Alphabetic index to individual names in photos and documents

Names as given in the caption or document as of Wednesday, July 17, 2024
(n.d. -- no date)
Mory Pachel date not known
Abraham Pachowsky 1940
Abraham (Mrs) Pachowsky date not known     date not known - 2
Eleanor Pachowsky circa 1950     circa 1950 - 2
Elinor Pachowsky date not known     date not known - 2     Year not known
Goldie Pachowsky 1940     1940 - 2
Iola (Ida) Pachowsky 1940     1940 - 2
Myer Pachowsky 1940     1940 - 2
Myer (Mrs) Pachowsky 1955 circa     1955 circa - 2
Patsy Jean Pachowsky 1940     1940 - 2
Sam Pachowsky date not known     date not known - 2
Samuel Pachowsky 1940     1940 - 2
Jimmy Pack 1965     date not known
Ernest L Packard 1/11/1957
Johnny Packet 1955
Maurice (Mrs) Packet 1950     1950 - 2     1955 circa    1957
Maury Packet 1945     1945 - 2
Ruby Packet 1945     1945 - 2     1955    1961    1997    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5
Ruth Ann Packet date not known     date not known - 2
Ruthann Packet 1955     1955 - 2
Packet ?
Ruby Packet ? date not known
Sandy Padolsky Nov 21 2002
Roberta Page 2/11/1951     29-Jan-52
Cherne Williams Paikowsky 5/3/1927
Esther P (or B) Paikowsky 1940     1940 - 2
John Paikowsky 1997     1997 - 2     5/3/1927
Jacob Paitchel 1957
Tuvyah Pakson 1902
Phyllis Leader Paladino mid 1940s
Allin S Palais 1940
Brenda Palais 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2
Brenda S Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Charles Palais 10/29/1922     10/29/1922 - 2
Eli Palais 10/29/1922     10/29/1922 - 2
Elliot S Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Fred Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Gussie Latkin Palais 10/29/1922     10/29/1922 - 2     1940
Ida Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Joseph Palais 1940     1940 - 2     2/11/1951
Joseph C Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Lena Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Morris Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Rachael Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Sadie Cohen Palais 10/29/1922     10/29/1922 - 2
Sheila B Palais 1940     1940 - 2
Marianne Paley date not known
Ada Palmer 1940     November 13-20 1938
Edith Palmer 1955     1955 - 2
Edward Palmer 1940     1940 - 2     date not known
Edward C Palmer 2/28/1934     2/28/1934 - 2
Edythe Palmer 1940     1940 - 2
Ellie Pancoe 10/22/2006     Jun-06
Michael (Dr) Pancoe Jun-06     Jun-06 - 2
Catherine Paradis 1910
Julie Paradis 1968     1968 - 2     May 22 1968
Gail Paradise 25 Aug 1957
Joseph L Paradise Nov 19, 1956     Nov 19, 1956 - 2
Bunny Parady 1981
Dr Lawrence Paris 1949-1950
Harriet Paris 2019     2019 - 2
Herbert Paris 2019     2019 - 2     2019 - 3
Mamie Parker May 1984
F H (first name not listed) Parkhurst August 23, 1897
Harry Parks Oct 25, 1953
Norman (Mrs) Parks date not known     date not known - 2
Jodi Parks? 12/7/1969     12/7/1969 - 3
Leo Parla 2004
Reba Parla 2004     2004 - 2
Judy Parnis 24 Aug 1958
Marsha Parsky 1960
Paula Parsky 1960     1960 - 2
Sarah Pasiencier 10/6/1944
Szloma Pasiencier 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2
John Pasquel 11-May-48     1937-1965    5/11/1948
Rodna Pass 25 Aug 1957
David Passerman 1964-1965     2024
Harriet Passerman 1969     1969 - 2     2024
Stephen Passerman 22 Oct 1960     22 Oct 1960 - 2
Stephen (Mrs) Passerman 22 Oct 1960     22 Oct 1960 - 2
Steve Passerman 1969     1969 - 2     1975
Steve (Mrs) Passerman 1975     1975 - 2
Toni Passerman circa 1970     circa 1970 - 2
Abraham Passman 1940
Abraham (Mrs) Passman 10/31/1966     10/31/1966 - 2     date not known
Abraham I (Mrs) Passman date not known     date not known - 2
Ann Passman circa 1957     circa 1957 - 2
Anne Passman 1960     1960 - 2
Bernard Passman 1940     1940 - 2     1950
Bertha Passman circa 1950     circa 1950 - 2     Jan 9 1953
Goldie Passman 11/1/1973     11/1/1973 - 2     5/26/1905
Howard Passman 1940     1940 - 2
Ruth Passman 1940     1940 - 2
Solomon Passman 1940     1940 - 2
Andrew Pasternack 12/7/1969     12/7/1969 - 3     12/7/1969 - 4     12/7/1969 - 5
Barbara Lynn Pasternak 2019
Estelle Pasternak 2019     2019 - 2
Irwin Pasternak date not known     date not known - 2
Irwin (Dr) Pasternak Dec-82     Dec-82 - 2
Irwin (Mrs) Pasternak 1937     1937 - 2
Leila Pasternak date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Noel Pasternak 1984     1984 - 2     23 Aug 1955
Philip Pasternak 2019     2019 - 2
Sanfred Pasternak 1937     1937 - 2
Sidney Pasternak 2019     2019 - 2
Pat Patchosky Jan 9 1953
Dora Baitler Paul 1/15/1971     date not known    date not known - 2
E Shepley Paul 1/11/1957     1/11/1957 - 2
Gertrude Berger Paul 10/14/1934     10/14/1934 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Henry Paul 1/15/1971     1/15/1971 - 2     10/14/1934    1950s    1960    1960 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5
Irving Paul 1960     1960 - 2
John Paul 1/15/1971     1/15/1971 - 2     10/14/1934    1950s    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4
Jonathan Paul 1/15/1971     1/15/1971 - 2
Sarah Baitler (?) Paul 10/14/1934     10/14/1934 - 2
Sidney B Paul 1/15/1971     1/15/1971 - 2
Susan Paul 1967     1967 - 2     1984
Sydney Paul 1952     1952 - 2
Harold Paulson date not known
John Pavey 1920
Gov Frederick S Payne Aug 27, 1951
Dorothy Payson 1997
Margaret Payson 1997     1997 - 2
Louis Pealk     Feb 22, 1918
Dresner Pearl circa 1975
Alfred (Mrs) Pearlman date not known
Mary Pearlman 2019     2019 - 2
Rae Pearlman circa 1967     circa 1967 - 2
Raye Pearlman 1966     1966 - 2
William Pearlman 2019     2019 - 2
Agnes Pearlstein 1936
Harry Pearlstein 1930     1930 - 2     1936
Rabbi Pearlstein 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Robert Pearlstein 1936     1936 - 2
Saul Pearlstein 1950     1950 - 2
Sylvia Petlock Pearlstein 1950     1950 - 2
David L Peavy Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020)
Evlyn Peavy July 22 2021     July 22 2021 - 2     July 22 2021 - 3
Gus J Peavy 1886     1886 - 2
Isaac Peavy Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020)     Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) - 2
Jacob Peavy Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020)     Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) - 2
Julia Peavy July 22 2021     July 22 2021 - 2     July 22 2021 - 3
Louis Peavy Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020)     Nov 2016 (future MHS publication , circa 2020) - 2
Marshall Peavy July 22 2021     July 22 2021 - 2     July 22 2021 - 3
Mildred Peavy July 22 2021     July 22 2021 - 2     July 22 2021 - 3
Abe Peck 2007     circa 1948
Abraham Peck 2008     2008 - 2     Oct 2009    Winter 2006/2007
Abraham J. Peck 06/13/11     06/13/11 - 2     06/13/11 - 3
Donald Peck 10/19/1948     10/19/1948 - 2
Jane Peck 2024     2024 - 2     7-May-65
Jean Marcus Peck 1963     1963 - 2     2007    circa 1960
Jean M. Peck 06/13/11     06/13/11 - 2     06/13/11 - 3
Jimmy Peck 1964-1965     1964-1965 - 2     2024
Cindy Rudek Pedlikin date not known
Cynthia Rudek Pedlikin circa 1950     circa 1950 - 2
Jan Peerce 8/19/1984
Mrs Peerlin 1927-1929
Michael Peisner 1990
Larry Pelavin 1955
Stewart Peller 1948-1998
Gail Burns Pelletier circa 1950
Gail Burns Pellitier date not known
Ruth Pels 6/1/1951     date not known
Ursula Pels 1948     1948 - 2     date not known
Janet Penn date not known
Matthew Penn date not known     date not known - 2
Abie Pepper 1930
Allen Pepper date not known     date not known - 2
Annie Pepper 1930     1930 - 2
Barney Pepper 1930     1930 - 2     1940    2019    8/18/1935
Celia Pepper 1930     1930 - 2
Harold E Pepper 1940     1940 - 2
Harry Pepper date not known     date not known - 2
Janet Pepper 1940     1940 - 2
Jennie Pepper 1930     1930 - 2     8/18/1935
Jenny Pepper date not known     date not known - 2
Marian Pepper 1930     1930 - 2
Max Pepper 1930     1930 - 2     1940    date not known
Rita Pepper date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Robert Pepper 1930     1930 - 2     2019    date not known
Robert E Pepper 1940     1940 - 2
Sander A Pepper 2019     2019 - 2
Sarah Pepper 1930     1930 - 2
Stephen Pepper 1957-58     1957-58 - 2
[first name not known] Pepper 1955     1955 - 2
[FirstNameNotKnown] Pepper 1950     1950 - 2
Dara Perfit Jun-06
Mrs Perkins 1939-1940
Charles Earnest Perkitsky
David Perkitsky     April 7, 1915
J Perkitsky
J [Jacob] Perkitsky Oct 13, 1901     Oct 13, 1901 - 2
Juluis Perkitsky     April 7, 1915
Madeline Annie Perkitsky
Madeline Annie Perkitsky     Oct 13, 1901    Oct 13, 1901 - 2
Sarah Baum Perkitsky     Oct 13, 1901
Ida Perlberg 1957
Josef Perlberg 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2
Phyllis Perlberg 1945     1945 - 2
Robert Perlberg 1957     1957 - 2     1957 - 3     January, 1946
Robert (Mrs) Perlberg 3/11/1953     3/11/1953 - 2     3/5/1952
Barbara Perlin 10/6/1944
Dora [Dove] Perlin 1940     1940 - 2
Ethel Perlin 1940     1940 - 2
Lewis Perlin 1940     1940 - 2
Marionn Perlin 1940     1940 - 2
William Perlin 1955     1955 - 2     November 13-20 1938
William (Mrs) Perlin 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     1950
Annie Perlinsky 1930
Mark Perlinsky 1930     1930 - 2
Everett Perlman 1905-1938
Leslie Perlman 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1984
Joel Perlmann August 2011     January 2011
Ira Perlmutter 1970     April 29, 1970
Nathan Perlmutter 1940     1940 - 2
Rachel Perlmutter 1970     1970 - 2     1970 - 3
Rabbi Arthur (Izar) Perlstein 1911-1987
George Permenas 1940
Ken Perrone date not known
Theodore Perrow November 13-20, 1938
Addie Perry July 22 2021     July 22 2021 - 4
Bernice Perry 1936     1936 - 2
Bernise Perry 1940     1940 - 2
Cecil Perry 5-Mar-31     5-Mar-31 - 2
Celia update Perry 1936     1936 - 2     1940    1955
Claire Perry March 10, 1975     March 10, 1975 - 2
Eli (Mrs) Perry 1955     1955 - 2
Helene Perry 1967     1967 - 2     date not known
Joseph Perry 10/22/2006     10/22/2006 - 2
Lena Perry 1955     1955 - 2
Lewis Perry 1967     1967 - 2
Mike Perry 8/4/1962     8/4/1962 - 2     8/4/1962 - 3
Rabbi Perry 10/22/2006     10/22/2006 - 2
Samuel update Perry 1936     1936 - 2     1940    1955
Shoshana Perry 10/22/2006     10/22/2006 - 2     1888-1988
Ted Perry 2/10/1939     2/10/1939 - 2
Theodore Perry 04/14/23     04/14/23 - 2     date not known
Theodore C. Perry November 13-20 1938     November 13-20 1938 - 2
William Perry 1940     1940 - 2
William Allan update Perry 1936     1936 - 2     1955
David Perry? 1979
Avon (Mrs) Persky 10/10/1956
Avron Persky 1930     1930 - 2     1936    1955    1955 - 2
Avron (Mrs) Persky 1956     1956 - 2
Beverly Persky 12/5/1962 (yr uncertain)     12/5/1962 (yr uncertain) - 2     1955    1955 - 2     1963    date not known
Celia Persky 1930     1930 - 2
Eddie Persky circa 1970     circa 1970 - 2
Eric Persky 1955     1955 - 2
H Persky 1919     1919 - 2     1920
Harry Persky 1930     1930 - 2     1936    1955    1955 - 2
Harry (Mrs) Persky 1955     1955 - 2
James Persky circa 1970     circa 1970 - 2
Jane Persky 1955     1955 - 2     1955 - 3     Aug 2001
John Persky 1955     1955 - 2
John Gedalya Persky Aug 2001     Aug 2001 - 2
Nathaniel (Nehama) Persky Aug 2001     Aug 2001 - 2
Rebecca Persky 1930     1930 - 2     1936    1953 - 1955    1953 - 1955 - 2     1955
Rickey Persky 1955     1955 - 2
Sam Persky late 1950s or early 1960s     late 1950s or early 1960s - 2
Samuel Persky 1920     1920 - 2     1930
Pesin (?)
Bonnie Pesin (?) 23 Aug 1955
Linda Peter 2005
Jeff Peters 6/1/1974     6/1/1974 - 2
Dagmar Peterson circa 1950     date not known    date not known - 2
Katie Peterson 2010     2010 - 2     January 2010
Ilze Petersons Jun-06
Ann Petlock 1928
Anna L Petlock 1930     1930 - 2     1935-11-07    1938-03-03    1942-10-15    1949-12-22
Donna Petlock 1946     1946 - 2
Dora Petlock 1914     1914 - 2     1928    1939-1940
Dora R Petlock 1917-11-10     1917-11-10 - 2     1939-06-15    1939-06-15 - 2     1942-10-08    1942-10-15    1946-02-28    1957-03-21
Esther Petlock 1919     1919 - 2     1919 - 3     1928    1930-07-03
Esther J Petlock 1930     1930 - 2
Esther J Petlock 1934-09-13     1935-01-17    1935-11-07    1938-01-20
Evelyn Petlock 1919     1919 - 2     1928    1930    1930-07-03    1935-11-07    1936-12-03    1936-12-24    1938-01-20    1938-03-03    1939-1940    1941    1941-03-13    1942-10-15    1942-11-12
Ida Petlock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Jacob Petlock 1930     1930 - 2     1935-11-07
Jake Petlock 1928     1928 - 2
Louis Petlock 1928     1928 - 2     1930-07-03    1935-11-07    1939-1940    1941-04-03    1942-10-15    1950    1955-04-14    1997
Louis (Mrs) Petlock 1939-1940     1939-1940 - 2
Marci Petlock 1928     1928 - 2
Marcia Petlock 1918-08-24     1918-08-24 - 2     1922
Marcia L Petlock 1918-02-09     1918-02-09 - 2     1934-09-13    1935-11-07
Maria Petlock 1997     1997 - 2
Mary Rubin Petlock 1950     1950 - 2
Mary R Petlock 1957-03-21     1957-03-21 - 2
Morris Petlock 1922     1922 - 2     1922-03-23    1933-04-13    1941-12-25    1950    1951-09-06    2011    2019
Morris M Petlock 1931-12-03     1931-12-03 - 2     1935-11-07    1936-01-23    1940-09-12    1940-10-17    1951-05-10    1954-04-01    1955-04-14
Morris P Petlock 1928     1928 - 2
N (Mrs) Petlock 1919     1919 - 2     1927-1929
Nathan Petlock 06/17/11     06/17/11 - 2     1928    1935-11-07    1938-03-03    1942-10-15    2011
Nathan F Petlock 1930     1930 - 2
sylvia Petlock 1928     1928 - 2
[First Name Not Known] Mrs Petlock 1997     1997 - 2
Dora Petlook 2/3/1916
N (Mrs) Petlook 1920     1920 - 2
Minna Green Pfeffer date not known
Samuel Pfeffer 1936-11-19     1936-11-19 - 2
David Phaff 1960
Karl (Mrs) Philbrick 1967
Charles Philips 1956
Charles F Phillips 1956
Charles F (Dr) Phillips 10/1/1956     10/1/1956 - 2
Marguerite Piazza 8/19/1984
Gertrude (Mrs) Picard 10/10/1956
Danny Pick circa 1968     Year not known
Jane C Pick 1955     1955 - 2
William Pick 1955     1955 - 2
Anita Pickar 1960
Carl Pierce Spring 1968
Hannah Pierce Jan 2007     Jan 2007 - 2
Katherine Pierce Jan 2007     Jan 2007 - 2
Rob Pierce Jan 2007     Jan 2007 - 2
Susan Pierce Jan 2007     Jan 2007 - 2     Jan 2007 - 3
Phyllis Pigula 25 Aug 1957     August 14 1952    circa 1955    date not known
Pigula (?)
Phyllis Pigula (?) 23 Aug 1955
Betty Pike 1955
Pike ?
Courtney Pike ? 1930
Esther Pike ? 1930     1930 - 2
Rosalie Pike ? 1930     1930 - 2
Asia Pikert 1955
Bernard Pikert 1955     1955 - 2
Ben Pilch 23 Aug 1955     24 Aug 1958    25 Aug 1957    date not known    summer 1963
Ben Zion Pilch 1960     1960 - 2
Ann Savitt Pilot 1984
Arlene Pilot 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2     1952    1953    1953 - 2
Frances Golden Pilot 10/14/1999     10/14/1999 - 2
Judge Morris Pilot 10/14/1999     10/14/1999 - 2
Michael Pilot 1923     1923 - 2     1938    1960    1960 - 2     1997    2019    Aug 1937    Dec 1954
Michael (Hon) Pilot 1938     1938 - 2
Mike Pilot circa 1947     circa 1947 - 2
Morris Pilot 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2
Mrs. Morris Pilot 1952     1952 - 2
R Pilot Sept 9, 1898     Sept 9, 1898 - 2
Robert Pilot 1960     1960 - 2     1984    circa 1956
(Honorable) Max L. Pinansky November 13-20 1938
? Pinansky 1929     1929 - 2
Anna R. Pinansky 10/22/37     10/22/37 - 2
Art Pinansky date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Arthur Pinansky date not known     date not known - 2
Irving Pinansky 1963 - 1964     1963 - 1964 - 2     circa 1955    late 1950s
Judge Max Pinansky Aug 24, 1930     Aug 24, 1930 - 2     Nov 13, 1929
Judge Max L Pinansky 12 Aug 1928     12 Aug 1928 - 2     1949    Aug 6 1927    June 26, 1927
Louisa Pinansky 2012     2012 - 2
Max Pinansky 11/13/1929     11/13/1929 - 2     1920    1929    5/13/1934    6/18/1929    8/24/1930    date not known    July 1935    July 8, 1926    May 11, 1926
Max L Pinansky 1923     1923 - 2     1935    1935 - 2     2/28/1934    9 July 1926    Aug 1937
Max L. Pinansky 10/22/37     10/22/37 - 2
Richard Pinansky 1966     1966 - 2     date not known
Samuel Pinansky 1957     1957 - 2     6/18/1929
Samuel (Mrs) Pinansky 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     1957
Sue Pinansky 2013     2013 - 2
Suzanne "Sue" Pinansky 2009     2009 - 2
Bobby Pineau 1968     May 22 1968
Maurice Pines 11/21/1933
Maurice (Mrs) Pines 11/21/1933     11/21/1933 - 2
Gordon Pinham Year not known
Samuel Pinskey 1933-01-05
Samuel Pinsky 1935-05-23
Henrietta Pisetyner 1910
Lanny Pisetyner 1910     1910 - 2
Morris Pisetyner 1910     1910 - 2
Morris Pisetzner 1911-08-19
Morris Pisezner 6/21/1912
[first name not given] Pitcher 2012
(Dr) Arthur Pitzele date not known
Cindy Pitzele circa 1953     circa 1953 - 2
Cynthia Pitzele date not known     date not known - 2     June 18, 1953    late 1950s
Mark Pitzele late 1950s     late 1950s - 2
Pauline Plaisted 2/11/1951
Judith Plano date not known
Judy Plano 1984     1984 - 2
Niki Baker Plante 1960
Esther Plassett 1940
Ellen Platz 1953 - 1955     1953 - 1955 - 3     1955
Frances Platz 1936     1936 - 2
H Thomas Platz 1955     1955 - 2
Henry I. Platz 1936     1936 - 2
James Andrew Platz 1955     1955 - 2
John Platz 1936     1936 - 2     1955
John A Platz 1975     1975 - 2
Katherine Jane Platz 1955     1955 - 2
Kathy Platz 1966     1966 - 2
Mary Platz 1936     1936 - 2
Mrs. John Platz 2/15/1958     2/15/1958 - 2     date not known
Tom Platz 1987     1987 - 2     2024    date not yet known
Frances Plaus 1953 - 1955
Julius Plaut 1949-1950
A H Plavin 1975
Abraham Plavin 1920s     1920s - 2     1922    1930    1940    1940 - 2     2011    2024    Oct, 1945
Abraham H Plavin     - 2     1982    20-Nov-36    May 8 1973
Abraham H. Plavin 1936     1936 - 2     1955
Barbara Plavin 1969     1969 - 2     2013    2024    date not known
David Plavin 1955     1955 - 2
Dora Plavin 1930     1930 - 2
Doreen Plavin date not known     date not known - 2
Edith Plavin 1940     1940 - 2
Emanuel Plavin 1930     1930 - 2
Ethel Plavin 1930     1930 - 2     1936    1940    1940 - 2     1953 - 1955    1955
Gary Plavin 1966     1966 - 2     December 1967
Jack Plavin 1940     1940 - 2
Jack (Mrs) Plavin date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5
James Bradford Plavin 1955     1955 - 2
Leonard Plavin 1930     1930 - 2     1940    1977 circa    2011    2011 - 2
Leonard "Lenny" Plavin 1922     1922 - 2
Leonard (Lenny) Plavin 2024     2024 - 2
Leonard (Mrs) Plavin 1977 circa     1977 circa - 2
Leonard Newell Plavin 1936     1936 - 2     1955
Manny Plavin 1966     1966 - 2     2011    May-42    May-42 - 2
Manuel Plavin 1936     1936 - 2     1940    1955    2011
Manuel "Manny" Plavin 1922     1922 - 2
Manuel (Manny/Maury) Plavin 2024     2024 - 2
Manuel I Plavin     - 2
Marcia Plavin 1955     1955 - 2     1955 - 3     1960    1966
Martin Plavin circa 1940s     circa 1940s - 2     circa 1951
Martin (Mrs) Plavin date not known     date not known - 2
Marty Plavin 1984     1984 - 2
Maury Plavin 1969
Morey Plavin 2013     2013 - 2     date not known
Mrs. Samuel Plavin date not known     date not known - 2
Sherly Plavin 1940     1940 - 2
Shirley Claire Plavin 1936     1936 - 2     1955
Steven Plavin 1966     1966 - 2
(Mrs) Barnett Plavnick 1938-1963
Barnett Plavnick 1938-1963     1938-1963 - 2
Barnett (Mrs) Plavnick 10/31/1966     10/31/1966 - 2     4/23/1968    date not known    date not known - 2
Barney Plavnick 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1962    circa 1960    date not known    date not known - 2
Bernard (Mrs) Plavnick date not known     date not known - 2
Francine Plavnick 1961     1961 - 2     1964    1967    5/8/1964    8/4/1962    circa 1960    circa 1960 - 2     circa 1962    circa 1965    date not known    May 8 1964
Frannie Plavnick circa 1967     circa 1967 - 2     date not known    Year not known
Larry Plavnick 1963 - 1964     1963 - 1964 - 2     1963 - 1964 - 3     1963 - 1964 - 4     1964    1964 - 2     1966    4/9/1965    circa 1955    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Lawrence Plavnick late 1950s     late 1950s - 2
Mrs. Barnett Plavnick 6/1/1974     6/1/1974 - 2     6/1/1974 - 3
Winifred Plavnick 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2
Winnie Plavnick 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1949-1950    1956    1962    circa 1955    circa 1960    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     date not known - 6
Abraham Plesset 1940
Gail Plesset 1937     1937 - 2
Harry Plesset 1940     1940 - 2     2012
Ida Plesset 1940     1940 - 2
Lena Plesset 1940     1940 - 2
Leo Plesset 1940     1940 - 2     1942
Lewis Plesset 1940     1940 - 2     1949-1950    1949-1950 - 2
Pearl Plesset 1940     1940 - 2
L Plessett 1915
Leo Plessett 1953     1953 - 2     1955
Irving Pliskin January, 1946
Stephen Plocher Sept 2011
Joshua Plotkin circa 1925     circa 1925 - 2     date not known
Larry Plotkin 1985     1985 - 2     1985 - 3     1985 - 4     1986    1988
Louis Plotkin 1888-1988     1888-1988 - 2     1888-1988 - 3
Rachel Plotkin 1986     1986 - 2     date not known
Evelyn Haney Plumer 1953
Harry Pluout circa 1965
Hyman Pluznick 1940
Hyman (Mrs) Pluznick 4/4/1957     4/4/1957 - 2
Hyman B Pluznick 9/22/1944     9/22/1944 - 2
Jocelyn Pluznick date not known     date not known - 2
Leah Pluznick 1940     1940 - 2     9/1/1974
Marcy Pluznick 1962     1962 - 2
Morris Pluznick 1940     1940 - 2
Oscar Pluznick 1962     1962 - 2     1962 - 3     date not known
Selma Cohen Pluznick 1946     1946 - 2
Selma Cohen Pluznick 1940     1940 - 2
Philip Podberesky 2008
Shanna Podberesky date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Abe Podolsky 1955     2011    2011 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Abraham Podolsky 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2     2019
Ann Rapaport Podolsky date not known     date not known - 2
Anne Podolsky 2019     2019 - 2
Barbara Podolsky 1983     1983 - 2     1984    30-Jul-00    circa 1967    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     Jun-94    Sept. 28, 1996
Debbi Podolsky 1980     1980 - 2
Lee Podolsky circa 1967     circa 1967 - 2     circa 1969
Louis Podolsky 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2
Sandy Podolsky 1946-1947     1946-1947 - 2     1946-1947 - 3     1950    1951    1955    1984    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     July, 1947    Jun-94    Sept. 28, 1996
Sanford Podolsky date not known     date not known - 2     Dec-82
Stephen Podolsky 1946-1947     1946-1947 - 2
Steven Podolsky 1946-1947     1946-1947 - 2     1952
Anne Polakewich date not known
Bertha I Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
David Polakewich 1923     1923 - 2     date not known
Dorothy Goldberg Polakewich 11/4/1970     11/4/1970 - 2
Elaine R Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
Fannie Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
Hyman Polakewich 1923     1923 - 2     date not known
I Mark Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2     1957
Irving A. Polakewich 1948     1948 - 2
Jos Polakewich 1950     1950 - 2
L Polakewich 1950     1950 - 2
Lewis Polakewich 1922 - 1923     1922 - 1923 - 2     1923
Louis Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
M___ Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
Raymon Polakewich date not known     date not known - 2
Ruben Polakewich date not known     date not known - 2
Samuel (Mrs) Brown Polakewich 6/20/1981     6/20/1981 - 2
Sara Polakewich 1930     1930 - 2
Ann Polakewick 1940
David Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Hyman Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Jennie Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Raymond Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Reuben Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Sprincy Polakewick 1940     1940 - 2
Aaron Poland 1940
Ethel Poland 1940     1940 - 2
Rose Poland 1940     1940 - 2
Constance Polansky date not known
Anne Polep 1955
Charles Polep     - 2     10/28/1957    1955    Oct 23, 1957
Charles (Mrs) Polep 10/10/1956     10/10/1956 - 2     1956
Linda Polep 1955     1955 - 2
Ellen Smith Policov 1984
Irving Poliner 1984
Harris Polise 1911-1987
Manuel Polise 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Yette Polise 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
(Dr) Saul Polisner 1-Jun-49     29-Jan-52
Camilla? Polisner 1961     1961 - 2
Dr Saul Polisner 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2
Dr Saul R Polisner 1950     1950 - 2
Duane Polisner 1948-1998     1948-1998 - 2     1951    1955    1955 - 2     1959    8/14/1957    circa 1955    summer 1960
Evie Messerschmidt Polisner 2011     2011 - 2
J Duane Polisner 1984     1984 - 2
Joel Polisner 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1950 circa    1952    May 12, 1950
Mimi Polisner 1965     1965 - 2     circa 1965
Saul Polisner 2/11/1951     2/11/1951 - 2
Saul (Mrs) Polisner 29-Jan-52     29-Jan-52 - 2
Joel Polisner? 1950
Mark Polito 1963
Betsy Pollack circa 1967     date not known
Claire Pollack circa 1926     circa 1926 - 2
Doris Pollack date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3
Gerald Pollack 10/22/1974     10/22/1974 - 2     11/1/1973    1957    1961    1963    5/1/1972    5/16/1905    5/26/1905
Gerald (Mrs) Pollack 1957     1957 - 2
Jerry Pollack 6/1/1974     6/1/1974 - 2     6/1/1974 - 3
Leiba Pollack 1948-1998     1948-1998 - 2     1958    1963 - 1964    1963 - 1964 - 2     2013
Louis (Mrs) Pollack 1957     1957 - 2     Jan 9 1953
Myra Pollack Jan 9 1953     Jan 9 1953 - 2
Perle Pollack 1961     1961 - 2
Rabbi Reuven Pollack 1985-1986     1985-1986 - 2     1986
Shirley Pollack Feb 27, 1959     Feb 27, 1959 - 2
Stanley Pollack 1957     1957 - 2
Stanley (Mrs) Pollack date not known     date not known - 2
(Dr) Henry Pollard date not known     November 13-20 1938    November 13-20, 1938
Annabelle Pollard 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     4/29/1982    circa 1940    date not known
Annabelle Shur Pollard Nov 2013     Nov 2013 - 2
Dr Henry Pollard 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     July 29, 1971    June 18, 1953
Harry (Dr) Pollard 1984     1984 - 2
Henry Pollard 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     1949    1950 - 1951    1951    1951 - 2     2011    2012    4/29/1982    7-Dec-52    circa 1950    circa 1998    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     date not known - 6     Jan-51    July, 1951    late 1940s    May 12, 1950    Nov 2013
Henry (Mrs) Pollard November 13-20, 1938     November 13-20, 1938 - 2
Jocelyn Pollard 2009     2009 - 2     7-Dec-52    circa 1930    circa 1931    circa 1955    date not known
Jocelyn Lavin Pollard date not known     date not known - 2
Mathew Pollard Year not known     Year not known - 2
Matt Pollard 1966     1966 - 2
Matthew Pollard circa 1961     circa 1961 - 2     circa 1962    circa 1962 - 2     circa 1962 - 3     circa 1966    circa 1967
Mrs. Henry Pollard date not known     date not known - 2
Sally Pollard c1960     c1960 - 2     circa 1959    circa 1959 - 2     circa 1960    circa 1962    circa 1962 - 2     circa 1962 - 3     circa 1962 - 4     circa 1963    circa 1963 - 2     circa 1998
[first name unknown] Pollard 1984     1984 - 2
Isaac Pollay 7/5/1917
Bertha Shiffran Pollock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 3
David Pollock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Gerald Pollock date not known     date not known - 2
Hillel Pollock 1960     1960 - 2     23 Aug 1959    24 Aug 1958    25 Aug 1957
Hilly Pollock 1961     1961 - 2     1984
Joseph Pollock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Maurice Pollock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2     1911-1987 - 3
Morris Pollock 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Perle Pollock date not known     date not known - 2
Randy Sue Pollock Sept 27, 2013     Sept 27, 2013 - 2     Sept 27, 2013 - 3
Benet Pols 2005
David D S (Rev) Pool 8/16/1918
David de Sola Pool 1943     1943 - 2
Rev David D S Pool Aug 16, 1918     Aug 16, 1918 - 2
Emanuel Poons 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999
Frieda Poons 11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999     11/11/1968 and 6/7/1999 - 2     9/23/1983
Bella Popkin 1940
Celia H Popkin 1940     1940 - 2
Fay Popkin late 1950s     late 1950s - 2
Harry Popkin 1940     1940 - 2
Jacob Popkin 1940     1940 - 2
Jean Popkin 1940     1940 - 2
Jeanne Popkin date not known     date not known - 2
Milton Popkin 1940     1940 - 2     2013    date not known
Rachel Popkin 2013     2013 - 2     date not known
Stanley Popkin 1940     1940 - 2
Hon Deborah Tobias Poritz 1984
Ellen Port 1983     date not known
Rick Port date not known     date not known - 2
Maurice Porter 1949-1950
Samuel I Porter late 1950s or early 1960s     late 1950s or early 1960s - 2
Patti Portin circa 1963
Judy Portman 1964
Michael Posner circa 1951
Mike Posner 1950     1950 - 2     April 29, 1949    May 12, 1950
Minneola "Minnie" Jacobson Posner 1920 circa     1920 circa - 2
Samuel Posner 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2
Virginia Posner date not known     date not known - 2
Evelyn Devorin Post August, 1940
Fannie Herman Post August, 1940     August, 1940 - 2
Gladys Post 1949-1950     1949-1950 - 2
Hyman Post August, 1940     August, 1940 - 2
Solomon Post August, 1940     August, 1940 - 2
Chaim Potok 1888-1988
Regina Potolsky 11/1/1973     5/26/1905    6/4/1905
Lucille Lavin Potter 1914
Arnold Potter 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1940    1948-1998    1950    1977    7-Dec-52    circa 1950    circa 1950 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     date not known - 6     date not known - 7     date not known - 8     date not known - 9     date not known - 10     date not known - 11     date not known - 12     date not known - 13     date not known - 14     date not known - 15     date not known - 16     May 12, 1950
Barry Potter 1950 circa     1950 circa - 2     1950 circa - 3     1952    1959    circa 1959    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     June 18, 1953    late 1950s    summer 1960 circa
Barry (Mrs) Potter date not known     date not known - 2
Beverly Potter 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     1946 circa    1947    1949    1950    1952 circa    1959    8/14/1957    August 14 1952    ca1949    circa 1943    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     May 12, 1950
Bevvy Potter 23 Aug 1955     23 Aug 1955 - 2
Cindy Potter 1949     1949 - 2     1950    1950 - 2     1963 - 1964    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     May 1951
Cynthia Potter date not known     date not known - 2     June 18, 1953    late 1950s
David Potter 1950     1950 - 2     1950 circa    date not known
Dorothy Potter 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2     May 12, 1950    Oct-60
Dot Potter date not known     date not known - 2
Dottie Potter date not known     date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     May 1964
Dotty Potter circa 1959     circa 1959 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Eleanor Potter November 2011     November 2011 - 2
Esther Potter 1940     1940 - 2     1960    circa 1887    circa 1950    circa 1960    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     June 26 1932
Ethel Potter 1940     1940 - 2     date not known
Gertrude Potter Aug 1937     Aug 1937 - 2     date not known    May 23, 1933    May 23, 1933 - 2     May 23, 1933 - 3     May 23, 1933 - 4
Gladys Potter 1905-1938     1905-1938 - 2     1941    1949    1951    1951 - 2     circa 1943    date not known    Jan 9 1953    July, 1951
Harold Potter 12/1950     12/1950 - 2     1905-1938    1949    1950 - 1951    1955 circa    1957    1960    1984    1997    29-Jan-52    circa 1943    circa 1950    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     date not known - 5     date not known - 6     date not known - 7     Jan-51    Jan-51 - 2     July, 1951    June 3-4, 1944    June 3-4, 1944 - 2     May 1951
Harold (Mrs) Potter 12/26/1956     12/26/1956 - 2     1957    29-Jan-52    date not known    May 12, 1950
Harold J Potter 1950     1950 - 2     1955    1955 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2     December, 1961    Jan 9 1953
Harold J 'Whitey' Potter 1940 - 1942     1940 - 1942 - 2
Harold J (Mrs) Potter 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     1955    9/22/1944
Harold J. Potter 22-Dec-48     22-Dec-48 - 2     December 20, 1948 - January 24, 1949
Harry Potter 1/19/1900     1/19/1900 - 2     10/6/1924    10/6/1944    1940    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     June 26 1932
Harry (Mrs) Potter 1955     1955 - 2     November 13-20 1938
Jacequeline Potter Feb-84     Feb-84 - 2
Jackie Potter 1952     1952 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Jacob Potter 8/9/1912     8/9/1912 - 2     date not known    December, 1961
Jacob (Mrs) Potter November 13-20 1938     November 13-20 1938 - 2
Jacob H Potter 1950     1950 - 2
Jacqueline Potter circa 1960     circa 1960 - 2
James H Potter 1940     1940 - 2
Joanne Potter 1966     1966 - 2     circa 1959    date not known    May 4, 1970
Katherine Epstein Potter circa 1908     circa 1908 - 2
Leslie Potter 1963 - 1964     1963 - 1964 - 2     circa 1955    circa 1955 - 2     circa 1959
Libby Potter 1950s     1950s - 2
Lillian Potter circa 1925     circa 1925 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Lillian (Libby) Potter date not known     date not known - 2
Lily Potter 1924     1924 - 2
Louise R Potter 1940     1940 - 2
Lucille Potter circa 1930     circa 1930 - 2
Lucy Potter date not known     date not known - 2
Marion B Potter 1940     1940 - 2
N (first name not listed) Potter May 20 1959     May 20 1959 - 2
Newall Potter 1950s     1950s - 2
Newell Potter 1957     1957 - 2     1980s
Newell (Mrs) Potter 1957     1957 - 2
Phyllis Potter 1940     1940 - 2     1943
Selma Cohen Potter 1952     1952 - 2     1959    7-Dec-52    date not known    date not known - 2
Stewart Potter 1950     1950 - 2     1951 circa    date not known    late 1950s
Stuart Potter 1948     1948 - 2     1950 circa    1951 circa    1951 circa - 2     1952    1952 circa    1955    circa 1957    circa 1959    date not known    date not known - 2     date not known - 3     date not known - 4     June 18, 1953
Y (first name not listed) Potter May 20 1959     May 20 1959 - 2
Yoland Potter circa 1959     circa 1959 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
Yoland (Mrs) Potter 1950     1950 - 2     date not known    January 1967
[First Name Not Known] Potter circa 1954     circa 1954 - 2
Potter (?)
Arnold Potter (?) circa 1950
Stuart Potter (?) 1950 circa     1950 circa - 2
Isidore Poust 1911-1987
Isidore (Mrs) Poust 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Rose Poust 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Abe Povich 1921     1934
Abe (Abraham) Povich 1914     1914 - 2     1951
Abraham Povich 1997     1997 - 2
Abraham A Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-08-25    1944-03-16    1949-08-25
Albert Povich 1936     1936 - 2     2011    date not known
Albert S Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-03-31    1935-01-31    1935-01-31 - 2     1935-02-21    1935-02-21 - 2     2019
Anne Povich 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2     6/25/1983
Bernard Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1949-08-25    1997    2019
Bernard I Povich 1932-08-25     1932-08-25 - 2
Bernie (Barnard) Povich 1951     1951 - 2
Bernie (Bernard) Povich 1914     1914 - 2
Celia Povich 1918-08-17     1918-08-17 - 2     1932-03-17    1949-08-25    1951    1997
David Povich 1997     1997 - 2
Don Povich 2011     2011 - 2
Donald Povich 1936     1936 - 2     circa 1951    date not known
Donald M Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1935-01-31    1935-02-21    1939-12-07    2019
Dorice Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-08-25    1944-03-16    1949-08-25    1951
Doris Povich 1930     1930 - 2     1997
Elaine Povich 2016     2016 - 2     Jan 30 2022
Esther Povich 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Ethel Friedmman Povich 1997     1997 - 2
Eva Povich 1902     1902 - 2     1918-02-09    1918-02-09 - 2     1932-03-17    1934-01-18    1935-05-16    1935-10-31    1936-06-25    1939-06-15    1939-12-07    1939-1940    1997    3/13/1914
Fannie Povich 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2
Goldie Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1949-08-25    1951    1997    3/13/1914
Ida Povich 3/13/1914     3/13/1914 - 2     3/13/1914 - 3
Janice Povich 2009     2009 - 2     2019
Janice A Povich 1957-03-21     1957-03-21 - 2
Jay Povich 1930     1930 - 2     1939-1940    1997    2011    2019
Jay (Julius) Povich 1914     1914 - 2     1951
Julius "Jay" Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-08-25    1935-01-17    1940-09-12    1940-10-17    1949-08-25
Lon Povich Jan 30 2022     Jan 30 2022 - 2
Lynn Povich 1997     1997 - 2
M Povich 3/13/1914     3/13/1914 - 2
M (Mrs) Povich 2/3/1916     2/3/1916 - 2
M S (Mrs) Povich 1919     1919 - 2     1920    2/24/1916
Mary Povich 1910     1910 - 2
Matey (Morris) Povich 1914     1914 - 2
Maurice S Povich 3/13/1914     3/13/1914 - 2
Maurice S Povich Povich 1977     1977 - 2
Maury Povich 1997     1997 - 2
Michael Povich 1911-1987     1911-1987 - 2     1997
Morris Povich 1930     1930 - 2     1939-1940    1997    2011    date not known
Morris "Matie" E Povich 1934-09-13     1934-09-13 - 2     1935-12-19    1949-08-25
Morris (Mrs) Povich 1927-1929     1927-1929 - 2     1939-1940    2/3/1916
Morris E Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-08-25    1935-01-17
Morris S Povich 1911-08-19     1911-08-19 - 2     1915-06-12    1919-12-25    1927-01-06    1927-06-02    1927-1929    1928-06-21    1928-1929    1929-10-31    1931-10-12    1931-10-15    1931-11-19    1932-08-04    1932-12-15    1932-12-29    1933-08-31    1933-12-28    1934-09-20    1935-05-23    1936-01-16    1936-11-19    1938-03-03    1939-12-07    1941    1947-01-16    1949-08-25    1952-10-02    1953-04-30    1955-04-14    1956-12-06    date not known
Morris S / Maurice S Povich 1977     1977 - 2     1977 - 3
N Povich 1922 - 1923     1922 - 1923 - 2
N (Mrs) Povich 1919     1919 - 2     1920
Nathan Povich 1897     1897 - 2     1918-03-09    1918-05-11    1921-08-04    1925-05-21    1927-05-26    1927-06-02    1928-01-19    1928-06-21    1928-1929    1930    1931-1932    1932-03-17    1944-03-16    1949-08-25    1997    2011    3/13/1914    Feb 10    Jan 30 2022
Nathan (Mrs) Povich 1927-1929     1927-1929 - 2     3/13/1914
Rosa Povich 1897     1897 - 2     1930    1932-03-17    1932-08-25    1944-03-16    1949-08-25    1997
S Povich 1910     1910 - 2
S (Mrs) Povich 1919     1919 - 2     1920
Sam Povich 2011     2011 - 2
Sam (Mrs) Povich 1927-1929     1927-1929 - 2     1939-1940
Samuel Povich 1922-1923     1922-1923 - 2     1924-1925    1928-1929    1930    1930-07-03    1931-1932    1933-04-13    1933-12-21    1934-09-13    1935-01-17    1940    1942-1943    1946-1947    1997
Shirley Povich 1914     1914 - 2     1944-03-16    1949-08-25    1951    2011    date not known    date not known - 2     Feb 10
Shirley (male) Povich 1997     1997 - 2
Shirley L Povich 1932-03-17     1932-03-17 - 2     1932-08-25
Simon Povich 1910-01-29     1910-01-29 - 2     1997    3/13/1914
Sophia S Povich 1930     1930 - 2
[FirstNameNotKnown] Povich date not known     date not known - 2
Allen Powell 1960     1961    23 Aug 1959    24 Aug 1958    25 Aug 1957
Rachelle Powell 1961     1961 - 2
Robert (Mrs) Powell 1957     1957 - 2     1957 - 3
Charles Powers 5/8/1955     Spring 1968
Charles (Mrs) Powers 5/8/1955     5/8/1955 - 2
Anna Pozin 1940
Joseph Pozin 1940     1940 - 2
Samuel Pravatiner 1955
Samuel (Mrs) Pravatiner 1955     1955 - 2
Harvey Prawer 1941     1951-05-24    1985    1988    Aug 12 1981
Iona A Prawer 1939-06-15     1939-06-15 - 2     1940-04-18    1942-10-08    1946-02-28    1949-12-22    1951-05-24    1955-10-27
Marlene Prawer 1946     1946 - 2
Mrs. Samuel Prawer January, 1946     January, 1946 - 2
Sam Prawer 1940     1940 - 2     1942-1943    1944-1945    1946-1947    1949-1950    1951-1952    1953-1954    1955-1956
Samuel Prawer 1941-12-25     1941-12-25 - 2     Oct, 1945
Samuel (Mrs) Prawer 1939-1940     1939-1940 - 2
Solomon "Sam" Prawer 1940-09-12     1940-09-12 - 2     1940-10-17    1941-04-03    1951-05-24
Catherine R Prayer 2005
Benjamin Press 1940     1950
Benjamin (Mrs) Press 1955     1955 - 2
Deborah Press 2/28/1934     2/28/1934 - 2
Etta Press 1920     1920 - 2
Goldie Press 1920     1920 - 2
Harold Press 1920     1920 - 2
Julius Press 1904-1964     1904-1964 - 2     1920
Lena Press 1920     1920 - 2
Mollie Press 1940     1940 - 2
Molly Press 1955     1955 - 2
Nathan Press 1944-08-31     1944-08-31 - 2     2011
Nathan (Mrs) Press December, 1946     December, 1946 - 2     January, 1946
Tenadorotha Press 1920     1920 - 2
Press daughters
Press daughters 1946
Price date not known
Anna Shiro Price 1/22/2010     1/22/2010 - 2     March 9, 2016
David Price 1952     1952 - 2     4/15/1935
Gene Price 1/22/2010     1/22/2010 - 2
Janet Price 1967     1967 - 2
Jennie H Price 2019     2019 - 2
Jenny Price date not known     date not known - 2
Joel Price 10/19/1948     10/19/1948 - 2
Kelly Price 1980     1980 - 2
Lane (?) Price 4/15/1935     4/15/1935 - 2
Martin Price 11/21/1964     11/21/1964 - 2
Sam Price 2019     2019 - 2
Kristina Ramey Priest early 1980s     early 1980s - 3
Nathan (Mrs) Prilutsky December, 1946     Oct, 1945
David Prince 1997
David P (Rabbi) Prince 1958     1958 - 2
Rabbi David Prince May 7, 1956     May 7, 1956 - 2
Morris (Mrs) Pritzker 1975
Shanna Prodberesky date not known
Arlene Prolman 1955
David Prolman 1955     1955 - 2
Earl Prolman 1955     1955 - 2
Lou Prolman 1954     1954 - 2     1997
Louis Prolman 1955     1955 - 2
Norman Prolman 1955     1955 - 2     circa 1951
Pauline Prolman 1955     1955 - 2
Polly Prolman 1953 - 1955     1953 - 1955 - 2     1954
John D Protopapas 1888-1988
Samuel Provatiner date not known
Joyce Finkelstein Finkelstein Pulaski 1955
Joseph Pulitzer 1997
Lawrence Pullman date not known
David Pulver January 2013
Annie Pulverman 1900
Minnie Pulverman 1900     1900 - 2
Theadore Pulverman 1900     1900 - 2
William Pulverman 1900     1900 - 2     1955
(Mrs. William) Punsky date not known
Alfred (Mrs) Punsky May 12, 1950     May 12, 1950 - 2
Art Punsky May 12, 1950     May 12, 1950 - 2
Arthur Punsky 1950     1950 - 2     5 Feb 2013
Charles E Punsky 1963     1963 - 2     1963 - 3
E Punsky date not known     date not known - 2
Elaine Punsky 1970date not known     1970date not known - 2     circa 1972
Estel Punsky 1966     1966 - 2
Goldie Punsky 1963     1963 - 2     1963 - 3
Harold Punsky 10/6/1944     10/6/1944 - 2     5 Feb 2013
Howard Punsky circa 1965     circa 1965 - 2
Jay Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Jeffrey Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Kathleen Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Lenore Rodney Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Lester Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Michael Punsky circa 1970     circa 1970 - 2
Myer Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Rose Israelson Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
Rose (Mrs) Punsky 1952     1952 - 2     date not known
Samuel S Punsky 1963     1963 - 2     1963 - 3
Sumner Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2     May 26, 2013
Sylvia Punsky date not known     date not known - 2
Thelma Punsky 1970     1970 - 2
William Punsky 5 Feb 2013     5 Feb 2013 - 2
William (Mrs) Punsky 1952     1952 - 2     date not known    date not known - 2
William (Mrs) Punsky Jan 9 1953     Jan 9 1953 - 2
Ralph Purinton 04/14/23
Ira Purlmutter 10/3/1969