstone image one
     Samuel Cohen Jr 1892 - 1945 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-44
     Samuel "Sam" Cohen Jr Chaim Shmuel ben Moshe Shimshon HaKohen 11/22/1892 - 4/6/1945 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-6? headstone image one
     Allan Cohn 07-06-1907 - 04-05-1989 BethIsraelCem : TBD --
     David Cohn 6/22/1902 - 5/26/1976 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- K K-5 headstone image one
     Carole Spill Cole Chaya Devora bat Simeon v. Esther 1/12/1937 - 3/25/2022 Mt Sinai -- G G349-S
     Elaine T Troen Cole Elka bat BenZion abt 1929 - 3/16/1987 Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Florence Koffler Collins 12/29/1906 - 12/19/1991 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-3 headstone image one
     Gertrude E Comeras 14-Jan-11 - 9/21/1997 Mt Sinai -- G G283-F8
     Julius Comeras Eliahu Tanna ben Aryeh abt 1854 - 7/15/1927 Mt Sinai -- G G283-F8
     Samuel H Comeras Shmuel ben Eliahu Elchanon abt 1885 - 5/31/1961 Mt Sinai -- G G283-F8
     Sarah Bernstein Comeras Chaya Sarah bat Wolf abt 1888 - 17 Jan 1981 Mt Sinai -- G G283-F8
     Jennie F / Jane Fleischer Conklin Shayna bat R Yosef abt 1910 - Mt Sinai -- A A306-S headstone image one
     Robert Bertie Connor Eluzar ben Avraham Jan 1 1954 - 25-Feb-09 Beth Abraham : Old Section -- Main 12 headstone image one -- two
     Aaron Cook Aharon b. Shalom Eliezer 5 Feb 1909 - 27-Apr-72 Mt Sinai -- F F179-S headstone image one -- two
     Abram Cook Avraham Zvi ben Alesander Shmuel 1871 - 7 Oct 1935 Smith St -- Main
     Annie / Anna (Henke) Levine Wolman Cook Hen'e Risha b. Aharon abt 1870 - 23-Nov 1950 Mt Sinai -- F F111-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Miriam Nelson Cook Pesi Miryam bat R' Avraham Mykh'l 1869 - 10/30/1919 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Clara Cook Gald'e b"r Mordechay 1878 - Mt Carmel -- Main 72 headstone image one
     James L Cook Shalom Eliezer b. Shmuel Yaaqov abt 1873 - 30 July 1961 Mt Sinai -- F F111-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Max L Cook - Smith St -- Main
     May Cook - Mt Carmel -- Main 109
     Minnie Cook Mindel bat Yisrael abt 1894 - 1/6/1941 Smith St -- Main
     Samuel Cook Khanokh Shmuel b"r Y'khyel Mekhyl Kok 1846 - 28 Sep 1924 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Nelson Cook Sarah bat Avraham Michal 10/6/1900 - 12/11/1969 Mt Carmel -- Main 108
     Yetta / Velta Cook Yent' bat R' Avraham Zvi 1855 - 23 Dec 1924 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Annie B Golden Cooper abt 1880 - 14 June 1959 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-2 headstone image one
     Arnold Cooper 22-Aug-22 - 1-Oct-94 Mt Sinai -- J J458-S
     Barney Cooper Benjamin 6/10/1893 - 2/2/1968 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Men 77d headstone image one -- two
     Harold Cooper - TempleShalomCem -- G 422 headstone image one -- two
     Ida S Scholnick Cooper Chaya bat Yachiel v. Udel abt 1899 - 11/11/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C010-4 headstone image one -- two
     Irene C Brown Cooper 4 Dec 1911 - 2/6/1999 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 100 headstone image one -- two
     Jo Ambra Cooper 18 Sept 1946 - 2/14/1994 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d1 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Pinchus Cooper 10/15/1884 - 8/22/1945 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d2 headstone image one -- two
     Lottye / Lottie Cooper - TempleShalomCem -- G 423 headstone image one
     Louis Cooper 12/10/1910 - 6/12/1992 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d4 headstone image one -- two
     Martha Striar Cooper 1893 - 7/27/1975 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49b headstone image one -- two
     Max Cooper - 8/29/1970 BethElMemPark -- C C010-3 + 4
     Max M Cooper Mordechai ben Avraham 4/27/1897 - 8/29/1970 BethElMemPark -- C C010-3 headstone image one -- two
     Maxwell Cooper - BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-27
     Robert M Cooper 1892 - 19 Jan 1950 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-1 headstone image one
     Sarah Cooper 7/16/1886 - 8/25/1964 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d3 headstone image one -- two
     Bluma Cooperstein 1898 - 6/2/1984 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152m headstone image one -- two
     Etta Cooperstein - 8/8/1935 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-36
     Hyman Cooperstein - 12/6/1955 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152m headstone image one -- two
     Sarah Cooperstein - 11/19/1957 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 152d
     Arthur Cope Asher ben Yosef Pinchas haLevi 9/21/1926 - 6/28/2021 Mt Carmel -- Main 132
     Bella Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 134
     Bernard Cope Dov Baer ben Shmuel Mordechai HaLevi - 1/26/1936 Mt Carmel -- Main 103
     Edith Cope Edis Bas Yosef Pinchas HaLevi 3-Nov-34 - 9/17/1994 Mt Carmel -- Main 158
     Florence Cope Blume bat Mottel HaCohen abt 1907 - 17 Sept 1988 Mt Sinai -- A A374-D headstone image one
     Gerald Cope - Mt Sinai -- A A262/A262a-F2
     Harvey Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 157
     Joan Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 132
     Joseph Cope Yosef Pinchas ben Dov HaLevi abt 1890 - 8/6/1973 Mt Carmel -- Main 101
     Marshall Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 133
     Max L Cope Matise Aryeh ben Rav Dov HaLevi 23 Dec 1901 - 9 Oct 1964 Mt Sinai -- A A374-D headstone image one
     Max S Cope Mat'l Shmuel b"r Yosef Pinkhas ha-Levy 9/16/1918 - 11/26/1986 Mt Carmel -- Main 135 headstone image one -- two
     Mindel Roizen Cope Mindell bat Dov 10-Mar-99 - 1-Jan-92 Mt Carmel -- Main
     Mitchell Cope 1917 - 3/20/2007 BethElMemPark -- C C093-06 headstone image one -- two
     Mona Cope - Mt Sinai -- G G332-S
     Myer Cope Meir ben Dov HaLevi abt 1899 - 2/14/1972 Mt Carmel -- Main 121
     Nathan Cope Nachman ben Yosef Pinchas HaLevi - 10/7/1991 Mt Carmel -- Main 151
     Norman Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 133
     Pya / "Fannie" Rosen Cope Pya bat Pinchas - 9/21/1938 Mt Carmel -- 101
     Samuel M Cope Shmuel Mordechay b"r Dov Ber ha-Levy 12/30/1911 - 6/15/2005 Mt Carmel -- Main 156 headstone image one
     Sara Cope - Mt Carmel -- Main 103
     Sarah Peshe Avruch Cope Sarah Pesha bat Pinchas abt 1876 - 3/9/1946 Mt Carmel -- Main 156
     Yetta Cope - 6/5/1982 Mt Carmel -- Main 151
     Abraham Copersmith - 7/08/1978 BethElMemPark -- E E056-1
     Anne Copersmith - 7/23/1989 BethElMemPark -- E E056-2
     Gilbert Smith Copersmith - 9/13/1991 BethElMemPark -- E E102-2
     Rebecca "Becky" Lerman Copersmith 16 April 1917 - 8/02/1999 BethElMemPark -- E E102-3
     Leonard Coplen 8-Nov-19 - 21-Jul-90 Sharon Memorial Park, Sharon, MA --
     Abraham Coppersmith 1892 - 7/8/1978 BethElMemPark -- E E056-1 headstone image one -- two
     Annie Simansky Coppersmith 1901 - 7/23/1989 BethElMemPark -- E E056-2 headstone image one -- two
     Gilbert Coppersmith 1918 - 9/13/1991 BethElMemPark -- E E102-2 headstone image one -- two
     Rebecca Coppersmith 1915 - 8/2/1999 BethElMemPark -- E E102-3 headstone image one -- two
     Roy Corbin Reuvan ben Eliahu HaCohen 07-08-1950 - 04-10-2014 Beth Abraham --
     Ethel S Cortell Etthal (?) Bas r' Zelman Yitzchak abt 1887 - 11/8/1921 TempleShalomCem -- D 342 headstone image one
     Abraham Coslow Avraham ben Menshol 20 Jan 1880 - 11/13/1937 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-20 headstone image one -- two
     Eva Coslow Chana bat r'Yitzchak abt 1884 - 5/6/1948 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-11 headstone image one
     William Kovensky Covens 1913 - Mt Sinai -- H H305-S
     Bella Rolnick Cowan Bella bat Oscha v. Breindel 10/13/1919 - 1/20/2020 Mt Carmel -- Main 129
     Harold Cowan 12/3/1920 - May 1976 Mt Carmel -- Main 129
     Anna Cox - Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Anna "Honey" Swankin Cox Chana bat Yitzchak 06/08/1910 - 1/27/2006 Mt Sinai -- A A257/A257a-F2
     Benjamin Cox Baruch ben Yechiel 1916 - 3/20/1944 Mt Sinai -- H H76-S headstone image one
     Florence Cox - 17 Sept 1988 Mt Sinai -- A A374
     Jacob Karkovsky (sp?) Cox Yechiel ben Ezer HaCohen 1872 - 4/12/1935 Mt Sinai -- H H67-F2 headstone image one
     Morris Cox Yerachmiel ben Yechal HaCohen 7/4/1909 - 3/25/1977 Mt Sinai -- A A257/A257a-F2 headstone image one
     Philip Jacob Cox 1908 - 8/12/1908 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel O Cox Asher ben Yachael HaCohen 2/19/1900 - 17 or 18 June 1982 Mt Sinai -- A A257/A257a-F2 headstone image one
     Sarah Trianofsky Cox Shaineh bat Shalom 1876 - 12/3/1964 Mt Sinai -- H H67-F2 headstone image one
     David A Crasnick 1942 - 6/24/1970 BethElMemPark -- E E080-3 headstone image one
     Dorothy Green Crasnick 29-Jun-04 - 10-May-92 BethElMemPark -- E E105-2 headstone image one
     George Crasnick - Mt Sinai -- G G25-F2
     George / Geo Crasnick 11 April 1911 - 10/20/1918 Mt Sinai -- G G146-S
     Lena / Lenah Crasnick Leah bat Simeon HaLevi 1863 - 3/12/1935 Mt Sinai -- G G25-F2
     Max R Crasnick 3 Jun 1919 - 8/30/2001 BethElMemPark -- E E080-4 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Crasnick Moshe ben Yitzchak Mordechai 1861 - 4/14/1945 Mt Sinai -- G G25-F2
     Raize / Rachel / Rose Lerman Crasnick Raizel bat Avraham Aaron HaLevi 15 June 1921 - 16 May 2003 Mt Sinai -- E E081-1 headstone image one -- two
     Robert / Reuven Crasnick Reuvan ben Moshe 31 Jan 1882 - 5/18/1966 Mt Sinai -- A A316/A316a-F2 headstone image one
     Sarah Rebecca Crasnick Sarah Rivka bat David abt 1895 - 5/24/1944 Mt Sinai -- J J116-D
     Solomon "Sol" Crasnick 1898 - 10/1/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E105-1 headstone image one -- two
     Celia Crockett 1880 - 3/25/1959 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 24A
     Celia Crockett Zipporah bas r'Baruch - OwlsHeadCem -- Main 24 headstone image one
     Lena Crockett - Mt Sinai -- H H195x-S
     Philip Crockett r' Sharga Fievel b r'Yitzchak 1870 - 6/20/1942 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 24 headstone image one
     [Baby Girl] Crockett 1919 - 1920 OwlsHeadCem-ChildrensSection --
     [BabyGirlFirstNameNotKnown] CROCKETT - OwlsHeadCem -- Main 49 headstone image one -- two
     Deborah Sclar Cronin 1948 - 10/8/1988 BethElMemPark -- E E046-1 headstone image one
     Rose L Lindenberg Cronsberg abt 1907 - Mt Sinai -- J427/J428-F2
     Samuel Cronsberg abt 1904 - Mt Sinai -- J J427/J428-F2
     Lawrence Mark Culter 2487 - 5-Feb-1886 WebsterAveCem -- Main 83 headstone image one
     Bessie "Bess" Cohen Cummings - 1/18/1991 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-18
     Eugene Cummings Yaukov Sheman 7/8/1905 - 8/4/1979 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-19
     Frank Cummings 7/31/1923 - 8/28/1923 Smith St -- Main
     Herman G Cummings Khayyim Yishay' b"r Eliy' 6/14/1888 - 2/15/1949 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Lillian C Golden Cummings Lieba Simha bas Maisha Nosen 3/15/1891 - 11/1/1979 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-17
     Marion Cummings Miryam bat R' Avraham 20 April 1888 - 4/24/1950 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Rose Kabatchuick Cummings abt 1880 - 11/8/1939 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-17 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel E Kominsky Cummings Shloime B.R. Shimonaizer abt 1882 - 10/22/1968 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-16 headstone image one -- two
     Alexander Braun Cutler 1/14/1902 - 10/22/1992 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- B B-27 headstone image one -- two
     Alta M Goldberg Cutler 9/14/1889 - 7/18/1985 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-11 headstone image one
     Carl Cutler - TempleShalomCem -- G 489
     David L Cutler David ben Yaakov Koppel v. Sara Zlata 12/2/1895 - 6/7/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C048-3
     David L Cutler 1895 - 6/7/1971 BethElMemPark -- C C048-3 headstone image one -- two
     Edwin Cutler 1859 - 4/14/1931 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-27 headstone image one -- two
     Gussie Cutler 1899 - 1/24/1975 BethElMemPark -- C C048-4 headstone image one -- two
     Gussie R Diamon Cutler 4/5/1899 - 1/24/1975 BethElMemPark -- C C048-4
     Helen C Eisenstadt Cutler 8/24/1897 - 2/7/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- Q Q-16
     Israel R Cutler Israel B.R. IDDEL abt 1885 - 8/13/1973 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-12 headstone image one
     Jacob H Cutler Yaakov Koppel son of Dov Leib 1865 - 1/7/1942 Mt Sinai -- F F4B-S headstone image one
     Lillian Shulman Cutler Li___ bat R Shaul 13 June 1913 - 9 Aug 1967 Mt Sinai -- A A333-S headstone image one
     Lillian S Segal Cutler 21 Oct 1910 - 14-Sep-2012 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-29 headstone image one -- two
     Rachel Cutler abt 1868 - 1935 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-26 headstone image one -- two
     Rebecca P Pilver Cutler Rivka bas Yosef 6/30/1928 - Dec 24 1999 TempleShalomCem -- G 489 headstone image one
     Samuel M Cutler 5/19/1890 - 12/23/1983 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- Q Q-17
     Sarah Cutler - Mt Sinai -- G G358-S
     Sarah Rudman Cutler Sarah Zlata bat Reb Chaim Shavtai - 3/25/1928 Mt Sinai -- G G250-S
     [stillborn ] Cutler - 20 Nov 1927 Smith St -- Main