State-wide burial index (extract) as of Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Includes links to all available headstone images.
     Alexander Kaatz 8/15/1893 - 4/28/1979 BethElMemPark -- A A021-1 headstone image one -- two
     Charles Kaatz Yisrael ben Shalom haCohen Kaatz 8/10/1896 - 9/19/1962 BethElMemPark -- C C005-01 headstone image one
     Frances Kaatz 4/15/1898 - 9/11/1983 BethElMemPark -- A A021-2 headstone image one -- two
     James Kaatz 4/15/1918 - 1/1/1981 BethElMemPark -- A A021-4 headstone image one
     Lillian Geller Kaatz Leiba bat Natanel 1905 - 9/15/1968 BethElMemPark -- C C005-02 headstone image one
     Marian G Bornstein Kaatz 1926 - BethElMemPark -- A A021-3 headstone image one
     Miriam Kaatz 8/22/1926 - 11/16/1980 BethElMemPark -- A A021-1 + 2 + 3 + 4
     Maurice Kaden 4/13/1901 - 5/29/1963 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- P P-19
     Abraham J Kadish Avraham Josef ben Shalom 1892 - 10/31/1937 Mt Sinai -- F F13-F2 headstone image one
     Hilda Kadish Heedbrah bat Yaakov Rov 1896 - 10/31/1937 Mt Sinai -- F F13-F2 headstone image one
     Solomon Kadish Shlomo Qadish b. Aryeh Zvi Hirsh 1880 - Mt Sinai -- I IMG 2163
     Freda Miller Kagan 10/15/1902 - 3/11/1982 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-31 headstone image one
     Irving Kagan - 12/2/2005 BethIsraelCem : TBD --
     Max L Kagan 1/15/1898 - 11/7/1969 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-8 headstone image one
     Miram "Marian Mitzi" Kagan 26 Jan 1932 - 7 Feb 2004 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-30 headstone image one
     Morris / Maurice Kagan 5/15/1898 - 12/23/1984 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-43 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Nettie Kagan 7/30/1893 - 4/26/1970 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-7 headstone image one
     Paula Gelb Kagan - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-7
     Joseph Kahn 7/21/1888 - 8/19/1969 TempleShalomCem -- A 2 headstone image one
     [Father] Kalin Eli' Zelig b"r Meir - 8/4/1913 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     [Mother] Kalin Shprintz'e b"r Ben-Tziyon - 10/23/1913 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Abraham Kallinan 1848 - 6/25/1907 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Morris Kallus Moshe Lazar ben Nateh 12/4/1910 - 1/1/1978 Mt Sinai -- A A170/A170a-F2
     Rose Kallus Livshe Rachael bat Reubven Yehoshua 8/28/1912 - Mt Sinai -- A A170/A170a-F2
     Bernard Kamber Dov Ber'l b"r Zev Ya'aqov ha-Kohen 1882 - 11/16/1954 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Helen Kamber - BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- M M-22
     Ida S Briggs Kamber Ayyd'e Sarah bat R' Yitzkhaq - 5/11/1963 Smith St -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Kamenkovitz Kamen 9 April 1907 - 3/6/2005 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-21 headstone image one -- two
     Barnett D / Barnet Kamenkovitz 1876 - 3/23/1938 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-19 headstone image one -- two
     Mollie / Molly Epstein Kamenkovitz 1869 c - 12/9/1947 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-20 headstone image one -- two
Kamenkovitz / Kamen
     Sarah Bluestein Kamenkovitz / Kamen July 4, 1901 - Feb 17, 1980 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-20 headstone image one
     Joseph David Kamin Yosef Dovid ben HaRav Yonah 16 Jan 1924 - 6/7/1982 Mt Sinai -- A A83/A83a-F2
     Judith "Judy" ROBINSON Kamin 12/30/1928 - 1/5/2024 Mt Sinai -- A A83/A83a-F2
     Anna Kaminsky Hashak bat Nahum 1/13/1880 - 1/19/1992 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-10 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Anna Kaminsky abt 1855 - 6/1/1925 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-32 headstone image one -- two
     Jacob Kaminsky Yaakov ben Shmuel Shaul - 7 December 1911 Mt Sinai -- G G158-S headstone image one
     Leah / Lea Kaminsky abt 1829 - 11/28/1897 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- D D-44 headstone image one
     Samuel Kaminsky Shumel bat Yitchak - 2/25/1955 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- G G-9 headstone image one
     Gertrude F Kane 1908 - 2/4/1994 BethElMemPark -- C C074-4 headstone image one
     Maurice "Bud" Kane Feb 22, 1906? - 7/13/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C074-3 headstone image one
     Esther Zimerman Kantor Esther bat Yosef Mordechai v. Tova 15-Mar-15 - 11/16/1990 BethElMemPark -- B B022-2 headstone image one -- two
     Meyer Kantor Yona Meir ben Yaakov Dov v. Zlata 6 May 1910 - 12/23/1990 BethElMemPark -- B B022-1 headstone image one -- two
     Yona Mayer Meyer Kantor 6-May-10 - 23-Dec-90 BethElMemPark --
     Carl Kapel - 6-May-91 Mt Sinai -- TBD
     Abraham Kaplan 10 May 1924 - 4/25/1995 BethElMemPark -- E E147-2 headstone image one
     Barney Kaplan 1899 - 12/8/1979 BethElMemPark -- E E075-1 headstone image one -- two
     Benjamin "Beny" Wiener Kaplan Kaplan 1876 - 11/16/1931 Mt Sinai -- G G290-F2
     Betty V Kaplan 15 Feb 1927 - 9/23/2006 BethElMemPark -- E E147-3 headstone image one
     Carol D Kaplan 5 Feb 1937 - 9/25/1997 BethElMemPark -- F F027-4 headstone image one
     Donald Kaplan 10 March 1918 - 4/9/1999 BethElMemPark -- A A038-3 headstone image one -- two
     Ethel H Silverman Kaplan 1897 - 12/25/1994 BethElMemPark -- C C004-4 headstone image one -- two
     Fannie Kaplan 1892 - 10/09/1953 Mt Sinai -- J J17-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Fannie Whitney Kaplan Fayg'l b. Pinkhas Ya'aqov abt 1895 - 16 Oct 1973 Mt Sinai -- J J17-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Harriet V Kaplan 11 Mar 1926 - 12 Jan 1986 Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Kaplan Hirshl b. Yosef 1874 - Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Irwin Kaplan abt 1924 - Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8
     Judith L Finks Kaplan Y'hudit Rut b. Avraham 1905 - Mt Sinai -- F F151b-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Lena Kaplan abt 1874 - 6/21/1964 Mt Sinai -- J J92-D
     Lewis / Louie L Kaplan Shlomoh Layb'l b. Mend'l ha-Levi 1898 - 19-Aug-89 Mt Sinai -- J J17-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Louis Kaplan Yehudah Leib ben Moshe abt 1869 - 6/12/1942 Mt Sinai -- J J92-D
     Louise Evelyne Kaplan 1900 - 12/14/1994 BethElMemPark -- E E075-2 headstone image one
     Max Kaplan Matal ben Zvi Hirsh 7/25/1895 - 8/9/1978 BethElMemPark -- C C004-3 headstone image one -- two
     Milton / Israel Milton Kaplan - 2/12/1942 Mt Sinai -- J J17-F4 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Kaplan Mosheh b"r Zvi ha-Kohen Qaplan 1871 - 22 June 1934 Mt Carmel -- Main 92 headstone image one
     Morton D Kaplan  09-Dec-1924 - 9/27/1981 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- J Section: J Row: 6 Site: 3 
     Phoebe Kaplan - Mt Sinai -- F TBD headstone image one -- two
     Rochel Leah Kaplan - 3/20/1920 Smith St -- Main
     Tobie Kaplan 1877 - 12/22/1957 Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Vicki Gaye Kaplan 1948 - Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     Zvi ben Z'va Kaplan Zvi ben Z'va - Mt Sinai -- G G224-F8 headstone image one -- two
     [FirstNameNotKnown] Kaplan - Mt Sinai -- J TBD
Kaplan / Kaye
     Harry Kaplan / Kaye Hirshl b. Yosef 1906 - 12/3/1998 Mt Sinai -- F F151c-F2 headstone image one -- two
Kaplin (Kaplan?)
     Ray (Rochel Leah) Kaplin (Kaplan?) 1857 - 20 March 1920 Smith St -- Main
     Abraham Kaprow abt 1866 - 8/16/1947 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-38 headstone image one -- two
     Edward Philip Kaprow Yeruhom Fishel ben Avraham Ha Levi abt 1895 - 9/13/1968 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-45 headstone image one -- two
     Gedaliah Kaprow June 17, 1906 - 4/12/1951 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-39 headstone image one -- two
     Gerald Louis / Gerald Lewis Kaprow Yaakov Lazer B.R. Jeruhom Fishh Halevi abt 1924 - 3/2/1995 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-1 headstone image one
     Mollie / Molly Rich Kaprow Malka bas Yaakov Eliazer 1895 - 12/29/1962 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-44
     Roslyn Cohen Kaprow Reizl B.R. Moishe - BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-2
     Sima/ Simma Schwartz Kaprow abt 1868 - BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-41 headstone image one -- two
     Pauline D Bernstein Karelis abt 1895 - 1976 Children of Israel, Haverhill, MA --
     Albert "Al" Karlik Avraham b. Aryeh Layb abt 1910 - 1/8/1960 Mt Sinai -- J J361/J362-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Fay Oransky Karlik Oct 22, 1908 - 22-Sep-86 Mt Sinai -- J J361/J362-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Aaron A Karlin Aharon ben Yaacov Sholomo HaLevi 9/5/1888 - 9/19/1969 Mt Sinai -- A A224/A224a-F2
     Edith "Edie" Lemovitz Karlin Chaya Ita bat Dovid Isaac 7 March 1929 - 26 June 1981 Mt Sinai -- A A168/A168a-F2
     Fannie B Rosofsky Karlin Fayga b. Tsvi abt 1888 - 8/13/1982 Mt Sinai -- J J152-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Gussie Karlin Dvash'e Karlin b. Zvi OR Dvashken bat Tzvi 1884 - 1/9/1916 Mt Sinai -- G G395-S headstone image one
     Henry / Harold Karlin Herschel ben Meier haLevi 18 Aug 1919 - 13 Jan 1986 Mt Sinai -- A A174a-S
     Maurice B / Morris B Karlin Moshe Benyamin ben Aharon HaLevi 5 Jan 1913 - 8/20/1991 Mt Sinai -- A A124/A124a-F2
     Meyer / Myer Karlin Meir b. Ya'akov Shlomoh ha-Levi abt 1881 - 2/27/1952 Mt Sinai -- J J152-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Rubin Karlin Lifsha Rachel bat Yehoshua 3/16/1893 - 3/24/1976 Mt Sinai -- A A224/A224a-F2
     Samuel Karlin Shmuel ben Aharon haLevi 23 March 1923 - 13 Aug 2004 Mt Sinai -- A A168/A168a-F2
     Sylvia L Medow Karlin Selma bat Asher Lemel 30-Nov-2013 - 23-Jul-91 Mt Sinai -- A A124/A124a-F2
     [First Name Not Known] Karlin - Mt Sinai -- G G454-S
     Anna E / Annie E Weinstein Karp Chena Esther B.R. Haftall 7/10/1905 - 10/28/1985 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-1 headstone image one
     Harry Karp Yechei ale ben Avraham August 1894 - 5/28/1960 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-3? headstone image one
     Rose Karp - 2/5/1994 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- C C-4 headstone image one
     Simon J Karp Shimmon Josef B.R. Avraham 5/5/1898 - 2/2/1978 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-2 headstone image one
     Samuel T "Sam" Kaskin 10/25/1920 - 5/20/1975 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 179a headstone image one -- two
     Ellio Kaslovsky 1896 - 1 Jun 1896 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Abraham Kasofsky 1893 - 18 March 1902 Smith St -- Main
     Rose Kass - 1/19/1980 Mt Sinai -- A A110/A110a/A111-F3
     Max Kassar 6/14/1892 - 8/22/1953 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- B B-32 headstone image one
     Lena Kassor Zalta bat r'Meyer L'vman 1889 - 9/13/1968 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- Q Q-17 headstone image one
     Bella Kates Baliah bas Dov HaLevi - 3/25/1983 Mt Sinai -- J J220/J221-F2
     Samuel Kates Shmuel ben Avraham - 11/25/1959 Mt Sinai -- J J220/J221-F2
     Rosa Jacob Kattler 1-Nov-87 - 7/2/1994 Alliance Cemetery, Vineland, NJ --
     Abraham Katz 1866 - 10/9/1950 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-40 headstone image one -- two
     Alfred Sam Katz - 6 Dec 1971 Mt Sinai -- J J447-S
     Bennett Katz  07-Oct-1918 - 11/1/2007 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- K Section: K Row: 36 Site: 43 
     Bessie Katz - 8/9/1996 Mt Sinai -- G GX
     Bessie Katz - 1/31/1922 Mt Sinai -- G G341-S
     Bessie Katz 10/11/1924 - 4/10/2012 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 234 headstone image one -- two
     Davies Harold Katz  28-Oct-1917 - 11/21/1986 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- N Section: N Row: 7 Site: 5 
     Esther Katz 1877 - 1/18/1954 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- C C-43 headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude D Punsky Katz Chaya Sara bat Yitzchak 11 Sept 1918 - 4 Feb 1991 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Katz 14 Jan 1906 - 19 June 1990 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12 headstone image one -- two
     Hyman J / Herman Katz 1897 - 11 Nov 1956 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12
     I Louis Katz 1873 - 10/30/1961 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12
     Ida Katz 1911 - 4 July 1949 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Ida Sarah Katz 1911 - 7/4/1949 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12
     Jesse Katz 1/10/1899 - 12/17/1939 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12
     Reuben Katz 14 Sept 1914 - 28 Nov 1998 Mt Sinai -- F F6-F12 headstone image one -- two
     Rose Katz 1891 - Mt Sinai -- H H209-S
     Samuel M. Moses Samuel Katz Moshe ben Yitzchak 1903 - 8/7/1922 Mt Sinai -- G G72-S
     Susan Striar Katz - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Women 49m headstone image one -- two
     Yitshak Katz Yitshaq ben TsviYitzkhaq b. Zvi - 10/3/1910 Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Abby Katzman - 7/5/2010 BethElMemPark -- E E166-1
     Abby Katzman 15 June 1924 - 7/5/2010 BethElMemPark -- E E166-1 headstone image one -- two
     Henry Kaufer 1876 - Mt Sinai -- J J370-S headstone image one
     David Kaufman David Koyfman b"r Khayyim Ya'aqov - Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one -- two
     Frances Kaufman 1907 - 1/3/1977 BethElMemPark -- E E038-2 headstone image one
     Joseph Kaufman - Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Joseph Kaufman - Mt Carmel -- Main 110
     Mary Lerman Kaufman Miriam bat Yehudah Asher 1909 - 2/04/2002 Mt Carmel -- Main 110 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel Kaufman - 1/3/1977 BethElMemPark -- E E038-3
     Henry Kautz abt 1881 - Mt Sinai -- H H181-S
     Zalman KAVEL Zelmal Shimon ben Yaacov Kavel 1911 - 1916 TempleShalomCem -- B 108 headstone image one -- two
     Asher Kayanowsky 1897 - 16 Mar 1898 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Gerald S Kaye 7/13/1929 - Sep 5 1993 TempleShalomCem -- B 113 headstone image one
     Bernard Kazon 1924 - 11/12/2003 BethElMemPark -- E E041-1 headstone image one -- two
     Shirley Slater Kazon 1925 - 10/5/2011 BethElMemPark -- E E041-2 headstone image one -- two
     Edward Hasford Keith 1926 - WebsterAveCem -- Main 79 headstone image one
     Hannah Kelosky 1892 - 29 Dec 1893 Smith St -- Main
     John Michael "Jack" Kelsey - 8/7/2005 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- P P-8 headstone image one
     Israel KEMINSKY  05-Dec-1891 - 3/26/1976 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- E Section: E Row: 7 Site: 24 
     Nathan Kern 1/1/1878 - 10/24/1961 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-13 headstone image one -- two
     Sophie / Sylvia Alperowitz Kern 7/15/1889 - 8/29/1971 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-14 headstone image one -- two
     Mary Kesner - Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 42 headstone image one -- two
     Eleanor Serulnick Kessler - Mt Carmel -- Main 131
     Kenneth "Ken" Kessler March 10, 1952 - Mt Carmel -- Main A171
     Maxine Kessler November 17, 1946 - Mt Carmel -- Main A-170
     Richard Kessler - Mt Carmel -- Main A-172
     Solomon Sam Kessler Shlomo ben David 9/18/1921 - 12/9/1999 Mt Carmel -- Main 131
     [FirstNameNotknown] Kessler - Mt Carmel -- Main headstone image one
     Annette Weiss Kestenbaum 1917 - 12/26/2009 BethElMemPark -- E E082-2 headstone image one -- two
     Howard Kestenbaum 30 Dec 1945 - 9/11/2001 BethElMemPark -- E E082-1A headstone image one
     Milton Kestenbaum 1913 - 6/28/1987 BethElMemPark -- E E082-1 headstone image one -- two
     Harriet Ketover - Mt Carmel -- Main 143
     Jay Ketover 07/15/1942 - Mt Carmel -- Main 143
Kharzhanouskaya / Kharzhanovskaya
     Brona Kharzhanouskaya / Kharzhanovskaya 12 Feb 1915 - 1/10/1993 BethElMemPark -- A A057-1 headstone image one
     Joseph B KIEL  14-May-1906 - 13-Mar-1992 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- E Section: E Row: 3 Site: 18 
     Frank O Warsaki / Washofsky King Fefreem ben Avraham 1894 - Mt Sinai -- J J20-F8 headstone image one
     Rebecca King abt 1893 - Mt Sinai -- H H230-S
     [First Name Not Known] Kinkelstein - 9/19/1904 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Bessie Epstein Kinkow - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-38
     Hester Ginsberg Kinkow 1901 - 11/25/1947 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-25 headstone image one -- two
     Maurice / Morris J Kinkow 5/5/1894 - 2/10/1970 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- A A-24 headstone image one -- two
     Jack Kirshenbaum Yaacov ben Avraham 1/8/1910 - 7/13/1992 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-22 headstone image one
     Dorothy Brinn Kirshner abt 1919 - BethElMemPark -- A A006-2
     Yaakov Kirshner - BethElMemPark -- A A006-1
     A L Kirstein 10 March 1882 - 3/20/1955 WebsterAveCem -- Main 51 headstone image one -- two
     Augusta P Kirstein 20 Oct 1876 - 20-May-62 WebsterAveCem -- Main 53 headstone image one -- two
     Bernhard M Kirstein 20 May 1880 - 14-Nov-60 WebsterAveCem -- Main 54 headstone image one -- two
     Julius W Kirstein 1884 - WebsterAveCem -- Main 50 headstone image one -- two
     Louis E Kirstein 10 March 1845 - 1/3/1924 WebsterAveCem -- Main 48 headstone image one -- two
     Sara E Kirstein 18 July 1875 - 6-Oct-63 WebsterAveCem -- Main 52 headstone image one -- two
     Sophia Prinz Kirstein 30 March 1848 - 27-May-26 WebsterAveCem -- Main 49 headstone image one -- two
     Abram Klaiman - Mt Sinai -- G G470/G471-F2
     Rosa Klaiman Rossa bat Mosha 1865 - 19 March 1895 Mt Sinai -- G G470/G471-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Adeline E Klain 30 July 1909 - 4 July 1921 Mt Sinai -- G G454-F2 headstone image one
     Bessie Klain 20 April 1922 - 3 July 1922 Mt Sinai -- G G454-F2 headstone image one
     Dino Klain 1902 - 6/13/1904 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Harmon N Klain July 15 1880 - March 16 1954 Mt Sinai -- H H78-F2 headstone image one
     Peter Klain 6 Apr 1898 - 5/20/1917 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Peter William Klain 6 Apr 1898 - 5/20/1917 Mt Sinai -- G G144-S
     Sarah Klain 10 July 1886 - 7 Feb 1946 Mt Sinai -- H H78-F2 headstone image one
     Alfred Klaman 18-Mar-1921 - 4-Aug-96 Mt Sinai -- A91-S
     Eli Klaman Yisroel Yehuda bar Shlomo David 1888 - 6/13/1970 Mt Sinai -- A A300/A300a-F2 headstone image one
     Fannie Klaman Feena bat Yaacov Mordechai 1889 - 3/31/1979 Mt Sinai -- A A300/A300a-F2 headstone image one
     Maurice Klaman 1894 - 29 Nov 1894 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Philip A Klaman Avraham Fayv'l 1927 - 1/8/1940 Mt Sinai -- H H46-S headstone image one
     Philip A Klaman Abraham Feivel Klaman September 1927 - 1/8/1940 Mt Sinai -- TBD headstone image one
     Samuel Klaman 5 Dec 1915 - 2 Oct 1995 Mt Sinai -- J J516-S
Klatsky / Kletsky
     Ida Sarah Klatsky / Kletsky Chana Sarah bat R' Zvi Yududah abt 1864 - 3 Nov 1924 TempleShalomCem -- B 127 headstone image one
     Kopel Smaryohu Klatsky / Kletsky Kopel ben Benjamin abt 1860 - 5 Feb 1931 TempleShalomCem -- B 128 headstone image one
     Anna Berkovits Klein Chaye Sara bat Mattitiyahu v'Rachel 29 July 1930 - 3/17/2013 BethElMemPark -- G G040-2 headstone image one -- two
     Bessie Bernstein Klein 19 Aug 1896 - 8/15/1944 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- G G-16 headstone image one
     Cilia Lempert Klein abt 1893 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-40
     David Daniel Klein 9/16/1899 - 7/11/1964 TempleShalomCem -- A 81 headstone image one
     Elizabeth Levinsky Klein 27 Nov 1899 - 21 July 1990 Mt Sinai -- F F86/F86A-F2 headstone image one
     Florence M. Klein 30 July 1924 - 3/18/2001 BethElMemPark -- F F027-1 headstone image one
     Harry Klein abt 1870 - 7/18/1927 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-34 headstone image one -- two
     Isiah Albair Klein - BethElMemPark -- G G011-3
     Jonas Klein 1922 - 1/5/2007 BethElMemPark -- E E042-1 headstone image one -- two
     Kenneth Klein 3/18/1893 - 5/10/1918 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-38 headstone image one
     Levi Klein Shalom Eleezar ben Hallel 11/1/1920 - 5/19/1973 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- O O-16 headstone image one
     Louis Klein Leib Lezet ben Chellem 2/15/1884 - 2/3/1959 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-10 headstone image one
     Lyndall Young Klein Tova bat Avraham v. Sara 11/8/1939 - 2/11/2014 BethElMemPark -- G G012-1
     Nathan Klein - 12/8/1927 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-33 headstone image one -- two
     Phyllis Slater Klein 1922 - 2/5/2012 BethElMemPark -- E E042-2 headstone image one -- two
     Rachel Klein Rachel bat r'Shmuel abt 1899 - 9/27/1971 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-9 headstone image one
     Rose Stone Klein - 1/09/1965 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel Klein 3/18/1893 - 2/7/1920 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-39 headstone image one -- two
     Solomon S Klein 1911 - 3/30/1905 TempleShalomCem -- B 108 headstone image one
     Stephen Klein Tzitzel ben Velvel v'Sura 12/17/1935 - 12/18/2012 BethElMemPark -- G G011-4
     Soloman Kleiner DEC. 15, 1899 - BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 5 6 headstone image one
     Ida Kleing 1904 - 7/4/1904 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Florence M Kline - 3/18/2001 BethElMemPark -- X
     Ida B Kline 1886 - 4/11/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Samuel Kline 1885 - 4/11/1909 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Leah L Klipatsky abt 1862 - 8/26/1945 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-19 headstone image one -- two
     Dara Kluger - 2/13/2008 BethElMemPark -- A A055-4
     Dara Kluger 25 Nov 1966 - 2/13/2008 BethElMemPark -- A A055-4 headstone image one
     Avraham Kobrinsky Avraham b"r Yitzkhaq Qobrynskqy abt March 1879 - Smith St -- Main headstone image one
     Alan Kobritz Avram ben Nachmon 3/13/1953 - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-34
     Benjamin Kobritz 4/13/1910 - 7/9/1975 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-29
     Eva Kobritz Chanah bas r' Yitzchak abt 1894 - 12/15/1958 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-40 headstone image one
     Joel David Kobritz Yosef ben Nachman 1/28/1959 - 8/10/1977 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- E E-36
     Jordan Kobritz Yankel ben Nachman 12/2/1946 - 12/2/1946 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-35
     Lillian Rolnick Kobritz abt 1918 - December 1971 Beth Abraham : New Cemetery -- Main 22 headstone image one -- two
     Minnie Gold Kobritz december 14 1913 - 1913 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-51 headstone image one -- two
     Morris Kobritz abt 1888 - 2/12/1980 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-46 headstone image one -- two
     Rhonda G Kobritz 11/5/1945 - 10/29/1964 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-35
     Samuel John "Johnny" Kobritz abt 1917 - 2/6/1993 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-47 headstone image one -- two
     Sarah / Sally Kobritz 12 March 1921 - 3/5/1986 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-49 headstone image one -- two
     Susan A Kobritz 5/23/1951 - 4/20/1961 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- D D-36
     Paul Koch - TempleShalomCem -- F 536 headstone image one
     Sharon Koch 1971 - 2/19/1984 BethElMemPark -- E E107-4 headstone image one
     Alice E Modes Kodis Ita Elka bat Haim Tuviah HaLevi abt 1896 - 12/22/1973 Mt Sinai -- A A216/A216a-F2
     Fannie / Fanny Rudishovsky Kodis Abt. 1866 - 12/18/1951 Mt Sinai -- J J114-F2 headstone image one
     Harris Marcovitch Kodis Zvi ben Shlomo about 1865 - 1942 Mt Sinai -- J J114-F2 headstone image one
     Isaac Skourwitz Kodis Yitzchak ben Tzvi HaCohen abt 1894 - 2/20/1974 Mt Sinai -- A A216/A216a-F2
     Milton Kodis 6 Nov 1922 - 3/30/2012 BethElMemPark -- A A015-3 headstone image one -- two
     Rosalind Rosalind Ruth Ginsberg Kodis Chaya Rucke 2 Feb 1929 - 4/28/2003 BethElMemPark -- A A015-2 headstone image one -- two
     Sidney Kodis 27 May 1921 - 9/27/2006 BethElMemPark -- A A015-1 headstone image one -- two
     Isasc Koenka 1922 - BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- M M-20 headstone image one
Kolher ?
     [First Name Not Known] Kolher ? - Mt Sinai -- A A109
     Solomon Kolinsky - BethIsraelCem : TBD -- D D-40
     Caryl G Kolkin 1929 - 4/4/2021 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 57
     Marvin L Kolkin 1925 - 2/8/2019 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 58
     Ruth Ida Levine Komar Khayyah Rivqah b"r Yosef Meir Levvyn-Qamar 1898 - 3/17/1941 Mt Carmel -- Main 19 headstone image one
     Ida Kamenkovitz Komenkovitz 3/6/1903 - 2/10/1980 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-19 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Kominsky 1882 - 31 July 1906 Mt Sinai -- G G187-S headstone image one
     Howard L Kominsky 4/24/1914 - 1/21/1980 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 227a headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Kominsky - BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- E E-28
     Lena Kominsky 1842 - 1932 Mt Sinai -- G G409-S headstone image one
     Max S Kominsky Shmuel Ben Shimarzer 7/15/1891 - 10/27/1984 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-1
     Mildred Striar Kominsky 1/1/1913 - 4/7/1976 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 257l headstone image one
     Mildred "Millie" Striar Kominsky 6/28/1918 - 6/5/2006 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 227a headstone image one -- two
     Minnie Goldberg Kominsky 1/1/1899 - 12/7/1981 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- F F-2
     Myer Kominsky Mayer B.R. Shimouozer 7/15/1878 - 11/4/1967 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- H H-2 headstone image one
     Philip Kominsky 12/2/1898 - 2/7/1982 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-16
     Sadye Climan Kominsky 10/23/1902 - 12/9/1989 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- J J-17
     Sarah H Minkin / Dinkin Kominsky 1853 - 1926 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- A A-30 headstone image one -- two
     Simon Kominsky Shimon Ozerben Shamuel 1844 - 11/24/1936 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- B B-29 headstone image one
     Hyman Konowitz 9/19/1905 - 6/16/1988 BethElMemPark -- C C027-1 headstone image one -- two
     Thelma "Tillie" Zilkowitz Konowitz 12/30/1908 - 10/15/1990 BethElMemPark -- C C027-2 headstone image one -- two
     David "Dave" Koocher 27 Dec 1919 - 4/27/2005 BethElMemPark -- E E003-5 headstone image one
     Carl Kopel Kopel ben Schneur Zalman 22 Oct 1912 - 6 May 1991 Mt Sinai -- J J455/J456-F2
     Leah Feuerstein Kopel 10/27/1920 - 11/2/2010 Mt Sinai -- J J455/J456-F2
     Ida Kopelovith - Mt Sinai -- J J85-D
     Samuel Kopelovith - Mt Sinai -- J J85-D
     Benjamin Kopelow 1899 - 1/5/1968 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-54 headstone image one -- two
     Tibey Kopelow 1902 - 11/16/1986 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-53 headstone image one -- two
     Nathan Korbitz 7/27/1919 - 9/23/2003 BethIsraelCem : TolodosYitzockSection -- A A-48 headstone image one -- two
     Bernard Koren Moshe ben Beryl 9/12/1906 - 11/6/1970 BethElMemPark -- A A032-1 headstone image one -- two
     Victoria Koren Chava Bat Avraham 12/24/1907 - 5/24/1971 BethElMemPark -- A A032-2 headstone image one
     Abraham/Abram "Abe" Koritsky r' Abba ben r''Aaron 20 Aug 1850 - 12/23/1928 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 22A
     Jack Koritsky 7/25/1895 - 2/16/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-6 headstone image one
     Nathalie Glazier Koritsky 3 April 1895 - 4/15/1961 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- N N-5 headstone image one
     Elizabeth S "Betty" / Bessie S Bluestein Koritzky Sura Pessel bas Avraham 7/1/1900 - 11/21/1975 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-17
     Fannie Koritzky/Koritsky Koritzky Feiga Rachel bas rav . . . abt 1855 - 05-12-1931 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 22 headstone image one
     Nathan E Koritzky abt 1858 - 7/1/1936 BethIsraelCem : Old Cemetery -- C C-18 headstone image one -- two
     Philip N Koritzky Shraga Feivel B.R. Eliyahu Nahum abt 1897 - 1/20/1988 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-18
     Alex / Alex Kornetsky Eliahu ben Aharon 1884 - 01-Nov-73 Mt Sinai -- A A362-S headstone image one
     Anne S Kornetsky 1920 - 5/10/1995 Mt Sinai -- J J93-D
     Daniel I "Danny" Kornetsky Dovid Yitzchak b. Eliyahu 1915 - 11/1/1958 Mt Sinai -- J J198/J199-D headstone image one -- two
     Ida E Rosenberg Kornetsky Chana Chaya bat Yosef - 2/14/1926 Mt Sinai -- G G245-S
     Janet W Wilner Kornreich 1950 - 1/11/1992 Beth Abraham : Old Cemetery -- Main 64
     David Korytno - Mt Sinai -- J J209-S
     David Korytno - 14 May 1982 Mt Sinai -- J J208/J209-F2
     Etta Modes Korytno Etah bat Yosef Hillel HaLevi - 8/5/1962 Mt Sinai -- J J208/J209-F2
     Anita Diamond Koss 27 Feb 1961 - 2/28/2014 BethElMemPark -- G G040-4 headstone image one
     Joseph Koss 8/14/1893 - 9/02/1978 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 1 headstone image one -- two
     Reba / Rebecca Koss 10/8/1903 - 3/16/2006 BethAbrahamCem-Auburn -- 4 2 headstone image one
     Harry Koten - Mt Sinai -- G G284-S
     Sidney Morris Koton 7/21/1903 - 8/23/1903 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Annie Glovsky Kovensky Chana bat Avraham Benyamin abt 1877 - 11/29/1950 Mt Sinai -- H H75-F2 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Harry Kovensky Zvi Hirsh b. Yaaqov Shlomoh 1910 - Mt Sinai -- F F122-S headstone image one -- two
     Herman Kovensky Chaim ben Yaakov Shlomo 4 Dec 1914 - Oct 15 1970 Mt Sinai -- H H75A-S headstone image one
     Jacob Kovensky Yaakov Shlomo ben Avraham 1875 - 12/4/1945 Mt Sinai -- H H75-F2 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Dora Kominsky Kowinsky Dubka Bas Shiwouzer 1/25/1896 - 4/21/1972 BethIsraelCem : NewSection3 -- N N-7 headstone image one
     Abraham L "Abe" Kramer Avraham ben Shmuel 1900 - 7/9/1985 BethElMemPark -- A A013-1 headstone image one -- two
     Gertrude "Gertie" Diamon Kramer Genandel bat Raphael v. Rachel 25 Dec 1900 - 5/6/2001 BethElMemPark -- A A013-2 headstone image one -- two
     Joseph Kramer Yosef ben Moshe 1864 - Mt Sinai -- G G150-S
     Michael David Kramer Meir David ben Moshe May 8, 1953 - Oct 11, 1972 Mt Sinai -- J J261/J262-D
     Morris P Kramer abt 1887 - 10/23/1950 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-23 headstone image one -- two
     Ruth Frances Lerman Kramer Rivka Freia bat Haim April 10, 1913 - Aug 26, 1988 Mt Sinai -- J J261/J262-D
     Samuel H Kramer 1855 - 6/23/1968 BethIsraelCem : TeferithIsraelSection -- C C-11 headstone image one -- two
     Samuel H. Krammer Shmuel Hayyim b. Mordechai Hessud - 4/16/1913 Mt Sinai -- J J14-F2 headstone image one
     Louis B Krane Berel Leib ben Avraham Yeshiahu January 4, 1906 - 11/28/1984 Mt Sinai -- A A184/A184a-F2
     Rose Hoffman Krane Rasheh bat Alekzander March 18, 1910 - 10/30/1977 Mt Sinai -- A A184/A184a-F2
     Frances / Faye Branz Krantman Froma b. Yaaqov 21 Dec 1904 - 12/29/1971 Mt Sinai -- J J22a-F8
     Mark M Krantman Mosheh b. Hayyim Hirsh OR Moishe ben Chazam Tzvi 30 Jun 1902 - 14 Oct 1984 Mt Sinai -- J J22a-F8 headstone image one -- two -- three
     Hyman KRASOW 17-Jul-1894 - 5/10/1975 Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Augusta) -- F Section: F Row: 7 Site: 35 
     Matilda Kraunz Tovah bas Dovid - Sept 6 1990 TempleShalomCem -- G 429 headstone image one
Kravitz / Kraunz
     Irving Kravitz / Kraunz Yitzchak ben r' Avraham - Aug 19 1988 TempleShalomCem -- G 426 headstone image one
     David Yosef Krieger David Yosef b. Yitzhaq Zvi 1886 - Mt Sinai -- G G394x headstone image one
     David Joseph Kriger abt 1885 - 14 Mar 1911 Mt Sinai -- G G209-S
     Elizabeth Kriger 1892 - 3/31/1977 BethElMemPark -- C C071-05 headstone image one
     Gertrude S Seiger Kriger January 23, 1902 - 4/17/1999 BethElMemPark -- C C072-3 headstone image one
     Ida G Kriger 1858 - Mt Sinai -- G G33-S
     James S or J Kriger Ya'akov ben Chaim Lazer HaLevi v. Sima Gittel March 9, 1931 - 10/18/2013 BethElMemPark -- C C071-01 headstone image one
     Joseph H Kriger Yitzchak Tzvi ben Yosef 1859 - 4/28/1923 Mt Sinai -- G G75-S
     Lewis H Kriger January 2, 1894 - 1/8/1964 BethElMemPark -- C C072-2 headstone image one
     Hyman Krigman Haim ben David 13 May 1915 - 3/8/1985 Mt Sinai -- A A146/A146a-F2
     Irene Ruth Carvel / Glaser Krigman Rivka bat Tzvi Hirsch abt 1923 - 5/18/2002 Mt Sinai -- A146/A146a-F2
     Simon Krinsky Shlomo Zalman Bar Yisroel Simcha Krinsky Abt. 1871 - Aug 9 1941 Mt Sinai -- H H92-S headstone image one
     David Kritnow - Mt Sinai -- J J208/J209-F2
     Etta Modes Kritnow - Mt Sinai -- J J208/J209-F2
     Dora Krokyn 1849 - 2/10/1913 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 7 headstone image one
     Harry / Harris Harris Maluk (Movsha) Krokyn 1847 - 9/10/1913 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 7 headstone image one
     William H Kromberg Zev b. Mordechai 1877 - Mt Sinai -- H H32-S headstone image one
     Edward Kronberg 1889 - 8/24/1902 Mt Sinai -- G G193-S
     Joseph Kronberg Aug 1902 - Mt Sinai -- G G192/G193-F2 headstone image one
     Joseph Kronberg 1894 - 8/24/1902 Mt Sinai -- T TBD
     Moses Kronberg 17 Nov 1887 - 8/24/1902 Mt Sinai -- G G192/G193-F2 headstone image one
     Sadie Kronberg 1886 - 8/24/1902 Mt Sinai -- G G464-S headstone image one -- two
     Max Kronsberg Mordechay b"r Pinkhas Qrantzberg 1874 - 2/24/1948 Mt Carmel -- Main 79 headstone image one
     Rebecca Veiner Kronsberg Rivkah bat Eli HaLevi - 1/2/1919 Mt Sinai -- G G371-S
     Benjamin / Benjiman Kroot Dov V'air ben Benyamin 1895 - 04/09/1946 Mt Sinai -- F F41-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Brian Kroot September 19, 1956 - 7/29/2012 BethElMemPark -- C C053-5a
     Deborah Noyes Kroot 17 Dec 1953 - 7/10/2008 BethElMemPark -- C C053-5 headstone image one
     Edward Kroot Avram ben Binyamin haCohen 24 December 1899 - 10/9/1981 BethElMemPark -- A A025-3 headstone image one -- two
     Eli Kroot Eliyahu ben Avram ha Cohen 05-26-1926 - 07-08-2004 Calverton National Cemetery, New York --
     Eva Kroot Chana Yivka bat Yitzchak 5/12/1900 - 8/11/1980 BethElMemPark -- A A025-4 headstone image one -- two
     Feiga Rivka Frances Freedman Kroot Figa bat rav Chayim Levi OR Faiga bat Haim Leib 1896 - 22/03//1973 Mt Sinai -- F F41-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Harry Kroot Tsvi ben Binyamin 1885 - 7/19/1923 Mt Sinai -- G G77-S
     Hyman Kroot 10/14/1911 - 7/23/1993 BethElMemPark -- C C053-6 headstone image one
     Mary Shible Kroot 1886 - 7/13/1932 Mt Sinai -- G G300-S
     Samuel Kroot 10/14/1911 - 1/27/1974 BethElMemPark -- C C053-5b headstone image one
     Minnie Leah Kubitzky abt 1875 - 23 Mar 1922 Mt Sinai -- G G305-S
     Estelle Kupsenel 16-Nov-07 - 1/31/2003 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-15 headstone image one
     Leo C Kupsenel 7/2/1911 - 5/11/1987 BethIsraelCem : NewSection2 -- D D-16 headstone image one
     Michael Kushner 1945 - 08/17/2013 OwlsHeadCem -- Main 88
     Shelley Kushner - OwlsHeadCem -- Main 89
     Louis Kutner Eliezer b. Avraham - 28-Feb-21 Mt Sinai -- G TBD
     Abraham "Abe" Kuvent Avraham b. Mordechai May 12, 1920 - 29 July 1953 Mt Sinai -- J J151/J152A-F2 headstone image one -- two
     Arnold "Arnie" Kuvent 13 May 1926 - 7/1/2005 BethElMemPark -- E E149-3 headstone image one
     Bessie Belovsky Kuvent 11/22/1891 - 4/8/1987 Mt Sinai -- A A67-S
     Esther Diamon Kuvent 29-May-00 - 10-Jan-93 Mt Sinai -- A A279/A279a-F2 headstone image one
     John "John" Kuvent 1901 - 12 Sept 1975 Mt Sinai -- A A279/A279a-F2 headstone image one
     Max Kuvenich Kuvent Mordechai ben Avraham - 6/21/1932 Mt Sinai -- G G266-S
     Shirley E Astor Kuvent 5 Jan 1926 - 5/28/2011 BethElMemPark -- E E149-4 headstone image one
     David "Dave" Kyman abt 1882 - Mt Carmel -- Main 42